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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    The left has been having a temper tantrum ever since they lost the election. Like children stomping their feet because they didn't get their way. And I see no indication that they're going to learn to behave like adults anytime soon.

    As opposed to what?
    Having your leader declare that he would not have accepted the results of the election unless he won?
    (oh, and don't bother to go back to 2000, Gore actually conceded defeat before the legally required florida recount was announced)
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      This stuff is quite troubling.

      Now anyone not aligned with trumpees is the "other" or the enemy

      White House without the Press Corp

      Dandy hey?

      And then there is this

      Wow a national health crisis?

      I did not know that /s

      Oh America what have you done?
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Trump went at it on Twitter again -- John Lewis called him an illigimate president and thus Trump had to respond in kind.

        Ticking off quite a few people on both sides of the political spectrum.

        Also, that whole warmongering thing some were accusing Hillary of --- must have missed China's debacle with the South China Sea. Now, there's an explosive situation just waiting to happen. And Tillerson hasn't even been confirmed yet.

        And the inauguration party is going to be dull as hell...
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          I have no doubt that in the WH there will be a peaceful transition of power. Everywhere else however............
          As for calamity showing up, I would recommend you actually follow the facts for once.
          Damn near every "calamity" that has come up has it's roots in trump being a moron
          And how many of those "calamities" have actually been leftiies having a hissy fit over something Trump has said, done or intends to do? As far as I can tell, if Trump says he's going to do something the left doesn't like, and the left pees on the floor or commits some other no-no in response, you assign the blame to Trump for doing something the people peeing on the floor don't like, rather than placing the blame where it belongs, on the people peeing on the floor.

          Memo to the left: You lost, and lost big. Things will now be happening that you don't like. Suck it up, buttercup, because you can't stop it.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

          As opposed to what?
          As opposed to looking at the reasons they got spanked like a red-headed stepchild and learning from their mistakes like adults do.
          They might be better off re-thinking their agendas and positions and offering something more palatable to the electorate.
          Last edited by Annoyed; 15 January 2017, 06:23 AM. Reason: typo correction.


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            Memo to the left: You lost, and lost big. Things will now be happening that you don't like. Suck it up, buttercup, because you can't stop it.
            Memo to the right: you lost as well, you just haven't figured it out yet.

            The "snowflakes" are miles ahead of you.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              And how many of those "calamities" have actually been leftiies having a hissy fit over something Trump has said, done or intends to do? As far as I can tell, if Trump says he's going to do something the left doesn't like, and the left pees on the floor or commits some other no-no in response, you assign the blame to Trump for doing something the people peeing on the floor don't like, rather than placing the blame where it belongs, on the people peeing on the floor.

              Memo to the left: You lost, and lost big. Things will now be happening that you don't like. Suck it up, buttercup, because you can't stop it.
              Memo to the right.
              When you loose your healthcare, your 1st amendment rights, (leading to the second to maintain "public safety") find your country looted and your economy crashing and no country in the world wants to help you out of the hole you dug for yourselves, find one of those whiney libtards and apologise to them.

              And you are right, the left can't stop it, the left is washing it's hands of the actions of trump, so when this all comes to pass, you have no one to blame.
              Good luck!
              As opposed to looking at the reasons they got spanked like a red-headed stepchild and learning from their mistakes like adults do.
              -Lost the popular vote
              -8th worst EC margin in history
              -Net loss of seats in the house
              -Net loss of seats in the senate
              -Needed foreign outside interference in the election process to even get this far

              The only reason trump "won" is due to the EC.
              The only reason trump has any power beyond Executive Orders is because of the work of the Republican establishment previously.

              That is not a spanking.

              They might be better off re-thinking their agendas and positions and offering something more palatable to the electorate.
              He LOST the electorate.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                He LOST the electorate.
                You go right on thinking that. Events in the real world say otherwise.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  You go right on thinking that. Events in the real world say otherwise.
                  those [rusky] events are one more thing he should be tried for


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Refusing to even begin the process with Garland because somehow Obama was a "lame duck" for what, 9 months before he was?

                    2% margin?
                    62 million voted for trump
                    65 Million voted for Hillary
                    Try closer to a 9% margin of people who actually voted rather than the total population of the US.
                    And as me and Annoyed have been saying.. Take out the illegal votes, the duplicate votes, the fraudulet votes (such as those machines in several states which recorded votes for hillary when someone was clearly selecting trump as explained in SEVERAL news stories).. Did she really win the pop vote?

                    Originally posted by Womble View Post
                    I agree, that is bad behavior. And completely unprecedented.

                    Well, except that time in 1992 when one Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. and the Democrats blocked George Bush's Supreme Court nominations in order to preserve the vacancies for Bill Clinton should he be elected President.
                    Which is where the phrase being "borked over" came from..

                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Ah, but didn't you get the memo? It's ok if Democrats do it to prevent the courts from being tilted to the right.
                    Exactly Annoyed.. When the liberals do it, its all ok. If the right does it "Shame on them"..

                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    SCOTUS should be balanced -- and from what I read of Obama's pick, he was a good match for everyone.
                    Let's look at his stances shall we...
                    Guns - against
                    Abortion, Affirmative action and immigration - never weighed in on.
                    Environment - pro epa
                    Pro police though
                    Also he voted to remove the enemy combatant disclaimer on gitmo detainees..

                    Doesn't seem a good match for "everyone", more liberal than anything.

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    With about 99 different protest groups showing up, there's still "no credible threats".
                    Peaceful protests.. Just like what happened in Baltimore and Ferguson, where riots destroyed the local businesses, etc..?
                    Especially when we have seen twitter feeds of liberals calling for the assassination of trump, i can't see HOW those dunces came up with that decision..


                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      Let's look at his stances shall we...
                      Guns - against
                      Pro police though
                      you say this as if it's contradictory
                      are you forgetting that all your police unions are against the 2nd amendment? (among other things - they're against your Constitution basically)

                      in which case this guy's views have the merit of being consistent QED


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Memo to the left: ... Things will now be happening that you don't like.
                        Yep. *If* Trump gets his choice in appointed officials, and things rumored about months ago actually go forth, there's gonna be a reckoning coming that will shake up this entire planet. Power block of a mighty power (comes from above) which allowed this to happen. Israel will be in the middle, too, somewhere.

                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        those [rusky] events are one more thing he should be tried for
                        Those "[rusky] events" were fabricated reports .. MSM ran with it before researching origins.. and they still don't know who wrote it up originally. ..let's guess it came from some demented Democrat/like-minded political mind(s). I've heard rumors where the stories actually began -- fan-fiction from a bunch of kids who thought it was a hoot of a joke. Some joke. Very sick when people write stories about peeing on things. Shows how in the gutter where their minds are truly at.

                        Whether it was Christopher Steele or some other guy who made it up -- they should know better than tamper with real named people. "Peegate" indeed. If those people ever get caught, they should be penalized (fined/whatever) for "defamation of character" and if this ever got worse, starting up a potential World War over it, so that's military action offending behavior right there..(**extreme** vetting to flush out the culprits to the surface..!!) And as was pointed out on another website discussion forum, the British are just as guilty for interfering in influencing our USA election as the Dems blame the Russians for doing. (Christopher Steele is a former British MI6 agent.) Then, there's Sir Andrew Wood who convinced USA Senator John McCain that the whole thing was real. Bunch of sick, SICK people on this planet. McCain was just gullible enough to fall for it as truth without digging deeper into *who* actually wrote that report up and why.

                        If it was done as a prank/joke, the obvious repercussions (measures) should be taken. If it was by political persons for destroying a person's life, well, we know how that sort of stuff usually ends up. When (generic) you're fabricating stuff against major world powers, you'd better be sure and certain your hyde isn't going to get caught in the process!

                        Old saying.. "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, SHAME on YOU!"

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        So, if the article at the gatewaypundit is correct, Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz put in for resignation. Obama approved, but Trump&team side wanted Schwartz to stay on. However, they resigned to accept the letter of resignation. See article below for details -- it's a very long article.

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        He has not been sacked, It is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for people to tender their resignations during a transfer of power. The trump team can either accept or decline the resignation at their discretion. They accepted.
                        Mystery solved!!
                        Seems the gatewaypundit (and now Breitbart) have told the truth, in a way that the average person understands which side was deceiving whom.. took certain sentences from General Schwartz and slanted the whole thing to make it look like the forced retirement was ALL Trump's fault. It was the ARMY that pushed for Schwartz's resignation, so maybe that was why he got all ticked off. Trump's team tried to keep the General on, but the General refused Trump's team offer and ran off in a huff, anyway.
                        That's the story from several sources (including directly from the ARMY news) that is sitting on the internet.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        So, if the article at the gatewaypundit is correct, Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz put in for resignation. Obama approved, but Trump&team side wanted Schwartz to stay on. However, they resigned to accept the letter of resignation. See article below for details -- it's a very long article.
                        . . .
                        Politics and misinformation, as usual.

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        And really, Gateway pundit?
                        . . .
                        Ignorance and conspiracy theories, as usual.
                        So, GF, would you prefer I start quoting from the National Enquirer and The Globe, or worse yet--as garhkal pointed out, the Weekly World News tabloids?
                        Seriously, if what's been told was fabricated by the actual MSM -- where most of the rest of the MSM ran with the anger angle, wow... how much WORSE of rumors would the tabloids come out with..?! Can anything get worse than "Peegate"?

                        Peegate = Pizzagate level..! except "peegate" is fabricated and "pizzagate" involves coverups on international levels (with Clinton Foundation funds involved, as Anonymous and the initial wikileaks emails claimed). But of course, the NYT would say those *gates* conspiracies in reverse, since they (NYT) gave a head's up notice (on showing up) for interviews with one of the main guys (Comet PingPong Pizza) being blamed for pizzagate, which gave enough time to close off any potential areas being criticized of far more damaging issues (and persons involved) than whatever "peegate" came out with.. of course, the details in pizzagate sounds more like a peegate of different matters, according to some of the stories that were circulating about it (ultra disgusting).


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          You go right on thinking that. Events in the real world say otherwise.

                          You seem to not know that "electorate" means "People who actually voted" not "Electoral College".

                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          And as me and Annoyed have been saying.. Take out the illegal votes, the duplicate votes, the fraudulet votes (such as those machines in several states which recorded votes for hillary when someone was clearly selecting trump as explained in SEVERAL news stories).. Did she really win the pop vote?

                          Yes, even counting them, she still won. Unless you just want to make up numbers.

                          Let's look at his stances shall we...
                          Guns - against
                          Abortion, Affirmative action and immigration - never weighed in on.
                          Environment - pro epa
                          Pro police though
                          Also he voted to remove the enemy combatant disclaimer on gitmo detainees..

                          Doesn't seem a good match for "everyone", more liberal than anything.

                          This is the most annoying thing about you and Annoyed. If it's not far right wing "Toe the party line" conservative, it's a left wing liberal.
                          By Nolamom


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            And as me and Annoyed have been saying.. Take out the illegal votes, the duplicate votes, the fraudulet votes (such as those machines in several states which recorded votes for hillary when someone was clearly selecting trump as explained in SEVERAL news stories).. Did she really win the pop vote?
                            Although I have no doubt that there were shenanigans on the Democratic side, just as in 2008, ( How does SQ feel about ACORNS? ) it doesn't matter a hoot. All the matters is the final Electoral College vote. If people don't like that system, there is a process to change it.

                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Which is where the phrase being "borked over" came from..
                            Actually, the term "Borked" comes from Reagan's nomination of Robert E. Bork, in 1987.
                            And while Biden had his hand in there, if I recall, it was the hero of Chappaquidick, Ted Kennedy who led the charge to block him.


                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                              You seem to not know that "electorate" means "People who actually voted" not "Electoral College".
                              See my response above. The only thing that matters is the final tally of the EC.

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                              This is the most annoying thing about you and Annoyed. If it's not far right wing "Toe the party line" conservative, it's a left wing liberal.
                              Many of the issues the right is concerned with are black & white. Very little room for middle ground.

                              Do we allow the murder of innocent babies in the womb or not?
                              Do we allow just anyone to come in to the country or do we maintain control of our borders.
                              Does the 2nd amendment guarantee the right to firearm ownership or not?


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Many of the issues the right is concerned with are black & white. Very little room for middle ground.

                                Do we allow the murder of innocent babies in the womb or not?
                                Do we allow just anyone to come in to the country or do we maintain control of our borders.
                                Does the 2nd amendment guarantee the right to firearm ownership or not?

                                Notice that in Garhkal's post, those three items are unknown as far as Garland goes.
                                By Nolamom

