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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Quick jump in my raft FH before Soul tries to take you

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    FH is a Mermaid!!!!
    Not a very good one, I'm afraid.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Darn it -- it's never as simple as it seems.

    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    Did he just say what I think he said?
    If you're thinking "Wait, did he just tell the 2A people to "do something about Hillary Clinton"?", then yes he did say what you were thinking.

    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    It sounded like he made a joke about killing Hillary
    Any respectable person would think twice about joking about killing a person, especially in a country where the shootings happen on a daily basis. And it takes but one nitwit with a gun to go out and do the Lord Trump's work.

    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    "Its the end of the world, and i feel fine!!"
    Let's go out swinging.

    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    On his 'death threat'. I call Bulll on it being a death threat. What he said sounded like he was calling on all 2nd amendment lovers to get out and vote.. BUT the media is spinning it into making him look bad.
    Except that it takes only one nutcase with a gun to interpret it as a call for assassination and before you know it, you'll have another JFK on your hands.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

      Not a very good one, I'm afraid.

      Darn it -- it's never as simple as it seems.

      If you're thinking "Wait, did he just tell the 2A people to "do something about Hillary Clinton"?", then yes he did say what you were thinking.

      Any respectable person would think twice about joking about killing a person, especially in a country where the shootings happen on a daily basis. And it takes but one nitwit with a gun to go out and do the Lord Trump's work.

      Let's go out swinging.

      Except that it takes only one nutcase with a gun to interpret it as a call for assassination and before you know it, you'll have another JFK on your hands.
      if the rumors regarding Killary's health are to be believed then quite possibly her own body is more likely to do her in than some nutjob


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        The point is that as expected, now that the SCOTUS has given it's stamp of approval to gay marriage, which is still two people, now there are attempts to get them to give their stamp of approval to polygamy, and after that will come other things such as pedophilia (is that word?).
        Those who said the "slippery slope" argument was nonsense were wrong.
        marriage is fulfilled by two consenting adults. interracial marriage is fulfilled by two consenting adults. gay marriage is fulfilled by two consenting adults.

        if the parties involved cant consent or aren't adults, they can't marry.

        hence, bestiality nor pedophilia will ever be legal. a case can be made for polygamy, but the problem is that most polygamists abuse women and give the female part no say in this. in which case the consent part covers it.


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          For using Teal'cs catch phrase, you owe him 5 flumps royalty fees

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Here is the thing, they don't need to spin it because all you have to look at is the tense he used. It was not "if you want to stop Hillary from taking your guns, you second amendment people should vote", he said "After Hillary gets in power and assigns judges, you will have no choice, except perhaps the second amendment people"
          I will have to see if i can find an un-clipped vid of his statement to see if that's how it was phrased. However if it WAS how he said it, then yes 'BAD TRUMP!"

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Oh hey, If someone (like Russia) has your details that can ruin you, can someone share it with us..........
          If they have anything of mine to share, go for it! However, i doubt i even have anything that would even make a local tabloid back page, let alone ruin me level..

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          That is not stopping someone. I'm sorry, but it is not.
          If a place says "sorry but don't come here, cause we can't guarantee your safety" it sure sounds like it to me...

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Have I not given enough links to disabuse you of the notion that your news sources simply would not cover such a story because it does not play into their particular narrative?
          The right more than likely wouldn't cover it sure.. BUT you can bet if it happened, the liberal media would be all over it... BUT that they have not even had ONE incident to my recollection of it happening on a conservative campus, compared to the NUMEROUS incidents we hear of it happening on liberal campuses is imo VERY Telling...

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          After class study is fine if it is off public grounds, and coaches "praying to god" IS a violation. Let me make it clear IS a violation of the anti establishment clause, because YOU would not allow a coach to pray to Allah during a game, or allow Qu'ran study after school on school grounds. You would call it Anti American. When you allow one religion, and deny another on public lands, you are violating the establishment clause. You are giving one religion "privilege" over another.
          We are going to have to agree to disagree there. A coach at Half time of a game, ON HIS OWN praying and the students coming in to join, is NOT the 'school or government' endorsing it.. However if it was a Mandatory prayer session, all players have to join in, or you don't play, THEN I could see someone making the claim its establishment..
          BUT how ever how does tat compare to a state government expressly singling out ONE religion for special treatment, when no other religion gets that same treatment?? Is that not also establishing??

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          I read them, as much is released to us without seriously digging, and the actions of the DNC powerbase was unconscionable, it was WRONG and I have never tried to deny that. What it was not, was ILLEGAL,
          If it wasn't illegal, then why was there such furor over it, causing at least 1 person (iirc 3) to be fired/forced to resign so damn quickly??

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          You don't house illegals, or clothe them, or medicate them, because ALL of those things require social security numbers, and illegals do all they can to keep off the radar. The most you provide is emergency care in the ER.
          Stay off the radar? Are you kidding me?? Do you know of that reporter (An avowed illegal immigrant) who publishes for several news papers/tv studios (MSNBC/CNN)?? Or all those hundreds and thousands who always ralley against Trump/any other republican? Or those who showed up on stage for the DNC and other democratic ralleys, pushing for amnesty???
          They are not hiding, are they.

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Don't know that one................
          Its like a game of horse shoes, but rather than shoes and a pole in the ground, you have 2 cantered boards with a hole in, and small sand filled bags that you try to toss into said hole. First i ever saw of that game was when i was deployed in Iraq (marines and seabees loved playing it)...

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Sure. My point still stands however. What people blame on the POTUS is often not in the wheelhouse of the POTUS, or the SCOTUS, but the Senate and the Congress.
          Its Supposed to be that way.. However when the senate just seems to cave INTO the president on a lot of stuff, or on others seems to almost abdicate their authority, it SEEMS like its coming from the potus...

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Smart huh
          Depends. IMO they lose out on a lot of potential tax money that way. Though i loved playing the football pools and spot the ball back in the 80s cause of it..

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Our system says you have to report back every 2 weeks and provide proof you were either looking for work and provide proof, or that you were doing a course to help you find work.
          Smart, eh?
          Sounds like it. Heck iirc it USED to be how it was here in the states (back in the late 80s / early 90s) then that requirement got dropped for some reason...

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Eh, I dunno if you would see that here, but I don't doubt that people know how to game the system well.
          Different expectations it seems. Heck i have seen some news reports (20/20, 60 minutes) where they even went OVER how people a plenty game the system here, and cause there's few fraud checking going on, it just keeps growing..
          Like a show from earlier this year on the Earned income Child tax credit (EITC), where people were claiming kids that either didn't exist, were still back in their home country, belonged to a Relative and thus were not THEIR financial responsibility, etc.. The reporter even went TO a few houses which were supposedly claiming a dozen or so kids, and the trailer that was the 'address; provided to the IRS, was barely large enough for a family of 4, let alone a family of 10+, to live in.. NOR were any kids seen outside.
          So it does go on, and the govt seems to KNOW it but seems to also not give a rats ass about catching fraudsters... NO MATTER what they claim.


            Regarding Trump's latest example of "foot in mouth disease", I don't for a minute think he was calling for an assassination of Clinton. I think he just screwed up the way he worded things. He's not the first politician to do so, either.

            But, one more point to consider. In 8 years, no one has taken a potshot at the LSoS. If someone out there was in a mind to assassinate a Democratic president, I would think someone would have done so by now.


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              For using Teal'cs catch phrase, you owe him 5 flumps royalty fees
              I have 30 pieces of silver............

              I will have to see if i can find an un-clipped vid of his statement to see if that's how it was phrased. However if it WAS how he said it, then yes 'BAD TRUMP!"
              Just look at the top of this page.

              If they have anything of mine to share, go for it! However, i doubt i even have anything that would even make a local tabloid back page, let alone ruin me level..
              That's cause you are boring

              If a place says "sorry but don't come here, cause we can't guarantee your safety" it sure sounds like it to me...
              Tell that to the twits who go to Afghanistan, or those idiot college kids who stole the flag in North Korea
              The right more than likely wouldn't cover it sure.. BUT you can bet if it happened, the liberal media would be all over it...
              The thing is, most media, despite what the right says is not "lefty", it's just sensationalist, and doing the right thing does not get clicks.
              BUT that they have not even had ONE incident to my recollection of it happening on a conservative campus, compared to the NUMEROUS incidents we hear of it happening on liberal campuses is imo VERY Telling...
              What are you talking about now? I am talking about the media, not colleges.

              We are going to have to agree to disagree there. A coach at Half time of a game, ON HIS OWN praying and the students coming in to join, is NOT the 'school or government' endorsing it.. However if it was a Mandatory prayer session, all players have to join in, or you don't play, THEN I could see someone making the claim its establishment..
              The establishment clause does not mean "endorsing" per se, it means advancing one over another. Again, people would loose their junk if people "just walked over to the coach, pulled out their prayer mats, looked to mecca and started praying"
              Having a "prayer circle" however, well, no one would care...........

              BUT how ever how does tat compare to a state government expressly singling out ONE religion for special treatment, when no other religion gets that same treatment?? Is that not also establishing??
              Does black history month affect you? Is that being racist? What people making this argument always seem to fail to realise is that -every day- that is not "X history or Y religion day", is a day for the status quo. You have 1 month of black history, and 11 months of white history. You have one month of Muslim Appreciation, 11 months of Christian Appreciation. Just because it is not "advertised" that way does not mean it isn't happening.

              If it wasn't illegal, then why was there such furor over it, causing at least 1 person (iirc 3) to be fired/forced to resign so damn quickly??
              As for Debbie W-S, she lost her position as chair of the DNC, she is still running for her senate position.

              Stay off the radar? Are you kidding me?? Do you know of that reporter (An avowed illegal immigrant) who publishes for several news papers/tv studios (MSNBC/CNN)??
              No......... who is that?
              Or all those hundreds and thousands who always ralley against Trump/any other republican? Or those who showed up on stage for the DNC and other democratic ralleys, pushing for amnesty???
              They are not hiding, are they.
              Is this something you -know- or something you -believe-?
              Its like a game of horse shoes, but rather than shoes and a pole in the ground, you have 2 cantered boards with a hole in, and small sand filled bags that you try to toss into said hole. First i ever saw of that game was when i was deployed in Iraq (marines and seabees loved playing it)...

              Its Supposed to be that way.. However when the senate just seems to cave INTO the president on a lot of stuff, or on others seems to almost abdicate their authority, it SEEMS like its coming from the potus...
              How much has the senate caved to Obama?

              Depends. IMO they lose out on a lot of potential tax money that way. Though i loved playing the football pools and spot the ball back in the 80s cause of it..
              Sure they do. Do you think you should be getting taxed on your winnings? They -do- tax the companies hosting the bets, so if no one wins, they get a cut for free.

              Sounds like it. Heck iirc it USED to be how it was here in the states (back in the late 80s / early 90s) then that requirement got dropped for some reason...
              I don't know enough to comment.
              Different expectations it seems. Heck i have seen some news reports (20/20, 60 minutes) where they even went OVER how people a plenty game the system here, and cause there's few fraud checking going on, it just keeps growing..
              Like a show from earlier this year on the Earned income Child tax credit (EITC), where people were claiming kids that either didn't exist, were still back in their home country, belonged to a Relative and thus were not THEIR financial responsibility, etc.. The reporter even went TO a few houses which were supposedly claiming a dozen or so kids, and the trailer that was the 'address; provided to the IRS, was barely large enough for a family of 4, let alone a family of 10+, to live in.. NOR were any kids seen outside.
              So it does go on, and the govt seems to KNOW it but seems to also not give a rats ass about catching fraudsters... NO MATTER what they claim.
              Then it should be enforced and investigated, I have no issue with the government enforcing the law.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                Regarding Trump's latest example of "foot in mouth disease", I don't for a minute think he was calling for an assassination of Clinton. I think he just screwed up the way he worded things. He's not the first politician to do so, either.
                So, he is not a straight shooter?
                Isn't that the argument, he speaks his mind and that's refreshing?
                I'm sorry, but if you value his "honesty", take what he said at face value and stop making excuses for him.

                But, one more point to consider. In 8 years, no one has taken a potshot at the LSoS. If someone out there was in a mind to assassinate a Democratic president, I would think someone would have done so by now.
                I don't believe anyone has ever even remotely suggested the someone shoot Obama -from a stage-. In addition, Trump has supporters who have already said "Hillary should be put in front of a firing squad and shot". Trump has said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and no one would care, so this is not the first time either he or his campaign have called for violence, even in an oblique way.
                If Hillary said "you know, if Trump gets in power, America is going to self destruct, and there is nothing you can do, well, you could exercise your second amendment rights..........", Fox would be reacting the -exact- same way the rest of the world is now over what Trump said, and you would be saying "see look at killery, at it again, she should be locked up"
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Womble View Post
                  The UK already grants some welfare benefits to polygamous families if second etc. marriage was not conducted in the UK, because the reality on the ground can no longer be ignored.
                  POLYGAMY IN THE UK
                  In the UK, it is illegal to marry more than one person.

                  Polygamous marriages are only recognised if they took place in countries where they are legal.

                  That includes Middle Eastern states, Pakistan and Zambia

                  While there are no official figures, it is believed that there may be as many as 20,000 polygamous marriages in the British Muslim community.

                  Currently, a husband and his first wife receive up to £114.85 a week in benefits, with subsequent wives able claiming about £40 each.

                  Under the new universal credit system, which is not expected to be fully introduced until 2021, polygamous marriages will not be recognised at all.

                  The standard allowance is about £498.89 a month for couples, but single people can claim about £317.83.

                  That means the husband and his first wife will be able to claim the married couples' allowance and subsequent wives will be able to claim a single person's allowance.


                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    BUT how ever how does tat compare to a state government expressly singling out ONE religion for special treatment, when no other religion gets that same treatment?? Is that not also establishing??
                    Please, stop with the "special treatment". You're making a fool out of yourself.

                    How many holidays and special attentions do you enjoy thanks to ****ing christianity? If you don't want Islam or Muslim appreciation month, I suggest you also skip those special appreciation days to celebrate some religious holiday or whatever. Starting with christmas, easter, mother's day, all saints day, ...

                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    I think he just screwed up the way he worded things. He's not the first politician to do so, either.
                    The man can't string two words together without properly wording them.
                    Most definitely the first who has to go "I didn't mean it that way" 9 times out of 10. Yeah right, your track record says otherwise, moron (aimed at Trump obviously).
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Please, stop with the "special treatment". You're making a fool out of yourself.

                      How many holidays and special attentions do you enjoy thanks to ****ing christianity? If you don't want Islam or Muslim appreciation month, I suggest you also skip those special appreciation days to celebrate some religious holiday or whatever. Starting with christmas, easter, mother's day, all saints day, ...
                      Once again people forget Father's Day. That's it, we're fighting FH.

                      I think all these appreciations months are ridiculous myself. Think its kind of stupid to set an arbitrary month to celebrate a minority history, I know its idealistic but we should always be considering the contribution everyone makes to history, The one who created bacon obviously is above all others.

                      I'll take your disagreements now.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        Once again people forget Father's Day. That's it, we're fighting FH.
                        Simple explanation is that I don't think about it because I celebrate none of the above, including father's day.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          I can't wait to see Trump as President. Fun times.
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            Once again people forget Father's Day. That's it, we're fighting FH.
                            I think I am the only father here, and we have a different day
                            I think all these appreciations months are ridiculous myself. Think its kind of stupid to set an arbitrary month to celebrate a minority history, I know its idealistic but we should always be considering the contribution everyone makes to history, The one who created bacon obviously is above all others.
                            I knew there was an Idealist under that black heart somewhere...............
                            You are quite right, the contributions of all should be remembered, but failing that, you need someway to make sure they are not forgotten totally.

                            I'll take your disagreements now.
                            *shoots Jel with a bacon cannon*
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth



                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                History repeating itself?
                                Or some things never change?
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

