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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    I have a feeling that number is a bit large...

    And yes, it is...

    Here you go -- our foreign aid to the Palestinian Territory.
    Your link actually shows that the number I gave was UNDERestimated.

    n 2008, Belgium signed a cooperation programme worth 50 million euros with the Palestinian National Authority. The emphasis there was on education and local authorities. On 23 November 2011, a new four-year cooperation agreement worth 71.6 million euros was signed during the Joint Commission in Ramallah. The new programme therefore contains over 20 million euros (40%) more than the previous, and assures continuity through continued presence in the same two concentration sectors: education and local authorities.

    That's over 120 million Euros in total since 2007, which is over $135 million. I underestimated by 30%.

    And that's just direct funding. Belgium is notoriously non-transparent about its financing of the NGOs, but Broederlijk Delen alone got over 300 000 Euros earmarked for Palestinians, Oxfam-Solidarité got over a million Euros for the same, Solidarité Socialiste got over 300 000 Euros et cetera. Now, the way the humanitarian industry works is a lot like money laundering - the web is long. Every one of the big names financed by the governments funds its own network of smaller puppet NGOs, and they often cross-pollinate - multiple puppets receive funding from multiple donors to make the endgame of these government grants harder to trace. Broederlijk Delen finances Zochrot, Breaking the Silence, Gisha, Adalah etc. Oxfam-Solidarité specializes in funding NGOs with medical names which do politics instead of medicine, like the Palestinian Medical Relief Society, Health Work Committees etc.
    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


      Okay, indeed... the number is larger.

      But anything I say will never make an ounce of difference to you, cause as far as you go Palestinians are terrorits and should not receive any aid at all. We should let them die, so Israel can take those grounds and live happily ever after.

      That's the whole point of the issue.

      Good luck with that.

      I think I prefer (shady) donations to genocide.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Okay, indeed... the number is larger.

        But anything I say will never make an ounce of difference to you, cause as far as you go Palestinians are terrorits and should not receive any aid at all. We should let them die, so Israel can take those grounds and live happily ever after.

        That's the whole point of the issue.

        Good luck with that.

        I think I prefer (shady) donations to genocide.
        Except it's those donations that finance a drive for genocide.

        I don't want the Palestinians dead or gone; they want me dead or gone and it's not even a controversial opinion on their side of the fence. They are quite outspoken about it., on all levels, from government level to street level.
        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Okay, indeed... the number is larger.

          But anything I say will never make an ounce of difference to you, cause as far as you go Palestinians are terrorits and should not receive any aid at all. We should let them die, so Israel can take those grounds and live happily ever after.

          That's the whole point of the issue.

          Good luck with that.

          I think I prefer (shady) donations to genocide.
          I feel the same way about vegeans
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Israeli food aid winds up in Syria
            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


              Originally posted by pookey View Post
              He was a loner, and they suspect that he might be mentally ill, and its not just Brexit here, its Bremain as well, there are two sides to this, where i am i have seen no animosity at all, just the feeling of get it over with and move on
              Same here, most people just want the vote over and done with.

              The MP that was killed was the chair/head of a kind of Friends of Syria organisation, the reports are he yelled "you should be putting Britain first" or something to that effect, I know my dad gets very annoyed at his local MP who seems more interested in helping Syrian refugees that he does his own constituents, but killing them is five miles south of Dover as they say.

              However, she was an "in" campaigner, and it does make me wonder if the "remain" camp will try and play on the sympathy vote when campaigning resumes.


                Yes, but i think people will be disgusted with them if they do, even the Bremainers, and they say he shouted Britain First, but, the guy who was credited with saying he heard that has put up a sign in his shop saying he never heard him say that, the media once again corrupting the story

                Last edited by pookey; 17 June 2016, 12:53 PM.


                  Originally posted by pookey View Post
                  He was a loner, and they suspect that he might be mentally ill, and its not just Brexit here, its Bremain as well, there are two sides to this, where i am i have seen no animosity at all, just the feeling of get it over with and move on

                  What are you voting?
                  By Nolamom


                    Originally posted by pookey View Post
                    Yes, but i think people will be disgusted with them if they do, even the Bremainers, and they say he shouted Britain First, but, the guy who was credited with saying he heard that has put up a sign in his shop saying he never heard him say that, the media once again corrupting the story

                    Yeah I saw his interview he muttered something about 'he shouted something about putting Britain's first' and the interviewer immediately asked 'so he shouted Britain First?' to which the guy replied 'no, he said...' but that gets conveniently glossed over as you say.

                    There was also this guy who got annoyed with the Sky lot after they asked him were the other witnesses there scared and he kind of turned round and said 'well yes, what the hell do you expect a bunch of women and children to do who've just wintessed someone being shot?'.

                    I noticed none of these interviews were repeated much after, it also wouldn't surprise me if the "remain" campaign did try to exploit these events in some way (I say remain because she was a remain campaigner, but that doesn't necessarily rule out Brexit either).

                    You also have far more faith in the public than I do, there are some hugely naive people around who would feel compelled to vote one way or the other out of some reversed sympathy guilt trip.


                      Originally posted by pookey View Post
                      He was a loner, and they suspect that he might be mentally ill, and its not just Brexit here, its Bremain as well, there are two sides to this, where i am i have seen no animosity at all, just the feeling of get it over with and move on

                      But what's lead to this Brexit thing? What was the cause?

                      Since his message was political is he a terrorist or not, bet he would be if he was brown.
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Would it be impossible to suggest a political party may have put him up to do this?
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          *hands out tinfoil hats*


                            Orlando gunman was ‘verbally abusive, aggressive’ as far back as 3rd grade

                            FORT PIERCE, Florida (AP) — As early as third grade, the Florida nightclub shooter talked frequently about sex and violence and before finishing high school was suspended for a total of 48 days, including for fighting and hurting classmates, school records showed.

                            In the years since, other people reported having disturbing run-ins with Omar Mateen, including a bartender who said he stalked her nearly a decade ago and sent so many uncomfortable Facebook messages that she blocked him on the social network.

                            Mateen, whose attack on the Pulse nightclub left 49 people dead and 53 wounded, enrolled in Florida public schools after his parents moved in 1991 from New York City to Port Saint Lucie, on the Atlantic coast.

                            Teachers “couldn’t seem to help him,” said Dan Alley, retired dean of Martin County High School. “We tried to counsel him and show him the error of his ways, but it never had the effect that we were hoping for.”

                            Some of the same behavior followed Mateen into adulthood. His first wife has complained that he beat her, and the security company where he worked once reassigned him after he made inflammatory comments about minorities.

                            The 29-year-old was killed Sunday in a shootout with police as they moved into the gay club.

                            At least some of his suspensions were for fighting that involved injuries. Others were for unspecified rule violations, according to the records.

                            For elementary and early middle school, Mateen attended class in neighboring St. Lucie County, where teachers said he was disruptive and struggled academically.

                            A third-grade teacher wrote that he was “very active … constantly moving, verbally abusive, rude, aggressive.” The teacher described “much talk about violence & sex,” with Mateen’s “hands all over the place — on other children, in his mouth.”

                            In seventh grade, school administrators moved Mateen to another class to “avoid conflicts with other students.” That same report said Mateen was doing poorly in several subjects because of “many instances of behavioral problems.”

                            In a 1999 letter to Mateen’s father, one of his middle school teachers wrote that the boy’s “attitude and inability to show self-control in the classroom create distractions.”

                            “Unfortunately, Omar has great difficulty focusing on his classwork since he often seeks the attention of his classmates through some sort of noise, disruption or distraction,” the letter said.

                            He withdrew from Martin County High School in 2003 and eventually graduated from Stuart Adult Community High School, records show.

                            In 10th grade, he received a five-day suspension on Sept. 13, 2001, two days after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

                            The records offer no details except to call it a “rule violation.” But in recent media reports, classmates have said it was because he celebrated the attacks.

                            Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, “would not back up the school, and he would always take his son’s side,” Alley said.

                            Mateen’s father has suggested his son had anti-gay feelings after recently seeing two men kiss. But others have said he was a regular at the Orlando club and that he tried to pick up men there.

                            Dina McHugh recalled Mateen taunting her about being a lesbian when they were in middle school, before she was even aware of her own sexual orientation.

                            Now openly gay, McHugh said Mateen’s teasing more than 16 years ago stung deeply enough that she paid him back by kicking him in the crotch.

                            In an interview Friday near the Port St. Lucie supermarket where she works, McHugh said a teacher who saw the fracas took both students to the dean’s office. McHugh said they were both scolded and told to leave each other alone.

                            “He was the jerk of the class,” McHugh said. “He just got on everybody’s nerves. He found a way to get underneath everybody’s skin.”

                            After high school, Mateen attended Indian River Community College, graduating in 2006 with a degree in criminal justice technology.

                            It was around that time that he met a bartender from Fort Pierce.

                            “He was one of those guys who wouldn’t leave me alone,” Heather LaSalla told the Associated Press on Friday in an interview in the doorway of her home. She worked at a bar in Port St. Lucie at the time, and Mateen started coming there, mostly by himself.

                            The tone of Mateen’s Facebook messages made LaSalla uncomfortable, she said, but she never filed a criminal complaint. She ran into him again at a park in November when she was with her young son and Mateen was with his, she said.

                            “He still had that weird vibe to him,” LaSalla said, but she did not feel threatened as Mateen told her he had a wife and talked about his son’s soccer league.

                            A year after graduating from community college, Mateen passed a psychological evaluation as part of his application to be a private security guard.

                            Florida records show he was deemed mentally and emotionally stable in September 2007 before he went to work for the Wackenhut Corp., later renamed G4S Secure Solutions. The papers indicate he took a written psychological test or had an evaluation by a psychologist or psychiatrist.

                            In a 2007 application for a gun license, he said he had never been diagnosed with a mental illness nor had any history of alcohol or substance abuse.

                            As part of the application, he had a medical exam. The paperwork was signed by Dr. Syed Shafeeq Rahman, who is also the imam at the Fort Pierce Islamic Center and has close ties to Mateens’ family. Mateen’s father was a board member at the mosque with about 120 members.

                            Rahman declined to discuss his relationship with Mateen and his father.

                            G4S has said that Mateen was subjected to “detailed company screening” when he was recruited in 2007 and was screened again in 2013 with no adverse findings.

                            But on the job, Mateen ran into trouble. He was removed from an assignment at the St. Lucie County courthouse in 2013 after he made provocative remarks about women, Jews and a shooting at Fort Hood, Sheriff Ken Mascara said.

                            The FBI investigated Mateen over those comments and again in 2014 because of his ties to a Syrian suicide bomber who went to the same mosque. Both cases were closed without the agency taking action.

                            The FBI has been investigating how much Mateen’s second wife, Noor Salman, knew about the plot.

                            On Friday, a person familiar with the investigation said Mateen’s wife text messaged him on the night of the shooting, asking her husband where he was and telling him she loved him.

                            The person was not authorized to publicly discuss the probe and spoke on condition of anonymity.

                            Indeed Islamophobia kills. Had the guy not been Muslim he would've been in jail ages ago. But charging a Muslim with a hate crime would invite charges of Islamophobia, so 49 people had to die to provide reasonable evidence.
                            Last edited by Womble; 18 June 2016, 04:24 AM.
                            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                              What was Islam birthed from.
                              I'm drawing a freaking blank.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                What was Islam birthed from.
                                I'm drawing a freaking blank.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

