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The Last Word

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    The MLSS blasts Greg's ship out of space with it ubercannons set to mega-o-killzapper mode. CW scans the wreckage and finds the real TLW floating the wreckage, he beams about and then turns thrusters and flies off into outerspace.
    Banner By JME2


      Originally posted by Crazedwraith
      The MLSS blasts Greg's ship out of space with it ubercannons set to mega-o-killzapper mode. CW scans the wreckage and finds the real TLW floating the wreckage, he beams about and then turns thrusters and flies off into outerspace.
      OMG!!! This thread is BIG!!!! :-)))))))))

      As CW flies off gloating and preening himself he does not see a large asteroid infrot of him..... crashes into it and knocks hiself out.

      Mal dashes over, "CW are you ok ?!?"

      "Yes... Mal... thanks for asking....."

      mal checks CW over. "Yeah you are ok. See you around!"

      Mal scurries away. CW goes into a healing sleep, which lasts for the rest of the day..... not relising that MAL has switched TLW with a fake. :-P


        What both CW and MAL don't realise is that just before CW destroyed Greg's ship, Greg beamed himself to one of his cloaked ships.

        Greg sees CW crashing into the asteroid and MAL helping CW. When MAL flies away for CW Greg decloaks, launches his armada of Ancient Drones and disables MAL's weapons and engine. With MAL's ship disabled, Greg lets one of his drones phase -using the stolen Tollan technology- and lets it spread a sleeping gas into MAL's ship.

        With that done Greg beams in the real TLW, cloaks and flies off to a remote part of the Galaxy.

        Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


        Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
        Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


          CW detonates The EMP booby trap he planted on TLW the last time it was last in his clutches(I DON'T preen MAL!! ) Greg's ship is disabled and left a recumbent waterfowl of the genus Scipdae (sitting duck and a cookie to the 1st person to get the reference) The MLSS swoops down locks ot to the real TLW and beams it aboard. The MLSS then activates its stealth systems and transport inhibitors and flashes of in to Space....
          Banner By JME2


            "Oh no! TLW was boobytrapped!", Greg shouts and he phases his ship except for TLW. Thus resulting in what CW saw, a phases version of Greg's ship.

            While CW tries to get away, Greg signaled some of his cloaked vessels, they use their sensors to detect CW and launch their Ancient Drones to destory CW's ship. Realising he can't beam up TLW, Greg launches a -heavily armed- shuttle to dock with CW's ship.

            When the shuttle is docked, Greg phases himself, enters CW's ship and releases a nero-toxin to paralize CW and his crew. With that done, Greg runs to get TLW and checks it for realness and boobytraps: It's clean!

            After that Greg returns to his shuttle -which he phases-, undocks and flies to his -phased- ship. With CW still paralized, Greg enters hyperspace and flies to a galaxy far far away

            Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


            Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
            Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


              Poor porr greg. He should not have gone to the galaxy far far away. For that is where the ewoks live and CW is master of all ewoks! Greg's ship is fell upon by Ewok raiders, their weapons de-phase it and TLW is beamed away The ewok raiders then check TLW for realness and finding i is conmpletely and utterlly real fly off the MLSS where they present TLW to CW.
              Banner By JME2


                Greg curses the stupid Ewoks and starts designing a retro-virus that'll put an end to his Ewok problems.

                While his crew's working on the virus, Greg flies his ship to the shipyard and starts refitting it.

                --hours later--
                Finally the virus is ready, Greg's fills his shipatmosphere with the virus -which is harmless for humans, but even the tinyest bit is lethal for Ewoks-, cloaks -gotta love phase cloak- his vessels and plots a hyperspace jump towards CW.

                After a lovely journey through hyperspace Greg detects CW and launches his well known Ancient Drones armada to prevent CW from entering hyperspace. While CW's distracted by the drones, Greg launches drones carrying the virus to all of CW's vessels.

                That done, Greg beams to CW's ship, phase cloaks himself, and takes away the real and clean TLW with no Ewok stopping him.

                After stealing TLW, Greg calls back his drones and flies of to an Ewokless galaxy far far away

                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                  Why you??....Genocidal maniac!

                  Greg is arrested for the attmepted genocide of the ewok kind and all his assest (meaning ALL your ships,drones phased clokaed vesslels and most especially TLW) are seized by the Crwon (yes it is the british trying for genoicde so there )

                  The ships are destroyed by state but TLW is undesctrutable and is locked away in MI6 headquatres.

                  CW WOULD steal but he's going on holiday for spain for a week and can't be bothered.
                  Banner By JME2


                    Did I say lethal? I ment to say sickening

                    What the MI6 did not realise was that Greg had implanted phasing technology near his brain so he could control with his mind. So after only 5 min in jail Greg escapes and takes TLW with him, and since he's phased the MI6 can't do a thing about it.

                    With some of his ships destroyed, Greg signals one of his other ships to beam him up and he flies towards his shipyard to get a new fleet, but not before he 'redecorates' the MI6's office -which nobody's in, Greg beamed them all out- in return for them destroying his ships.

                    With TLW in his possesion, Greg sends a holographic "Happy Holiday" card to CW.

                    Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                    Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                    Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                      I said ALL your ships were destroyed, Bub.

                      Banner By JME2


                        No, only the ships that were with me were destoyed

                        You never said the MI6 found and destroyed my shipyard ;-)

                        Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                        Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                        Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                          Well Matt has been cruising the galaxy for a while but now he's back in the TLW hunt! Swinging by Earth he picks up a transmission from Her Majesty's government. Responding to the request for help, Matt tracks Greg to his shipyard in MHV. MHV opens fire on Greg's shipyard, ringing up Greg and TLW just before the shipyard goes boom.

                          Greg is returned to HMG custody having gone via Utopia Planetia to get Greg's internal phase tech disabled.

                          Matt keeps TLW!
                          I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                            Unfortunally for HMG and Utopia Planetia Greg's internal phasing technology coudn't be disabled since it would kill him, so the HMG stuck a deal with Greg: You give us the antidote and we'll clear you off all charges and pass a law that prohibits Ewoks from entering your property. Greg accepts this deal and gives the HMG the antidote so they could cure all the Ewoks.

                            Being cleared of all charges, Greg recruits a new army and starts rebuilding his shipyard. In order to make this shipyard indestructable, Greg decides to arm it with a 24/7 rotating phase frequency.

                            After a week the shipyard is finally finished, Greg's new fleet is assembled and he starts searching for Matt, so he can reclaim what is his: TLW.

                            Soon after he left his shipyard, Greg finds Matt and destroys Matt's hyperspace engines. After that, Greg beams TLW to his ship and hyperspaces to his shipyard.

                            Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                            Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                            Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                              B-stard! After getting MHV's hyperdrive rebuilt, Matt tracks down Greg's new ship yard and hacks into the system controlling the rotating phase frequency. After shutting the RPF down, TLW is ringed into Matt's possession and MHV hyperdrives away.
                              I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                                After this latest attack on his shipyard, Greg decides it's time to build in a DNA/Iris/Face and Mind recognition system, so he alone can control its systems.

                                When Greg's finished that, he catches up with Matt. Greg destroys Matt's hyperspace engines (again) and weaponssystems. To prevent Matt from escaping, Greg puts him in cryostasis and phases the stasispod. After that, Greg takes TLW with him and goes back to his shipyard.

                                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.

