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    CW beams TLW away from the reps with the MLSS's T-Porters.
    Banner By JME2


      OOC: I got a complaint I wasn't using enough Stargate related... "stuff" in this thread so I'll try to be better at that. As such, since the whole Lemmings=Furlings is a fan joke and not canon, I'll got back to using Furlings. Also, I guess that means Virtual will hold off from using his Shadow homing beacon device on CW, which would instantly broadcast CW's exact postion to Shadow. :: insert evil-meniacal laughter here::

      Much to CW's surprise, Virtual left a little program called "Revenger 2.031 Build 1347" in the MLSS computer. The program quickly takes control of navigation and delivers the MLSS directly to Virtual. With a teleport, TLW is teleported over to Virtual's ship without the need for lifting a finger or trying to track down an untraceable ship.

      Virtual first verifies the authenticity of TLW as well as checking for any unwated "hitchhikers." With the coast clear, Virtual speeds off longer before CW finally gets an update for is anti-virus software and wipes out the Revenger virus.


        Luckily, Cpt. Kettch was aboard the THD as a paying and fully cleared passenger. (Thanks to documents supplied by the Bothan Spynet in conjunction with the Tok'Ra) He using a number of double-oh-seven-style gadgets sneaks throughout the THD to the Bridge where Virtual is clutching TLW laughing manically, the newly promoted Captain takes out Virtual with a drug tipped umbrella, seizes TLW and broadcasts the THD's location to CW, he then proceeds to hold of the THD's crew with a zat gun. He's just about to be overwhelmed by the crew when CW swoops down in the MLSS and beams his operative and TLW back the MLSS, before re-establishing his shields and T-Port inhibitors and zips off boldly to zip off where no man has before...
        Last edited by Crazedwraith; 12 August 2004, 01:43 PM. Reason: Typodeamons *CW fiDesert Eagle at the typodeamons sending them runing for thier lives.*
        Banner By JME2




            Originally posted by VirtualCLD
            Banner By JME2


              While CW ponders Virtual's lateral thinking,....FHB swiftly uses her window of opportunity (gap in the shields) to beam the real TLW away from CW's MLSS !
              FHB ,clutching TLW,then beams directly to the Nox World and is "disappeared" by Lya ,who just happens to like FEMALE TLW-Hunters.....

              OOC. CW :Your bit about "where no man has gone before.....",Virtual was referring to the state of pregnancy ! No guy has ever been in that condition. (Unless I count that odd Arnie film...sorry ,I can't remember the title !)
              Last edited by Bagpuss; 12 August 2004, 06:09 PM. Reason: Got the letters wrong on your ship ! oops ....
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                Originally posted by VirtualCLD
                LOL - Oh dear!!

                However...*NL glares daggers at Virtual* for taking parts from her Dragonboat to rebuild his ship, the THD.


                  NL !!! Long time,no "see"........You want the TLW ?

                  Handy things these Dragonboat parts ! MG-1 even handier ....when they remember their missions !

                  *Puts the missing pieces down carefully, for NL to find *

                  *Leaves a giant pineapple cheesecake*

                  You ready , or do I have to wait for CW to mash me v.soon ?
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    Originally posted by FH Bagpuss
                    OOC. CW :Your bit about "where no man has gone before.....",Virtual was referring to the state of pregnancy ! No guy has ever been in that condition. (Unless I count that odd Arnie film...sorry ,I can't remember the title !)
                    That would be Junior may have to contemplate getting back into the hunt
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      (((((FHB)))))) NL misses FHB and the TLW hunters - gosh, there are so many new hunters now!!!

                      Awww, FHB is the best - always considerate and so generous!! *takes TLW* NL thanks FHB with more ((((hugs)))). Nah!! CW is still worried that Shadow might do harm to him.

                      And FHB remembers NL's weakness for pineapple cheesecake!

                      NL looks at all the strewn parts that look awfully familiar - Yay! they're parts for the Dragonboat. NL sets DG-1 to re-assemble the ship, soldering parts with their "flamers".

                      NL and FHB catch up with some news while the dragons work. NL tells FHB about her awesome trip to Gatecon and meeting David, Feli, many GW posters and of course, Shadowmaat. NL asks FHB about the Pages get-together.

                      After the lovely chat, NL and DG-1 leave on the repaired Dragonboat. Sadly, the Dragonboat looks kinda patchy and needs a new paint job, so off they go to get the Dragonboat a new paintcoat.

                      Before leaving, NL leaves a whole tray of chocolate fudge brownies for FHB and MG-1.


                        Ah,bliss ! Nostalgic and full-up, FHB settles down for a nap.
                        The Mice settle down too,after a heated discussion ,(Ok,"Punch-up" ) over who eats the last delicious crumbs.
                        NL ,Dragons,news,food ! The pesky movie title solved (Thanks Tame ! ),what happy cat could ask for more ?
                        (((((((((((((((((((NL and Tame))))))))))))))))))))
                        As for TLW ? No rush to regain it.......

                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Here NL, let me help you paint the Dragonboat. Have some ice cream.

                          *hands over a large bowl of ice cream*

                          *paint, paint, paint*

                          There, doesn't the Dragonboat look great!

                          In appreciation of helping out, NL gladly gives DJF TLW.

                          See, ya around. Glad I could be of help.
                          No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                            CW, who contary to popular beleive is not pregnant anyother is any of his ewoks (of any sex), jumps off the just landed MLSS in to DJF.


                            CW takes TLW turns DJF face up in the mud so he/she (sorri its been so long I've forgotten ) doesn' suffocate. Then JUmps aboard the MLSS and heads back to earth.
                            Banner By JME2


                              Although Virtual feels sorry for leaving NL behind, however, the Dragonboat looks as good as new and there isn't much Virtual can give NL to make up for it. Oh well, Virtual, who has been following CW around, decides to help DJF out of the mud. After a very harrowing experience with being stuck in mud up to his chest, Virtual feels no one should be left in that possibly lethal position.

                              After a quick "circumbendabus" around Mars, THD intercepts MLSS and an intense CGI battle ensues. Unfortunately, with little budget left for the season, Virtual is forced to take a cheap way out and ring transport TLW out of the MLSS after it was knocked out of CW's hands.

                              Virtual lands on Earth and heads for the stargate, but pauses for a moment, contemplating the idea of taking TLW and placing it in Shadow's backpack. Thinking better of it, Virtual, once again, makes his way to the stargate.


                                Virtual: Thanks for helping me out of the mud. Now, I think I'll go clean up before getting back in the hunt.

                                CW: I'm a SHE. Hopfully that will help you remember in the future.
                                No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)


