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The Last Word

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    Virtual wakes up before NL does to the scrap pile that is surrounding him. Although neither ship will fly again on it's own, they could be salvaged together.

    Quickly, Virtual and his crew tie up NL and her crew, allowing Virtual's crew free reign of both shipwreks. Using parts from both, Virtual and his crew is able to build a new ship, the Three Headed Dragon (or THD, if you're wonderring about the name, just ask). Virtual is kind enough to leave behind some supplies and a small sublight ship that should be able to take NL's crew to the nearest gateable planet.

    Virtual takes off after the MLSS. Using a Lemming basher, Virtual pounds through the hull and a stream of Lemmings pour in at a rate of 99. While the Ewoks and Lemmings are busy, Virtual casually walks up to the bridge and zats CW. He then zats all of the consoles, three times each. Finally, before leaving, Virtual attempts to zat the power core in the engine three times, but after the first zat, an overload begins. Not one to stare down an incoming train, Virtual quickly beams back to the THD and takes off for an asteroid belt.

    Here, Virtual slips in and out of the asteroids to mask his trail, before jumping back into hyperspace. After several short jumps, Virtual's trail in untraceable... for now.


      OOC: Whats the Three Headed Dragon about? Nothing to do with George RR Martin books is it?

      Anyhoo, CW activaites his oneshotplotdevicedeusexmachinalikehypermegadoodadwhirlymajigga and beams TLW straight through subspace to his lap. Luckily what Virtual beleived to be an overlaod was in fact a rise in powerout put caused by the zat blast (like in TLC) and CW is quite happily working from his backup bridge until Ixea deleives sum new consoles flat packed for him.
      Banner By JME2


        OOC: LOL, Kerberos is the greek spelling of Cerebrus, the three headed dog who guards teh underworld. So the best I could come up with for a name of combining the two ships was the Three Headed Dragon. Sounded better than Kerboat or Drageros.

        Virtual, lacking a sense of imagination or inginuity, slinks off to steal TLW another time.


          Taking a tiny replicator pod Markey2 jets passed Virtual CLD and steals TLW out of his hand. Having been away from the battle for 2 weeks his replicator fleet is now so huge it is a massive streak of silver human-replicator material. No one can stop replicators!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.


            CW laughts at Markey stealing Virtuals' fake TLW. If you look carefully You'll see I have TLW!

            Banner By JME2


              FHB finally tracks down CW (the maniacal laughter really helped ! )

              Sneaky FHB beams to his exact location. CW looks up to see her waving a bunch of spoilery transcripts and a video marked "Exclusive Atlantis info ".

              Naturally,CW doesn't want to see any of that,so FHB hands the lot to Kettch and the Ewoks . They really want the info,so they're no protection at all !

              While CW tries to get the little guys to pay attention to guard duty,FHB swipes TLW,checks it properly.....yes it's REAL .

              Smacking CW with a rolled up magazine,just to keep in practice,FHB activates her "Beam away Bloody Fast" gadget...............and goes on the run with TLW again .................
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                ...and gets knocked right out of hyperspace by the newly installed 'Hyperbeam' on Matt's scoutship.

                TLW soon dissapears from the 'Baggie' and arrives on the scoutship.

                Seeya, wouldn't wanna be ya!
                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                  So.........Finally recover from the spanking FHB?

                  Matt G enraged that CW had ever dared SPANK a lady such as FHB immediatly attacks CW and thus is lurred into the ambush and is quite throughly stunned by Intar and zat fire. CW ambles up naps TLW (its real I checked!) and moses onboard the MLSS, which then takes off and dissapppears into subspace. (and thus is untrackable)
                  Banner By JME2


                    Originally posted by Markey2
                    Taking a tiny replicator pod Markey2 jets passed Virtual CLD and steals TLW out of his hand. Having been away from the battle for 2 weeks his replicator fleet is now so huge it is a massive streak of silver human-replicator material. No one can stop replicators!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha.
                    OOC: I guess I didn't make myself clear, I didn't actually HAVE TLW when you "stole it from me." I was too lazy to think of a way to steal it so I just let CW keep it till I could come up with a story.

                    But CW understood what I meant, aparently.


                      But CW wasn't aware that DJF was hiding out on the MLSS. Quietly she meets up with all of CW's EG teams and bribes them with cupcakes.

                      Since CW is now defenseless, he hands TLW over to DJF peacfully. DJF then beams over to her ship and flies off into the distance.
                      No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                        Since I am not Defense less (I have used Ribbon devices, zats and P-90s throughout the course of my TLW Huning career) I ssee thats as bad characterization and liable by DJF.

                        Luckily DJF avoids the impending CW Lawsuit with TLW as a bribe.

                        A bribe CW accepts. Ha! I have TLW.


                        *CW runs like hell or Shadowmatt were at his heels (same thing really)*
                        Last edited by Crazedwraith; 09 August 2004, 01:20 PM.
                        Banner By JME2


                          Suddenly : THUD

                          CW is rendered temporarily out of the game ! Good ole half-brick !

                          FHB smoothly filches the REAL TLW and saunters off .........
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            Well at least You didn't unleash ShadowMaat on me. *CW decides to stop giving people ideas*

                            CW (still whoozy after the cuning half-brick attack) leaps back into action (and it a wall, but thats neither here nor there) and sucessfully liberates 'TLW' (a used tissue box) from "FHB" (a mangy cat sitting on top of a dustbin.)

                            Luckily Lt.Kettch zatted the REAL FHB and got the REAL TLW for his master. I really should promote the lil guy shoudn't i?
                            Banner By JME2


                              FHB was in fact on her way back to GIVE CW his TLW back,as he did mention Karate in his beautifully phrased apology to Shadow !

                              FHB is actually quite proud of being a "Mangy cat"......appeals to cat lovers and guarantees left-overs,lol !

                              FHB thinks Kettch is rather resourceful and maybe should be promoted .
                              Captain Kettch,maybe ?

                              FHB is also a lazy cat....she will return later to the chase.
                              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                                Mad at getting the wront TLW Markey2's orb of silver replicator stuff goes straight through CW and TLW is again in my hands! Leaving it at the heart of the silver humanoid replicator-stuff Markey2 waits, smiling!

