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The Last Word

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    Originally posted by KokiriChild
    But what's this? An infiltrator? LT. Kettch is none other than KC, and when CW asked Lt. Kettch to take TLW and lock it in the brig behind a force-sheild, Lt.Kettch actually took it to a death-glider and escaped. The last CW saw of it was when they picked up a small trace of a death-glider landing on a nearby planet...

    So wheres my real trusted LK?

    13 EG teams beam down to the death glider, and spread out in a search pattern. KC tries to run for it but is hit in the back by a zat blast and CW retrieves TLW, then uses smelting salts to revive KC and get the Location of Lt.Kettch out of him. Once staished with his answer, CW,TLW and all the EG teams beam back to the mothership let Kettch out of the Janitor's closet and fly to a galaxy far far away.
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      Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a very large comet named Wolf-Biderman headed straight for Earth? No! It's Champos, doing a sneaky but very fast fly-by that doesn't fly by but rather through CW's mothership (some sort of phase technology - don't ask me, I only fly it!) and steals back TLW and then makes like the hare and runs, runs... yeah, I guess you all know where I'm going with this, right? Anyway, I have TLW so I don't care if you don't know what I'm talking about, though in very brief explanation I will just say that comparatively speaking hares are very fast. It's a known fact. Thank you for the feast, ladies and gentlemen. You're very kind but Elvis has left the building (you may still catch him at the rear fire-escape, but only if you run!).
      sum ergo cogitum
      I am therefore I think.


        Gotta love your style,Champos,dear!
        Keep TLW safe for now........Best Wishes,from FHB and MG-1!!
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          Unfortunatly for Champos running Hares are in fatc relitve slow in the grand scheme of things, Thus CW's Blesknir easily over takes his vessel and uses the ubercannons set to "Transpahsic eradication" mode and un-phases his vessel long enough to beam TLW to CW and then Champos vessels runs like a hare one way, while the mothership hyperspeeds away in the other.
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            holey moley! How long have I had TLW? 16 or 17 hours by my reckoning.
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              *Sigh* Whatever keeps ya happy,CW!

              FHB has been carefully tracking TLW,with a lot of help from Sammy Mouse and Co.

              Seeing CW and Beliskner on long-range scanners,FHB sends Oma Mouse in her "Ascended" form to CW. She materialises beside him,swiftly takes TLW,and in "Glowy Light Being Form" (T.M.) spirits herself back to FHB.

              Oma then temporarily Ascends FHB,MG-1, the "Baggie 1" and TLW, and away we all go..........................well away from any Ewoks etc...for now!!
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                ...and descends right next to NL. Apparently, Charlie Mouse wants to see NL again and has given NL's co-ordinates to Oma M.

                NL is so surprised since she's now up and baking cinnamon buns for breakfast. Soon, m'dears, the buns should be out of the oven in a few minutes. FHB and the mice help NL with the clean up (those lazy dragons seem to have disappeared when it's chore time).

                *beep, beep, beep* Ahhhh, the buns are ready .. *drizzling vanilla glace icing on buns*. Extra icing for Charlie M. NL, FHB, TLW, MG-1 and (lo, here are the dragons again) all tuck in. Mmmmm *scrompf, chompf, munch, snarlsch*

                When FHB and MG-1 left, they assume they still have TLW, but poor LW is so tuckered out with the ship-to-ship adventures, it goes to bed to sleep.


                  FHB is a Clot really,as she'll do anything to get well fed!

                  Lovely visit and wonderful to let everone meet up,so FHB can happily concede TLW to NL.....

                  Gotta have a chat with Charlie though about these sudden stops.

                  Even more of a "Word" with Oma Mouse!

                  This "Ascending" is all very nice,but "Descending" plays absolute H### with my Fur! It'll take hours to get it smooth and tangle-free.

                  *Pulls at tangles*



                  Will catch up with you and/or TLW once I get these knots out,NL!

                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    LOL - *hands FHB hair de-tangler spray*


                      Aha! Thanks NL!!!

                      *FHB Mega-sprays Fur with De-Tangler*



                      In all the confusion of FHB's allergies getting the better of her,and poor NL and the Dragons taking cover,NL drops TLW and Charlie picks it up...............

                      Once FHB has recovered,and NL has bid her and MG-1 farewell,they part company........FHB needs some meds so they visit a far-away Pharmacy (Drug-Store?).

                      Once FHB has achieved non-sneezy Nirvana,Charlie presents FHB with TLW.

                      Oh, No, NL ! After all your help and hospitality....

                      Thanks to that daft Kleptomaniac Mouse ,we're off again!
                      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                        Aaawww, FHB I hope you're feeling much better. Since FHB is sick, Aphrodite decides to Shimmer In (TM) to bring warm soups to FHB (pumpkin, pea & ham, chicken, vegetable with croutons, etc) enough to keep her warm and to help her back on her feet. FHB settles in for some hot chicken soup, and feeling a little better, bids Aphrodite farewell for a quick nap, and Aphrodite Shimmers Out (TM) again, but this time taking TLW with her. FHB has enough on her plate to think about and chase TLW...she needs her rest.
                        If I were a Goddess - let it be that of Love & Beauty


                          Aphrotite shimmers in again and is promtly hit on the back of the head with a copy of "ewoks revealed" magazine which distracts her long enough for CW to grap TLW and leg it away SAFELY!!!
                          Banner By JME2


                            Originally posted by Crazedwraith
                            Aphrotite shimmers in again and is promtly hit on the back of the head with a copy of "ewoks revealed" magazine which distracts her long enough for CW to grap TLW and leg it away SAFELY!!!
                            RIght into Tame!!! CW falls back on his Bum stunned....As he is SHOCKED...Tame has been away far too long
                            Tame reaches down and takes TLW and goes on her merry way

                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              Tame reaches down and takes TLW and goes on her merry way
                              and right into the path of RDA. Tame being shocked, stunned, gone all weak in the knees, don't know what to say, all candy eyed, on RDA, she drops TLW, forgets about it, trying to think of something to say to RDA, she doesn't notice Aphrodite come by and pick up TLW to go about her merry way into her "unknown" fave spot.

                              CW, that mag was a good read btw as hard as it hit me on the head!
                              If I were a Goddess - let it be that of Love & Beauty


                                Originally posted by Aphrodite
                                and right into the path of RDA. Tame being shocked, stunned, gone all weak in the knees, don't know what to say, all candy eyed, on RDA, she drops TLW, forgets about it, trying to think of something to say to RDA, she doesn't notice Aphrodite come by and pick up TLW to go about her merry way into her "unknown" fave spot.

                                CW, that mag was a good read btw as hard as it hit me on the head!
                                If I am staring at RDA Hon you can HAVE TLW for a few and I will be all happy
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

