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Is Airforce Ranking Offensive?

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    Originally posted by ~Dave View Post
    We do intervene. Israel gets most if not all of it's weapons from us. Including, I'm told, nukes. So they are a lot more dangerous than a lot of people know. "Heaven" help terrorists in mid-east countries if they ever "lost it" with their antagonizers.

    But since Israel depends on us for most everything, they usually listen to us about how far to go in fighting back. Picture New Jersey firing rockets into New York. And then picture someone telling New York to only have a "measured" response.

    *gasp* Ok, I didn't know that. Sigh. But I assume by "us" you mean the United States? It's a very complicated situation between Israel and Palestine - is it true that Israel is bombing Gaza in retaliation to the rocket attacks from Palestinians? I try to keep up with the story, but I have a lot going on at the moment...
    ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


      Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
      Iraq is a different case - I can't find a reason to defend the invasion, on the other hand I'm not about to criticise military people there (except for the idiots)
      You say that like you know for sure, and it's a fact. Seems like many others did find a reason for the invasion. And since we weren't part of the "loop", we can't really know for sure. But maybe I just have too much faith in my government. I should be more careful about that.



        Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
        *gasp* Ok, I didn't know that. Sigh. But I assume by "us" you mean the United States? It's a very complicated situation between Israel and Palestine - is it true that Israel is bombing Gaza in retaliation to the rocket attacks from Palestinians? I try to keep up with the story, but I have a lot going on at the moment...
        Yes. Israel doesn't want to be there. They left Gaza to keep the peace. They only go back in to try and stop Hamas from shooting at them. During the cease fire, Hamas never stopped firing rockets.



          Originally posted by ~Dave View Post
          You say that like you know for sure, and it's a fact. Seems like many others did find a reason for the invasion. And since we weren't part of the "loop", we can't really know for sure. But maybe I just have too much faith in my government. I should be more careful about that.

          Being English I have NO faith in my government and highly mistrust any politicians! It's kind of a running joke here...

          EDIT: Ah, I see. Sigh. I hope the peace talks in Egypt go well, but I doubt they'll lead to a cease-fire.
          ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


            I used to be a member of Military Intelligence. I can well imagine the scenario - I was still serving at the time Iraq invaded Kuwait - but the less said about that the better.

            As for Israel/Gaza.

            Israel as a state was created suddenly and without the right planning. The Palestinians have a grievance that has never been properly addressed, but we can't now cancel Israel.

            It's a very sticky wicket as in some circles to criticise Israel is to be seen as anti-semitic behaviour which it isn't necessarily. On the other hand if Hamas will keep sending their rockets from areas inhabited by civilians, that tells us a lot about what they think of their own people.

            I lost patience with it all a long time ago - as far as I'm concerned I am desperately sad for everyone who is involved against their will. They are both supposed to be grown-up states with elected governments. It is their task to reach a settlement that they can all live with. To keep on provoking each other is like 1st grade behaviour on a grander scale.

            Having said all that... it's off topic for this thread so I'll mod myself.
            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



              Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
              Being English I have NO faith in my government and highly mistrust any politicians! It's kind of a running joke here...
              Haha! All of our "intelligence" agencies agreed that Iraq had WMD, and intended to use them against their neighbors. Iraq ignored 17 UN resolutions to desist. They shot at the planes that were to monitor their movements to keep the peace.

              I don't know if they had WMD or not. But they did have "yellowcake" uranium which has been quietly removed to Canada. Suffice it to say, there's more to Iraq, and the invasion than most people know about.



                Oh dear, I like off topic stuff! It's kind of silly, I mean conversations evolve and OT stuff does leak in... But before you delete your post, Major Clanger, I think it's sad as well - I cried this morning reading the paper. They were describing the scene in the morgue, and it was just heart-wrenching

                EDIT: Oops, too late!
                ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                  Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
                  I used to be a member of Military Intelligence. I can well imagine the scenario - I was still serving at the time Iraq invaded Kuwait - but the less said about that the better.

                  As for Israel/Gaza.

                  Israel as a state was created suddenly and without the right planning. The Palestinians have a grievance that has never been properly addressed, but we can't now cancel Israel.

                  It's a very sticky wicket as in some circles to criticise Israel is to be seen as anti-semitic behaviour which it isn't necessarily. On the other hand if Hamas will keep sending their rockets from areas inhabited by civilians, that tells us a lot about what they think of their own people.

                  I lost patience with it all a long time ago - as far as I'm concerned I am desperately sad for everyone who is involved against their will. They are both supposed to be grown-up states with elected governments. It is their task to reach a settlement that they can all live with. To keep on provoking each other is like 1st grade behaviour on a grander scale.

                  Having said all that... it's off topic for this thread so I'll mod myself.
                  That's the key word. Your imagination may have nothing to do with reality. Hardly something to base conclusion on.

                  *edit* As for modding yourself for being off topic, I guess you're not a fan of evolution. Because discussions do evolve.



                    Dave - I'm not going to discuss it any further. I've given you a hint now it's time to stop.

                    You have no idea what I may or may know, as I have little evidence of your knowledge.

                    However, you can stop just telling me I'm wrong - it's not in the spirit of the VS and it is, frankly, irritating the pants off me.

                    Now - the subject of the thread is if the Military Rankings we are using to indicate postcout are offensive.

                    Any offers?
                    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                      Originally posted by ~Dave View Post
                      That's the key word. Your imagination may have nothing to do with reality. Hardly something to base conclusion on.

                      Hmmm, true, but imagination and empathy are powerful tools, and they should always be used to see other people's point of veiw. Unfortunately, in my case my imagination feeds my empathy and I end up sobbing over my newspaper! That's why I'm not really au-fait with current events!

                      EDIT: Oops, sorry Major Clanger, I didn't mean to carry it on. My conclusion with the rankings is: now it has been discussed from nearly every angle (!) it can't really be seen as offensive, and we should all try to accept it in the fun way it was meant. How's that?!
                      ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                        I have offended the mod. I will now go to my room. I guess it's ok for you to irritate me.



                          Irritation is subjective. Now play nicely or I'll turn this... thread around! (Lol, jks!)

                          EDIT: I'll probably mod/delete this in a sec, the joke just popped into my head and I had to post it, albeit temporarily!
                          ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                            Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                            Hmmm, true, but imagination and empathy are powerful tools, and they should always be used to see other people's point of veiw. Unfortunately, in my case my imagination feeds my empathy and I end up sobbing over my newspaper! That's why I'm not really au-fait with current events!

                            EDIT: Oops, sorry Major Clanger, I didn't mean to carry it on. My conclusion with the rankings is: now it has been discussed from nearly every angle (!) it can't really be seen as offensive, and we should all try to accept it in the fun way it was meant. How's that?!
                            My sentiments exactly.



                              Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                              My conclusion with the rankings is: now it has been discussed from nearly every angle (!) it can't really be seen as offensive, and we should all try to accept it in the fun way it was meant. How's that?!
                              Since LiliJ has put it so succintly - I think it's time to close the thread.
                              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king


