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Mala's World

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    Hey,...this Thread Rocks...^^
    Yeah hangin out with so many RDA Fans..., he´s awsome...

    Greetings O´Neill (signature by me)


      Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
      Melissa and everybody else that wants to buy those folders with documents, I'm delighted to tell you that they are still available!

      Go over here

      While you're at it, check out the rest of the shop as well, they have great replicas (O'Neill dogtags! The wedding picture from Sam's nightstand!) and autographs and also real props and costumes from the show. Maybe you already know the name of Legends Memorabilia from the various auctions they did on ebay.

      Thanks, hon! I'll check it out!


        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
        He wore a backwards camo hat in "The Other Guys". He looks so hot in that episode that I couldn't forget that!

        Btw, I don't think it was raining until near the end of that episode after they've escaped and are shooting it out with the Jaffa.

        Hi **waves** 'member me????

        Life with a three and a half year old little boy leaves no time for the weary! I am loving him to no end but there just isn't a free moment in the day and if there is, there's darn housekeeping stuff to do!

        Mala, as always, your pictures take my breath away....especially those with our beloved in my favorite backwards hat!

        It's nice to see some new faces in here appreciating all that you do, isn't it!

        The house is quiet now and I am thunking and drooling and laughing and licking the moniter in Mala's World, what more could an old mom ask for?

        (((((Mala))))) thanks for always being here!
        Desperate Thunker


          Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
          He said that everything (except Jack's head, of course) is BSG (Battlestar Galactica), the helmet and the holster and the body. He added the paint, then.

          How do you like the little SGC top secret folders I created today? Not sure if Jack's liking what he reads. The folder include several other documents, also:

          Astra, these are fantastic but, ummmmmm, well, I have to wonder~~~do you have too much time on your hands!!!!!

          I am amazed how much the faces look like the people....that one of Sam you posted a bit back too, just like her. The one of Jack makes me want to, well, you know!

          I'm wondering if perhaps they make these into lollipops so we know that too!!
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            I'm baaack!

            OK, about my new S/J pic: lately I've been experimenting with updating 'classic' S/J pics using caps and promo pics of SGA Sam with her longer hair. (Hey, it's not like S/J shippers have a wealth of new on-screen material to play with, do we?) Anyway, the 'updated POV kiss' that I posted a few weeks ago was my first attempt. Here's my latest, based on the original 'hot S/J kiss' from Season 1's BROCA DIVIDE...

            If you want to see the full, uncropped, color and black and white versions of this pic, they're up on the Ship Art section of my web site. You can find them on my new SGA manip page along with some of my more recent pics.
            FAN-THUNKIN-TASTIC!!!!!! As always!
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
              Boonie Jack was one the first crankies that I ever made back in Jan. '06, but I think I may have posted it on the RDA/Jack Thunk thread, not here...

              myself), but that pic that I posted was from The First Commandment - and I don't recall it raining in that episode...

              Maybe someone else can give us a list of the times Jack wore the boonie. I know he had a desert camo version in Exodus, though!

              Another marvelous picture....and here comes Littlest Critter so I am off. Enjoy your day you fantastic thunkers you!
              Desperate Thunker


                Hello heart is broken....I visited for a short time on Sunday and NOBODY noticed!

                **bangs head on desk in total dejection**

                And NOW I must pull our beloved thread from the depths of page THREE!

                **sways uncontrollably nearly falling out of chair while resting back of right hand on forehead**

                **sniff sniff**

                Well, I was here, just in case anyone cares.....woe is me....this is truly a sad day in Mala's World....

                WHERE HAVE ALL THE HUSSIES GONE?????
                Desperate Thunker


                  I think the Hussies are all out having a Guiness and looking for Jack - doesn't he have a shirt that says "Kiss me, I'm Irish" or something? hehehe

                  Happy St. Patrick's Day!


                    Originally posted by Critter View Post
                    Hello heart is broken....I visited for a short time on Sunday and NOBODY noticed!

                    **bangs head on desk in total dejection**

                    And NOW I must pull our beloved thread from the depths of page THREE!

                    **sways uncontrollably nearly falling out of chair while resting back of right hand on forehead**

                    **sniff sniff**

                    Well, I was here, just in case anyone cares.....woe is me....this is truly a sad day in Mala's World....

                    WHERE HAVE ALL THE HUSSIES GONE?????

                    CRITTER!!!!!!!! Don't be sad.

                    Jack's calling for the hussies... (in thumbnail format)



                      Hi, MWers! I guess everyone is out drinking green beer and looking for reasonable facsimilies of Jack.

                      No, wait...they're home watching new TV eps....

                      Yeah, that's it.

            's obvious that I have nothing so say, so I'll just wish you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day and be on my way.


                        Nope, guess where I was! guess guess guess

                        I was out watching Michael Buble!!!

                        He was fantastic! My Christmas present was tickets to his concert which was last night. It was sold out, of course. He is very personable and has a great rapport with the audience. He's a bit naughty, too. He's cute as a button. *You know you're getting old when these young singers are 'cute as a button'.*

                        I've been off for 5 days but its back to work tomorrow. Still have a hundred things to do but wanted to drop in and say how much I enjoyed MB.

                        Take care all you MWers!
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Hope you all had a Happy St. Patrick's Day! too.

                          *He's singing, like Michael Buble.
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Originally posted by Critter View Post
                            Hello heart is broken....I visited for a short time on Sunday and NOBODY noticed!

                            **bangs head on desk in total dejection**

                            And NOW I must pull our beloved thread from the depths of page THREE!

                            **sways uncontrollably nearly falling out of chair while resting back of right hand on forehead**

                            **sniff sniff**

                            Well, I was here, just in case anyone cares.....woe is me....this is truly a sad day in Mala's World....

                            WHERE HAVE ALL THE HUSSIES GONE?????
                            Hmmmmm.........who are you?

                            Only kidding. Nice to see you Critter.

                            Originally posted by blueiris View Post
                            Nope, guess where I was! guess guess guess

                            I was out watching Michael Buble!!!

                            He was fantastic! My Christmas present was tickets to his concert which was last night. It was sold out, of course. He is very personable and has a great rapport with the audience. He's a bit naughty, too. He's cute as a button. *You know you're getting old when these young singers are 'cute as a button'.*

                            I've been off for 5 days but its back to work tomorrow. Still have a hundred things to do but wanted to drop in and say how much I enjoyed MB.

                            Take care all you MWers!
                            Wow! How cool. It sounds like a wonderful concert.



                              Swooning.......................splash into the gutter!


                                Originally posted by nell View Post

                                Swooning.......................splash into the gutter!
                                Yeah....nice, huh? (Understatement of the century!)

                                As Jack would say, "Sweet!"

                                And Critter, glad you were here! Sorry I wasn't here at the time and missed you.

