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Mala's World

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    KG! Do tell about the con when you get back and have a ton of fun!!!!

    As to RDA paperdolls....oooooo, sounds wonderful! I think sunglasses is an appropriate accessory as is a big honkin' gun!

    Also, on a side note....those that lurk and post on RDA's Thunk thread know it was my b-day yesterday and I got many happy bdays online as well as a jack cake! Very cool! But I wanted to vent about my bday just a tad....if you are already bored...skip to next post...

    In any case, I'm one of those who loves to tell people it's my birthday, well, my hubs has whisked me off to Buffalo,NY away from friends etc and any bday cards Imight get in the, I was worried that he would get too busy with all the work we need to do and he is typically a last minute gift buyer, party planner etc....
    So, he played it well, made me think that he didn't tell anyone it was my birthday, complete with my sister in law saying...I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your birthday, if we have time I'll make you a cake! And so I was taken away to go work out of my other sis in law's house for a while...and before I left, hubs left to go to work and said...trying to make up for the apparently non existant birthday plans by saying....we'll go out later tonight, and hey I told our friends at our street party the other night... So, I looked all sad for awhile...and at my sis in law's I preceded to tell her that I thought he hadn't done anything and that "all I wanted was a card and SG season 8 for my bday"...So, we run off home after working for awhile...and due to my own pity party, I hadn't done any deep thinking about certain I don't know my in laws all that well - and we pulled up the house w/alot of cars there and low and behold he had a suprise party...that apparently wasn't last minute by preped for two weeks...which floored me...

    So, I had a great little party...and he gave me a card and SG Season 8 and when I opened it - my sis in law proceeded to laugh hysterically, because he called to see where in town he could get it...because apparently the two Best Buy's he'd been to were sold out!

    So, in any case....stupid me...but I had a great end of the day and I got to watch some SG last night before going to bed...specifically the RDA scenes in
    Threads and the others!!!!

    Off to work again.....thanks for letting me vent my stupidity!



      Great story, S! I'm glad you had such a good birthday. I suppose you saw that the Threads episode in the US box set isn't the long version. MGM is supposed to be replacing that disc if you ask (I don't know when, though).

      Anyway, I hope you noticed that MW didn't forget your birthday, either!


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Just a quick pop-in to say,

        Thanks Mala!!!! Don't I wish that were me he was looking at! What a great pic...and yes, he is soooooooooooooooooooooo fine!!!!



          Oh, I forgot - it's Jack's birthday today!






              Eep!!!!!!! I forgot!!!!!
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Sorry, Jynjyr, I missed your question the first time I was browsing. I guess so, why not? I'd like to see what she comes up with later if she uses it, OK?
                I probably shouldn't have buried it beneath the BUG comments. I ran out of time to do posting.

                Thanks, Mala.
                I won't know until MediaWest at the end of May. Then I'll have to bid on it. I guarantee that will go to auction from the Art Show.
                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                  Originally posted by Jynjyr
                  I probably shouldn't have buried it beneath the BUG comments. I ran out of time to do posting.

                  Thanks, Mala.
                  I won't know until MediaWest at the end of May. Then I'll have to bid on it. I guarantee that will go to auction from the Art Show.
                  Well, that's a long time from now. Good luck to you.

                  I like making Mac pics but I'm not enough of an aficionado to know what works. Although when I showed that pic to Rural, she had a similar reaction to yours.


                    Originally posted by kiwigater
                    the huge manual I bought on photoshop (elements admitedly) said you could increase the size by a series of 10% increases and then shrink it back down thus increasing the resolution without getting quite so pixelated..... I haven't really tried it, but it's worth a shot
                    Yeah, that's the trick I tried. (Image > Resize > Image Resize & then making document size width 110% & repeating that step several times...)

                    But methinks it probably works a heck of a lot better on digital pix that are more sharply in focus what that darn raw cap was....
                    Amanda won't be at the con I'm at this weekend, but Torri, Cliff Simon and Rainbow will - I haven't met Torri before, I hear she's as much of a treasure as AT is to meet *excited*
                    So you met Cliff before? Was he at the Con in the spring? Wonder if Rainbow will remember Dr. Kiwi?
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Jynjyr
                      Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *flails around, thwacking everything with a shoe and spraying Raid* Tis the season for them to be moving into the house. I walk around staring at the ceilings in every room. Poor cats, I kick them once in a while.
                      I've never noticed the "crunchy" sound, the screaming drowns it out.
                      LOL! I can sooooo empathize. *whispers and looks to see if Bev is around* And... another place I've learned to look around (BEFORE I take my glasses off) is the shower! Nothing like stepping in, getting wet, then looking up to see a blurry black/brown/creamy white spot moving above you!
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        LOL! I can sooooo empathize. *whispers and looks to see if Bev is around* And... another place I've learned to look around (BEFORE I take my glasses off) is the shower! Nothing like stepping in, getting wet, then looking up to see a blurry black/brown/creamy white spot moving above you!
                        I warned you all!!!!
                        Last edited by dipsofjazz; 16 May 2008, 10:52 AM.


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          For me, there's too much to look at and too many repeats and sometimes the more original work gets lost. The thread fills up so quickly that I often just skip pages. I know I've missed some 'good' pix, but I just don't have the energy or the time... As for repeating your work - why not? I see some gals posting the same pix all the time...
                          I like it. I think I might have missed that one... You know,those eyebrows on Jack in that pic always looked a bit "Vulcanish" to me.
                          *clears throat and hums the beginning of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'*
                          "Some day near in the future, a website foooor meeeeee....
                          One day when I stop procrastinatin', my originals all will seeeeeeeee....."

                          Thanks M. It probably was one of the first bigger things I worked on back around Memorial Day. I’d only worked on sigpic sized things before then and I think that week off was when I started to play around with bigger-sized things…. (*looks around to see if Siler is about*)
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            I warned you all!!!!

                            EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!! It's RAID! And Bev's got her environmental hazard suit on! AAAAAAAHHHHHHK!
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Ooo, I just saw this! So I assume that means you WILL be helping out?
                              I will try to help as best I can. My plan this evening (*coughs* an HOUR ago...) was to go make a few attempts at some small things (like the hats & sticky up hair) to see how they turn out. To figure out if my current skill level is equal to the task of making what my mind's eye has in mind...

                              I'll give myself 5 more minutes here, then I'm going to go see what I can whip up. Will post the results here as pitiful as they may end up being....
                              Ah yes, those hats... One snip too many and the hats are falling down over the faces! My hats always seemed to have a lot of scotch tape on them...
                              I remember too, towards the end of my paperdoll phase, they had some dolls/clothes that allegedly didn't need tabs. Just press it on and it supposedly stuck. 'Course layer on too many clothes and they'd all fall off! Hmmm... wouldn't want that to happen to Jack would we??!
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Hey, let's start with just one pose! I think I'll probably have to find a nice, well-built generic body - correctly proportioned to RDA's, of course...(oy - MORE research! ) and then manip on his handsome head...
                                Hey, y'know when those creative ideas get flowing you get excited.
                                (And if there's Jack involved....)
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

