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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    I've been so busy looking through all my folders that I didn't notice that Critter, Rune and Ivy posted here... My apologies!

    Oh and Welcome to Mala's World, Ivy!

    I haven't found that one pic that I want yet, but I have a bunch of full-length or near full-length pix to work with. Some aren't suitable at all, but of course, they're fun to look at. So I'll be posting a bunch tonight 'just because'...

    I was online last night, but I didn't get the chance to post. See I got off too quickly.... Niiiiiice pics as usual Mala. Too good.... It's been so long that I've forgotten how to pace myself. It wont happen again.


      Originally posted by Critter
      The only problem with this SS is that if you are blind as a bat (like me without my contacts in and they aren't when I get in the shower in the morning ) you can't see the little buggers until they are on you!!! EEEEKKK!!!! I'm with Bev here....have RAID will travel!!!
      Yep, that's been me. I lost a shower curtain that way once. I probably scared the neighbors with the blood-curdling shriek at 5:00 am. I quit taking showers in the basement bathroom after that.

      How did this subject get started?
      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        Originally posted by Mala50
        I've been so busy looking through all my folders that I didn't notice that Critter, Rune and Ivy posted here... My apologies!
        Oh and Welcome to Mala's World, Ivy!
        I haven't found that one pic that I want yet, but I have a bunch of full-length or near full-length pix to work with. Some aren't suitable at all, but of course, they're fun to look at. So I'll be posting a bunch tonight 'just because'...
        Thanks Mala I usually just lurk in here every so often, but I think i'm gonna stop in more often. Looks like I gotta get caught up on things in here.


        My LJ


          Originally posted by Queen Eleta
          I'm soooo easy!
          We already know.


            Originally posted by Jynjyr
            Yep, that's been me. I lost a shower curtain that way once. I probably scared the neighbors with the blood-curdling shriek at 5:00 am. I quit taking showers in the basement bathroom after that.

            How did this subject get started?
            It's all Bev's fault! *points finger*
            Isn't it always?


              Originally posted by Critter
              The only problem with this SS is that if you are blind as a bat (like me without my contacts in and they aren't when I get in the shower in the morning ) you can't see the little buggers until they are on you!!! EEEEKKK!!!! I'm with Bev here....have RAID will travel!!!
              I hear that. I make sure I always keep a can RAID handy. Not a fan of those lil' buggers


              My LJ


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                FINALLY caught up on all the TV I had recorded. Including the last 2 eps of Atlantis - I enjoy having that show as my "just enjoy and don't overanalyse" show.

                um, EWWWWW to the wolf spiders Luckily we are fairly devoid of nasty spiders here - which mean of course that I will find I've managed to import the brown recluses out of my US apartment....

                There's a nasty bug going around here too - no fair since we're coming out of winter! Glad to hear the wedding reception went (mostly) well Siler Hope you're feeling better - do you have your Jack clone to soothe your fevered brow?
                Thank you Kiwi. The reception went very well. My hub's side of the family is just wonderful. I'm feeling much better, but I wasn't exactly on death's doorstep you know. Just got sick in between loads of work and then my hard drive crashed....again. I just about died, but what can you do? I bought a new one and here I am again. *shrugs* That's 2 in one year! Now I see why my JC runs and hides from time to time...


                  Originally Posted by Mala50
                  That's why I decided to do the website. The REAL SG1 gave me tingly feelings. We must not forget them.

                  The only tingly feelings SG1:TNG gives me is when I've dozed off watching the show and I find that my arm is asleep...

                  We created our websites at about the same time. I just couldn't stand by and watch our favorite team wither away.


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    ((QE)) & ((Rune)) Oh, I know - there is such a void...

                    I miss Jack, but I hope RDA gets some new work while he's in CA. Afterall, Don S. Davis is in 4 different shows now that he's moved to LA.

                    At least we can look forward to seeing his Simpson's episode. I know there's a rumor of a SG1 movie, but I'll believe it when I see it.

                    Also I want to buy one of those Jack action figures when they come out. I'll put it right here on top of my desk.

                    Another scrubbed 'portrait'

                    *snorts* On your desk. I'll remember not to touch that thing......ever!


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      (((Mala))) yeah you're right, I think everyone is fed up to the back teeth with me whining and languishing and whimpering I miss him ... *whispers* but I do It would certainly be nice to see something of RDA in the future too so fingers crossed.

                      I am soooooo having at least 2 of those, one for my computer desk, one for my car, one for my bedside table .. um ... I am soooooo having at least 3 of those

                      Seriously I hope they manage to pull off a good likeness, I've seen some fantastic-looking action figures in the past along with ones that just look like they had an accident in the mould so here's hoping they manage to make us happy. Hmmm wouldn't it be nice if there was a choice of outfits too? No, QE I'm not suggesting a Jack doll you can completely undress, I mean sometimes you can get the variations of same character, so maybe desert camo Jack? Dress blues Jack? The world's your oyster ...ahh, well, can dream I guess
                      ohh ... that one is just ... just **thunks again** (((Mala))) you're spoiling us today
                      Don't think you can fool us. We can see right through you sister! You'll treat him like my niece does with her Barbie dolls. They're always naked!


                        Originally posted by sgt.siler
                        It's all Bev's fault! *points finger*
                        Isn't it always?
                        Wha.......?????? Huh???? Me?????


                          Originally posted by blueiris
                          You know, different cut-outs for different ........activities...

                          You can give me spiders any day. If they are in the house, I take them outside. I have been know to name the big ones outside. One year a big banana-spider made a web at the end of out porch. We talked to it everyday. After awhile, we noticed not so much food hanging around. I've watched Charlotte's Web. I know what that means.
                          So my husband (my hero), who catches flies in his hand, started catching them and tossing them to the spider, who did catch them. I do think that spider started looking for him to come around.

                          But today, I'm battling ants. All this rain just drives them up into the house.

                          Have to go give the cat her medicine. Must find her first then see if I can get 4 different medicines down her without getting scratched.
                          *shivers* If they get in my house then I smash them. I leave the corpse as a warning to the others not to come any further. I'm not sure what a banana spider is, but it sounds a lot like web weavers around here. They're really pretty for such a disgusting creature. I just don't like walking through their webs in the dark of 5am out in the yard. That pic of the spider, btw, was just a baby. They're much bigger than that around here. And they don't diminish in number in the winter....they just grow more fur!


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Wha.......?????? Huh???? Me?????
                            Don't pull that innocent act in here sister! There are no angels around here......well except for that time I wore my halo and wings for Jack..... *ahem* That's a story for another time and place I'm afraid.


                              Originally posted by ivy714
                              I hear that. I make sure I always keep a can RAID handy. Not a fan of those lil' buggers
                     least she didn't say 'lil' critters'!!!!!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Hey all!

                                I've got image display turned off, so I'm just going to *ahem* imagine Jack

                                I'm FINALLY getting a new computer! Woo hoo!
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

