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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by sugarshaker
    Mala, lots of GW people are going to Shore Leave. There will be plenty of shippers (and just yesterday they were giggling over the Potohead Collection ) and some Mala fans too. Why don't you come? It would be like having another celebrity on board.
    Yes, I've heard that a lot of GW people will be there. LOL, Mala fans? ( scary thought...) As I said to Poz, IF I were to go to any event, I would have flown to San Diego this weekend to stalk support RDA and the the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

    Btw, speaking of The Potatohead Collection, I received an anonymous nomination for my um, 'work' for the 2006 Stargate Fan Awards. So to whomever it was who nominated me and my silly Mr. Potatohead graphics, a BIG THANK YOU! I am grateful and honored.

    The thing is, I'm just not sure if I'm comfortable with the idea of placing my stuff into competition - I do what I do for own enjoyment and for my friends... My other concern is whether they really qualify as webart that's made from Stargate photos - I mean, really! Think about it - those graphics are actually quite odd!


      Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
      I love the fact even more that near the end Spacey somehow changed the page...notice both pages have Rick on the top right corner of the magazine teehee!

      It was a different skit no doubt but I was so excited he was on there...I tuned into the Spaceys just for the sake of watching it and came across that lovely surprise. I had to tape it!!!!! I still think the scuba diving from last year was cuter

      Honestly anything with him is great!! You think he'd agree to read the phone book and tape it?? haha

      Hi JJ - Yes, I noticed that the page was turned by the end, too! And I agree - I'd enjoy anything with him in it - the phone book, the alphabet, a shopping list - no matter what, I'm sure he'd put his own twist on whatever it is.

      Notice the new pics of RDA/Jack on the page...
      Last edited by Mala50; 02 June 2006, 11:09 AM.


        Originally posted by ivy714
        I would of love to seen his eyes too. The first time I watched it I kept waiting for him to take those sunglasses off....but he didn't.

        Thanks for the caps.
        You're welcome! I wondered why he was wearing sunglasses throughout the whole thing, too.

        Ah well, we always have plenty of other pics to enjoy his eyes...



          Here's a pic for those MWers who don't visit the RDA Thunk thread or who might have missed it when I posted it last week... Or for those of you (like me) who just like staring at a topless RDA from his old hockey days...



            Hello Ms. Mala.....fancy meeting you here!!!! Littlest critter is currently crawling up my back again (at least he's not covered in chocolate this time...I have on a black top today, just in case!!!!) so I'm not sure how long this will last.

            Phew! It's been too long since I've had my RDA of RDA Mala's Way!!!!

            Thanks for posting that link to your potato head collection. I hadn't seen them all so it was a nice treat to see everything!

            As for RDA and the Spacey link....BEV IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, IT'S JUST NOT FAIR THAT YOU GET STICKY-UP HAIR ALL THE TIME! Sorry to you other hussies for my yelling!
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by Mala50
     see his eyes!!!!!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Hmmm, are you bringing a compass with you this year?

                I'll be here today - off and on... Critter may come and play, too, so she says...

                Hey, when you come back, try to sneak up on us - it'll give us less time to find good hiding places!
                I had to laugh at the thought of bev trying to sneak up on us....HIRPLING!!!!!!!!
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by ivy714

                  I have to go with Kliggs and Poz on this one, he does not have an accent.
                  Count me in on the no accent as well....sometimes you can hear his northern accent in a few words but it just makes him that much more lovable!!!!
                  Desperate Thunker





                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      WHAT A MUG!!!!! Great picture!!! Smile, it will make everyone wonder what you're thinking of! What is he thinking of.....I wonder!! No wondering about me though....I'm thunking!!!!!
                      Desperate Thunker


                        As I sit here at the computer taking a bit of "me" time, littlest critter has opened a can of vegetables (the kind with the pop-top) and dumped a bag of goldfish crackers all over the floor. No, the little bug doesn't waste time AAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!

                        Where does one find the line that crosses out a word???? I've checked the icons on the top here and can't find it.
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Hey! What would a visit from Critter be without posting a backwards hat pic?!?



                            Originally posted by Critter
                            As I sit here at the computer taking a bit of "me" time, littlest critter has opened a can of vegetables (the kind with the pop-top) and dumped a bag of goldfish crackers all over the floor. No, the little bug doesn't waste time AAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!

                            Where does one find the line that crosses out a word???? I've checked the icons on the top here and can't find it.
                            Oh my...that littlest Critter must be pretty strong to open up a pop-top by himself!

                            The line that crosses out a word isn't in the controls. You just have to type [ strike ] [ /strike ] - without the extra spaces - before and after the word(s) you want to put a line through.


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Hey! What would a visit from Critter be without posting a backwards hat pic?!?

                              **rubs hands together gleefully**

                              I don't even have to beg anymore...the mere sight of my name does it for me!!!!! Who says brainwashing doesn't work????

                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Oh my...that littlest Critter must be pretty strong to open up a pop-top by himself!

                                The line that crosses out a word isn't in the controls. You just have to type [ strike ] [ /strike ] - without the extra spaces - before and after the word(s) you want to put a line through.
                                Thanks for the "strike" info...I thought I had seen an icon at one point.

                                As for the littlest critter---He is a BEAST! So strong and so stubborn and so darn cute. A very lethal combination to be sure! Plus, let's be honest here, he knows where I am and that the house is now his!!!!!
                                Desperate Thunker

