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    I haven't seen any of the Jack O'Neill action figures in person yet (no luck on Free Comic Day), but here's a couple of the Jack in desert camo. Not too bad - I think he's looking more like RDA since the early prototypes...



      Originally posted by Mala50
      I haven't seen any of the Jack O'Neill action figures in person yet (no luck on Free Comic Day), but here's a couple of the Jack in desert camo. Not too bad - I think he's looking more like RDA since the early prototypes...

      I know someone that got two of to have and one to play with!!! That's what she said...and no, sadly, it's not me!!!!
      Desperate Thunker


        Originally posted by Critter
        **rubs hands together gleefully**

        I don't even have to beg anymore...the mere sight of my name does it for me!!!!! Who says brainwashing doesn't work????

        But....but... your creative begging is so much fun to listen to!

        Hey... who are you saying's been brainwashed?!?!!



          Originally posted by Mala50
          But....but... your creative begging is so much fun to listen to!

          Hey... who are you saying's been brainwashed?!?!!

          Major General Thunk!!! I gotta run have no idea what the little monster has done to this room!!!! And you don't want to know!

          Surely do miss being here. Thanks for hanging around today. Now I'm all full of smiles!!!
          Desperate Thunker


            Scruff and arm porn....yessssssssss............


              Aside from the 200th episode, I wonder if we'll see these two together again in S10...



                Originally posted by Mala50
                Btw, speaking of The Potatohead Collection, I received an anonymous nomination for my um, 'work' for the 2006 Stargate Fan Awards. So to whomever it was who nominated me and my silly Mr. Potatohead graphics, a BIG THANK YOU! I am grateful and honored.

                The thing is, I'm just not sure if I'm comfortable with the idea of placing my stuff into competition - I do what I do for own enjoyment and for my friends... My other concern is whether they really qualify as webart that's made from Stargate photos - I mean, really! Think about it - those graphics are actually quite odd!
                Congratulations on your nomination Mala , they are absolutely briliant

                I do hope you accept the nomination because they are defenitly Art and they brought much enjoyment to us in very dificult times and still do . And if you think they are odd , have you taken a look at any modern art museum recently ?
                ( and no it wasn't me who nominated you although I wish I had , you spoil us with your creations... sighs while drooling over the most recent arm porn )


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Oh my...that littlest Critter must be pretty strong to open up a pop-top by himself!

                  The line that crosses out a word isn't in the controls. You just have to type [ strike ] [ /strike ] - without the extra spaces - before and after the word(s) you want to put a line through.
                  I thank you as well. I was also wondering.

                  I agree with Critter....I also saw an icon once. Hmm


                    Originally posted by Critter
                    Thanks for the "strike" info...I thought I had seen an icon at one point.

                    As for the littlest critter---He is a BEAST! So strong and so stubborn and so darn cute. A very lethal combination to be sure! Plus, let's be honest here, he knows where I am and that the house is now his!!!!!
                    He sounds just like my 4 year old nephew. A tornado with 2 legs.


                      Originally posted by Critter

                      < big honkin' snip of chit-chat >

                      As for RDA and the Spacey link....BEV IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, IT'S JUST NOT FAIR THAT YOU GET STICKY-UP HAIR ALL THE TIME! Sorry to you other hussies for my yelling!
                      Wha....? Who's shouting? Good grief! I just get back from my gig and I get shouted at. Ah....I see it's that big old grumpy begging Critter.
                      I'll let you share my sticky-up hair Jack....if it'll keep you quiet


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        Scruff and arm porn....yessssssssss............

                        Two of my favorite things. *sigh*


                          Time to cut and run. Thanks for the thunks Mala.


                            Originally posted by Critter
                            I had to laugh at the thought of bev trying to sneak up on us....HIRPLING!!!!!!!!
                            Wha....? (again)

                            You know, I'm armed and dangerous. I have a banjo and I'm not afraid to use it!

                            hehehe! I've used your smiley.


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Wha...? (again x 2) How can you be nice to her after all the shouting and laughing she's done? She's been a naughty Critter.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                Wha....? (again)

                                You know, I'm armed and dangerous. I have a banjo and I'm not afraid to use it!

                       hehehe! I've used your smiley.
                                Yes for heaven's sake, don't make her play it!

                                *runs from Bev*

