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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50

    I'm dropping off some new smilies (requests that I've noted from MW and the thunk thread) and then I've got to go....

    Jack w/sticky-up hair for Bev to *ruffle ruffle*

    Jack w/backwards cap for Critter

    Jack raising one eyebrow (can't remember who suggested it)

    Jack w/firing P-90s (I changed my sig again!)

    Have a good one!
    Ohhhh I love them all, the eyebrow is so suggestive and *squee* the sticky up hair one is just the cutest Jack smiley ever *voice scales up to pitch only dogs can hear* You rock ((((Mala))))!!!


      Hi chums. I just thought that I'd hirple in and drag us back to the top of the page before we disappear over the precipice and fall onto page two.

      Seems I'm the only gal about at the moment, even though it's 12.45 am for me.
      Of course, I suppose everyone's out and about painting the town red, whereas I can't even get to the end of my street! (I'm sure you're all in tears by now).
      Oh well, I'll catch you all later when you come back from having fun. Don't worry about me....I'll be okay.


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        Hi chums. I just thought that I'd hirple in and drag us back to the top of the page before we disappear over the precipice and fall onto page two.

        Seems I'm the only gal about at the moment, even though it's 12.45 am for me.
        Of course, I suppose everyone's out and about painting the town red, whereas I can't even get to the end of my street! (I'm sure you're all in tears by now).
        Oh well, I'll catch you all later when you come back from having fun. Don't worry about me....I'll be okay.
        I went to see Morris Day and the Time last night. Remember them? Great fun.

        Don't worry, Bev, you'll be cutting a rug soon!

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          LOL! That's usually me!
          It's nice to hear that i'm not the only one that does that...LOL..


          My LJ


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
            That's because we're both memebers of the 'Sticky-up Hair Club'.
            *smacks forehead* That's right, now how could I forget something like that!?

            .....we're also a part of that other club, the club.


            My LJ


              Originally posted by sacme
              I went to see Morris Day and the Time last night. Remember them? Great fun.

              Don't worry, Bev, you'll be cutting a rug soon!

              ship sistah
              I love the dancing smiley!
              I have a vague recollection of Morris Day and the Time, so I looked him up to remind me. Now I realise why I don't remember too much, as I was a student in college at the time.'t jump to the wrong conclusion there chums! What I mean is that I was far too busy learning and playing music, to pay much attention to what was happening in the outside world. I seem to have a great big gap in the late 70's/early 80's music scene. Of course, listening to some of the music from that era, it's maybe just as well I missed it all!
              Last edited by dipsofjazz; 29 January 2006, 06:02 PM.


                Originally posted by ivy714
                *smacks forehead* That's right, now how could I forget something like that!?

                .....we're also a part of that other club, the club.
                D'oh! *smacks forehead too* How could I forget the 'Official Boonie Lovers Club'?


                  Hi MWers! It's good to know that you're all enjoying the smilies. Again credit for the originals go to Wallpaperman of The Scifi World

                  I have reworked a lot of the facial expressions and details for those of us who truly appreciate the particular details that make the man, THE MAN...

                  The sticky up hair Jack is my favorite at the moment - basically because he's cute and it took more effort (artistry?) to make his hair look like his real sticky up hair. Using those teeny tiny brushes is really difficult!
                  I lie... But drawing these details point by point does take time. For me, it's a fun break from making caps. The last time I focused more on graphic work than photos for this fandom was when I made Shipper Town for the Ship Thread (

                  Anyway, I have a couple more to add to the collection:

                  This one started out as a Jack smiley, but it turned into a shippy commentary on how Sam and Jack use the same expressions now (see Ripple Effect).

                  I think I'll make a private web page for MWers so they're all in one place. I'll share the address when it's done.
                  Last edited by Mala50; 30 January 2006, 02:40 AM.


                    For RDA fans, there's some nice additions to Kate's site: There's a note from Rick about his latest activities and a great collection of photos that she took at Lake Louise. One interesting point - she says that "The Bridge Studio and Studio Fan Mail are no longer handling his mail, and so he is currently without a means of receiving fan mail." I have to say that I was surprised to read this since the first 8 seasons are still in syndication!

                    For Ship fans, has the wedding photo on sale - ($10 unsigned/$95 signed)...





                        What I'm excited about after reading the updates, is that he's going to be in a MasterCard commercial!! I know that I will be keeping my eyes peeled for that one.


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          Hi MWers! It's good to know that you're all enjoying the smilies. Again credit for the originals go to Wallpaperman of The Scifi World

                          I have reworked a lot of the facial expressions and details for those of us who truly appreciate the particular details that make the man, THE MAN...

                          The sticky up hair Jack is my favorite at the moment - basically because he's cute and it took more effort (artistry?) to make his hair look like his real sticky up hair. Using those teeny tiny brushes is really difficult!
                          I lie... But drawing these details point by point does take time. For me, it's a fun break from making caps. The last time I focused more on graphic work than photos for this fandom was when I made Shipper Town for the Ship Thread (

                          Anyway, I have a couple more to add to the collection:

                          This one started out as a Jack smiley, but it turned into a shippy commentary on how Sam and Jack use the same expressions now (see Ripple Effect).

                          I think I'll make a private web page for MWers so they're all in one place. I'll share the address when it's done.
                          The smilies are great Mala. I adore the sticky-up hair smiley, and just want to cuddle him and ruffle his hair.


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            For RDA fans, there's some nice additions to Kate's site: There's a note from Rick about his latest activities and a great collection of photos that she took at Lake Louise. One interesting point - she says that "The Bridge Studio and Studio Fan Mail are no longer handling his mail, and so he is currently without a means of receiving fan mail." I have to say that I was surprised to read this since the first 8 seasons are still in syndication!

                            For Ship fans, has the wedding photo on sale - ($10 unsigned/$95 signed)...

                            Something is definitely amiss if Bridge aren't dealing with his mail!
                            I doubt I'll see the Mastercard advert *sob* but hopefully someone will upload it for us to see.
                            $95 seems rather a lot for the signed wedding photo. I didn't pay that much when I bought it at Gabit from Legends.


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              BlackOps!Jack gave you private lessons?!? Well, he didn't tell me about any of that. I'm going to have to call him in and interrogate him - tonight... (I'm not watching SG1:TNG, so what better way to spend my time?!? )

                              Oh, Jack......... you've got some 'splainin' to do....

                              ROTFLMAO! That is too funny SG1:TNG!

                              Hope you had fun w/the interrogation, the pic was a nice n. hot!


                                *grins* Love the 2 new additions Mala, have to confess sticky-up hair Jack is my fave too, he's just too darn cute.

                                Like Bev, I doubt we'll see the Mastercard ad 'live' on TV here in the UK but hopefully someone will make it possible online.

                                Saying that I did poke about briefly on Mastercard's site and they have a selection of old ads you can view plus a 'premiere coming soon - check back soon' spot which might be worth keeping an eye on

