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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    *Happy sigh* Thanks!

    BTW you were all talking about BSG and I have to say how much I've enjoyed this series. We got the first part of the finale the other night, and it was fabulous. The opening scene before the credits is wonderful as it cuts quickly between various people things, and has superb music underneath it to enhance the whole thing! I'm really looking forward to the second part of the finale next week.
    Re BSG: I'm looking forward to watching this series. I love the credits - especially the music. It reminds of Japanese taiko drummers. That's one of the first things I noticed about the show. You're right - the rapid percussion really works well with the action on screen and helps draw the audience in.


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      Thanks again! I just love these dual-piccy-thingies! (Nice name! )
      I feel ambivalent about this one. It's all about cake! from the end of GRACE. I love the smiles that they're giving each other - I think they genuinely make each other happy. However, after this episode, she 'moves on'.....

      So in this scene we know what she's decided in her head while Jack is clueless - and that makes me a bit sad.

      7.13 Grace


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Oh my....*fans self* I do love *Intense Jack*
        I can always imagine our Jack is SO upset because he was interrupted in his wooing of me LOL
        ! If HE looks like that when he's interrupted, then what do you think the LUSTY WENCHES look like?? Not a pretty sight!


          Originally posted by Mala50
          Speaking of smoking, I was reading on the Stargate Secrets Revealed Thread that some fans were disappointed to discover that both Chris Judge and Michael Shanks smoke. I was wondering if people here feel that if you find out that someone is a smoker, does that taint your perception of them? Do you see it as a weakness?

          I don't smoke. Almost no one in my family or circle of friends smokes. I know plenty of people who have quit, though. NYC has some of the toughest anti-smoking laws and the cigarette prices are high, but those who love to smoke will smoke no matter what. It's sad to see these people standing outside in the freezing cold during their breaks just so they can have a cigarette.
          I’ve never smoked. My Mom did from age 16 until 56 (7 years ago when she had cardiac arrest brought on by Imitrex {for migraines}); she only stopped twice for a year each time when she had my brother & I. For the 10 years prior to her quitting she constantly developed upper respiratory infections & had pneumonia too many times to count (nearly died once from bacterial pneumonia). After getting back home after the cardiac arrest she puffed on her butts for a week, then quit cold turkey and hasn’t smoked since. She continues to give family hell about not being able to smoke {she accuses us of making her do it } and to sniff smokers out when they’re nearby, but… she’s still here with us, no lung cancer (yet), and she very rarely gets the upper respiratory infections or pneumonia any more. But things aren’t totally rosey. Her breathing these days sucks. I’ve been after her to ask the doctor to see if she has asthma or the beginnings of emphysema…

          And yeah, Mala… it could have been 20 below zero with 50 mph winds & she’d still be outside puffing away. She didn’t care how much it cost her to smoke or what the weather was like. In fact… had she not told us how bad she was feeling the night of her cardiac arrest & we were there with her, I’ve always said we’d have found her out on the front porch that next morning dead with a cigarette stuck in between her fingers.

          In answer to your questions... My own opinion is no - it’s not necessarily a sign of weakness. I think it's more of an addiction and nicotine makes it way too easy for many to get hooked. (Talk to my brother… he’s smoked since age 17 & swears he can stop cold turkey & at soon to be 35 he hasn’t yet been able to.) (And he too has migraines like Mom & keeps having lingering upper respiratory things year round... )

          As far as tainting my perception of others if I find out they smoke - No, it doesn’t. (Like I didn’t know Tame did. But it doesn’t and won’t change my opinion of her. (A sweet, lovable, wonderful and gracious person that I’m glad to call a friend…) (((Tame)))

          But I will be honest & admit that, for me in RL, I do try to avoid places where there is cigarette smoke. Because in my case being around smoke makes me sneeze, eyes water, my nose gets all congested & it takes a day or so for it get back to normal & I usually end up feeling like I’ve just smoked a pack…
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Originally posted by Mala50
            You know, there are only a handful of shows where RDA/Jack is scruffy:
            4.10 Beneath the Surface
            4.16 2010
            5.04 The Fifth Man
            6.15 Paradise Lost

            I can't remember if that was scruff or dirt in 3.12 Jolinar's Memories and 3.13 The Devil You Know. Although I don't think they'd have a chance in hell of shaving...

            It seems like RDA liked to get scruffy during the hiatus of MacG when he used to do shows like Leno. I wonder if/when he retires if he'll get a new 'look'. His hair was certainly longer at Banff.

            Here's an old interview pic (not sure which show it's from - maybe Rural or Susan would know)... I think I may have posted this one before for you, Siler...

            TDYK was a mix of sweat & dirt. (As I can attest to from capping the cell scene & scrubbing up a sweaty dirty Jack... ) A touch of stubble. But *giggles* it is always amazing how cleanshaven the guys are even when they've been locked in a prison cell or are stranded light years away from a bathroom or shaving gear for a few days. (Guess those Jaffa guards are real caring types of guys..... "here... come on down & use our shaving gear... we won't mind..." )

            I know I wouldn't mind taking a gander at what RDA would look like scruffy at this point in his life. Hmmmm... do we have this class in the Academy already? "The Bare Essentials: Scruffiness 101"
            Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 20 January 2005, 04:15 PM.
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Mala50
              I've finally found some new web space to put up my new mini-albums... The site is full of pop ups and ads, but it's free...


              FULL ALERT (2 pgs! This album is just the first scene of Jack looking HOT in black; yeah I went a little nutz )

              CITIZEN JOE (these quick caps are mainly for shippers to see the convo between Jack and Sam - pg 1 and the scene at SGC - pg 2; and of course there's Jack looking VERY VERY nice in his dress blues - pg 3)
              Mala.... I tried clicking there this evening after 7pm-ish... & it gave this message "Error: Daily Bandwidth Allocation Exceeded." Guess they have a really low limit on bandwith there? (Or... you had a heck of a lot of visitors from here! )
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                Mala.... I tried clicking there this evening after 7pm-ish... & it gave this message "Error: Daily Bandwidth Allocation Exceeded." Guess they have a really low limit on bandwith there? (Or... you had a heck of a lot of visitors from here! )
                That's what I was thinking too We all rush to see her ingenius caps or the eppy cap.



                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  Mala.... I tried clicking there this evening after 7pm-ish... & it gave this message "Error: Daily Bandwidth Allocation Exceeded." Guess they have a really low limit on bandwith there? (Or... you had a heck of a lot of visitors from here! )
                  Man, I guess I underestimated how many people would want to see these caps! I thought that their bandwidth was decent. I always forget how many people look at this thread until I happen to look at the number of 'views'...

                  Anyway, I added a second site:


                  WARNING! NEW SPOILER SCREENCAPS from

                  FULL ALERT (2 pgs! This album is just the first scene of Jack looking HOT in black; yeah I went a little nutz )

                  CITIZEN JOE (these quick caps are mainly for shippers to see the convo between Jack and Sam - pg 1 and the scene at SGC - pg 2; and of course there's Jack looking VERY VERY nice in his dress blues - pg 3)


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Speaking of smoking, I was reading on the Stargate Secrets Revealed Thread that some fans were disappointed to discover that both Chris Judge and Michael Shanks smoke. I was wondering if people here feel that if you find out that someone is a smoker, does that taint your perception of them? Do you see it as a weakness?

                    I don't smoke. Almost no one in my family or circle of friends smokes. I know plenty of people who have quit, though. NYC has some of the toughest anti-smoking laws and the cigarette prices are high, but those who love to smoke will smoke no matter what. It's sad to see these people standing outside in the freezing cold during their breaks just so they can have a cigarette.
                    I found out for myself that both actors smoked at last year's GC. It didn't raise or lower my opinion of them as people. Smoking is a poison to a person's system, so is eating junk food or drinking too much alcohol. They all have the capacity to kill you, some quicker than others. My only ***** concerning the actors was the fact that I and many others were kept waiting while CJ and MS stood out in the garden and smoked, drank, and talked. People are expected to come to work sober and not so bloated that they can't function, cigarettes should not get in the way of a job either. I worked with alot of smoker before I became a stay at home parent. None of them ever failed to do their jobs because they needed a smoke break.

                    As for standing outside to smoke. Well living where I do I notice peole doing that alot in cities. I figured if you want it that badly that's your choice. I don't feel bad in the least. It's my choice to breath clean air. Or what passes for clean in this day and age. At least outside the smoke can dissipate. As a nonsmoker I don't have a choice if someone is smoking in the restaurant or public building. The smoker has the choice to smoke or not.

                    I have friends, as I mentioned, who smoke. When they visit my house winter or summer I ask them to go outside to smoke. One friend just bought a house, he lives in Toronto and he is choosing to go outside and smoke. I love my friends dearly and I'm happy to count Tame among them, but I would ask her to go outside and smoke too.



                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      I feel ambivalent about this one. It's all about cake! from the end of GRACE. I love the smiles that they're giving each other - I think they genuinely make each other happy. However, after this episode, she 'moves on'.....

                      So in this scene we know what she's decided in her head while Jack is clueless - and that makes me a bit sad.

                      7.13 Grace
                      Just offering a different perspective here. I loved Grace and unlike alot of people I didn't see it as the end of Ship, Chimera not withstanding. I don't think Sam knew anything at this point. I think she was happy to see the Jack that she imagined was really there. There was a tenderness about Jack in this scene, a real mirror of the mirage she had aboard Prometheus. I think all Sam knew for sure at this point was that he was in her corner.

                      Who knows, maybe she still hasn't woken up!


                        Good morning campers....and what a beautiful morning it is *not really but I am hoping that if I say it, it will be true*

                        My few cents on smoking....My story is very much like ShimmeringStar's. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. The closest I have ever come was one hundred years ago when I worked at JCPenney. On break one of my co-workers asked for a sip on my Pepsi and I let her. I took a drink after her and couldn't believe that I could taste her cigarette. I told her I was finished with it and gave the rest to her.

                        Like SS, my mother smoked her little lungs out all through my time at home. She quit several times for a bit but then she'd send a package and when I opened it I could smell that smoke smell so I knew she was at it again. She quit for good a few years ago. She now chews or sucks one of those little sacks with tobacco in it. Unfortunately my mother didn't quit in time to stop her from getting emphysema. She is not yet on oxygen but does use enhalers many times a day. The last time I was home we went to the mall and she only lasted 45 minutes before she couldn't take it anymore. She was exhausted and wanted to go home. It is very sad. I can't call to talk to her in the morning because she is so busy coughing that she can't get a word in edge wise. She is 79 years old.

                        *excuse me as I step a bit higher on my soapbox*

                        Like SS and Rural I generally don't hang out with smokers. I don't judge them because they smoke anymore than I am judged for having a big nose. You can't miss is part of who I am just as smoking is part of the smoker. I also feel ill when I spend much time in smoke probably because I grew up with the smoke and am more sensitive to it. So I do avoid it---the smoke---but not the person, unless they are a jerk.

                        Smokers today are much more sensitive to the non-smokers then they were in my mom's day. The research on second hand smoke has helped from that front. I do feel that non-smokers aren't as sensitive to the smokers though.

                        Which leads me to my next, and final, step on my soapbox. I feel very strongly that each of us has that one thing or things that help us calm down and/or cope with a stressful time. It may only be a minute of stress but it can also be a lifetime. I feel that I have an addictive personality and I am so grateful that I was able to stay away from smoking, alcohol and drugs. I know that if any of those things had been my drug of choice...I would have been doomed. I understand that you can't just stop because an addiction goes beyond the physical part to the emotional part. My drug of choice is food...I love to eat and I eat at any time for any reason. I am a Lifetime Member of WeightWatchers and I struggle with my weight every single day of my life. So I know that it's not as easy as some think to "just stop" smoking/eating/drinking.

                        I hope you enjoyed my little "me" story....Tame, smoker or not, I do know that you are one person I am proud to call friend and I wouldn't hesitate for one second to meet you.....just not at a bar!!!!
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by Ruralstar
                          I found out for myself that both actors smoked at last year's GC. It didn't raise or lower my opinion of them as people. Smoking is a poison to a person's system, so is eating junk food or drinking too much alcohol. They all have the capacity to kill you, some quicker than others. My only ***** concerning the actors was the fact that I and many others were kept waiting while CJ and MS stood out in the garden and smoked, drank, and talked. People are expected to come to work sober and not so bloated that they can't function, cigarettes should not get in the way of a job either. I worked with alot of smoker before I became a stay at home parent. None of them ever failed to do their jobs because they needed a smoke break.

                          As for standing outside to smoke. Well living where I do I notice peole doing that alot in cities. I figured if you want it that badly that's your choice. I don't feel bad in the least. It's my choice to breath clean air. Or what passes for clean in this day and age. At least outside the smoke can dissipate. As a nonsmoker I don't have a choice if someone is smoking in the restaurant or public building. The smoker has the choice to smoke or not.

                          I have friends, as I mentioned, who smoke. When they visit my house winter or summer I ask them to go outside to smoke. One friend just bought a house, he lives in Toronto and he is choosing to go outside and smoke. I love my friends dearly and I'm happy to count Tame among them, but I would ask her to go outside and smoke too.

                          Nice "rant"...

                          Personally, I don't really care if CJ and MS smoke - I was just musing on some fans' reaction to the fact in the new Lowdown Thread. Although I have to confess that learning that AT smokes, too, bothered me a bit... But yes, if smoking or any other 'choice' or 'addiction' keeps people from doing their jobs ( does this include lurking on GW?!?), then I think it's a problem.

                          Overall, I agree with what you've said, especially about my right to breathe clean air. I don't feel BAD about smokers who have to stand outside to smoke. But I can't help it - I do feel 'sad' when I see them spending their breaks shivering outside in the cold, freezing their butts off (pun intended) even if it's their own choice.


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            <<snipped a bit>>
                            I've no problem with people smoking, as long as it doesn't make me a passive smoker. But I can't stand the smell. A girl of 12 or 13 sat next to me on the bus this morning, and the smell of stale smoke was disgusting. I know a lot of smokers and none of smell like that.
                            SueKay your comment about the little girl smelling like smoke reminds me of something my childhood friend said to me a few years ago. She used to stop by my house on the way to school in the mornings so we could walk and gossip together. She told me that she could always smell the cigarette smoke on me. That's because my mother smoked so much and in the house that everything in the house smelled....she did laundry puffing away so naturally all of our clothes smelled like it. My guess is that young lady spends a lot of time in the company of someone who smokes.

                            One more comment and then I'm off to eat!!!! When I was a junior in high school (yes, I can still remember ) I made my prom dress. I used to love to sew but I hated to do the hand work. This beautiful dress had a HUGE ruffle on the bottom (I know, eeeeeewwwwww) and it needed to be hemmed. My mother, a wonderful seamstress, offered to do the hem for me. I was so grateful. Little did I know that she would hem and puff at the same time. The morning of prom I took my dress out of the closet and guess what? Yep, it stunk to high heaven. My mother said not to worry and she hung it outside on the clothesline (WOW! That was a long time ago). It aired out somewhat but as I still remember it so clearly, it obviously wasn't enough.

                            OK. Mala I am sorry for hogging all the space this morning. I am off my soapbox and ready to beg.....BEG for more Jack stuff. Bring it on baby!!! ANYTHING!! I WILL TAKE ANYTHING!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by Critter
                              Good morning campers....and what a beautiful morning it is *not really but I am hoping that if I say it, it will be true*

                              Which leads me to my next, and final, step on my soapbox. I feel very strongly that each of us has that one thing or things that help us calm down and/or cope with a stressful time. It may only be a minute of stress but it can also be a lifetime. I feel that I have an addictive personality and I am so grateful that I was able to stay away from smoking, alcohol and drugs. I know that if any of those things had been my drug of choice...I would have been doomed. I understand that you can't just stop because an addiction goes beyond the physical part to the emotional part. My drug of choice is food...I love to eat and I eat at any time for any reason. I am a Lifetime Member of WeightWatchers and I struggle with my weight every single day of my life. So I know that it's not as easy as some think to "just stop" smoking/eating/drinking.

                              I hope you enjoyed my little "me" story....Tame, smoker or not, I do know that you are one person I am proud to call friend and I wouldn't hesitate for one second to meet you.....just not at a bar!!!!
                              Critter - Thank you for your 'little' "me" story. (I only 'snipped' it for space and the fact that it's on the same page). I find all these posts fascinating for some reason. My mother smoked too - from a teenager until she was pregnant with my youngest sister (she stopped during her pregnancies with the rest of us, too). She hasn't smoked in 40+ years, but I know that whenever she has respiratory problems, the question of her years of smoking is raised as a contributing factor. I know she regrets smoking now, but as she's said, no one knew any better then and she thought it was 'cool'...(she's 80 years old now - she doesn't smoke, but she's still VERY cool! )


                                Originally posted by Critter
                                SueKay your comment about the little girl smelling like smoke reminds me of something my childhood friend said to me a few years ago. She used to stop by my house on the way to school in the mornings so we could walk and gossip together. She told me that she could always smell the cigarette smoke on me. That's because my mother smoked so much and in the house that everything in the house smelled....she did laundry puffing away so naturally all of our clothes smelled like it. My guess is that young lady spends a lot of time in the company of someone who smokes.

                                One more comment and then I'm off to eat!!!! When I was a junior in high school (yes, I can still remember ) I made my prom dress. I used to love to sew but I hated to do the hand work. This beautiful dress had a HUGE ruffle on the bottom (I know, eeeeeewwwwww) and it needed to be hemmed. My mother, a wonderful seamstress, offered to do the hem for me. I was so grateful. Little did I know that she would hem and puff at the same time. The morning of prom I took my dress out of the closet and guess what? Yep, it stunk to high heaven. My mother said not to worry and she hung it outside on the clothesline (WOW! That was a long time ago). It aired out somewhat but as I still remember it so clearly, it obviously wasn't enough.

                                OK. Mala I am sorry for hogging all the space this morning. I am off my soapbox and ready to beg.....BEG for more Jack stuff. Bring it on baby!!! ANYTHING!! I WILL TAKE ANYTHING!
                                I love your stories, Critter! They're even better than your begging!

                                So what's for breakfast today?? I haven't had any coffee yet...a minor addiction, btw....but I've weaned myself down to 1/2 a cup!

