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    Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
    Ok, I've woken up now...can voice my opinion a bit better now - I enjoyed Continuum for what it was, a direct to DVD movie.

    I think the sub and Artic scenes were pretty and cool. They had a few long tracking shots, but really, it was just a two hour ep for me. Nothing terribly special because it was a Time Travel rewind story and having done a few of those w/in the series, that's what makes this not so special.

    And my pet peeve of using RDA/Jack for his limited exposure - When he was waiting for the extraction - he was not all the Jack he should have been. I mean, it was funny, but I think there should have been a bit more edge there w/Ba'al's history and whatnot. And since when has Jack traveled off world w/o a vest and P90, especially if he went earlier to deal w/the prisoner? And I have to say - when Ba'al stabbed him, shouldn't it have been lower to cause death?

    But I loved the AU Jack - who was intense. I liked Sam's loss when they got to the frozen boat.

    But to the point of my reply to Anakin's post - I think that is certainly true. I think that RDA/AT will not be on board much longer for these movies. Particularly, RDA. However, you know that the Trek folks did tons of movies until they were way past what they should have been before turning them over to the Next Generation. So, we could be surprised - they could do more with the second SG-1. But AT's involvement will have to do alot with the success of Sanctuary. IMHO


    I just LOVE the pic of RDA/AT together in the EW pic.

    I agree with your entire review, S. I'll probably be able to add a few more points after I watch it again, but you hit on all the things I was thinking, too. I have to say that I'm disappointed to hear BW and MW say that this is the best SG related production that they've ever made. I think that episodes like 2010, Lost City and Reckoning are far better written with great team action, and not as many plot holes...
    Last edited by Mala50; 06 August 2008, 12:57 PM.


      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
      I agree with your entire review, S. I'll probably be able to add a few more points after I watch it again, but you hit on all the things I was thinking, too. I have to say that I'm disappointed to hear BW and MW say that this is the best SG related production that they've ever made. I think that episodes like 2010, Lost City and Reckoning are far better written with great team action, and not as many plot holes...
      Amen to that Mala


        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
        I agree with your entire review, S. I'll probably be able to add a few more points after I watch it again, but you hit on all the things I was thinking, too. I have to say that I'm disappointed to hear BW and MW say that this is the best SG related production that they've ever made. I think that episodes like 2010, Lost City and Reckoning are far better written with great team action, and not as many plot holes...

        Close but no cigar to my favorite episode, 'The Lost City'.


          You know I'm really surprised that with all the money (7 mil), nuclear sub, jets they can't do something to top some of the best episodes...


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            I agree with your entire review, S. I'll probably be able to add a few more points after I watch it again, but you hit on all the things I was thinking, too. I have to say that I'm disappointed to hear BW and MW say that this is the best SG related production that they've ever made. I think that episodes like 2010, Lost City and Reckoning are far better written with great team action, and not as many plot holes...
            I asked Hubby if I should buy the regular DVD of Continuum or the Blue Ray.
            "Blue Ray" he says - we don't have a machine the plays Blue Ray.
            Hmmm, is that his way of saying you can buy it but that doesn't mean we are going to watch it.
            "No" he says "we'll get one."
            I guess I won't waste the money and get the regular one - I haven't heard any glowing reviews. This way I'll get to see it this century.

            Hubby goes to the doctor for his post surgical exam tomorrow - I'll post again tomorrow hopefully with good news.
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
              You know I'm really surprised that with all the money (7 mil), nuclear sub, jets they can't do something to top some of the best episodes...
              It's not the jets or the subs - it's all in the writing. They have great actors - TPTB have to give them something to work with.
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                I asked Hubby if I should buy the regular DVD of Continuum or the Blue Ray.
                "Blue Ray" he says - we don't have a machine the plays Blue Ray.
                Hmmm, is that his way of saying you can buy it but that doesn't mean we are going to watch it.
                "No" he says "we'll get one."
                I guess I won't waste the money and get the regular one - I haven't heard any glowing reviews. This way I'll get to see it this century.

                Hubby goes to the doctor for his post surgical exam tomorrow - I'll post again tomorrow hopefully with good news.
                (((Zoser)))! Great to see you. Well, we have blu ray but I didn't think it was worth paying almost twice as much for that version. For less than $20 it was an OK purchase and for my purposes of making caps, it's better.

                As for the lack of 'glowing reviews' (you just haven't been reading the 'right' threads! ) - I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. I'd say rent it if you're curious enough. I'm sure that the TV version when it's finally shown will be edited down like they did to 'Threads'.

                Hoping for good news for you and your hubby tomorrow!
                Last edited by Mala50; 06 August 2008, 02:43 PM.


                  Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                  Ok...well perhaps I just can't get enough of posting ...

                  I just watched the Continuum panel at Comic Con and enjoyed it quite a bit and all the things they talked about the movie. I know that all the stuff like that surrounding the movie has made it more fun for me. And while, I gave my opinion of the movie just being a long ep on a subject that's been done before....there were some good fun things and well done character moments in the film as well....I could ramble on...but I'm thinking that ya'll know what I mean...

                  And the dogs are antsy to get out and I better do that...

                  I enjoyed watching the SD Comic Con panel, too. It was great seeing RDA having fun with the rest of the cast.
                  For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's here:

                  Stargate SG-1 Panel from Comicon '08 (9 parts)





                      Beautiful couple!


                        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                        I agree with your entire review, S. I'll probably be able to add a few more points after I watch it again, but you hit on all the things I was thinking, too. I have to say that I'm disappointed to hear BW and MW say that this is the best SG related production that they've ever made. I think that episodes like 2010, Lost City and Reckoning are far better written with great team action, and not as many plot holes...
                        I so follow you there Mala!!! The two parters of the series were better than the movies thus far. Perhaps it's because they spun the stories with the entire writers room? I don't want to take away from anyone's writing ability, but the group effort always fills in the plot holes... Just a thought.

                        I've been ripping Continuum for a vid today....looking for a song now...

                        P.S. Mala I love your S/J sig in Blue - as a photographer, I LOVE blue print....I've got several blue prints that I just LOVE!


                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                          I stopped buying the DVD sets at Season 8. I watched the beginning of Season 9 before I gave up. I saw some of S10 (esp. the episodes with RDA/Jack - I was disappointed though; I liked his S3 SGAtlantis episodes better) and a few others that featured Sam.

                          The "most evilist bad guys evah" bored me and I could care less about the wrapping up of that storyline in AOT. But I tried to watch AOT out of curiosity though ending up dozing through it. It never crossed my mind to buy it. However, I bought Continuum even though I thought it was only so-so. But then I do have a weakness for RDA/Jack - can you tell?
                          I did the exact same thing, except I didn't even attempt to watch AoT. We're alike!


                            Originally posted by LOL4JACK View Post
                            I love the pic... I'm removing Amanda and inserting SELF? Squeeee!!!!

                            Hmmmm...what a lovely idea! Maybe I should try that too!


                              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                              Well, RL has taken up my time again... I've been busy trying to get things in order before I leave for SF next week, so I may not have a lot of spare time to spend online before I go.

                              I just wanted to say that I agree with all the posters on this thread so far regarding SG Continuum and the third movie. I have to confess that I watched the film one time a while ago before its official release and although I now have the DVD, I haven't had time to rewatch it or look at the extras. I'll probably do that in the next day or so and will also try to make some caps, time-permitting (I probably won't have time to polish them up, though)...

                              I know that I promised to refrain from talking about the film here before it was released because I didn't think it was fair to those who were avoiding major spoilers (I think it'll be out/shown in the UK soon?). So whatever 2 cents I post will probably be fairly short and concise (did I hear a sigh of relief? ) - mainly because I really don't have any deep thoughts to share...and I cannot for life of me make myself talk/write ad nauseum about a TV show or film. But if you want that, I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction...

                              Before I go back and respond to some previous messages, in case you haven't read GW's front page today, new promo stills have been added to the image gallery: Still more Continuum cast and movie photos.

                              There's one pic in particular of Sam, Daniel and Jack that I scrubbed up and also made some enlargements of the details for a better look.

                              It's the one of Sam and Daniel bending over the wounded Jack.
                              I don't know why they BW/Martin Wood decided to crop this scene so closely for the film. I think that the promo pics showed the seriousness of the wound much better than what the audience saw. I could be wrong, but I also don't recall seeing Sam touch Jack...

                              My scrub

                              I would have loved to have seen Sam's hand on Jack's body and Jack's hand close to hers...
                              Hey! Eyes on the hands, girls!!

                              Look at the expression on Sam's face (AT's eyes say it all)...

                              What hands?

                              I really enjoyed the extras. RDA is in The Making of Stargate: Continuum, a lot more than he was in the movie! It was fun to hear his insights and watch his mannerisms.


                                I'm having a hard time concentrating, being at work, thinking about work, getting thru my emails, thinking that in a few days, I'll be putting my arms around:

                                I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                                Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild

