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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Really? Cool! (To both points!)

    OT but have you noticed there seems to be a real trend in US TV recently for non-US actors playing American characters with US actors. Hugh Laurie in House was probably the first of the trend, or certainly the most high profile, but you've also got e.g. Jamie Bamber in BSG, (there's more that I can't think of right now) and now in Moonlight *both* the leads are faking their accents - Alex is Australian and Sophia is English!

    Guess I'd better make sure I watch ep 10 before the weekend then eh?
    I had no idea that Alex was Australian and Sophia English. I had seen her in Dr. Who and LOVED her. When I found out I was amazed. The same for Jamie Bamber. He did a behind the scenes thing and Hubby and I looked at each other like "Wow". It is an amazing trend.

    Jamie does whump pretty good too. He usually is the only one who can catch my attention when Hubby is watching BSG.


      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      I had no idea that Alex was Australian and Sophia English. I had seen her in Dr. Who and LOVED her. When I found out I was amazed. The same for Jamie Bamber. He did a behind the scenes thing and Hubby and I looked at each other like "Wow". It is an amazing trend.

      Jamie does whump pretty good too. He usually is the only one who can catch my attention when Hubby is watching BSG.
      Sophia was fab in The Girl in the Fireplace (nice emo angsty whump for 10th in that ep too! ) and she's part of the reason I was interested to have a look at Moonlight.


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        US only I think. Not seen any sign of it on the UK channels yet.

        Watched another 4 eps tonight (1 left to go!) and in the last one I watched he gets
        shot from behind - in the head! And wakes up buried under leaves in a flower bed and has blood all down his neck and is kinda groggy and his head hurts... and for the next few scenes you can actually see wet blood glistening in the hair on the back of his head - now that's the kind of whump attention to detail that I love!
        I will look out for the dvd's then, sounds like soemthign I really really might enjoy

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Really? Cool! (To both points!)

        OT but have you noticed there seems to be a real trend in US TV recently for non-US actors playing American characters with US accents. Hugh Laurie in House was probably the first of the trend, or certainly the most high profile, but you've also got e.g. Jamie Bamber in BSG, (there's more that I can't think of right now) and now in Moonlight *both* the leads are faking their accents - Alex is Australian and Sophia is English!

        Guess I'd better make sure I watch ep 10 before the weekend then eh?
        Wasn't the dude who played Dresden british?


          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          I will look out for the dvd's then, sounds like soemthign I really really might enjoy
          Not sure when/if it'll be out on DVD. The first season is only 12 eps long - because of the writers' strike - but it's looking fairly positive for a 2nd season renewal. My sister thinks she may have seen adverts for it on Five US but I'm not sure...

          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Wasn't the dude who played Dresden british?
          Yup! I knew there was another obvious one that I was forgetting! Another one where two of the leads were faking it - Paul Blackthorne is a Brit playing an American and Terence Mann is an American playing a character with a distinctly British accent!


            ^ and you've also got Kevin McKidd (Scottish) playing an american in JourneyMan and also Damian Lewis in Life.

            There really is a love affair at the moment with British actors in Hollywood!

            And don't forget - Jamie Bamber and Damian Lewis also played Americans in Band of Brothers.
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              Heee! I've just randomly remembered another whump I once enjoyed (in my early teenage days):

              Daniel Larusso (yeah, I'm not actually that sad, I had to look the name up, okay? Anyway, Ralph Macchio's character) whump in The Karate Kid (I and II)!


                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                ^ and you've also got Kevin McKidd (Scottish) playing an american in JourneyMan and also Damian Lewis in Life.

                There really is a love affair at the moment with British actors in Hollywood!

                And don't forget - Jamie Bamber and Damian Lewis also played Americans in Band of Brothers.
                There is also Eddie Izzard in The Riches. Love Eddie, so funny and quite the actor.
                My Photos


                  Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
                  There is also Eddie Izzard in The Riches. Love Eddie, so funny and quite the actor.
                  True. Never watched that but saw the adverts. I love Eddie - he's about my favourite stand-up comedian ever. Saw him live on the Sexie tour and my CD of his Definite Article tour has me crying with laughter, no matter how many times I listen to it!


                    Bringing over a whumpy discussion Bebop and I got into on the Shep whump thread...

                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    You would have loved it...

                    Michael Biehn shot in belly, his sidekick performing emergency surgery on him to extract bullet, whilst their boat is adrift at sea!!!!...he lies on the bed gasping and shuddering whilst reciting the periodic table to try and numb the pain...then he screams when she finally manages to extract the bullet...My tummy tumbles were nearly uncontrollable!!!.... It was on sky thriller zone, (not horror zone as I previously said), but I think the series is finishing soon, there was only about 22 eps in total.

                    Navy seals is one of my fav whumpy movies, I bought it on DVD for keepsies..
                    That sounds SO fabby! I'm going to have to see if I can find a way to get hold of some eps and take a look... what's Sky thriller zone? What channel is that on?

                    I loved the whump in Navy Seals too... when Michael Biehn's character gets shot and they carry him across the open space, dodging bullets, with him screaming in pain and then they lay him down and the field medic starts trying to treat him and hits him with a dose of morphine...


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Bringing over a whumpy discussion Bebop and I got into on the Shep whump thread...

                      That sounds SO fabby! I'm going to have to see if I can find a way to get hold of some eps and take a look... what's Sky thriller zone? What channel is that on?

                      I loved the whump in Navy Seals too... when Michael Biehn's character gets shot and they carry him across the open space, dodging bullets, with him screaming in pain and then they lay him down and the field medic starts trying to treat him and hits him with a dose of morphine...
                      The series is a bit cheesy, but the whump in that episode was top notch...Sky Thriller zone is on channel 320ish I think, it comes after the movie channels.

                      I read a really good fic which carried on the Navy seals story from where the movie left it. It was on the Michael Biehn fan site..which I think was called Phoenix. Anyhoo, the story charts what would happen if the sub didn't arrive to pick them up...lots of whump!

                      my fan fiction place


                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        The series is a bit cheesy, but the whump in that episode was top notch...Sky Thriller zone is on channel 320ish I think, it comes after the movie channels.
                        Is it part of the general package or the movies ones? I don't have any of the movie channels... I'll have to check out the listings tonight...

                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        I read a really good fic which carried on the Navy seals story from where the movie left it. It was on the Michael Biehn fan site..which I think was called Phoenix. Anyhoo, the story charts what would happen if the sub didn't arrive to pick them up...lots of whump!
                        Oooh cool! I might have to do a quick search for that sometime...


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Is it part of the general package or the movies ones? I don't have any of the movie channels... I'll have to check out the listings tonight...

                          Oooh cool! I might have to do a quick search for that sometime...
                          Not sure as we subscribe to all but sports, but its on at 1pm and 5pm if that helps

                          my fan fiction place


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Bringing over a whumpy discussion Bebop and I got into on the Shep whump thread...

                            That sounds SO fabby! I'm going to have to see if I can find a way to get hold of some eps and take a look... what's Sky thriller zone? What channel is that on?

                            I loved the whump in Navy Seals too... when Michael Biehn's character gets shot and they carry him across the open space, dodging bullets, with him screaming in pain and then they lay him down and the field medic starts trying to treat him and hits him with a dose of morphine...
                            I love Navy Seals, such nice whump, and the morphine bit *whumpthunk* haven't seen it for such a long time


                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              I love Navy Seals, such nice whump, and the morphine bit *whumpthunk* haven't seen it for such a long time
                              I dug it out today and watched...*deep contented sigh about the Michael Biehn whump*.....

                              my fan fiction place


                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                I dug it out today and watched...*deep contented sigh about the Michael Biehn whump*.....
                                *is jealous and just remebers scene in head*

