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    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    Forgot Bonanza!!..and High Chapperal.(sp)...Blue!!!!! and Little House on The Praire..Michael Landon whump...SORRY!!! I'm rambling now..
    And you made me think of The Big Valley - Heath.

    Then there's Crockett on Miami Vice, Danny on Cold Case, Mickey on The Equalizer....
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by bebop View Post
      Remember 'Cold Snap'...........?**sighs in rememberance**

      There was also Flying Doctors...GOOD whump there occasionally! Also the one I was talking about a while ago, Adventure Inc with Michael without anaesthetic..*sigh*
      *iz in her happy place*

      Flying Doctors!! Now you're taking me back!

      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      MI-5 (I think you call it Spooks) - Tom (the one with the boiling oil - yikes!)
      Yup - that's Spooks! And that ep was truly shocking - it rocked!! And they find him at the safe house, hiding in the dark *sigh*
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        I never realized I was a whumper until SGA and Shep.

        SGA- Shep of course
        SG1 - Jack O'Neill
        Buffy - Angel and Spike
        Angel - Angel, Spike and Wes.
        Xfiles - Mulder
        Firefly - Mal and Wash
        Torchwood - Capt Jack
        Moonlight - Mick

        Not much of a list but then I don't watch that much TV
        Chicago Con Attendee 2011
        Chicago Con Attendee 2010
        GateCon Attendee 2008
        Vancouver Con Attendee 2007


          HI all I am just catching up on a few pages. Loved the S & H whump pics, thanks so much! The ep I remember the most and would LOVE to see again is the one where Hutch is trapped in his car in a ravine upside down and Starsky doesn't know where he is for sure. Oh the whump in that was fabulous!

          I think I can give a lot of you a run for the money in who is the all time whumper, have loved it ever since I was a kid starting with Steve Austin from 6 Million $ Man and John Gage in Emergency.
          Then there was James Garner in Rockford Files, the best one from that was where he and this woman are trying to escape from a motorcycle gang pursuing them. Ahhhhhh SIGH
          Also HUGE fan of Mulder whump, Alipeeps if you tell your vague recollection I might be able to help. LOL
          Loved a lot of the ones you all mention like Heath in Big Valley. There are some fantastic whump fics on the net about him.
          Trip in Enterprise
          Jack in SG1 (Solitudes is still my all time fav ep)
          MacGyver Ah Faith Hope and Charity wonderful whmp ep
          Dan Tanna
          Sheppard and McKay in SGA
          Personally I like Adam whump in Myth Busters LOL he is such a clutz sometimes
          Tenth Doctor, David Tennant gives excellent whump <SIGH>
          There are more but my brain is failing me. <G>

          In movies my fav whump is on Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones.

          I LOVE this thread. Look forward to more whumpy caps. On my website in my sig can be found lots of Jack whump pics if anyone is interested.

          A sample:

          My Photos


            Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
            HI all I am just catching up on a few pages. Loved the S & H whump pics, thanks so much! The ep I remember the most and would LOVE to see again is the one where Hutch is trapped in his car in a ravine upside down and Starsky doesn't know where he is for sure. Oh the whump in that was fabulous!

            I think I can give a lot of you a run for the money in who is the all time whumper, have loved it ever since I was a kid starting with Steve Austin from 6 Million $ Man and John Gage in Emergency.
            Then there was James Garner in Rockford Files, the best one from that was where he and this woman are trying to escape from a motorcycle gang pursuing them. Ahhhhhh SIGH
            Also HUGE fan of Mulder whump, Alipeeps if you tell your vague recollection I might be able to help. LOL
            Loved a lot of the ones you all mention like Heath in Big Valley. There are some fantastic whump fics on the net about him.
            Trip in Enterprise
            Jack in SG1 (Solitudes is still my all time fav ep)
            MacGyver Ah Faith Hope and Charity wonderful whmp ep
            Dan Tanna
            Sheppard and McKay in SGA
            Personally I like Adam whump in Myth Busters LOL he is such a clutz sometimes
            Tenth Doctor, David Tennant gives excellent whump <SIGH>
            There are more but my brain is failing me. <G>

            In movies my fav whump is on Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones.

            I LOVE this thread. Look forward to more whumpy caps. On my website in my sig can be found lots of Jack whump pics if anyone is interested.

            A sample:


            Welcome to the thread!!!! You certainly are a whumper too!!! hehehehe!!!

            The S&H epsiode is Survival and I watched it just this week!!!

            It is certainly one of my faves! I can certainly do some caps of that - or maybe Mx could do one of her whump photo stories

            Like the Jack whump!!!


              Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
              HI all I am just catching up on a few pages. Loved the S & H whump pics, thanks so much! The ep I remember the most and would LOVE to see again is the one where Hutch is trapped in his car in a ravine upside down and Starsky doesn't know where he is for sure. Oh the whump in that was fabulous!

              I think I can give a lot of you a run for the money in who is the all time whumper, have loved it ever since I was a kid starting with Steve Austin from 6 Million $ Man and John Gage in Emergency.
              Then there was James Garner in Rockford Files, the best one from that was where he and this woman are trying to escape from a motorcycle gang pursuing them. Ahhhhhh SIGH
              Also HUGE fan of Mulder whump, Alipeeps if you tell your vague recollection I might be able to help. LOL
              Loved a lot of the ones you all mention like Heath in Big Valley. There are some fantastic whump fics on the net about him.
              Trip in Enterprise
              Jack in SG1 (Solitudes is still my all time fav ep)
              MacGyver Ah Faith Hope and Charity wonderful whmp ep
              Dan Tanna
              Sheppard and McKay in SGA
              Personally I like Adam whump in Myth Busters LOL he is such a clutz sometimes
              Tenth Doctor, David Tennant gives excellent whump <SIGH>
              There are more but my brain is failing me. <G>

              In movies my fav whump is on Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones.

              I LOVE this thread. Look forward to more whumpy caps. On my website in my sig can be found lots of Jack whump pics if anyone is interested.

              A sample:


              Welcome! I watched that S & H eppie last week for the first time! It's called Survival, as SheppyD said! I just purchased the complete seasons boxset! SQUEEE!


                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                Forgot Bonanza!!..and High Chapperal.(sp)...Blue!!!!! and Little House on The Praire..Michael Landon whump...SORRY!!! I'm rambling now..
                I liked those too. I was watching a re-run of Bonanza a while back and there was some little Joe whump! hehe. There's no helping us, is there?
                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Welcome to the thread!!!! You certainly are a whumper too!!! hehehehe!!!

                The S&H epsiode is Survival and I watched it just this week!!!

                It is certainly one of my faves! I can certainly do some caps of that - or maybe Mx could do one of her whump photo stories

                Like the Jack whump!!!
                I've always liked Jack whump.

                I say Mx does another whump photo story. Survival is good, or Coffin for Starsky? (Note the subtle hint there? )


                  Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                  Stephen in Primeval (loved the only really whumpy ep with him so far where he was poisoned by a centipede!). There were a few fab eps in Peak Practice where Andrew was whumped!
                  ooo Stephen whump was good!! and that ep of PeaK Practice rings a bell was it the car crash one, were he held it together and then finally collapsed at the hospital?

                  lets see whump, think I did a list before.....

                  I am a newly converted Hutch whumper in S&H
                  Primeval - Stephen
                  Dresden Files - Dresden
                  SPN - Dean
                  Voyager - Paris
                  Enterprise - Trip
                  X-files - Mulder
                  Seaquest DSV - Lucas (I was young!!) and another guy who I can't remember but said something about "with your shield or on it"?????......
                  Spooks - Tom and Adam
                  Ultimate Force - Jamie
                  CSI Vegas - Nick
                  CSI New York - Danny
                  SGA - Shep - Ultimate Whump for me!!!
                  Due South - Fraser
                  ER - Luca

                  and loads more that my hungover brain can't think of right now

                  I got bored and indulged in some Spooks whump...

                  Spoilers for quantity S3/S4 Adam whump...

                  Adam gets taken out by a well placed sniper...and its not in his arm!!!.....

                  and for those of you who have never seen Spooks, the above pic is how they left us hanging at the end of S3, talk about cruel!!!!


                  and look recovery scene....what more can a girl ask for...


                    Very nice, Listy. Very nice indeed.


                      All the whump I missed over my absence!!!

                      My list gets bigger everytime I see something someone posts.... I can't remember half right now. There are tons of shows I can't remember much, others I can't even remember the name.... my memory is not so good. But there is Mulder on X-Files, Crighton (how the hell do you spell that name?) on Farscape, which I just started watching and I've only seen a handful of eps from S1, but I already know I like it! Capt Jack on Torchwood, 10th Doctor in Doctor Who, Trip in Enterprise, EMH in Voyager (am I weird?), O'Brian and Bashir in DS9, Kirk and Spock in TOS, Jack in 24, Jack and Daniel in SG1, I barely remember but also Magnun and McGyver, Dean in SPN (though I haven't watched that many eps), Jack and Saywer in Lost, Nick in CSI Vegas, I LOVED Harm whump in JAG, Luke and Han in SW, Wolverine in X-Men........ *g* This turned out a bigger list than I imagined it would be.... In the end I can't remember anything else other than McKay and my fave of all times never to be replaced SHEP WHUMP in SGA!!!! Oh, Shep I so love to see you whumped!!!!
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
               series with David tennent. great hand whump with reams of sweat
                        Oooh my yes! That was LOVELY whump! DT does do whump ever so well...

                        Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                        Due South - Fraser (Victoria's Secret - *sigh*)
                        Nevermind Victoria's Secret - wat about the episode after it, Letting Go? A whole damn episode with Fraser in hospital and suffering emo and physical whump! *dies*

                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        Robin Hood...both the old series ..Michael Praed..**SIGH**and the new one as well.
                        Oooh that reminds me.. I never much cared for the Michael Praed Robin of Sherwood eps (too pretty for me) but I was partial to a bit of Robin Hood whump once Jason Connery took over!

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        Mickey on The Equalizer....
                        *squeeeeee!* Someone else who liked Mickey whump! His character was the only reason I watched The Equalizer! It often used to be on at really odd times - like 11pm or midnight - when I was a teenager and I would stay up to watch it just in case Mickey was in it... and if after a while it became obvious he wasn't going to be, I'd switch off and go to bed!

                        I remember one lovely episode where Mickey got ambushed and abducted (they killed the rest of his team and took him) and they were trying to reprogram him with a combination of physical abuse and sensory deprivation... and when McCall finally found him they he was all bruised and battered and mostly naked, in one of those flotation tanks! DAyum, that was a good ep!!

                        Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
                        [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorchid]Also HUGE fan of Mulder whump, Alipeeps if you tell your vague recollection I might be able to help. LOL
                        Umm.. all I can remember is that I'm sure I recall a scene where Mulder and Scully are on a commercial flight and he's been through some kind of trauma of other - again! - and is a bit twitchy etc and he starts to freak out a little over something and she gives him an injection in his hip to calm him down/put him to sleep. I can remember nothing of the overall plot or episode.. I just seem to think I remember this scene! I have it in my head that maybe Scully's rescued him from whatever misadventure he got into this time and is bring him home...? Ring any bells? At all? Or am I just completely imagining this and it's something I once read in a fanfic long ago?

                        Oooh and I've remembered another movie whump I like - Bond in Casino Royal! (In fact I've always liked a bit of Bond whump - Connery, Dalton or Brosnan for preference - Moore and Lazenby did nothing for me!)


                          Oh Alias Smith and Jones whump - I thought of it last night!


                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            Oh Alias Smith and Jones whump - I thought of it last night!

                            OOOOHHHHH!!!....forgot them two, and do you remember 'The omega man', it was about a guy who could turn invisible using a special watch, but if he didn't turn back quickly enough he suffered!. Same guy as in Alias Smith and Jones...the blond|..damn it, can't remember his name!

                            Man from Atlantis whump with Patrick Duffy..

                            Planet of the Apes!...bought the whole series on dvd about 6 months ago...good whump in there!

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              OOOOHHHHH!!!....forgot them two, and do you remember 'The omega man', it was about a guy who could turn invisible using a special watch, but if he didn't turn back quickly enough he suffered!. Same guy as in Alias Smith and Jones...the blond|..damn it, can't remember his name!

                              Man from Atlantis whump with Patrick Duffy..

                              Planet of the Apes!...bought the whole series on dvd about 6 months ago...good whump in there!
                              I am not sure that I ever watched The Omega man ( I think it was Gemini man?) - but I did watch Man from Atlantis

                              Oh and Emergency
                              Last edited by Sheppard's Delight; 24 February 2008, 01:49 AM.


                                Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Linzi and I have just invested in some Emergency whump! Cant wait to see that again!

