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Rep Points, the Universe and Everything, Now with MAGNETS

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    It didn't go off-line for me, but it slowed down and I frequently got the blue dot screen and nothing else.
    Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


      Sela called it. I'm having trouble getting on now. Good night, all.
      Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


        Originally posted by Hatusu
        Sela called it. I'm having trouble getting on now. Good night, all.
        I think that we should blame Greg and Nutty's Hug-B-Gone bomb...


          Originally posted by meimei
          I think that we should blame Greg and Nutty's Hug-B-Gone bomb...


          until proven guilty
          Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
          "We're not going to Guam are we?"


            Originally posted by Hatusu
            It was pretty watchable.
            Meh...pretty good show...I've only caught them on a few minor technical mistakes
            Last edited by alaskannut; 20 November 2005, 09:39 PM.
            Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
            "We're not going to Guam are we?"


              Originally posted by Hatusu
              Nope. This is a new "Poseiden Adventure" on NBC.
              You are brave. I could barely handle the first one, much less a remake.


                Originally posted by meimei
                I think that we should blame Greg and Nutty's Hug-B-Gone bomb...
                Oh yes, lets.


                  Originally posted by Hatusu
                  Everything is fine. I've been doing some reorganizing around the place. Now I'm doing laundry and watching the "Poseidon Adventure". Adam Baldwin is in it.
                  Adam Baldwin was the only good thing in this turkey. I kept thinking, "What the heck is he doing in his thing??" I gave up after hour and a half. My 13 year old gave up after 30 minutes. With the exception of Baldwin, it felt like a showcase for older actors who can't find work.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    You are brave. I could barely handle the first one, much less a remake.
                    I'm with you, oh Evil One. The first one was more than I needed to see...

                    What is it with remakes these days? Saw an ad for a remake of "Yours, Mine and Ours". I will be totally prejudiced against it because I adored the original one with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda. What makes it even more enjoyable was the fact that it was based on a true story.

                    Guess there is no original ideas left in the world...


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Adam Baldwin was the only good thing in this turkey. I kept thinking, "What the heck is he doing in his thing??" I gave up after hour and a half. My 13 year old gave up after 30 minutes. With the exception of Baldwin, it felt like a showcase for older actors who can't find work.
                      What's wrong with older? It's true. There wasn't much new in it. That's why I was on line at the same time. It was a good "clean your house at the same time" movie. They have their place. And I admit it, I have a thing for Adam Baldwin. I wish Stargate Productions had hired him.

                      Speaking of what's wrong... What's wrong with the forum? I'm getting blinded by all this white? Puts on sunglasses. And what's wrong with the studio?

                      Spoiler for new season....

                      To make Vala a permanent character! I want to cry!
                      Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                        It's not a time for tears, but a time for vengeance. OK, not vengeance maybe, but ranting at least.

                        What are they thinking??? IMO she's pointless, annoying, and obsessed with Daniel. Nothing against Daniel, but he has gotten a lot of time lately. Whereas TPTB's idea of "character exposition" for Sam is hooking her up with every fella they can (and I'm just crossing my fingers that Daniel doesn't become defined by his "relationship" with Vala in the same way), and Teal'c is beyond overlooked. Not to mention that I don't think we've hardly had a "get to know you" for Mitchell (keeping in mind that I haven't seen the past couple eps; I may well have missed one.) But I really don't think I can stomach Vala every week.

                        Haha, and if anyone wants to red me, feel free. If you can, that is. I'm might be just desperate enough to take some change of scenery in my CP at this point, whatever the color .
                        Last edited by yasureubetcha; 21 November 2005, 02:09 PM.


                          Originally posted by yasureubetcha
                          It's not a time for tears, but a time for vengeance. OK, not vengeance maybe, but ranting at least.

                          What are they thinking??? IMO she's pointless, annoying, and obsessed with Daniel. Nothing against Daniel, but he has gotten a lot of time lately. Whereas TPTB's idea of "character exposition" for Sam is hooking her up with every fella they can (and I'm just crossing my fingers that Daniel doesn't become defined by his "relationship" with Vala in the same way), and Teal'c is beyond overlooked. Not to mention that I don't think we've hardly had a "get to know you" for Mitchell (keeping in mind that I haven't seen the past couple eps; I may well have missed one.) But I really don't think I can stomach Vala every week.

                          Haha, and if anyone wants to red me, feel free. If you can, that is. I'm might be just desperate enough to take some change of scenery in my CP at this point, whatever the color .
                          I still haven't thought/heard of how they're going to keep all of this believable. My issue with the idea isn't the character, but the ridiculousness of a military installation accepting her so openly. It's either that or they invent reason after reason for Vala to show up during SG-1 missions. I fear TPTB have got their surfboards and are running for the waves as we speak.
                          Cogito ergo dubito.

                          "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                          An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                            Originally posted by yasureubetcha
                            It's not a time for tears, but a time for vengeance. OK, not vengeance maybe, but ranting at least.

                            What are they thinking??? IMO she's pointless, annoying, and obsessed with Daniel. Nothing against Daniel, but he has gotten a lot of time lately. Whereas TPTB's idea of "character exposition" for Sam is hooking her up with every fella they can (and I'm just crossing my fingers that Daniel doesn't become defined by his "relationship" with Vala in the same way), and Teal'c is beyond overlooked. Not to mention that I don't think we've hardly had a "get to know you" for Mitchell (keeping in mind that I haven't seen the past couple eps; I may well have missed one.) But I really don't think I can stomach Vala every week.

                            Haha, and if anyone wants to red me, feel free. If you can, that is. I'm might be just desperate enough to take some change of scenery in my CP at this point, whatever the color .
                            Kind of an idle offer on the red rep since the reppy thingy isn't working...


                              Yeah, I agree UK. I'd love to see them justify this character-wise.

                              And the red thing is more of a taunt than anything. People seem to get a lot of red where Vala is concerned, so I figured I'd get in the first figurative "pbbbbt" because he/she/it can't touch me at the moment .


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Kind of an idle offer on the red rep since the reppy thingy isn't working...
                                I got rep today. I don't know how. I still can't do it.
                                Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh

