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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    *radio crackles* --ead me?
    Cub: *takes out radio* Ten-nine, Alpha.
    *over radio* Alpha: Game over, I guess. Where are Zane and Nibbles?
    Cub: Are you still in the room where you left Imp for me?
    *over radio* Alpha: Ten-four. Haven't moved out yet.
    Cub: Okay then, your radio's gonna start breaking up when you start moving so just remember this. First right, second right, second left, third door on the left. The lock release is on the right.
    *over radio* Alpha: First right, second right, second left, third door-left. Got it. Out.


      *Alpha, Nibbles and Zane beam in, beer in hand*

      Cub: Yea! More beer!


        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
        Hello Lounge decided to join the fun here is my first clone First Love FL for short all of my Daniel clones are him
        FL starts looking around

        Vala: Welcome, poundpuppy and FL. He is rather handsome. *winks*


          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          *Isa is carried in over the shoulder of a Daniel clone and then set down*

          Geez, maybe a little gentler next time *gets looks and sighs* Fine, *turns to Lounge* Lounge I'd like you to meet:

          L!Daniel, L!Cam, and L!Vala aka The Three


          The Leather Clones

          Leather!Daniel aka L!Daniel

          My first true evil clone, he was spliced from ST's good looks and Sass' ingenuity and deviousness. He came out so evil at first that I had to keep him hidden for days. Of course, that backfired and now he's a fan of.. well, leather ties...

          Hobbies: Plotting, schemes, knots. His brain is so devious he confuses even me.

          Relationships: L!Cam's older brother. I made him for me, but he's not one to be tied down. He likes Sass, because she's so like him, and very charming in his evilness. Is very possessive of L!Cam, has to approve all his ladies, and L!Vala - they are his and does not like to share, but he will, eventually.

          Leather Cam aka L!Cam

          He's my first Cam clone and L!Daniel's brother. After I made L!Daniel I was happy, but he clearly wasn't. He wanted someone to plot with and so L!Cam was made. But L!Cam is slightly less evil than his brother, though not by much,

          Hobbies: Guns and Ammo. Plotting.

          Relationship: L!Daniel's brother. He and L!Daniel share L!Vala, and get possessive with her and others. He'll follow L!Daniel's order w/o question and likes Mimi, a lot.

          And lastly their girl:

          Leather Vala aka L!Vala

          Made once again because L!Daniel does not play well with other and wanted a girl all for himself. She was made from Mimi and Sass, making her as clever, devious and bad@ss as the latter and as flirtatious and evilly sweet as the former.

          Hobbies: Knots. Guns. Handcuffs. Flying ships and getting the boys out of jams should they ever fall into them.

          Relationships: L!Daniel and L!Cam share her, but she's not one to do everything they say. She's her own woman, but she loves her boys - they're so much fun... Can get possessive of L!Daniel more than L!Cam, because she's attracted to power and he's definitely the head of the group

          L!Daniel: So this is it? *glances*
          Isa: It is.
          L!Cam: Hmm, looks promising.
          L!Vala: *looks out to Lounge* Very much so.
          *all three smirk*
          Isa: *sighs*

          ECVala: Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. *slurp* Welcome to you all.


            Sass: *hears noises* What is going on? *pops head out of room*
            L!Cam: *looks you from where he is arranging Sparkle* Hey babe...
            Sass: *rolls eyes* What are you doing...

            L!Vala: Sass, hun! We fed ST, Sparkle, and Mimi sleeping pills, lets go and see what sort of fun we can get up too!

            Sass: You used the mild ones for Mimi right?
            L!Daniel: Of course, who do think I am?
            Sass: The newbie. *smirks*
            L!Daniel: *chuckles and looks her up and down* Clever.. come on get dress and lets go.
            *grab coat and head to Lounge*
            banner by Stef


              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
              *runs in*

              THIS MESSAGE is for MASTERJACK!!

              Happy Birthday Sweetie!!

              Okay, now back to your regular Lounge Stuff!!

              *runs out*
              in MasterJack's room...

              MasterJack: It's NOT my birthday. Every year they get it wrong.
              MSam: Why?
              MasterJack: Some stupid prop guy. *kisses*


                from CJ's quarters...

                Addy: Hey, all, uh, Jack? I'm checking in. How's thing's going?

                in Master Jack's room...

                MasterJack: The Valas are covering the lounge, I'm covering MSam. All's quiet.
                MSam: *giggles*


                  Hey guys, sorry I've been away from the thread a little. But I'm still around

                  I hear birthday?

                  Mister!cake : Sweet!


                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                    from CJ's quarters...

                    Addy: Hey, all, uh, Jack? I'm checking in. How's thing's going?

                    in Master Jack's room...

                    MasterJack: The Valas are covering the lounge, I'm covering MSam. All's quiet.
                    MSam: *giggles*
                    in CJ's quarters...

                    CJ: It's quiet. That's good. *gives Addy best puppy dog eyes*
                    Addy: *sighs, kisses chin* Jack, I'm going to stay the day here. I'll check back in tomorrow morning early your time. *turns off radio*
                    CJ: *smiles, leads Addy back to bed*


                      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                      Hey guys, sorry I've been away from the thread a little. But I'm still around

                      I hear birthday?

                      from Master Jack's room...

                      MSam: You have cake. *giggles*
                      MasterJack: My birthday is in January.
                      MSam: You are the only Jack O'Neill clone who celebrates his birthday that day.
                      MasterJack: If it's good enough for RDA, it's good enough for me. But I'll never turn down cake. Thank you, BG. That was very thoughtful.



                        To: Vala

                        From: Dr.J

                        Hon, quick note, in the middle of something, but if you've got a sec, could you page that adorable EDaniel and have him meet me in the lounge. I'd like a work with him. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by Dr.J View Post

                          To: Vala

                          From: Dr.J

                          Hon, quick note, in the middle of something, but if you've got a sec, could you page that adorable EDaniel and have him meet me in the lounge. I'd like a work with him. Thanks.

                          Vala: Hey, Snuggly Wuggly, Doc would like a meeting in the lounge.

                          EDaniel: So?

                          Vala: With you.
                          EDaniel: Oh. I'll be right there.


                            Karen: *beams in, holsters her wraith stunner in the holster under her jacket.* I love target practise. *looks around.* EDaniel, evil sweetness?


                              Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                              Karen: *beams in, holsters her wraith stunner in the holster under her jacket.* I love target practise. *looks around.* EDaniel, evil sweetness?

                              EDaniel: Target practice? Yes. That is most refreshing. Did you get the opportunity to cheat? I always find the time more enjoyable that way.


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                                EDaniel: Target practice? Yes. That is most refreshing. Did you get the opportunity to cheat? I always find the time more enjoyable that way.
                                Karen: *smiles sweetly* Well, Jana did hide our life signs so the guys couldn't sense us. So yes. We cheated. I need to talk to you. Somewhere a little less monitored though, you understand, right?.

