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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    in an unsuspecting California....

    Cub: *whirls around corner, blaster drawn on Nibbles*

    Cub: Gotcha! Drop the stunner.

    Nibbles: *lets the stunner droop in his hand*
    Jay: *reaches to take stunner* Thanks, Cu--
    Cub: Jay! NO!

    Nibbles: *twirls stunner back into hand, spins, grabs Jay*
    Cub: *fires, wings both Jay and Nibbles, Jay drops*
    Nibbles: *ducks, and runs around corner*
    Cub: Damnit, Jay! *kneels by his teammate* You okay?
    Jay: *nods, rubbing shoulder* Arm's numb, but I'm fine. Go! I'll cover Cuddles until he wakes up.
    Cub: *taps radio transmitter twice then runs after Nibbles*


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      JohnnyCake: Maybe once you get to know me you guys will change your mind, but I won't push it.
      Sorry JohnnyCake, those two *rolls eyes* Just give them some time, a couple days *smiles*

      L!Daniel: Yeah Isa, I don't think that will help that much. *tighten arm and brings L!Vala closer*
      L!Cam: *shrug* We'll see.

      Isa: Like I said give them time, a couple of weeks.. maybe... *cringes*
      banner by Stef


        Cutie Pie: Well, pretty ladies, I have to run now and run a diagnostic on my computer... If you see Vala around, tell her I said Hi.
        Jess: *snicker*
        Cutie Pie: What?
        Jess: Nothing, honest.


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
          in Cammie's room...

          Cammie: *steps out of pants* You're shaking. We should lie down...*kisses mayo's neck*
          mayo: *nods*
          Cammie: *guides mayo and gets her comfy*
          *censored activities*
          cammie you are something else.


            *DupShippy runs in*


              L!Vala: Oh come on you two *wiggles out of L!Daniel's arms* you know you're my favorites, but you already know how to get out of my knots. I need someone new..*smirks*
              banner by Stef


                out in the world....

                Nibbles: *runs up to Zane, rotating arm to get back feeling* We gotta circle back. Cub's right on my tail.

                Zane: *turns, sees Cub peeking around corner* So I see. *slowly raises hands*


                  at the point of apparent defeat....

                  Cub: Okay, you two. Drop the weapons and kick 'em over here. *reaches up, taps radio transmitter once, pauses, taps once more*

                  Imp: *breaks radio silence* You have 'em?
                  Cub: I have Zane and Nibbles. Haven't seen Alpha.
                  Imp: I told you not to break radio silence unless you had all three. Alpha cou-- *radio static*
                  Cub: Imp? Imp?! Okay. *waves weapon at Zane and Nibbles* Get on your knees, hands on your heads. *picks up the boy's weapons as they comply, then back out of room, closes door and seals from outside*

                  Zane: Just great!
                  Nibbles: You think Alpha got Imp?
                  Zane: What difference does it make? They're still on the same side... they live in the same house! *frowns*


                    somewhere... else....

                    Alpha: I sure hope Neelan understands this. *holsters stunner, looks around* Now that the bait is set....


                      Hey guys I gotta go but I'll be back soon, well later - gonna go watch Stardust
                      banner by Stef


                        *runs in*

                        THIS MESSAGE is for MASTERJACK!!

                        Happy Birthday Sweetie!!

                        Okay, now back to your regular Lounge Stuff!!

                        *runs out*
                        Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                          in private futon area....

                          *censored noises from Spicey and Neelan*


                            Erin: *kisses Kyan and straightens clothes* Hun, that had to be the best Saturday morning I've had in a while. *smiles*
                            Kyan: Me too. *grins*
                            Erin: You can get home all right?
                            Kyan: No sweat. You?
                            Erin: HH will escort me, no problem there. *kisses Kyan one last time before he beams back to his lab* Aaah, so good.

                            *waves* Later, Lounge! I need a catnap *giggles*


                              still out there... somewhere....

                              Cub: *sees Imp out cold on floor, listens carefully, looks around for Alpha*


                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                                somewhere... else....

                                Alpha: I sure hope Neelan understands this. *holsters stunner, looks around* Now that the bait is set....
                                *watching feed from Atlantis*

                                I volunteer to give Imp the give the kiss of life.

