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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
    You're so cute when you're snippy. *sighs* The message that lured Cammie away, did you send it? And if you didn't then who did?

    Kev: *seeing that Darling is eyeing him* No I didn't send the message. EAddy did.
    Sig made by me


      *watching interrogation* So, CamSyn... Cuddles was just telling me about your hot tub fun last night.... *winks*
      Cuddles: *blushes* Not so much telling her about it--
      CamSyn: Yeah. That was new territory for me. *stuffs handful of popcorn into mouth*
      Not too sure how to handle it, huh? *stifles snort* Ya know, Cuddles has some experiece with these kinds of situations. *reaches arm across CamSyn's shoulders to tug on Cuddles' shirt, puts other hand on CamSyn's knee* I'm sure we could ease you into somethi--
      Cuddles: *jumps when CamSyn's hand lands on his thigh, then nods* Okay... I can see where this is going.
      Tigger: You think Addy's trying to lure Kev into a false sense of security by offering him an out?
      Cuddles: *looks across futon at Tigger* Uh, no, but I think we're going to leave you alone for a little while. Keep an eye on cajn and Sammy will ya? *stands, pulls CamSyn and Neelan up behind him, leads both to private futon area*
      Tigger: Huh? *shrugs, grabs popcorn bowl, props on stomach, chuckles at feed*


        Jay: *beams into Lounge* Hey, Loungers! *chuckles, see's cajn cuddling with Sammy*

        Jay: Did she fall asleep? *looks around* Neelan?

        Tigger: She went in back with Cuddles and that synthetic of Addy's.
        Jay: Ah... what're you watching? *sits on futon, reaches for popcorn*


          Sass: Hullo, Lounge. How is all today?
          banner by Stef


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

            Kev: *seeing that Darling is eyeing him* No I didn't send the message. EAddy did.
            Was it your idea or hers and if hers when and how did you find out about it?


              Jay: *looks up from feed* Hey, there! *stands, walks to Sass* I don't think I've had the pleasure. I'm Jay, Neelan's Crichton clone. You look like someone with a lot of energy. *winks* I'm guessing that sitting around watching the video feed of an interrogation isn't really your thing.


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                Was it your idea or hers and if hers when and how did you find out about it?

                Kev: Believe or not, this whole thing was her idea, and she forced me to go along with it. She really is good at persuading people to do what she wants. As for when I found out, it wasn't until I got back from being with Sass that I was beamed by EAddy to the beach house. From there she forced me to help her with her plan.
                Sig made by me


                  Tigger: *looks around* Huh... guess no one cares that I think he's lying. How did EAddy force him to do anything? Pffttt.


                    Hi, Sass! Doing well, but the phone is making me wonko! How are you?


                      Imp: We're here! *looks around* I thought Neelan was here?

                      Tigger: *points* Back there.
                      Cub: Great. Hey, where's the beer?
                      Tigger: Fridge. Could you bring me one while you're there?
                      Imp: *sees Jay with Sass, sits on futon* Is that the evil Kevin or the nice one?
                      Tigger: Evil. Addy's questioning him about Cammie's thing from earlier this week.
                      Cub: *sits on futon with four beers, passes two over* Has he admitted anything?
                      Tigger: Plenty, but I think it's just to throw Addy off. She'll get him, just wait. *smirks*


                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                        Jay: *looks up from feed* Hey, there! *stands, walks to Sass* I don't think I've had the pleasure. I'm Jay, Neelan's Crichton clone. You look like someone with a lot of energy. *winks* I'm guessing that sitting around watching the video feed of an interrogation isn't really your thing.
                        Sass: *laughs lightly* Enegry? That's your opening line? *looks up and down* You're lucky I've heard worse.. And you answer you question, No. *turns to the video feed and smiles* Well, not unless I'm doing the interrogating. *smirks*

                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        Kev: Believe or not, this whole thing was her idea, and she forced me to go along with it. She really is good at persuading people to do what she wants. As for when I found out, it wasn't until I got back from being with Sass that I was beamed by EAddy to the beach house. From there she forced me to help her with her plan.

                        Sass: *sighs* Oh, the bloody man, just had to and mention me didn't he. He's lucky I like him or else...
                        banner by Stef


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          Kev: Believe or not, this whole thing was her idea, and she forced me to go along with it. She really is good at persuading people to do what she wants. As for when I found out, it wasn't until I got back from being with Sass that I was beamed by EAddy to the beach house. From there she forced me to help her with her plan.
                          Addy: *smiles, sits on Kev's lap, runs fingers through his hair* Forced or sweet talked you into it?


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                            Hi, Sass! Doing well, but the phone is making me wonko! How are you?

                            Sass: Hi Addy, poor darling. I hate phones, Mimi keeps yelling at me when I threaten to shoot hers off.
                            banner by Stef


                              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                              Sass: *laughs lightly* Enegry? That's your opening line? *looks up and down* You're lucky I've heard worse.. And you answer you question, No. *turns to the video feed and smiles* Well, not unless I'm doing the interrogating. *smirks*

                              Jay: And I wasn't even trying. *smirks, takes Sass' hand* GREAT name, by the way. Care for a dip in the hot tub?


                                *beams in*
                                Hi everyone! Just got home from a history field trip. *rubs feet* Owie...
                                Is Tigger around? I got his note this morning. I'd like to thank him and maybe discuss the plans.
                                Awesome sig by Laura
                                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                                The randomess that is me
                                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty

