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    lunch bump...


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      MasterJack: *over radio* EDaniel, they found Johnny. Stand by for more information.
      Sig made by me


        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        Nibbles: I'm not doing that.
        Sass: Why not?
        Nibbles: It's mean. He didn't do anything wrong.
        Sass: *huffs*
        Nibbles: Why don't you just give him mouth to mouth?
        Sass: Right. Didn't even think of that. *leans over Johnny, starts mouth to mouth, Johnny stirs*

        Sass: Johnny? *slaps him a little* Johnny! Can you hear me? Blink or something *Johnny nods confusedly* Who did this? and where can we find them.
        banner by Stef


          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          MasterJack: *over radio* EDaniel, they found Johnny. Stand by for more information.

          EDaniel: Sure...why not? I have nothing better to do with my valuable time than to wait around for you...
          as always...


            Alpha: They found Johnny alive, but unconscious. *holds out arms*
            Addy: Good. *hugs*


              Woman Overheard Yelling Obscenities at Toilet Could Face Jail Time




                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Sass: Johnny? *slaps him a little* Johnny! Can you hear me? Blink or something *Johnny nods confusedly* Who did this? and where can we find them.
                Nibbles: *helps Johnny to his feet*

                Johnny: I can't be sure, but I think it was Cammie, or Cupcake that knocked me out. Looked just like one of them.

                Nibbles: Cammie? That makes no sense. He is who we are looking for.
                Johnny: Hey I am only telling you what I saw. As for where he went, I saw a bright light just before everything turned dark. So maybe he beamed out? I really don't know.
                Nibbles: Jack, you copying all this?
                MasterJack: *over radio* We copy. Thanks. We are sending this to EDaniel as well. Stand by, and we will beam you all aboard. Jack out.
                Sig made by me


                  Addy: *overhears transmission, faints*
                  Alpha: *catches, helps her to chair*


                    In jumper.....*Nibbles, Sass and Johnny beam aboard.*

                    MasterJack: You don't think...
                    Darling: Kev's done it before.
                    MasterJack: He isn't stupid enough to do it again, is he?
                    Darling: *gives Jack a look*
                    MasterJack: Right. So now what?
                    Darling: I think I know where they might be. I gave Kev one of my beach homes, so him and the Evil Brat could go there anytime they wanted. We can send the coordinates to EDaniel and have them meet us there.
                    Sig made by me


                      Sass: Hmmm.... If Johnny-boy here is right and the one who hit looks like Cammie, it could very well mean he´s in league with Kev in all this. I know that if I wanted to pull of something like this I´d need the help of the person everyone would least suspect. Then again, I am talking a truly devious and circular plan. *smirks* I knew I liked Kevin for a reason. Master Jack?
                      banner by Stef


                        Cutie Pie: Hey Lounge, what's going on? Any excitement... that I could be a part of...?


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          Sass: Hmmm.... If Johnny-boy here is right and the one who hit looks like Cammie, it could very well mean he´s in league with Kev in all this. I know that if I wanted to pull of something like this I´d need the help of the person everyone would least suspect. Then again, I am talking a truly devious and circular plan. *smirks* I knew I liked Kevin for a reason. Master Jack?
                          MasterJack: Cammie would never join the dark side. Just isn't in my boy to do it. No, I think there is another explaination, but it is was a good thought cutie. *blows kiss to Sass*
                          Sig made by me


                            Sass: I hope your right Master Jack. We should start scanning for Kevin´s location, then.
                            banner by Stef


                              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                              Sass: I hope your right Master Jack. We should start scanning for Kevin´s location, then.

                              Darling: Yes, you are right Sass, we should be in range now to start scanning.

                              MasterJack: *radios to EDaniel* We will be at the beach house within minutes. Darling says to meet us by the dock on the south side of the island.
                              Sig made by me


                                CamSyn: On our way, sir.

