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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    RSal: Hi. *kisses* Thanks for coming on such short notice, I'll be fast. I need permission from you for Cupcake to reveal information about his weapons stockpile. It's for Kevin's archiving purposes. Well the shared weapons at least.

    Gen Hottie: *ponders for a few moments* Oh, I suppose I can give the okay for that. *smiles* I'll let Cupcake know that I gave the okay.
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      *giggles* I guess she was hugging and kissing the lounge guys? No one else was there.
      Sure why not? Gotta give them some love too.
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        Gen Hottie: *ponders for a few moments* Oh, I suppose I can give the okay for that. *smiles* I'll let Cupcake know that I gave the okay.
        RSal: Excellent. Thank you so much. *kisses* Do you want to head over to poker together? I was planning on going too. *smiles*
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          RSal: Excellent. Thank you so much. *kisses* Do you want to head over to poker together? I was planning on going too. *smiles*

          Gen. Hottie: Sure. *waits for her to set her code, holds out his arm* Shall we?

          RSal: *smiles, grabs his arm* Yep.

          Gen. Hottie: Later, Lounge. *beams them to Addy's*
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
            Iffy's place...

            *a note and gift basket are beamed in*

            To: Iffy
            From: Master Jack

            Sorry to hear you had a bad day, Tigress. Hope tomorrow is better. Oh, and send me a picture of this Toad Man and I'll arrange for him to disappear...unofficially, of course. xx


            To: Master Jack
            From: Iffy

            You are too sweet, thank you. As far as Toad Man, I'm not sure he is worth the effort. You can't miss him, he truly resembles a toad.



              Ginger: Poker?

              Bella: Oh yes. *Beams them out*


                Iffy's.... the Kitchen

                Fox: Iffy, baby..... *ducks* I'm... ouch that hurt.
                Iffy: Don't baby me, I'm still mad at you. *picks up another wooden spoon*
                Lilith: She's going to hit you again.
                PLuffy: Talk about "good" timing. *plucks spoon from Iffy's hand* You got him good once. *kisses her cheek* Nice welt.
                Lilith: Yes it is. *looks smugly at Fox*


                  Neelan's place....

                  *walks in, drops backpack and keys, beams to CamSyn's room*



                    To: Cub
                    From: Sal

                    About what time should I come over on Sunday? Oh and the company agreed to change the delivery day and should arrive now on every third Wednesday. xoxoxo
                    Awesome sig by Laura
                    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                    The randomess that is me
                    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post

                      To: Cub
                      From: Sal

                      About what time should I come over on Sunday? Oh and the company agreed to change the delivery day and should arrive now on every third Wednesday. xoxoxo

                      To Sal
                      From Cub

                      I'll be ready for you at the cabin by 300. We'll find something to do until the steak's ready. I'm sending the coordinates after this message.


                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                        Neelan's place....

                        *walks in, drops backpack and keys, beams to CamSyn's room*
                        Addy's place... CamSyn's room....

                        CamSyn: *walks in, kisses* I brought you a chocolate chip cookie from the poker party. *grins, holds out cookie*
                        Num! *takes cookie, bites* MMmmmm.... *chews, sighs*
                        CamSyn: Rough day?
                        *shrugs* It was so-so. But I am ready for a massage. *waggles eyebrows*
                        CamSyn: Good thing I'm all set up then. *points out oils and warmer next to bed* We just have to get you all ready. *winks, unbuttons her pants*
                        *holds her hands up so he can strip her easier*
                        CamSyn: *cuts feeds*


                          Addy's place... Clone Entertainment Room....

                          *beams in, checks out game* Hmmm... looks like we might be sitting here a while longer, huh, Babe?

                          Sam: *squees, jumps up, kisses, then glances at her chip stack* Uhhh... looks like. I'm doing really well tonight. *takes her seat again* I hope you weren't in too much of a hurry.
                          Jay: Naw, I can watch you kick butt at poker any day of the week. You get this almost feral look in your eyes. *chuckles, takes a seat nearby*
                          Amaretti: No more chit chat. *pushes in $100 in chips* Call.
                          RMJack: Hi, Jay. *waves, takes a swig of his beer, calls the bet silently*


                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                            To Sal
                            From Cub

                            I'll be ready for you at the cabin by 300. We'll find something to do until the steak's ready. I'm sending the coordinates after this message.

                            To Cub
                            From Sal

                            By 3am or 13:00? I'm assuming 13:00. I'll come by then. I can't wait. xoxox
                            Awesome sig by Laura
                            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                            The randomess that is me
                            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                              Originally posted by Iffy View Post

                              To: Master Jack
                              From: Iffy

                              You are too sweet, thank you. As far as Toad Man, I'm not sure he is worth the effort. You can't miss him, he truly resembles a toad.
                              Addy & Master Jack's private getaway...New Zealand...

                              Addy: Iffy liked the bear basket?
                              Master Jack: Stop reading over my shoulder. *opens door, escorts her inside, looks*

                              Cupcake: I hear you coming in the front door. I'm in the master bedroom, sir. Ready to surprise her.
                              Master Jack: *smiles* Let's take these bags into the bedroom.
                              Addy: Okay. *walks ahead of him, enters the bedroom, sees Cupcake, lets out a loud squee*
                              Master Jack: *blocks all outgoing feeds*


                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                                Addy's place... Clone Entertainment Room....


                                *beams in, checks out game* Hmmm... looks like we might be sitting here a while longer, huh, Babe?

                                Sam: *squees, jumps up, kisses, then glances at her chip stack* Uhhh... looks like. I'm doing really well tonight. *takes her seat again* I hope you weren't in too much of a hurry.
                                Jay: Naw, I can watch you kick butt at poker any day of the week. You get this almost feral look in your eyes. *chuckles, takes a seat nearby*
                                Amaretti: No more chit chat. *pushes in $100 in chips* Call.
                                RMJack: Hi, Jay. *waves, takes a swig of his beer, calls the bet silently*
                                Barrett: *pulls RMJack aside near pizza* Sir, the on duty of Head of Clan observes from the control room.
                                RMJack: Oh, why didn't someone tell me? EDaniel. You're acting Head of Clan now. *claims his seat at the table*
                                EDaniel: *gathers money, heads to control room*

