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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
    Sorry Darling. My boss went into labour a wee bit early so I had to rush into work. Going back in 2 hours, but I'm still free tomorrow.

    Darling: Tomorrow will be fine, my sweet. *blows kisses* No Kev did not authorize this kidnapping by me either. He has some nerve....Jack....come in......Jack. *hits speaker* What is wrong with this thing?
    Last edited by DJgirl; 10 August 2007, 12:42 PM.
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      C-Jack: Morgania, my dear, I think your Baal is brain damaged. I've already kidnapped you.
      Morgania: *snickers* No, it just takes him a while to track me. Love the liar. Whats the nearest planet? I want to conquer something, but not until later. *tackles*
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
        better than heat index of 110.(about 45)
        its like walking and breathing in a bowl of soup
        i spose.
        tis home after all


          It's only 67 and sunny here, ladies.
          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


            Originally posted by Morgania View Post

            It's only 67 and sunny here, ladies.
            *beams bucket of water so that it spills on top of baal*


              Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
              *beams bucket of water so that it spills on top of baal*

              *dries off* That was uncalled for. What I meant was, you could come over and we could go swimming.
              Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                Originally posted by Morgania View Post

                *dries off* That was uncalled for. What I meant was, you could come over and we could go swimming.

                sorry handsome
                i cant today
                gotta clean the house tonight before my friend comes to stay tomorrow.


                  Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post

                  sorry handsome
                  i cant today
                  gotta clean the house tonight before my friend comes to stay tomorrow.

                  Okay, some other time then. *beams over Jaffa to help mayo with cleaning*
                  They're Morgania's, so try not to loose them.
                  Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                    unknown location...

                    Kev: So, Addy, I suppose we should be moving on from here.

                    Addy: But you said they can't track us.
                    Kev: True, but we need to rid you of your locator device.
                    Addy: Is that really necessary? You could just block it.
                    Kev: *shoots Addy with tranquilizer* Trust me, my sweet. It's necessary. *sends image only to Fruitie, beams out*


                      Originally posted by Morgania View Post

                      Okay, some other time then. *beams over Jaffa to help mayo with cleaning*

                      They're Morgania's, so try not to loose them.
                      why thank you...

                      *beams fresh soda bread over*


                        Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                        why thank you...

                        *beams fresh soda bread over*

                        You're very welcome. And thanks for the bread.
                        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                          So, uh, might as well take V_Sparky back home. He kissed Addy then they didn't have time for anything else.


                            Love the avi, Admiral.


                              please excuse me while i go offf on a rant


                              k my holiday in leeds wa brilliand and the day in amsterdam with jules and co was most excellent.
                              but on my last day in leeds we went to the supermarkt in a taxi. the driver was in the british forces (he didnt specify if he had finished or not) but anyway...
                              he was off in his cloud cookoo land. after he learned i was irish he went off on one how he was a former spy in northern ireland during the troubles... he said he was a spy in a catholic pub... cause a skinny skin head with an english accent posing as a builder (who are not skinny in any way) would fit in totally in an irish catholic pub in belfast in the 70's and 80's *insert eyeroll here*
                              not only that...
                              the b*****d even went as far as saying that the women who get raped in the middle east by the occuppying forces deserve it!
                              no bloody wonder the brits keep having to arrest their own soilders if thats what they think!!!
                              i was physically feeling sick at this point.
                              only for him to say that his "post traumatic stress" was the reason he yelled at his wife and kids!!!
                              when i didnt go for him...
                              oh. and he was on holiday in dublin a month ago and when the police puklled him for speeding he wouldnt do anything cause in his words "im a british citisen you cant do anything to me"
                              no wonder people hate british tourists if he is anything to go by.
                              i hope he is not indicative of something more...

                              ok rant over and i am sorry but i had to get it off my chest some way an this is the less violent route


                                Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                                Love the avi, Admiral.

                                We thought it was appropriate. We're looking into getting it put as the doohickey for the lounge.

                                Pops, I don't think Darling's stupid enough to take Addy without permission.

                                MasterJack: Maybe...but we won't know for sure until our communications get back online.

