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    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
    CONGRATS, Addy! Wow!! 40,000 posts. *beams over stray Caldwell clone* Enjoy.

    (Three weeks until Dragon*Con. We got con tickets last week, and aeroplane tickets today. My very first con. I'm nervous about meeting the actors. Still trying to decide if I want a costume or not.)
    Have fun Morgania!!! It is only 2 weeks away for Chicago for me, and I am getting super excited and nervous all at the same time. I am not going to dress up, but I wouldn't put it past myself to buy a new outfit.

    Good morning Lounge!!
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Morgania View Post
      CONGRATS, Addy! Wow!! 40,000 posts. *beams over stray Caldwell clone* Enjoy.

      (Three weeks until Dragon*Con. We got con tickets last week, and aeroplane tickets today. My very first con. I'm nervous about meeting the actors. Still trying to decide if I want a costume or not.)

      Morgania, I made it here, but she's being manhandled by Jack and Daniel clones...I can't get anywhere near her just now. I'll be standing by once she's available.


        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        What were we on eh? Bizzare. I'd love to have some of my crazy dreams examined to see what they 'mean'. I never dream, and when I do it's messed up stuff like that... Well, not that I've ever had a dream about a bathroom

        I come home and you guys are drinking again?

        Kage: Hey, we're celabrating.
        It's always an excuse. Look at Tulip! He's already out for the night and I don't think Dingy is going to be standing for much longer and why does SweetPea have a split lip and black eye?
        Kage: Addy hit 40, 000.
        Toomi: Sounds like a reason to celebrate to me. Pass me a beer.

        Congrats Addy!!!

        Use me for your excuse to have a beer anytime you want, Kage. *blows kisses*


          Cammie: Good morning, lounge.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
            Good Morning cutie. *blows kisses*
            Sig made by me


              Good morning Lounge!!!

              StudMuffin: Congrats Addy on 40,000 posts!

              Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

              My Clones!

              My PhotoBucket
              Snurch if you want!


                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                Good Morning cutie. *blows kisses*

                *kisses* Did Cupcake make it home yet? He ran out of Evil Bro's room a while ago, throwing his shirt on as he went out the front door.


                  Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
                  Good morning Lounge!!!

                  StudMuffin: Congrats Addy on 40,000 posts!
                  Thanks, Muffy. *kisses throat hollow*


                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                    *kisses* Did Cupcake make it home yet? He ran out of Evil Bro's room a while ago, throwing his shirt on as he went out the front door.
                    Cupcake is home. He went right straight to his room when he got here, which leads me to believe he is still a little mad at me for the comment I made when I was with Johnny yesterday. I am going to apologize to him in just a little bit.
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      Cupcake is home. He went right straight to his room when he got here, which leads me to believe he is still a little mad at me for the comment I made when I was with Johnny yesterday. I am going to apologize to him in just a little bit.

                      Ah...he must have been running off so he could get there while you were at the airport then.


                        Good morning, lounge. Make-up time, Wendy? *turns on vid feed*


                          Cameron...was someone messin' with my control panel? The synthesizer is all off...bass, treble...all changed.

                          I'm not sure. I was kind of busy with Neelan yesterday. Coulda been someone at the party?


                            Addy's going for the eyes today?

                            Eyes or lips...I don't think she's decided yet.


                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                              Good morning, lounge. Make-up time, Wendy? *turns on vid feed*

                              Wendy: *knocks on Cupcake's door and enters room* Cupcake, honey, can we talk?
                              Cupcake: *groggy*I think you said it well enough yesterday.
                              Wendy: I am sorry about my comment. I didn't mean it at all. I was just caught up in the moment.

                              Cupcake: *thinks for a moment* If you make it up to me, we can forget about the whole thing.
                              Wendy: I think I can handle that. *climbs into bed*
                              Sig made by me


                                That's a new angle for her.

                                He must be teaching her one of Val's moves.

