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    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    FruitieCake: *radios to Darling*Darling...come in. I made it into the place. Now I just have to cut a hole in the door and get them out.
    Darling: *radios back* Can't you just over ride the door like you did the last one?
    Fruitie: Honestly, what would be the fun in that?

    Aeryn: Addy, Vala, if you can hear me. Drop to the floor in three, two, one...


      wel off out now to the theater
      see yall laters!!!!


      *blows kisses*


        MasterJack: Aeryn, what's your status? Over.

        Aeryn: I blasted away half the entrance. Fruitie is going in to check it out.


          FruitieCake: *walks into room* Hello gorgeous's...and SweetThang. Darling, Jack, whomever, I have them. Requesting immediate beaming to Lounge.
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            FruitieCake: *walks into room* Hello gorgeous's...and SweetThang. Darling, Jack, whomever, I have them. Requesting immediate beaming to Lounge.

            Copy that. Hand me my gun.

            *Addy, Vala, SweetThang beam in*

            Addy: Jack! *runs behind him*

            Vala: Request permission to shoot the weasel, sir?

            MasterJack: Maybe after we debrief him. Don't try anything stupid, Sweet Thang.
            Vala: No, not this one. Mer. He's the one who got SweetThang drunk.
            MasterJack: Cammie, get Mer's mik'ta in here.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

              *Addy, Vala, SweetThang beam in*

              Addy: Jack! *runs behind him*

              Vala: Request permission to shoot the weasel, sir?

              MasterJack: Maybe after we debrief him. Don't try anything stupid, Sweet Thang.
              Vala: No, not this one. Mer. He's the one who got SweetThang drunk.
              MasterJack: Cammie, get Mer's mik'ta in here.

              Mer: Is this really necessary? Hello? Anyone there? Oh god, I am going to die.
              Sig made by me


                FruitieCake: Ummm, I am sure it was just an oversite, but I am still here. Can someone please beam me back to the Lounge?
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                  Mer: Is this really necessary? Hello? Anyone there? Oh god, I am going to die.

                  Vala, proceed with the questioning.

                  Vala: SweetThang, when Aeryn blasted through the door, you said it was all Mer's fault, that he got you drunk. Elaborate.

                  ST: He said that women were nothing but trouble and brought two cases of beer into my room. He stayed long enough to drink one then left me with the rest.


                    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                    FruitieCake: Ummm, I am sure it was just an oversite, but I am still here. Can someone please beam me back to the Lounge?

                    Cammie: Sorry, 'bout that, hon. *beams Fruitie and Aeryn to join others*

                    Aeryn: Thanks. Knew you'd get 'round to it eventually.


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      Cammie: Sorry, 'bout that, hon. *beams Fruitie and Aeryn to join others*

                      Aeryn: Thanks. Knew you'd get 'round to it eventually.

                      Fruitie: Thanks Cammie. Now where is my Beefcake at?
                      Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        Fruitie: Thanks Cammie. Now where is my Beefcake at?

                        How would we know? Are you going to join in questioning the prisoners or go off flirting?

                        EDaniel: I'll help question them.
                        Vala: Wondered how long before you'd show up.


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                          How would we know? Are you going to join in questioning the prisoners or go off flirting?

                          EDaniel: I'll help question them.
                          Vala: Wondered how long before you'd show up.

                          FruitieCake: I will help question. You didn't have to be mean about it though. I just missed Beefy is all.
                          Cupcake: He wasn't even one that was taken.
                          Fruitie: I know....I still missed him.
                          Cupcake: She's ready.
                          Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            FruitieCake: I will help question. You didn't have to be mean about it though. I just missed Beefy is all.
                            Cupcake: He wasn't even one that was taken.
                            Fruitie: I know....I still missed him.
                            Cupcake: She's ready.

                            Mean? Sorry, but you try sleeping on a cold concrete floor with HotBuns and Jonas and see if you're not a bit cranky the next morning.

                            Vala: Is that Mer's statement?
                            EDaniel: No, a transcript from his computer logs. Seems he has his Sam stashed away somewhere safe while the rest of you were held captive.

                            MasterJack: Care to comment, Sweet Thang?
                            SweetThang: *points at Mer* He did that...stripped the other Sam down to her undies, too. He called it therapy.
                            MasterJack: Mer? What do you have to say for yourself?


                              Mer: What? I didn't harm that Sam. Besides I was drunk and didn't want to risk bringing my Sam out of hiding.

                              Fruitie: You are a sad little weasel.
                              Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                                Mer: What? I didn't harm that Sam. Besides I was drunk and didn't want to risk bringing my Sam out of hiding.

                                Fruitie: You are a sad little weasel.

                                Vala: You said it, Fruitie. Jack, can we skip the rest of the questioning and just mete out the punishment?

                                Good idea. Addy and I could both use a nap.
                                *beams SweetThang and Mer into stasis*

