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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

    To: Nibbles
    From: Valerie

    I'll see you then. Happy Turkey Day! xoxo

    To: Valerie
    From: Nibbles

    To you too. xx
    Awesome sig by Laura
    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

    The randomess that is me
    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


      ECam: (on intercom) That's it for today. Time for Thanksgiving Eve turkey hunting.


        Iffy's place........

        Lucky: Where are my pants?


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
          Iffy's place........

          EMitchells' cottage...

          Patricia: *sounds asleep with Lucky's pants as her pillow*
          ECVala: Since when did she figure out the transport system?
          ECam: Kali was teaching her during their time in Patricia's Junior Lair. *kisses*



            To: Zane
            From: Aeryn

            Would you like to come to my ski chalet tomorrow morning and spend the weekend together? I'll untie you in time for Addy's golf thing on Monday morning. xoxo



              To: Sally
              From: REDan

              I have next week off and RVal has hidden all my research materials and is forcing me to go somewhere. I've chosen Las Vegas and will be at the Monte Carlo starting tomorrow morning. You are most welcome to join me at your leisure. I'll be there through the afternoon of the 6th. xo



                To: All fight personnel
                From: Gen. C. Mitchell

                Re: Patrol Schedule November 30 - December 6, 2009

                On Scheduled Leave:
                RGH, RScruffy, Mitchie, Aeryn, REDan

                All times listed are Pacific.

                Monday, November 30
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RJC)
                05:00-08:30 Delta 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), Amaretti
                08:30-12:00 Delta 2 - Lucky (2IC), Sami
                12:00-15:30 Delta 3 - WCam (Shift Leader), RMer
                15:30-19:30 Zephyr (Cupcake, RFruitie) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Gen. Hottie commanding)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                Tuesday, December 1
                07:00-15:00 Periodic Training at Maui Alpha Base Boot Camp - Praetorian Squadron - Swimming Qualifications (Ocean & Swamp)

                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RCupcake, RJonas)
                05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - CamSyn (Squadron Leader), RCam
                08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - Sam (2IC), Gunny
                12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - RMJack (Shift Leader), RECam
                15:30-19:30 Malduran (Alpha, EDSam) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Gen. Hottie commanding)
                Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                Wednesday, December 2
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RCupcake, RJonas)
                05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), EDaniel
                08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Vala
                12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Darling
                15:30-19:30 Zephyr (Cupcake, RFruitie) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                Thursday, December 3
                00:00-05:00 Odyssey II on orbital patrol (Cammie, SpiceCake)
                05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), Bubbles
                08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - RVal (2IC), Bella
                12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - Cub (acting Shift Leader), RCS
                15:30-19:30 Malduran (Alpha, EDSam) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                Friday, December 4
                00:00-05:00 Odyssey II on orbital patrol (Cammie, SpiceCake)
                05:00-08:30 Delta 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), Amaretti
                08:30-12:00 Delta 2 - Lucky (2IC), Sami
                12:00-15:30 Delta 3 - WCam (Shift Leader), RMer
                15:30-19:30 Mitchell on orbital patrol (Scruffy, Mer)
                19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, DevilsFoodCake)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                Saturday, December 5
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RJC)
                05:00-19:30 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Braga commanding)
                19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, DevilsFoodCake)
                Gamma Station: Closed

                Sunday, December 6
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep[/COLOR], RJC)
                05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - CamSyn (Squadron Leader), RCam
                08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - Sam (2IC), Gunny
                12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - RMJack (Shift Leader), RECam
                15:30-19:30 Mitchell on orbital patrol (Scruffy, Mer)
                19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, DevilsFoodCake)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  EMitchells' cottage...

                  Patricia: *sounds asleep with Lucky's pants as her pillow*
                  ECVala: Since when did she figure out the transport system?
                  ECam: Kali was teaching her during their time in Patricia's Junior Lair. *kisses*


                    Iffy's Place

                    Sweet Pea: I thought you two girls would be cooking up a storm.
                    IffyD: *glares and sips coffee*
                    Iffy: We are waking up first.
                    Sweet Pea: I told Fox to invite that SLorne. So we have one extra.
                    IffyD: I like him, the SLorne, so cute, so very sweet.
                    Iffy: *giggles*


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      EMitchells' cottage...

                      Patricia: *sounds asleep with Lucky's pants as her pillow*
                      ECVala: Since when did she figure out the transport system?
                      ECam: Kali was teaching her during their time in Patricia's Junior Lair. *kisses*
                      She is too cute.
                      Awesome sig by Laura
                      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                      The randomess that is me
                      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                        To: Zane
                        From: Aeryn

                        Would you like to come to my ski chalet tomorrow morning and spend the weekend together? I'll untie you in time for Addy's golf thing on Monday morning. xoxo

                        To: Aeryn
                        From: Zane

                        I would like that very much. I'll be there tomorrow morning. xoxox
                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                          To: Sally
                          From: REDan

                          I have next week off and RVal has hidden all my research materials and is forcing me to go somewhere. I've chosen Las Vegas and will be at the Monte Carlo starting tomorrow morning. You are most welcome to join me at your leisure. I'll be there through the afternoon of the 6th. xo

                          To: REDan
                          From: Sally

                          Thank you for the invite, I'll see if I can make it. x
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



                            PH: *beams in* Hello, gorgeous. *kisses Sally*


                              Jenn's villa...

                              Cub: *beams in* Good morning, beautiful. *kisses* You look great!

                              Jenn: Thanks. You, too. *kisses back, leads him to the lanai*


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                                PH: *beams in* Hello, gorgeous. *kisses Sally*
                                Sally: Hello, handsome. *kisses* How was your Thanksgiving?

                                Her outfit
                                Awesome sig by Laura
                                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                                The randomess that is me
                                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty

