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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by minigeek
    Sorry for the cross-post, but it was just too good.

    I was watching Stargate: True Science, and there was one segment (among several) where either Brad or Robert were on camera, speaking about the series itself. In one particular segment, Robert said (I kid you not - exact quotation):

    "...It's amazing that people enjoy the show, because really, the heros of the show are a bunch of screw-ups who are always, y'know, causing horrible problems for themselves and for everyone else. I guess it's the fact that they occasionally make up for it, or get out of it, that, uh, keeps people coming back."

    Do I ever NEED to follow that with a tag commentary?


    (for those interested, it's about 13 minutes in...)

    Pardon my English, but bloody hell.


      Originally posted by minigeek
      I was watching Stargate: True Science... In one particular segment, Robert said:
      "...It's amazing that people enjoy the show, because really, the heros of the show are a bunch of screw-ups who are always, y'know, causing horrible problems for themselves and for everyone else. I guess it's the fact that they occasionally make up for it, or get out of it, that, uh, keeps people coming back."
      *cue eery music*

      There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to fans. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between greatness and cancellation, between Science Fiction and Fantasy; and it lies between the pit of fans' fears and the peak of their hopes. This is the dimension of B@B. It is an area which we call… Seasons Nine and Ten.

      There is nothing wrong with your Stargate SG-1. Do not attempt to make sense of it. We are controlling the emission. If we wish to make it funnier, we will bring up the Felger. If we wish to make it dafter, we will bring in the Mitchell. We can reduce the focus on The Big Three or sharpen it on The New Two. We will control the event horizon. We will ignore the stargate. For the next two years, sit quietly and we will destroy all that you have known and loved. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... Seasons Nine and Ten.

      Last edited by DEM; 06 June 2006, 04:22 PM.


        Originally posted by DEM
        *cue eery music*

        There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to fans. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between greatness and cancellation, between Science Fiction and Fantasy; and it lies between the pit of fans' fears and the peak of their hopes. This is the dimension of B@B. It is an area which we call… Seasons Nine and Ten.

        There is nothing wrong with your Stargate SG-1. Do not attempt to make sense of it. We are controlling the emission. If we wish to make it funnier, we will bring up the Felger. If we wish to make it dafter, we will bring in the Mitchell. We can reduce the focus on The Big Three or sharpen it on The New Two. We will control the event horizon. We will ignore the stargate. For the next two years, sit quietly and we will destroy all that you have known and loved. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... Seasons Nine and Ten.

        This is excellent.


          Originally posted by DEM
          *cue eery music*

          There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to fans. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between greatness and cancellation, between Science Fiction and Fantasy; and it lies between the pit of fans' fears and the peak of their hopes. This is the dimension of B@B. It is an area which we call… Seasons Nine and Ten.

          There is nothing wrong with your Stargate SG-1. Do not attempt to make sense of it. We are controlling the emission. If we wish to make it funnier, we will bring up the Felger. If we wish to make it dafter, we will bring in the Mitchell. We can reduce the focus on The Big Three or sharpen it on The New Two. We will control the event horizon. We will ignore the stargate. For the next two years, sit quietly and we will destroy all that you have known and loved. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... Seasons Nine and Ten.

          And I can't even green you Well, this is great! LOL funny!

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by jckfan55
            And the letter writer wanted the same "excitement" as in Farscape. In other words, wanted Farscape, not SG1. I did like Farscape, but personally, some of the "excitement" in the form of OTT Crichton got a bit hard for this viewer to take.
            Me too. I liked Farscape, and I thought it was a very well made show: Well written, intelligent, good story arcs, with episodes that followed up on earlier stories months and years later. However, I find it very difficult to watch episodes more than once. When it started in syndication this year I was very excited, but found that I just couldn't stomache them a second time, for the most part.


              Originally posted by minigeek
              Sorry for the cross-post, but it was just too good.

              I was watching Stargate: True Science, and there was one segment (among several) where either Brad or Robert were on camera, speaking about the series itself. In one particular segment, Robert said (I kid you not - exact quotation):

              "...It's amazing that people enjoy the show, because really, the heros of the show are a bunch of screw-ups who are always, y'know, causing horrible problems for themselves and for everyone else. I guess it's the fact that they occasionally make up for it, or get out of it, that, uh, keeps people coming back."

              Do I ever NEED to follow that with a tag commentary?


              (for those interested, it's about 13 minutes in...)

              Is he...watching the same show we are?

              Good god. What....He really has no idea why people watch(ed) this show, does he? None at all.

              The real question is-Why do they allow him to remain show-runner, if he has no idea why people watch the show? *(Not to mention, no idea what to do with one of the main characters.)

              This is not helping my bad mood AT ALL.


                the two shows are very different

                farscape was set in a galaxy far, far away, and thus was not bound by the 'rules' of reality

                stargate has always been set in the here and now. that was part of its appeal, normal folks doing extraordinary things. they'd blow up a sun and have to hit the supermarket on the way home because they were out of milk

                as such, transplanting scape's avante guarde humor onto the show just won't work.

                it would be like serving soy burgers at a championship BBQ. sure, they'll grill, but it just won't be the same. no matter how much sauce you pour over it, it's still veggie protein and not some nice ground meat
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  the two shows are very different

                  farscape was set in a galaxy far, far away, and thus was not bound by the 'rules' of reality

                  stargate has always been set in the here and now. that was part of its appeal, normal folks doing extraordinary things. they'd blow up a sun and have to hit the supermarket on the way home because they were out of milk

                  as such, transplanting scape's avante guarde humor onto the show just won't work.

                  it would be like serving soy burgers at a championship BBQ. sure, they'll grill, but it just won't be the same. no matter how much sauce you pour over it, it's still veggie protein and not some nice ground meat
                  Or like trying to mix oil and water.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by minigeek
                    At least now we know it was, in fact, on purpose. And no amount of dissatisfaction with it, on our part, is likely to change his mind - given how gleeful he seemed about the entire concept. I'm all for not taking one's self too seriously, but the whole thing being made into a great big joke doesn't float my particular boat very well. There's funny and then there's farce. I didn't realize that Stargate SG-1 was in direct competition with South Park for demographic viewership.
                    Mini! Farce is exactly the word that popped into my head earlier today! It just... fits... for what they've apparently been attempting!


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      *cue eery music*

                      There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to fans. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between greatness and cancellation, between Science Fiction and Fantasy; and it lies between the pit of fans' fears and the peak of their hopes. This is the dimension of B@B. It is an area which we call… Seasons Nine and Ten.

                      There is nothing wrong with your Stargate SG-1. Do not attempt to make sense of it. We are controlling the emission. If we wish to make it funnier, we will bring up the Felger. If we wish to make it dafter, we will bring in the Mitchell. We can reduce the focus on The Big Three or sharpen it on The New Two. We will control the event horizon. We will ignore the stargate. For the next two years, sit quietly and we will destroy all that you have known and loved. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... Seasons Nine and Ten.

                      DEM! LOL! Great job! I can hear the Outer Limits sound and tone whil reading this.


                        Originally posted by DEM
                        *cue eery music*

                        There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to fans. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between greatness and cancellation, between Science Fiction and Fantasy; and it lies between the pit of fans' fears and the peak of their hopes. This is the dimension of B@B. It is an area which we call… Seasons Nine and Ten.

                        There is nothing wrong with your Stargate SG-1. Do not attempt to make sense of it. We are controlling the emission. If we wish to make it funnier, we will bring up the Felger. If we wish to make it dafter, we will bring in the Mitchell. We can reduce the focus on The Big Three or sharpen it on The New Two. We will control the event horizon. We will ignore the stargate. For the next two years, sit quietly and we will destroy all that you have known and loved. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... Seasons Nine and Ten.

                        Classic! Simply Classic!

                        ...a very cranky blog:


                          Thanks for laughing, y'all. Between the True Science quote and "SG-1 is a comedy", it just seemed fitting.

                          And astrogeo, there are actually 2 shows referenced.


                            Originally posted by DEM
                            Thanks for laughing, y'all. Between the True Science quote and "SG-1 is a comedy", it just seemed fitting.

                            And astrogeo, there are actually 2 shows referenced.
                            Twilight Zone for the other? I'm imagining Rod Serling's voice intoning those words.



                              Originally posted by DEM
                              Thanks for laughing, y'all. Between the True Science quote and "SG-1 is a comedy", it just seemed fitting.

                              And astrogeo, there are actually 2 shows referenced.
                              Twilight Zone! It just took me a second (I haven't watched many TZ's, but I have seen a lot of Outer Limits)


                                Holy Hannah, I finally found this place!!! Most of Samanda is here!! Wow, DEM - fantastic post! You captured the vast wasteland completely! Brilliant! And, once again showing my age ... I connected with Twilight Zone right away. Of course, I thought Elvis was cool too.

                                Well, I now have 50+ pages of homework to do! Or should I just jump right in?! So good to see all of you over here ... what's the agenda? I didn't read page one. Do we just let it all out?

                                Is this like therapy or divorce court or somethin'? Huh?!

                                I'll be back - it's almost midnight where I live and I have to be at work tomorrow!

                                Let me just leave with one thought - the latest hype about Sam's "cameo" in SA. What a crock! They really don't know what to do with Sam Carter in S10! If I recall, her other "cameo" in Letters from Pegasus lasted less than a minute - a minute of screentime and tying up a beautiful actress on another set while the newbies cavort on the SG1 set and have pages of dialogue! I assume we don't need Spoiler boxes here - if we are letting it all hang out!

                                Gosh, that felt good! I can sleep easy! I think I'm gonna like it here.

