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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by Myrth
    Mmm very... think illegal fighting pit

    And I was leaning toward Mitchell being left behind and dying. Sam orders Daniel & Teal'c through the gate while Mitchell is covering them on a planet that is essentially imploding. Sam calls for Mitchell to retreat, but he either doesn't hear her or ignores her. She's thrown backwards through the gate by an earth tremor but Mitchell turns and she watches the realisation of his own impending death dawn on him as she realises she can't do a damn thing to save him. She sees it as leaving him behind. But then would she see it that way? This is where I get stuck.
    This sounds like a wonderful set-up for some great drama and angst. Woot! Can't wait to read it!


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      earth tremor....crevassse opens up? he can't get across.

      tree falls on him while sam is tossed through the gate

      go for the exploding lava?

      rock fall?

      some kind of 'natural' disaster

      ooh, here's something i've never read.

      sam's in front of the gate, owied i'm guessing. tremors shaking the ground horribly.

      the gate falls over. on her. Or i should say around her. think about it, if she's in front of the gate and it falls on her she goes through while mitch can't go through it since he'd have to dig under the gate to get at the event horizon

      he's left behind and left for dead. you don't have to kill him that way, or show it. he's just impossibly left behind on an imploding planet
      The 'Gate falls on Sam! Wow, Sky! That's a brilliant original scene!


        Originally posted by astrogeologist
        The 'Gate falls on Sam! Wow, Sky! That's a brilliant original scene!
        Around Sam, I hope. On Sam could be messy - doesn't it weigh 64,000 pounds?

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          yep, weighs about that much. but if sam is right in front of it, it'll fall around her and she'll go through the event horizon

          really her and anything else in that 20 foot radius

          theoretically, if she was taking shelter behind a rock or something and the gate fell flat, anything above ground level would go through the event horizon
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Good point Sky.. but most gates seem to be on raised platforms, so I'm kinda picturing that. Sam is standing on the steps and the gate falls and rests at an angle on the steps.. but maybe the DHD cops the top and gets crushed.

            Originally posted by Skydiver
            yep, weighs about that much. but if sam is right in front of it, it'll fall around her and she'll go through the event horizon

            really her and anything else in that 20 foot radius

            theoretically, if she was taking shelter behind a rock or something and the gate fell flat, anything above ground level would go through the event horizon


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              yep, weighs about that much. but if sam is right in front of it, it'll fall around her and she'll go through the event horizon

              really her and anything else in that 20 foot radius

              theoretically, if she was taking shelter behind a rock or something and the gate fell flat, anything above ground level would go through the event horizon
              But depending on where the rock was in relation to her, she could get crushed by a rock on top of her on the other side. This is such a good idea for a fic. Someone has to write it!
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Myrth
                Good point Sky.. but most gates seem to be on raised platforms, so I'm kinda picturing that. Sam is standing on the steps and the gate falls and rests at an angle on the steps.. but maybe the DHD cops the top and gets crushed.
                Leaving Mitchell stranded - or squished if he's standing in the wrong place.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  Leaving Mitchell stranded - or squished if he's standing in the wrong place.

                  leave him stranded, but let there be other ppl there for him. don't let him live the rest of his life alone.




                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    leave him stranded, but let there be other ppl there for him. don't let him live the rest of his life alone.

                    he's on a planet that's being destroyed/torn apart

                    he doesn't live alone for long

                    as to the gate being on know the reason for that??? so that they have a steady place to put the prop gate

                    the atlantis gates aren't always up on high platforms
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      leave him stranded, but let there be other ppl there for him. don't let him live the rest of his life alone.

                      He won't be lonely long. Isn't the planet imploding or something?

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        okay, i asked a question in samanda, hoping that someone would answer it here. but it didn't happen, so i'm posting it here.

                        i wrote something out and saved it in notepad. but the next day, when i tried to open it, it had become an ms-dos program. i really don't know how this happened. i also can't open the ms-dos program; it keeps saying i'm doing some illegal maneuver.

                        i want to save the text that i thought i'd saved in notepad. does anyone know why i can't open this ms-dos program? and more importantly, does anyone know of a sneaky way of finding the text from this? like, maybe in history or some other thinger that i just don't know about. please help!




                          have you tried to right click on it, 'open with' and then choose notepad and see if that'll open it??
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            okay, i asked a question in samanda, hoping that someone would answer it here. but it didn't happen, so i'm posting it here.

                            i wrote something out and saved it in notepad. but the next day, when i tried to open it, it had become an ms-dos program. i really don't know how this happened. i also can't open the ms-dos program; it keeps saying i'm doing some illegal maneuver.

                            i want to save the text that i thought i'd saved in notepad. does anyone know why i can't open this ms-dos program? and more importantly, does anyone know of a sneaky way of finding the text from this? like, maybe in history or some other thinger that i just don't know about. please help!

                            Was this one a regular Windows (95 / 98 / 2000 / XP) machine, or a Pocket PC? If it was regular Windows, then try navigating to the file, right clicking it, selecting "Open With" from the resulting pop up menu, and choosing Notepad from the list of available programs. If the thing won't open with Notepad, you might try copying the file using My Computer, changing the file type of the copy to .txt and trying to open the copy with the .txt type with Notepad. (Sometimes all that's been changed is the file type, and the original content is still there - Windows simply won't make an attempt to read it while it thinks the file is an .exe or app of some ilk.)

                            If this was Windows Mobile, aka: Pocket PC, and it's not 2003 or later... I hate to say it, but... there may be no hope. Sometimes older versions of Windows Mobile teamed up with certain device drivers to make word processing documents of all varieties into program files (.prg, if I remember correctly) just 'because.' When this happened, it meant a permanent sayonora to the files: they couldn't be recovered. The only solution was to use a compatible SD card (SimpleTech worked well on Dell devices) and never make any folders on it.
                            ...a very cranky blog:


                              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                              Was this one a regular Windows (95 / 98 / 2000 / XP) machine, or a Pocket PC? If it was regular Windows, then try navigating to the file, right clicking it, selecting "Open With" from the resulting pop up menu, and choosing Notepad from the list of available programs. If the thing won't open with Notepad, you might try copying the file using My Computer, changing the file type of the copy to .txt and trying to open the copy with the .txt type with Notepad. (Sometimes all that's been changed is the file type, and the original content is still there - Windows simply won't make an attempt to read it while it thinks the file is an .exe or app of some ilk.)
                              when i right click this, it doesn't have an option of 'open with'. and i have windows XP.

                              in the part i highlighted above: how do i do that? do i go to 'my computer'? if so, what do i do when i get there?


                              edited to add:

                              I DID IT!

                              with your suggestion, i went and 'played' around with things. what i ended up doing was opening a notepad and clicking 'open' to a file or folder. then i got to the ms-dos program thinger that i wanted and clicked 'copy'.

                              i can't believe it worked! i couldn't even get to the text because i couldn't open that ms-dos program. YOU helped me to figure it out! thanks!

                              Last edited by majorsal; 13 May 2006, 07:41 PM.



                                An off topic whinge.

                                Recently, my bosses complained that I'm processing too many work orders and attaching too much documentation to them.

                                Because of the Sarbanes Oxley legislation here in the States, my workload as a security admin has gone up like a Saturn V in the past year. Every last thing I do with the system or to a user's account, or by a user's request, has to be formalized with a work order. Each work order has to have documentation - aka 'evidence' - attached to prove I didn't just decide on my own to do whatever I did, to prove that I actually did the work, and to explain how I went about doing the work for the instruction of others. The last two months I've whipped each of our help desk folks' hineys in work order count, and I've never been lower than third out of twenty since the Sox stuff started. I do lots of work.

                                And now - my bosses are peeved because they have to read all those work orders, and/or search them when the auditors want a specific case, and, surprise, it's a lot to read! :head desks: No fooling! Where'd you park the squad car, Sherlock? It was a lot more work to do each task and document it, too, than it is to just read the stuff, but y'all expect me to keep doing it and suffer in silence about the effort and pain involved in that. So why don't y'all have to just buckle down and read instead of giving me grief about it?

                                But no. Y'all get to tell me to enter fewer work orders and put in bullet points instead of just pasting in the request e-mail to describe the task. Y'all get to tell me to use bullet points to explain the highlights of what I did, instead of describing the step by step process. Y'all get to tell me to attach fewer files to document the request, and the resolution, and the procedure to create that resolution.

                                All of this just makes more work for me - and more worry. Why can't I say what I actually did and attach all the files with which I did it? That's easier than deciding how and what to condense when no one has given me any input on what they don't have to see. .What if I don't attach the crucial bit of evidence, and I might not, because no one can explain what evidence is required, or just what constitutes proper evidence. So, I'll have to keep all the e-mails and files and so forth archived somewhere, in case they're ever needed to 'prove' something. There goes more of my own hard drive space (my own portable hard drive goes back and forth with me every day), and/or CD space, because this can't go on the network. And here's another big worry because my copy of Office is old, cranky and prone to functional disorders - like losing things as I transfer mail to personal folders to get it off the Exchange server. And just how is anyone else ever supposed to figure out how to do a task if all I'm allowed to say about the process of doing the task is something along the lines of:
                                • Extracted data.
                                • Vetted data.
                                • Formatted data.
                                • Put formatted data in its folder.
                                I’m sure everyone here is just clear as crystal on what I did after reading that, and could sit down at my desk and do the task right now.

                                But no.

                                I’m a bad person that makes other people work too hard.

                                And meanwhile, it’s all I can do to keep from laughing my butt off because I’m now officially required to bullet point everything. I keep wondering if I’ll find myself spontaneously channeling Sam Carter one day. Maybe I already have – I’m also in trouble for giving overly detailed explanations containing too many big words, and too much actual punctuation. :lays on floor and laughs until exhausted:

                                I just wonder why no one else is in trouble for sloth and dimness.
                                ...a very cranky blog:

