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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    how about that they keep contradicting themelves. they can't even check such mundane facts as how long jacob's had a symbiote and whether or not there's a zoo in colorado springs.

    they apparantly dn't have the time or inclination to proof read thier stuff.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      how about that they keep contradicting themelves. they can't even check such mundane facts as how long jacob's had a symbiote and whether or not there's a zoo in colorado springs.

      they apparantly dn't have the time or inclination to proof read thier stuff.
      And wasn't this when they were working on two shows at one time...So....trying to write for two shows is effecting the quality of the shows?
      So any thoughts on if Brad, Martin, Michael, and Rick's leaving the show affected SG-1?


        they still are writing for two shows. and, imho, the same small group doing twice the work leads to plot holes like never explaining how pete found the stake out, or how vala got a gun after being disarmed or the other plot holes that come from a lack of research.

        as to my opinions on the boys?

        well, brad i feel is a master at achieving the balance betweeen character and sfx. he could keep them both going at the same time. with him gone, most of that balance is gone and there's no one to grab the writers and say 'this episode is crap, rewrite it'

        Martin? Martin is a great director and he had a sense of style and class and i miss him

        michael? I'm presuming you're asking about shanks and i personally felt that the only real loss when he was gone was exchanging that jack/daniel banter for other pairings. I liked jonas and throughly enjoyed s6.

        rick, i think that rick took a lot of the style with him when he left. I think that his personal tastes ruled more than we thought it did and he had the name and rep to stand up and say 'no, we're not doing it this way' and the writers/directors/producers had to listen to it is now, apparantly they ignore most/many of the actors' concerns and insist upon things going 'their way'...which doesn't always seem to be the best decision given how many of those 'just do it our way' moments have been disliked by fans at large
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver
          yeah, becaue either coop can't or won't control these boys and make them put out quality stuff.

          they CAN do it. they did y ears ago in s4 and 5 and 6...but since s7, the writing has been getting worse and worse. homage after homage to teh point that they're snagging whole plots from other shows...even from themselves in the case of atlantis

          its like they're proud to be making junk

          i honestly think they need to take some time off. and it's VERY important that they go back and watch some of their earlier stuff. they knew how to do it then; juggling personal and professional issues in their writing. and man, they knew how to write TEAM. as in all of them together at the same time, working *together* to solve a problem.

          they did it once (for many years), they can do it again.

          please, guys, do it again.




            Originally posted by Skydiver
            as it is now, apparantly they ignore most/many of the actors' concerns and insist upon things going 'their way'...which doesn't always seem to be the best decision given how many of those 'just do it our way' moments have been disliked by fans at large
            Which is foolish, given the insight that the actors will have into their characters. The show could survive with one less space battle. I don't think it could survive the loss of one of the three remaining characters we've watched grow and develop over the past nine seasons.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by ReganX
              Which is foolish, given the insight that the actors will have into their characters. The show could survive with one less space battle. I don't think it could survive the loss of one of the three remaining characters we've watched grow and develop over the past nine seasons.
              i just wish we could petition skiffy in advance to give them another chance. once their ratings tank when they completely ignore the Big3 (more than now), hopefully, they'll wake up. course by then they'll be canceled and wake up to the sound of their butts hitting the street.
              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                i just wish we could petition skiffy in advance to give them another chance. once their ratings tank when they completely ignore the Big3 (more than now), hopefully, they'll wake up. course by then they'll be canceled and wake up to the sound of their butts hitting the street.
                Perhaps we should send links to the Anti Season Nine and Ten threads, to help them become aware of some of the problems people have with the show; and to Sam, Daniel and Teal'c's appreciation threads, to remind them that we still love the Big3 and want to see more of them.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  Perhaps we should send links to the Anti Season Nine and Ten threads, to help them become aware of some of the problems people have with the show; and to Sam, Daniel and Teal'c's appreciation threads, to remind them that we still love the Big3 and want to see more of them.
                  maybe we should make some aesthetically (<--has no idea how to spell it) pleasing yet simple diagram. say a see-saw: on one side, the problems with s1-s8, on the other sam/teal'c/jack/daniel/jonas and the good stuff. the pros weigh more. then, all of a sudden, mitchell/ori/vala plop down onto the anti side and the Big3 go flying. i smell a smilie.
                  "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                  Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                    maybe we should make some aesthetically (<--has no idea how to spell it) pleasing yet simple diagram. say a see-saw: on one side, the problems with s1-s8, on the other sam/teal'c/jack/daniel/jonas and the good stuff. the pros weigh more. then, all of a sudden, mitchell/ori/vala plop down onto the anti side and the Big3 go flying. i smell a smilie.
                    That would be cool. Maybe a comic strip if anybody is artistically inclined - and we can stick the "Out With The New, Back With The Gold" sig you made underneath.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by Skydiver

                      michael? I'm presuming you're asking about shanks and i personally felt that the only real loss when he was gone was exchanging that jack/daniel banter for other pairings. I liked jonas and throughly enjoyed s6.
                      Sorry Sky, I was referring to Micheal Greenberg.

                      And I agree with your other comments....Brad is the MASTER and I just love Martin's style. Rick was just great .....the right balance of humor and he knew how to make you relate to the characters.

                      I'm one of those that hasn't given up hope that the current guys can't get the old formula back even with new characters....but I'm not going to hold my breathe.....Joe did have some episode (can't remember which one it was lol) this season that had the same feel to do them.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        i honestly think they need to take some time off. and it's VERY important that they go back and watch some of their earlier stuff. they knew how to do it then; juggling personal and professional issues in their writing. and man, they knew how to write TEAM. as in all of them together at the same time, working *together* to solve a problem.

                        they did it once (for many years), they can do it again.

                        please, guys, do it again.

                        Good idea Sally, let's lock them in a room and make them watch the earlier Seasons!



                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          Which is foolish, given the insight that the actors will have into their characters. The show could survive with one less space battle. I don't think it could survive the loss of one of the three remaining characters we've watched grow and develop over the past nine seasons.
                          Interesting tidbit.....We are doing episode discussion over on and the recurring theme in everyone's comments is.......they like the way the episode made them FEEL. Most members seem to like the friendship and drama over the action.....I'm not saying they don't want the action but how the action makes the characters feel and react is important too.



                            Originally posted by JanSam
                            Interesting tidbit.....We are doing episode discussion over on and the recurring theme in everyone's comments is.......they like the way the episode made them FEEL. Most members seem to like the friendship and drama over the action.....I'm not saying they don't want the action but how the action makes the characters feel and react is important too.

                            For me, action and space battles can be fun, if not done to excess, but if I'm going to tune in next week, I have to care about the characters and what happens to them and I have to feel a connection to them.

                            Otherwise, I won't really care about the show and, more often than not, will forget when it's on or set the VCR to weekly, then never bother to watch the taped episodes.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by JanSam
                              Sorry Sky, I was referring to Micheal Greenberg.
                              ah, i was wondering what shanks was doing in there, but hey, he did leave too

                              i like greenberg's style. like brad and rda, he has the touch to balance comedy with humor, taste and class and style.

                              he knows what kind of humor is the most easily accepted nad knows not to put too much in, or polarize the show or parts of the show any one way

                              these guys were graet at keeping a balance in the show.

                              ITLOD, what many see as a great sam eps...well yes, it ws, but we also got to see how it effected jack and daniel and teal'c too. it was about sam but not to the exclusion of all the others

                              contrast that to lifeboat...which, while it had some great daniel/janet bits seemed to exist for little more than to get MS and TR off by themselves and give MS a chance to (in my opinion) chew the scenery a bit (in the opinion of others, a chance to act beyond the confines of his character and stretch his muscles)

                              do we get to see how his issue effects the others??? not really. One or two scenes of jack lurking in the observation room and that's it.

                              babylon...mitch goes missing. does ANYONE seem to give a damn??? ANYONE????

                              Greenburg, Wright, RDA and Martin all have the ability to keep teh show on an even keel and the hutzpah to rein in the silliness when the boys have and one too many while writing the show. coop seems to lack that what we seem to get a lot of looks more like a fanboy fantasy and bad fanfic gone to tape than an quality show.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by JanSam
                                Interesting tidbit.....We are doing episode discussion over on and the recurring theme in everyone's comments is.......they like the way the episode made them FEEL. Most members seem to like the friendship and drama over the action.....I'm not saying they don't want the action but how the action makes the characters feel and react is important too.

                                if we - we being the viewers - can make an emotional attachment to the characters, there's no enticement to tune in.

                                space battles???? dude, they're a dime a dozen. seen one, seen them all. focusing all their attention in making things splashier and splashier is a waste of time becuase, i as a viewer, am more saavy about sfx than they are. and more quickly bored with them.

                                i can get sfx anywhere. so when there's nothing else to keep me interested - ie caring about the characters - i can get my eyecandy at any time and any place and SG becomes nothing more than an endless parade of pretties.

                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


