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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    I have to say I am disgusted that BB got nominated for best actor and CB for best actress for the Saturn Awards.

    I'm thinking maybe they don't have enough people to fill out the nomination positions and they were nominated by default.

    I'm not saying they aren't good actors, I'm saying they didn't have any scenes worthwhile being nominated for.
    Yep. I agree. It's not that BB and CB can't act; it's that the material ALL of the actors were given was NOT nom-worthy (imho, of course).


      this is how i 'want' the command issue to be handled in season 10.

      spoilers for the first ep of season 10 --

      it's been spoiled that sg1 is invited to landry's house. only mitchell shows up. here's how i want it to go down.

      landry brings up mitchell commanding the team. he's read everyone's mission reports and sees a problem. landry asks mitchell if he's having probs commanding the team. mitchell says yes. he says he feels inadequate commanding three ppl that separtely could command the entire base (let alone telling them what to do together as a team).

      while they're talking, and landry is trying to let mitchell know that sam, daniel, and teal'c 'will' do what he commands, mitchell starts acting strange. he starts babbling about deserving respect, then starts talking about his deceased friend (from that ep where he told his dying friend everything). while he's going through his rant, landry begins to worry.

      then mitchell blows his top and stands up and throws something across the room. landry quickly stands up and tells mitchell to stand down. mitchell blinks a few times and then realizes what he's done. he quietly sits and then apolgizes and says he doesn't know why he did that.

      a short time later, sam, daniel, and teal'c arrive. landry tells them what happened and says he's going to have mitchell get a complete medical check up.

      a brain scan shows he's got brain damage. and it's getting worse. it's from his injuries during the battle over antarctica. going through the gate is making it worse.

      what i like about this premise is that it would not negate everything that mitchell had done (poorly) in season 9, but show it was part of his condition. yes, it would be letting mitchell off the hook, so to speak, but it would also be giving mitchell a LOT of character meat to work with.

      what do you guys think?




        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        I have to say I am disgusted that BB got nominated for best actor and CB for best actress for the Saturn Awards.

        I'm thinking maybe they don't have enough people to fill out the nomination positions and they were nominated by default.

        I'm not saying they aren't good actors, I'm saying they didn't have any scenes worthwhile being nominated for.
        it's all political.

        the 'awards' are often used for PR....just like the trek awards over the years.

        they had to nominate someone, so nominated the ones they want to promote just so that they can pimp 'saturn award nominated......'
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver
          it's all political.

          the 'awards' are often used for PR....just like the trek awards over the years.

          they had to nominate someone, so nominated the ones they want to promote just so that they can pimp 'saturn award nominated......'
          Some one call the cops! There's too much pimping going on at SG, you know prostitution is illegal!

          *Wonders who they will arrest first*

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by majorsal
            this is how i 'want' the command issue to be handled in season 10.

            spoilers for the first ep of season 10 --

            it's been spoiled that sg1 is invited to landry's house. only mitchell shows up. here's how i want it to go down.

            landry brings up mitchell commanding the team. he's read everyone's mission reports and sees a problem. landry asks mitchell if he's having probs commanding the team. mitchell says yes. he says he feels inadequate commanding three ppl that separtely could command the entire base (let alone telling them what to do together as a team).

            while they're talking, and landry is trying to let mitchell know that sam, daniel, and teal'c 'will' do what he commands, mitchell starts acting strange. he starts babbling about deserving respect, then starts talking about his deceased friend (from that ep where he told his dying friend everything). while he's going through his rant, landry begins to worry.

            then mitchell blows his top and stands up and throws something across the room. landry quickly stands up and tells mitchell to stand down. mitchell blinks a few times and then realizes what he's done. he quietly sits and then apolgizes and says he doesn't know why he did that.

            a short time later, sam, daniel, and teal'c arrive. landry tells them what happened and says he's going to have mitchell get a complete medical check up.

            a brain scan shows he's got brain damage. and it's getting worse. it's from his injuries during the battle over antarctica. going through the gate is making it worse.

            what i like about this premise is that it would not negate everything that mitchell had done (poorly) in season 9, but show it was part of his condition. yes, it would be letting mitchell off the hook, so to speak, but it would also be giving mitchell a LOT of character meat to work with.

            what do you guys think?

            Hey I'm all for it, as long as it means Mitchell is stuck at a desk, wonder if they will give him the MOH for papercuts

            my fanfic


              Based on the meager spoilers we've gotten, Memento Mori is pretty crappy.

              And, for anyone who's seen the sides for S10 eps,
              am I the only one a little miffed that any and all new characters are only being introduced with certain characters?

              Very annoying. Why can't it be the whole team or something?

              Ooh, you know what would be cool?

              If that was their opportunity to address Vala's past snaking and Sam's past snaking, and how they each dealt with it differently - yet similarly.

              Or not.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                who was it on samanda that posted the 'sam mistakes'?

                and pointed out that three of the eps where sam screwed up the most were written by RCC

                then take into account how screwed over sam has been the past season and you have to draw the conclusion that RCC really doesn't care about the character.

                he doesn't seem to want to protect her or take care of her...rather he just larks about and uses sam as his fallguy whenever he needs someone to mess up

                such as this co-leaders crud. no frelling way would the military tolerate that.

                i could have seen mitch being in charge while she was gone. but him staying in charge when she came back???

                can we spell sexist? cause that's how it's playing out. that the female isn't good enough to lead the male thus she MUST be subordinate to him at all times...even when he's a poorly trained, rather incompetant soul
                *wanders in by accident*

                Can I just say how much I agree with this?


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  Some one call the cops! There's too much pimping going on at SG, you know prostitution is illegal!

                  *Wonders who they will arrest first*
                  pimping seems a very appropriate word given the forced focus on all things vala that s10 is shaping up to be
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Based on the meager spoilers we've gotten, Memento Mori is pretty crappy.

                    And, for anyone who's seen the sides for S10 eps,
                    am I the only one a little miffed that any and all new characters are only being introduced with certain characters?

                    Very annoying. Why can't it be the whole team or something?

                    Ooh, you know what would be cool?

                    If that was their opportunity to address Vala's past snaking and Sam's past snaking, and how they each dealt with it differently - yet similarly.

                    Or not.
                    i dont' think they're capable of writing the whole team anymore. that takes work and they dont' like to do that

                    and here they used rda's schedule as an excuse to have the characters broken up....but ben doesn't have that issue. in fact they've waxed poetic more than once about how many hours he puts in

                    so...if it's not the actor's fault, where does it lie????
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      anyone in the mod for mockage????

                      memento mori spoilers
                      Stargate SG-1, "Memento Mori" (Role of Ryan)
                      MGM1 Hour Episodic / Sci-Fi ChannelDraft: April 6, 2006
                      Exec. Producers: Robert Cooper /Brad Wright / John SmithDirector: TBD
                      Writers: Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
                      Start Date: 5/1/2006
                      Location: Vancouver
                      SUBMIT HARDCOPY ASAP
                      (CENTURY CITY)
                      GEN. LANDRY: CAST (BEAU BRIDGES)
                      COL. MITCHELL: CAST (BEN BROWDER)
                      VALA: CAST (CLAUDIA BLACK)
                      [RYAN] Late 30s. A nice and well-meaning guy, this cop is a regular at the deli where the fugitiveVala gets a job. When Vala takes down a couple of would-be robbers, Ryan takes her in forquestioning, but has a hard time comprehending this disoriented and mysterious"waitress"...GUEST LEAD
                      STORY LINE: Vala is kidnapped by the evil ATHENA, who wants to access information hiddendeep in the recesses of Vala's memory. But when Vala is subjected to a memory device, themachine backfires and wipes out all her memories. Now on the lam from her captors, Vala gets ajob as a deli waitress while trying to piece together the puzzle of her origins...

                      oh lord, can we go into what a frelling CLICHE this is????? amnesiac vala?? dude, already tried that with daniel and it worked so 'well' that it was forgotten 3 episodes in.

                      what is this piece of tripe? another excuse to get vala into some skimpy costume? i mean this piece of junk reads like a bloody fanfic gone awry. cept most fanfic writers that i know of are better than to use such a blatlant cliche and rip off

                      can we guess the ending...vala exchanging a tender kiss with ryan as she reluctantly returns to the waiting and worried arms of her new best friends

                      gag, ok, so they're gonna mary sue her? didn't they learn with mitch that marty/mary sueing characters is NOT the way tomake them acceptible
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        this is how i 'want' the command issue to be handled in season 10.

                        spoilers for the first ep of season 10 --

                        it's been spoiled that sg1 is invited to landry's house. only mitchell shows up. here's how i want it to go down.

                        landry brings up mitchell commanding the team. he's read everyone's mission reports and sees a problem. landry asks mitchell if he's having probs commanding the team. mitchell says yes. he says he feels inadequate commanding three ppl that separtely could command the entire base (let alone telling them what to do together as a team).

                        while they're talking, and landry is trying to let mitchell know that sam, daniel, and teal'c 'will' do what he commands, mitchell starts acting strange. he starts babbling about deserving respect, then starts talking about his deceased friend (from that ep where he told his dying friend everything). while he's going through his rant, landry begins to worry.

                        then mitchell blows his top and stands up and throws something across the room. landry quickly stands up and tells mitchell to stand down. mitchell blinks a few times and then realizes what he's done. he quietly sits and then apolgizes and says he doesn't know why he did that.

                        a short time later, sam, daniel, and teal'c arrive. landry tells them what happened and says he's going to have mitchell get a complete medical check up.

                        a brain scan shows he's got brain damage. and it's getting worse. it's from his injuries during the battle over antarctica. going through the gate is making it worse.

                        what i like about this premise is that it would not negate everything that mitchell had done (poorly) in season 9, but show it was part of his condition. yes, it would be letting mitchell off the hook, so to speak, but it would also be giving mitchell a LOT of character meat to work with.

                        what do you guys think?

                        Well I don't know about anyone else, but I like it.


                          me too

                          drain bramage. that explains it all
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            me too

                            drain bramage. that explains it all
                            LOL. It would actually explain quite a lot.


                              re memento mori spoilers

                              If we're lucky the amnesia is permanent and we don't have Vala remember to be Vala of S9

                              AND I WISH they would change that bloody ep title - every time I see it I immediately think X-Files!!



                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                this is how i 'want' the command issue to be handled in season 10.

                                spoilers for the first ep of season 10 --

                                it's been spoiled that sg1 is invited to landry's house. only mitchell shows up. here's how i want it to go down.

                                landry brings up mitchell commanding the team. he's read everyone's mission reports and sees a problem. landry asks mitchell if he's having probs commanding the team. mitchell says yes. he says he feels inadequate commanding three ppl that separtely could command the entire base (let alone telling them what to do together as a team).

                                while they're talking, and landry is trying to let mitchell know that sam, daniel, and teal'c 'will' do what he commands, mitchell starts acting strange. he starts babbling about deserving respect, then starts talking about his deceased friend (from that ep where he told his dying friend everything). while he's going through his rant, landry begins to worry.

                                then mitchell blows his top and stands up and throws something across the room. landry quickly stands up and tells mitchell to stand down. mitchell blinks a few times and then realizes what he's done. he quietly sits and then apolgizes and says he doesn't know why he did that.

                                a short time later, sam, daniel, and teal'c arrive. landry tells them what happened and says he's going to have mitchell get a complete medical check up.

                                a brain scan shows he's got brain damage. and it's getting worse. it's from his injuries during the battle over antarctica. going through the gate is making it worse.

                                what i like about this premise is that it would not negate everything that mitchell had done (poorly) in season 9, but show it was part of his condition. yes, it would be letting mitchell off the hook, so to speak, but it would also be giving mitchell a LOT of character meat to work with.

                                what do you guys think?

                                Suits me.

                                They can bundle Mitchell off to a hospital for treatment and when he comes back - hopefully in the far-distant future - he can be Walter's assistant.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

