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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    probably not. see, if you're just a female i doubt they'll l ower themselves to even acknowledge that you exist.

    if you're squeeing with joy and pumping up their egos with how great and super they are then sure, you're welcome and fine

    bit if you're anything but effusive praise, , sorry, they have better things to do than deal with women with issues
    What if you were a really really (and I mean REALLY) Hawt girl and you had issues with the writing.... would they listen to you then?
    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


      Originally posted by AGateFan
      What if you were a really really (and I mean REALLY) Hawt girl and you had issues with the writing.... would they listen to you then?

      i dunno. being hawt might get them to acknowledge that you exist...but listen??? dunno if they'd actually listen
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver

        i dunno. being hawt might get them to acknowledge that you exist...but listen??? dunno if they'd actually listen
        I say we hire a really, REALLY HAWT girl do to the work for us collectively.

        Maybe if she were to make suggestive comments to them and promise to reward them if they listen...


        I was talking about promising to make them a nice big submarine sandwich.

        GEEZ...get yer minds out of the gutter.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          because that would be an original and classic idea

          or why didn't baal the snake simply clone his host to be a diversion for the wide and varied assasination attempts?
          Say it with me...because it's not fun.


            which also falls into them not bothering to think like the character and refusing to check into that pesky continuity stuff

            maybe this is one reason they'd love the show to die, start over without that pesky 10 years of history to bog them down and spoil thier fun
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              how about a
              'regardless of whether he got the addresses or not, if you hadn't have delayed the download even more baals would have gotten away' or 'if dr lee had been able to figure out the symbiote poison disbursal a bit faster we would have gotten them all'

              I swear, with this and gemini it's like they WANT to give the anti sam fans ammunition. yes, not every character can be portrayed good all the time, and oops and failures are interesting...but can't tehy at least justify the mess ups?
              I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that Sam is being deliberately made to look bad. It might be an unsubtle way of dealing with the command issue - "See! See! See what a screw-up Sam is! How could anyone possibly think that she should be in charge?! Now Mitchell, on the other hand, look how great he is! Even his screw-ups are cool!"

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                unfortunately, i wouldn't either.

                consciously or not, these guys seemto have issues with any female that isn't

                mommy figure, eye candy, sexy bad girl

                and it's not just sam that suffers. Weir is a joke most of the time, teyla is nothing more than window dressing and vala...poor vala was so abused that i don't think she'll ever fully recover

                consciously or not, these writers seem to be unable to avoid destroying any strong female character.

                And i don't know what's sadder, that they really mean to do this, or that thier gender bias is so hard wired and ingrained that they don't even realize what they're doing
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  and it's not just sam that suffers. Weir is a joke most of the time, teyla is nothing more than window dressing and vala...poor vala was so abused that i don't think she'll ever fully recover

                  consciously or not, these writers seem to be unable to avoid destroying any strong female character.
                  Who created Sam? Is he/she still around or are the current PTB trying to destroy his/her creation is his/her absence?

                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  And i don't know what's sadder, that they really mean to do this, or that thier gender bias is so hard wired and ingrained that they don't even realize what they're doing
                  I think that the latter is worse. If it was a case of the former, then there would be a chance, however slim, that they might stop and think, not about whether it was right to portray female characters so poorly but about whether they could get away with going so far and maybe think twice but if they don't realize what they're doing, there is no hope for them.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    i believe brad created sam and teal'c, either that or brad and michael greenburg
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?





                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        uh oh


                          Originally posted by minigeek




                          /cowers in fear

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            I'm just so... ticked with them for what they did to Sam in "Insiders". Sorry.

                            Anyhow, I'll have a couple of days to cool off. I'm moving on Tuesday into my shiny new house, The unfortunate side effect is that I'll be without internet for a couple of days while I make the transition. Well I guess it's time to cool off a bit and not think about those numpties. Which'll be good.


                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                              Can anyone with access to a scanner and the latest issue of TV Guide (the one with Keifer Sutherland on the cover) scan the front and email it to me? There's a tiny pic from episode 200 and

                              it has RDA and AT in their wedding clothes!

                              Much thanks to anyone who does it and if no one can, that's all right as well.

                              Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                              Oh yes! And there's an article on the 200th episode as well. There is also a picture in the article of

                              Michael as the Cowardly Lion, Ben as the Scarecrow, Claudid as a leather-clad Dorothy and Chris as the Tin Man
                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              NO! FCOL, no one but SAM is Dorothy! *headdesk* And leather-clad? *headdesk* If there is any reference to Oz, it should have Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c. That was their thing! *headdesk* Why? *has fronache*
                              Astro has a minigeek reaction:
                              Originally posted by minigeek


                              TPTB really don't get it.
                              They don't get what made SG-1 special.
                              They say they do.
                              They give it lip service.
                              But they

                              The Wizard of Oz references came out of the humor and inter-relationships of the original SG-1. It helped define and illustrate their humor and inter-connections for the audience. In some ways, also providing some backstory in terms of the analogies that folks made with the original four and their characteristics. Carter was Dorothy (that's a no-brainer, she was the only female, and Jack said 'Hail, Dorothy' in Seth). Teal'c as the Tin Man, also not much to dither about on that choice! The original Daniel as the lovable, good-hearted Cowardly Lion (not the Daniel of later seasons). And that left Jack as the Scarecrow.

                              So, they are going to show SG-1 (spoilers for Season 10)
                              as the 4 main characters from the Wizard of Oz in the 200th episode. Lots of folks feeling all warm and fuzzy about that. Seeing what they've referred to in fanfics and such coming up on the screen.

                              And what do TPTB do? Put Vala in the role of Dorothy and Mitchell in the role of the Scarecrow! You've got to be freakin' kidding! Someone is taking drugs - and it isn't me!

                              Can the Stargate world *be* more screwed up?

                              So, are Carter and O'Neill simply not in the Oz analogy anymore? Or is Carter one of the witches and O'Neill is the 'guy behind the screen' that we aren't supposed to pay attention to? (Hmmmm...)


                              Wow. Carter bumped completely from the Dorothy role. In print. On the screen.

                              It's not like it should be a surprise.

                              They obviously dropped her character at the end of Season 8 and have just been stuffing her in here and there.

                              And... this is one of the epsides that RDA is in, right? So... if they didn't want to show the original four as the team from Oz, why didn't they just leave it out?

                              Why basterdize it? Why co-opt it so heavy-handedly? When Mitchell and Vala have been around long enough, they will have their own 'references' like the Oz references - but maybe to something like Lord of the Rings or such. Then, when they were celebrating the 250th or 300th episode, they could put Mitchell and Vala into the lead roles of LOR in some sort of fantasy-farce-tribute to themselves.

                              It's... just... wrong, wrong, wrong.

                              Unbelievable how they have disrespected the Original SG-1, the team and it's relationships ever since the end of Season 8.


                              They keep saying that the 200th episode is a tribute to the fans. Sure doesn't seem that way to me.
                              Last edited by astrogeologist; 07 August 2006, 02:54 PM.


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                Astro has a minigeek reaction:

                                TPTB really don't get it.
                                They don't get what made SG-1 special.
                                They say they do.
                                They give it lip service.
                                But they

                                The Wizard of Oz references came out of the humor and inter-relationships of the original SG-1. It helped define and illustrate their humor and inter-connections for the audience. In some ways, also providing some backstory in terms of the analogies that folks made with the original four and their characteristics. Carter was Dorothy (that's a no-brainer, she was the only female, and Jack said 'Hail, Dorothy' in Seth). Teal'c as the Tin Man, also not much to dither about on that choice! The original Daniel as the lovable, good-hearted Cowardly Lion (not the Daniel of later seasons). And that left Jack as the Scarecrow.

                                So, they are going to show SG-1 (spoilers for Season 10)
                                as the 4 main character from the Wizard of Oz in the 200th episode. Lots of folks feeling all warm and fuzzy about that. Seeing what they've referred to in fanfics and such coming up on the screen.

                                And what do TPTB do? Put Vala in the role of Dorothy and Mitchell in the role of the Scarecrow! You've got to be freakin' kidding! Someone is taking drugs - and it isn't me!

                                Can the Stargate world *be* more screwed up?

                                So, are Carter and O'Neill simply not in the Oz analogy anymore? Or is Carter one of the witches and O'Neill is the 'guy behind the screen' that we aren't supposed to pay attention to? (Hmmmm...)


                                Wow. Carter bumped completely from the Dorothy role. In print. On the screen.

                                It's not like it should be a surprise.

                                They obviously dropped her character at the end of Season 8 and have just been stuffing her in here and there.

                                And... this is one of the epsides that RDA is in, right? So... if they didn't want to show the original four as the team from Oz, why didn't they just leave it out?

                                Why basterdize it? Why co-opt it so heavy-handedly? When Mitchell and Vala have been around long enough, they will have their own 'references' like the Oz references - but maybe to something like Lord of the Rings or such. Then, when they were celebrating the 250th or 300th episode, they could put Mitchell and Vala into the lead roles of LOR in some sort of fantasy-farce-tribute to themselves.

                                It's... just... wrong, wrong, wrong.

                                Unbelievable how they have disrespected the Original SG-1, the team and it's relationships ever since the end of Season 8.


                                They keep saying that the 200th episode is a tribute to the fans. Sure doesn't seem that way to me.

                                I am totally shocked, dismayed, pained, and aggravated. The audacity to put Vala as Dorothy and Mitchell as the Scarecrow. They barely have any history with SG-1, yet they are given a prominent role. I don't think I can watch the show w/o wanting to throw something at the TV. I think I'll watch Monk during this period. No Sam - watch Monk (and I don't even like Monk!).

                                Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs

