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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by chocdoc
    Did anyone notice that in her AOL interview, when she was asked---what will you be doing in five or ten years, she said she would not mind doing another series, as long as the character as something interesting to say and has integrity? I've never seen her answer this type of question like this before. (she also mentioned directing/producing). Anyway, it was just interesting that she even mentioned another series.
    i don't think it's a coincidence at all. either she knows she's not welcome for s11, or she has no plans to stay or she's aware that there will be no s11 and she's fulfilling her commitment with stargate while she's layinig the groundwork for her future elsewhere.

    with her good rep and good friends she has a LOT of contacts she can use to further her career
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      i don't think it's a coincidence at all. either she knows she's not welcome for s11, or she has no plans to stay or she's aware that there will be no s11 and she's fulfilling her commitment with stargate while she's layinig the groundwork for her future elsewhere.

      with her good rep and good friends she has a LOT of contacts she can use to further her career

      In an interview by RCC in Dreamwatch, he mentions that the whole cast has signed for season 11 -- So it is more now a question of whether a season 11 will happen or not. So, I think AT will be there if there is a season 11, but yes, she seems to be fully aware that season 10 may not get the ratings it needs to get to be renewed. So, I'm glad to know she may have a back-up plan in case this is the last season of SG-1.

      And I also think you are right in that TPTB and Scifi knew that they HAD to keep AT, whether they wanted to keep Sam or not.


        see, i thought it was that if there was a s11, MOST of the cast had resigned

        however, i have yet to see dreamwatch in person, nor am i ever going ot see it so i'll take your word for it

        I still feel like AT is getting a raw deal in some ways. in regards to both her and CB having children. I keep getting the idea that AT was punished for daring to inconvenience them by having teh child during the show while CB seems to be cheered and highly regarded and everyone is beyond happy to accomodate her

        maybe it's my personal feelings coming to the fore but, at times, i feel a definite disparity between the two. Amost like RCC has a definite preference in actors and AT - despite all her hard work, comes out on the short end of the stick
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by chocdoc
          In an interview by RCC in Dreamwatch, he mentions that the whole cast has signed for season 11 -- So it is more now a question of whether a season 11 will happen or not. So, I think AT will be there if there is a season 11, but yes, she seems to be fully aware that season 10 may not get the ratings it needs to get to be renewed. So, I'm glad to know she may have a back-up plan in case this is the last season of SG-1.

          And I also think you are right in that TPTB and Scifi knew that they HAD to keep AT, whether they wanted to keep Sam or not.
          Did he specifically say that every current regular has been signed for Season Eleven, in the event of it being made or is it possible that "the whole cast" refers to the actors playing characters they intend to keep, but not those they wish to cast aside?

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by ReganX
            Did he specifically say that every current regular has been signed for Season Eleven, in the event of it being made or is it possible that "the whole cast" refers to the actors playing characters they intend to keep, but not those they wish to cast aside?
            I remember hearing it as something like 'They made sure they got 2-year deals' this time around; so that when folks signed their contracts, they were agreeing to their salary for two years instead of just one (which means that TPTB don't have to renegotiate salaries for Season 11... they appear to be tired of such negotiations)

            Now, whether or not *everyone* of the main characters got the two year contract? Don't know. Also don't know who they consider main characters beyond BB and CB and MS. Hopefully it also includes AT and CJ... but if they 'didn't know what to do with Carter's character for Season 10'... would they want to offer Season 11?

            Of course, perhaps the contract works 'one-way'; that is giving them the option of offering the actor another season at an already negotiated price... but do they actually have to offer the next season if they decide they don't want that actor or character?

            Say that BB and CB both have the two-year contracts for Season 10 and 11, but then someone in TPTB decides... they don't want CB any more. Do they have to use her in Season 11?

            There are too many questions that we don't know the answers to.

            Whatever they did, whatever has been worked out... I just hope that AT and MS and CJ feel respected and appreciated. I hope that they get what they want (and I realize that that may not be what I want).


              Originally posted by ReganX
              Did he specifically say that every current regular has been signed for Season Eleven, in the event of it being made or is it possible that "the whole cast" refers to the actors playing characters they intend to keep, but not those they wish to cast aside?

              It is possible, but AT also said in another interview (I think the New Zealand one), that she would be there for season 11 if it happened. I think if they would have wanted to get rid of her, they would have done so by now. And as Spaz mentioned, she is getting some coverage for the show, even if she is in it less than before. And in another interview, she talked about the ratings being the determinant factor in season 11. I guess she talks about season 11 as if she plans to be there if it happens. But the article did not list the actors who have signed on for season 11.

              I guess we'll hear about it down the road.


                Originally posted by chocdoc
                I think you are right. They really can't blame AT for the failure of the show. What AT can feel good about is that when Sam was much more front and center (second half of 7 and season 8--and actually always a main cast member from seasons 1 through 8), the show did very well. As well, she did some fine acting during this time (e.g., playing Sam, Replicarter, and Geeky Sam, etc), and she was noticed for it by colleagues in the media, by various awards.

                She is a class act---and has been throughout these 10 years. She, by all accounts I've read, is a very kind and gracious person. That's more important than anything really---how you treat others.

                I'm hoping that if the TV Guide spoilers are true, at least we may see more of Sam like usual in the second half of season 10 (e.g., Line in the Sand, the AU story, and perhaps some unwritten episodes that they are currently writing for the show). But whether or not this happens, it seems to me that AT is a very smart person who knows how to handle herself and probably already is making plans for what she wants to do next.

                Did anyone notice that in her AOL interview, when she was asked---what will you be doing in five or ten years, she said she would not mind doing another series, as long as the character as something interesting to say and has integrity? I've never seen her answer this type of question like this before. (she also mentioned directing/producing). Anyway, it was just interesting that she even mentioned another series.
                I really hope she gets her chance ... and soon! The Shore Leave organizers were reportedly quite surprised by Amanda being such a huge drawing card! Her events were packed. DUH!

                We who admire her were not surprised at all. I've said this so many times in the past but it bears repeating: AT is a hidden treasure ... she just never seemed to get that one big break outside of Stargate. Let's hope it's waiting right around the corner!

                OT, but if anyone has caught Kyra Sedgwick in The Closer ... there's a leading-lady part that could have gone to Amanda. Something she could have sunk her teeth into!


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  see, i thought it was that if there was a s11, MOST of the cast had resigned

                  however, i have yet to see dreamwatch in person, nor am i ever going ot see it so i'll take your word for it

                  I still feel like AT is getting a raw deal in some ways. in regards to both her and CB having children. I keep getting the idea that AT was punished for daring to inconvenience them by having teh child during the show while CB seems to be cheered and highly regarded and everyone is beyond happy to accomodate her

                  maybe it's my personal feelings coming to the fore but, at times, i feel a definite disparity between the two. Amost like RCC has a definite preference in actors and AT - despite all her hard work, comes out on the short end of the stick

                  I do completely agree. CB/Vala is RCC's new focus--that is very clear. For that matter, she is probably the entire writing staff's focus---she is writer's candy after all. Sam is I think also more difficult to write for in general.

                  Sam/AT got screwed out of the opportunity to really lead SG-1. That is an insult to her and to many many fans.

                  I guess like everyone else I hope that AT feels okay about the situation. She clearly expresses being very fortunate that she has been on this show for so long. She clearly expresses thanks to the fans and has a strong appreciation of them.


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    I really hope she gets her chance ... and soon! The Shore Leave organizers were reportedly quite surprised by Amanda being such a huge drawing card! Her events were packed. DUH!

                    We who admire her were not surprised at all. I've said this so many times in the past but it bears repeating: AT is a hidden treasure ... she just never seemed to get that one big break outside of Stargate. Let's hope it's waiting right around the corner!

                    OT, but if anyone has caught Kyra Sedgwick in The Closer ... there's a leading-lady part that could have gone to Amanda. Something she could have sunk her teeth into!

                    The Closer is my favorite show now. It used to be Stargate SG-1.

                    At least AT can know that she has touched alot of lives through her portrayal of Sam Carter. How can you beat having someone say that they stuck it out in science, for example, and Sam Carter played a part in that conviction.

                    She may never be well known like Kyra Sedgwick, but she already knows that she has touched alot of lives. And maybe she will get that big break one day--but if not, to me AT played the best female character in scifi and one of the best female characters in general on TV.


                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      Of course, perhaps the contract works 'one-way'; that is giving them the option of offering the actor another season at an already negotiated price... but do they actually have to offer the next season if they decide they don't want that actor or character?

                      Say that BB and CB both have the two-year contracts for Season 10 and 11, but then someone in TPTB decides... they don't want CB any more. Do they have to use her in Season 11?
                      Sounds similar to some of the things I read about some movie contracts in the 1930s - say the studio signed a five-year contract, renewable yearly then the actor would be bound to the studio for the five years but it would be up to the studio whether or not the contract was renewed each year.

                      In this case, since Season Eleven is by no means a guarantee, it makes sense that TPTB would need the actors contracted; if they know what it will cost, and which actors and characters they will have available, they can estimate the cost of Season Eleven and gauge whether or not the ratings are high enough to justify the cost. If there is a Season Eleven, they don't have to worry about negotiating salaries for everybody, places in the credits, percentages of syndication fees, etc. If there is no Season Eleven, they have lost nothing unless a clause was included obliging TBTB to pay the actors a fee regardless of whether the season is made or not.

                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      Whatever they did, whatever has been worked out... I just hope that AT and MS and CJ feel respected and appreciated. I hope that they get what they want (and I realize that that may not be what I want).
                      As do I.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist
                        OK, so here's a new question for our thread:

                        What was the last time that Carter's brilliance (or heroics) were 'central screen' and/or were crucial to the storyline or plot? When was the last time that 'Carter saved the day?' ((Minor scenes not what we're looking for here... looking for something big, like Carter's scenes in the silo with Cassie, and the elevator and going back down... or Carter's scenes in A Matter Of Time, where she's the one with the brilliance and acumen to figure things out and folks listen to her..., etc.))

                        I'd have to say that if the scenes in Reckoning aren't them (see quotes above), then it would have to be Grace. In Grace, she uses her science and her brilliant mind to save the ship, the crew and the aliens.

                        That would be mid-season 7... and we're now into Season 10. Now, I'm *not* advocating that Carter be so brilliant that she saves the day in every episode, or even in every other one. But it would be nice if it was a couple of times each season. And certainly more often than what we've seen in the past 3 years.

                        Balance. It's all about balance. If she saves the day every episode, then it's not going to work. If she's too perfect, it's not going to work. But they've gone too far the other side for the past several years, because she no longer shines as one of the main heroes. She no longer has moments to shine, she no longer has scenes or plot lines where she shines.

                        I've always been impressed by how many folks on this thread want to share the limelight between the main characters of the show. Therefore, it's very, very telling when the folks on this thread are posting their continued frustrations and disappointments with the show.

                        The show has lost it's balance. Both between characters and for each individual character.
                        Fantastic post! I think a lot of us loved her so much in Foothold too ... my gosh, how many years ago was that?! There she was, injured, confused and yet putting her mind to work and doing what had to be done to secure the base and follow procedures. That episode alone projected her potential as a leader at the SGC.

                        When she takes that hard punch at the end and scrambles up and carries on ... yowza! Heroic Sam! So much to build on in her characterization from this one episode alone ...

                        But the writers didn't choose that route. Sadly, by S8, the damage was done and her early absence in S9 just destroyed any momentum for Sam to return as a powerful presence. You could almost see it in her first couple episodes back. First of all, she was a new, nursing mother, trying to juggle a heckuva lot and the tiredness in her face was illuminated in those scenes with Orlin when she had a hazmat suit on. I felt so sorry for her. As Sky has written above, yes, she was "welcomed back" into the show but she herself even said that she didn't seem to quite fit in. I remember her getting up to give me an extra hug at GABIT1 when she found out it was our SaGC thread members who had sent her the flowers and candy to welcome her back to the set. She seemed genuinely moved and grateful. I think she was at a very vulnerable point in her life. She had to learn the new dance, almost reduced to new kid on the block. How ironic, eh?!

                        Of course Amanda's a trouper and she did join in the dance and she has gone on and we love every moment we at least get to see her up there on the screen.

                        AT is there but I think a lot of Sam has been left on the cutting-room floor. Or, worse yet, maybe the dialogue and action of Heroic Sam in the new seasons have just never been written. That is even a sadder thought. As you say so well, Astro ... the balance is gone.


                          OK, so this is an analogy that I've wanted to post for some time, but never got around to it.

                          New Coke.

                          Remember that?

                          Originally posted by Coca-Cola Heritage - Cokelore
                          April 23, 1985, was a day that will live in marketing infamy.

                          That's the day The Coca-Cola Company took arguably the biggest risk in consumer goods history, announcing that it was changing the formula for the world's most popular soft drink, and spawning consumer angst the likes of which no business has ever seen.

                          The Coca-Cola Company introduced reformulated Coca-Cola®, often referred to as "new Coke®," marking the first formula change in 99 years. The company didn't set out to create the firestorm of consumer protest that ensued; instead, The Coca-Cola Company intended to re-energize its Coca-Cola brand and the cola category in its largest market, the United States.

                          That firestorm ended with the return of the original formula, now called Coca-Cola classic®, a few months later.


                          The similarities with Stargate SG-1 and it's advancement over the past couple of years reminds me of 'New Coke'. The folks at Coca-Cola were convinced that what they were doing would re-energize their product.

                          What they got was a rousing response of public opinion telling them that they were making a huge mistake. I remember folks stockpiling 'Classic Coke' (not being a coca-cola drinker at the time, I thought it was amusing).

                          With SG-1, I hear folks sigh and say 'Well, at least I have my DVDs of the earlier seasons'... and every time I hear (or read) that, I think of the stockpiles of 'Classic Coke'.

                          Eventually, Coca-Cola's PTB went back to their original formula for Coca-Cola.

                          Why can't we get the Stargate PTB to go back *their* original formula for SG-1? I realize that RDA left and isn't full-time anymore... but the extent of revisions that they did were not warranted - or welcome.

                          Originally posted by Wikipedia 'New Coke'
                          Public reaction to the change was devastating, and the new cola quickly entered the pantheon of major marketing flops.

                          Therein is the test. Will the New SG-1 make a go of it?
                          And even if it doesn't, would the Stargate PTB be able to put SG-1 back to it's original state (with AT, MS and CB as the main leads and someone new as a new lead? and with RDA making guest appearances). I highly doubt it. Unfortunately, Stargate SG-1 isn't a simple matter of reprogramming the computers controlling the ingredients.
                          New Coke = Stargate SG-1 Seasons 9 and 10 and any others that follow.


                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            The Closer is my favorite show now. It used to be Stargate SG-1.

                            At least AT can know that she has touched alot of lives through her portrayal of Sam Carter. How can you beat having someone say that they stuck it out in science, for example, and Sam Carter played a part in that conviction.

                            She may never be well known like Kyra Sedgwick, but she already knows that she has touched alot of lives. And maybe she will get that big break one day--but if not, to me AT played the best female character in scifi and one of the best female characters in general on TV.
                            Hear, hear choc! Amanda has given us many beautiful moments ...


                            We'll always have that.


                              Originally posted by astrogeologist
                              And even if it doesn't, would the Stargate PTB be able to put SG-1 back to it's original state (with AT, MS and CB as the main leads and someone new as a new lead? and with RDA making guest appearances). I highly doubt it. Unfortunately, Stargate SG-1 isn't a simple matter of reprogramming the computers controlling the ingredients.
                              Very true.

                              Even if, hypothetically speaking, TPTB knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that writing Mitchell and Vala out, either permanently or shifting them to occasional guest roles, would bring the ratings back up to Season Eight levels or above, they couldn't simply tear up their contracts with BB and CB and pretend that Mitchell and Vala had never been a part of the show.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                OK, so this is an analogy that I've wanted to post for some time, but never got around to it.

                                New Coke.

                                Remember that?

                                The similarities with Stargate SG-1 and it's advancement over the past couple of years reminds me of 'New Coke'. The folks at Coca-Cola were convinced that what they were doing would re-energize their product.

                                What they got was a rousing response of public opinion telling them that they were making a huge mistake. I remember folks stockpiling 'Classic Coke' (not being a coca-cola drinker at the time, I thought it was amusing).

                                With SG-1, I hear folks sigh and say 'Well, at least I have my DVDs of the earlier seasons'... and every time I hear (or read) that, I think of the stockpiles of 'Classic Coke'.

                                Eventually, Coca-Cola's PTB went back to their original formula for Coca-Cola.

                                Why can't we get the Stargate PTB to go back *their* original formula for SG-1? I realize that RDA left and isn't full-time anymore... but the extent of revisions that they did were not warranted - or welcome.


                                Therein is the test. Will the New SG-1 make a go of it?

                                And even if it doesn't, would the Stargate PTB be able to put SG-1 back to it's original state (with AT, MS and CB as the main leads and someone new as a new lead? and with RDA making guest appearances). I highly doubt it. Unfortunately, Stargate SG-1 isn't a simple matter of reprogramming the computers controlling the ingredients.

                                New Coke = Stargate SG-1 Seasons 9 and 10 and any others that follow.
                                Brilliant analogy!! I'd be ROTFLOL if it weren't so depressing. Maybe a nursery rhyme would do ...
                                PTB sat on a wall
                                PTB had a great fall
                                All the Nielsen ratings
                                And all the fancy spin
                                Could not put Stargate SG1
                                Back together again


                                The Real Thing: Classic Coke!
                                Last edited by ChopinGal; 23 July 2006, 03:32 PM.

