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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    fizzy pop makes me wanna spew


      KatG, ignoooring the Bama dig didja know that Brenda Johnson's middle name is spelled 'Leigh'?

      Originally posted by scarimor
      fizzy pop makes me wanna spew


        Originally posted by DEM
        KatG, ignoooring the Bama dig didja know that Brenda Johnson's middle name is spelled 'Leigh'?

        No I didn't. That's neat.

        As for the Bama dig, I wouldn't be able to retain my "proud Georgian" card if I didn't rag you just a little bit.


          Originally posted by minigeek
          Diet Black Cherry Vanilla is my absolute favorite soft drink at the moment. Ah-May-Zing.


            Originally posted by aeromathlete
            So...aeromathlete...why exactly aren't you posting in Samanda?

            *taps foot impatiently*

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by astrogeologist
              New Coke. Remember that?

              The similarities with Stargate SG-1 and it's advancement over the past couple of years reminds me of 'New Coke'. The folks at Coca-Cola were convinced that what they were doing would re-energize their product.
              You know, it's funny...

              I was talking to my brother about SG1 this last weekend on speakerphone and I was complaining as usual about how TPTB have ruined the show. My dad (who does not watch SG) was walking by and overheard me. He inquired about why I was so upset and I told him about how TPTB had completely changed SG and retooled it, and how they saw this as 're-energizing' it. I said something like, 'It was fine the way it was. It didn't need any major changes.'

              He replied with two words, "New Coke." So I think your analogy is right on the mark.

              Unfortunately, TPTB are not the Coca-Cola company. Coca-Cola understands that the consumer is necessary for the product (and company) to be successful. If the consumer is unhappy, sales go down and the company goes out of business. Thus, their decision to bring back Classic Coke. If I remember correctly, they kept New Coke on the shelves for a while and sold both it and Classic Coke at the same time. New Coke never caught on and they finally stopped making it.

              Playing further with this analogy, TPTB could bring back SG1 as it once was (with Sam, Teal'c, Daniel) while creating another spin-off with Mitchell and Vala. Then we could really see which version has staying power: "Classic" or "New." My money would be on "Classic" SG1. But I don't see this happening b/c TPTB do not seem to care that many of their consumers are unhappy with their product.

              And I agree with many of you - Black Cherry Vanilla Coke is heavenly. See... I'm not opposed to all changes. I like some new things.

              Berries and Cream Dr. Pepper, on the other hand.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                You know what my fantasy would be????

                For this third incarnation not to be run by coop, but for Gecko to be brought back.

                Green burg and Anderson KNOW tv. they know what works and they created a very long running show.

                if the money men want this third incarnation to last longer than two seasons, they need somene that can put out quality work in charge.

                They need gecko back.

                Cause if coop and his mutual admiration society stay in charge, this spinoff is dead in the water

                you want to know their (coop and co.) vision? just look at vampy vala and vapid mitchell.

                MY fantasy is:

                stargate: odyssey, starring sam carter as the commander. newbies for cast members. stargate 'on' the ship.

                show runner: michael greenburg.

                writers: NEW, and a woman or two in there.

                Last edited by majorsal; 27 July 2006, 09:36 PM. Reason: i spelled that stupid odyssey word wrong... sighs



                  "FCOL Carter, I don't know what all the fuss is about at Samanda right now. Pepsi versus Coke was never an issue for me. My beverage of choice is beer."


                    Originally posted by majorsal

                    you want to know their (coop and co.) vision? just look at vampy vala and vapid mitchell.

                    MY fantasy is:

                    stargate: odyssey, starring sam carter as the commander. newbies for cast members. stargate 'on' the ship.

                    show runner: michael greenburg.

                    writers: NEW, and a woman or two in there.

                    I'll drink to that ... you name the brew ... Coke, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper!!


                      coop is great as a write. and he seems to be a decent director.

                      but as as show runner, imho, he lacks the long term vision to adequately run a show. he gets too distracted by the flashy sfx and jokes. he loses himself in the joke and doesn't look ahead to see how much that joke effects the character as a whole.

                      in some ways he has the skills, but he lacks the vision. he will never be more than a mediocre show runner because, if the arrogance we've seen thus far is true, before someone can learn they need to admit to a lack of ability/knowledge

                      and his hubris won't allow that.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        coop is great as a write. and he seems to be a decent director.

                        but as as show runner, imho, he lacks the long term vision to adequately run a show. he gets too distracted by the flashy sfx and jokes. he loses himself in the joke and doesn't look ahead to see how much that joke effects the character as a whole.

                        in some ways he has the skills, but he lacks the vision. he will never be more than a mediocre show runner because, if the arrogance we've seen thus far is true, before someone can learn they need to admit to a lack of ability/knowledge

                        and his hubris won't allow that.
                        HUBRIS - there it is - a great word to describe cooper's attitude.


                          Originally posted by binkpmmc
                          HUBRIS - there it is - a great word to describe cooper's attitude.
                          I just watched The Pegasus Project and my brain is fried. I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but I honestly could not keep up with tonight's episode.

                          I loved seeing both SG1 and SGA together in same episode but I think the writers/producers have just gotten carried away with themselves - honestly, HUBRIS is a perfect word - full of themselves and their brilliance. I really thought I was listening to some doctoral student's dissertation, actually more than one dissertation! Maybe I'm tired, maybe my brain cells are misfiring because of the black hole in my TV screen, maybe I'm just plain s-t-u-p-i-d and never understood sci-fi to begin with ... who knows?

                          I loved the Sam and McKay moments, especially his remembering her as an hallucination and that little schtick between them. I liked Daniel in this too, even Vala. But the Orii and Ancients, with some Wraith thrown in, just plain tuckered me out.

                          IMHO, sometimes less is more.


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal
                            I just watched The Pegasus Project and my brain is fried. I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but I honestly could not keep up with tonight's episode.
                            Well, I got home less than 5 seconds before the ep started after a harrowing day and was a bit unsettled for the first couple of acts, but I think I enjoyed it fairly well.

                            'Course, I often felt disoriented
                            when I forgot what show I was watching... but that cleared up every time Mitchell opened his mouth. Seriously, this was the first Carter/McKay SG-1 episode where their dynamic was disrupted as it was.... can't describe exactly what made Mitchell's part so intrusive... but the Look Of Checking In from Col-Declining-Stock to Mitchell after Carter had made a decision didn't help. WTF?!

                            Anyway, I think I enjoyed it overall.. though the two stories seemed... not sufficiently integrated. The Daniel/Vala plot was too important to be the B, yet... um... thoughts disappear


                              Yes, there was totally unnecessary
                              Cam giving "orders" stuff in the episode. Though I did like him threatening RM with a lemon.


                                Okay, back to carbonated beverages! (sorry)

                                One positive thing to come out of the Downtown Experience yesterday was coming across a guy handing out free cans of a new energy drink. In one of my moments of boredom as I and other refugees took a rest break from our Hunt To Find A Bus Stop At Which Buses Actually Were Stopping, I perused the licensing info on the side of the can. Get a load of this:
                                Coolah is a village in Australia where everyon's got a little more energy. They paint. Play rugby. Sing. Throw darts. Dance. And they drink Solo, the beverage with a lemon tang that was the inspiration for Coolah Energy.
                                Canned by a member of the COCA-COLA Bottlers' Assocation, Atlanta, GA,
                                under the authoriy of DR PEPPER/SEVEN-UP, INC., Plano, TX.
                                SOLO is a registered trademark of Cadbury Pty Ltd in Australia.
                                COOLAH ENERGY is a trademark of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.,
                                a CADBURY SCHWEPPES AMERICAS BEVERAGES company.

                                I read all that, thought of this thread, and laughed. Something for everyone!

                                And, yeah, it's good! Lemony!

                                btw, i don't think i ever noticed before that Dr Pepper is trademarked without a period! And Seven Up lacks a dash!

