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    Originally posted by dissie
    where have all the goa'ulds gone? and the reppies? seems ever since WA opened in OT only Wraith are present...
    They probably all got wraithed.


      Originally posted by dissie
      where have all the goa'ulds gone? and the reppies? seems ever since WA opened in OT only Wraith are present...
      I've never even been to the WA.


        you should go! it's lots of fun! just watch out for the wraithing wraith...
        WA: Wraith Anonymous!
        See if you can spot the elusive Dissie
        FA: Furlings Anonymous!


          Originally posted by dissie
          you should go! it's lots of fun! just watch out for the wraithing wraith...
          I can't remember, does "wraithing wraiths" come before or after "lords a leaping"?
          Cogito ergo dubito.

          "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

          An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


            Originally posted by TechnoWraith
            Well, We wraith see good food when we see it.
            I'm overjoyed. Where did I put that poison again?
            Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


              Originally posted by SqueeG-1
              I'm overjoyed. Where did I put that poison again?
              Don't worry, we let the food recover once in awhile.


                Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                Don't worry, we let the food recover once in awhile.
                Aren't you kind. Next time I get reincarnated I think I'll come back as a gnat.
                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                  Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                  Aren't you kind. Next time I get reincarnated I think I'll come back as a gnat.
                  some of us wraith are more civilized than others. I like to let the food recover after several wraithings. Let's the food last longer.


                    *pets uk*

                    Woo hoo! Nor Easter! Snow!


                      Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                      some of us wraith are more civilized than others. I like to let the food recover after several wraithings. Let's the food last longer.
                      Haha - I should go back through this thread and find out how many times I've been wraithed and who done it. And then plot some revenge.
                      Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                        Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                        Haha - I should go back through this thread and find out how many times I've been wraithed and who done it. And then plot some revenge.
                        Ohh... in that case...

                        **Wraiths SqueeG-1.**


                          I'm wraith but I don't practice wraithing my food...
                          WA: Wraith Anonymous!
                          See if you can spot the elusive Dissie
                          FA: Furlings Anonymous!


                            Originally posted by dissie
                            I'm wraith but I don't practice wraithing my food...
                            do you still wraith food? otherwise how do you eat if you don't practice wraithing?


                              I don't go around wraithing everything. Some of us have to watch our figure. Try fitting into a leather dress when you've put on too much weight.


                                Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                                Ohh... in that case...

                                **Wraiths SqueeG-1.**
                                Maybe I'll just start the count from here. TW, you're first on my list

                                Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                                I can't remember, does "wraithing wraiths" come before or after "lords a leaping"?
                                It stands to reason that the wraiths would come after. As in chase.
                                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.

