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Deadliest Catch Discussion, Appreciation, Letching Thread

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    sorry for the double post but i have to correct my one post i did earlier: there are cute crabs. pic is too big to post it, so just click


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      so spoilers for tonght's episode

      russell got canned off the time bandit, then hired on the Wizard. I can't disagree with what jonathan dfid, seriously russ has coasted for a while, but i do think andy and jonathan were OTT with thier attitude. Mike couldn't hear them, lose the attitude and stop with this 'mine is bigger' attitude

      I'm wondering if next week's episode will be all about 'the storm' seeing as how they're building it up, 72 hours before the storm, 48 hours before the storm, etc

      wow, look at that wind and all the ice and the waves.
      finally watched the episode. wow, that's really a tense storm. i hope noone get hurt. did you recognize the vessel that's been sending this Mayday? was it the Incentive?

      i really missed the CM during this episodes. and what wrong with the Hilstrand boys? somethings going wrong there. Was there an ATC where they explained it?


        no, nothing explained it. but yeah, andy and jonathan were right jerks tuesday night

        I'm trying to remember where the cornelia marie is, if it's off loading or out fishing.

        i'm wondering, since the time bandit is done (or will ride out the storm in dutch) if next week will focus on sig getting to dutch and off loading, then keith and phil riding out the storm.

        I didn't recognize which ship it was, although i think if any of them had gotten into trouble it'd have made the news when it happened.

        I think the crab fleet is 80-100 ships, so it could be anyone.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I can say that Josh is ok...He just befriended me on Face book
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            no, nothing explained it. but yeah, andy and jonathan were right jerks tuesday night

            I'm trying to remember where the cornelia marie is, if it's off loading or out fishing.

            i'm wondering, since the time bandit is done (or will ride out the storm in dutch) if next week will focus on sig getting to dutch and off loading, then keith and phil riding out the storm.

            I didn't recognize which ship it was, although i think if any of them had gotten into trouble it'd have made the news when it happened.

            I think the crab fleet is 80-100 ships, so it could be anyone.
            That was just not fun watching. imo Russel belongs on the TB and not Wizard. But i doubt he'd go back even if he'd be offered a job. I wouldn't go either...

            yeah, you're right. but i wonder how the odds are that one of "our" boats will have an accident like this.

            Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
            I can say that Josh is ok...He just befriended me on Face book
            oh really? he's on facebook? do you have the link please? i only found this fanpage.

            The whole NW crew is on FB as well but they haven't been online for a while.


              Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
              I can say that Josh is ok...He just befriended me on Face book

              let the letching begin
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                That was just not fun watching. imo Russel belongs on the TB and not Wizard. But i doubt he'd go back even if he'd be offered a job. I wouldn't go either...

                yeah, you're right. but i wonder how the odds are that one of "our" boats will have an accident like this.

                oh really? he's on facebook? do you have the link please? i only found this fanpage.

                The whole NW crew is on FB as well but they haven't been online for a while.
                I rarely use Facebook so I don't know all that much with it...but let me see here.... LOL apparently he just went on an adding spree from what I can read I think he is enjoying Facebook over my space
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                  That was just not fun watching. imo Russel belongs on the TB and not Wizard. But i doubt he'd go back even if he'd be offered a job. I wouldn't go either...

                  yeah, you're right. but i wonder how the odds are that one of "our" boats will have an accident like this.

                  oh really? he's on facebook? do you have the link please? i only found this fanpage.

                  The whole NW crew is on FB as well but they haven't been online for a while.
                  about russell

                  part of me says 'yeah, he belongs on the time bandit' but then you look at him ducking in the sauna all the time, letting the others do the work. he was getting too comfortable, too sure of his position and started to take it for granted.

                  now maybe they'd already talked to him and said 'get your ass out of there and work' and we just didn't see that. but he was pushing too far and honestly deserved it.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I have missed the last three weeks due to one reason or another so I need to catch up seriously....

                    But has Scotty's attitude gotten any better? He has always seemed to me to be really smug about things just because he is Jon's son
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                      I rarely use Facebook so I don't know all that much with it...but let me see here.... LOL apparently he just went on an adding spree from what I can read I think he is enjoying Facebook over my space
                      YAY thank you i added him. FB is not my favourite though. too many adds i can't block just want it plain but didn't figure out yet how to block them
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      about russell

                      part of me says 'yeah, he belongs on the time bandit' but then you look at him ducking in the sauna all the time, letting the others do the work. he was getting too comfortable, too sure of his position and started to take it for granted.

                      now maybe they'd already talked to him and said 'get your ass out of there and work' and we just didn't see that. but he was pushing too far and honestly deserved it.
                      good point. i noticed that too. if they talked to him about it i don't know why they didn't show it. this way the Hilstrands looked like the jerks and not Russel.

                      Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                      I have missed the last three weeks due to one reason or another so I need to catch up seriously....

                      But has Scotty's attitude gotten any better? He has always seemed to me to be really smug about things just because he is Jon's son
                      yeah, from what i can see Scotty changed a bit. though i still have difficulties with him. he's feeling too safe too in my opinion, though he works harder now than before imo.


                        season finale this tuesday!!!

                        I hate it, it seems just when it gets going it's over for a year
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          over for a whole year? NOOOO, what am i going to do then? *meh*

                          do the storms get worse every year or do they just make them look worse for the dratamic effect? in every season finale there is somebody saying that that's the worse storm he's ever seen.


                            I finally got to catchup yesterday, Discovery ran a marathon.

                            The Northwestern
                            I had to laugh over Sig
                            "Its official Sig quit smoking......for 3 hours" LOLOL I was in the kitchen slicing and dicing and listening to Sig give all the reasons why he needed to not be stressed. Hubs was giving me a running commentary as well of what Sig looked like...LOL talk about your rationalizations

                            Edgar was too funny ..."He couldn't load 150 pots if he was 25 years old!" It was even more funny to see all the witching SIg had been doing during that whole time and THEN to find out it had only been three hours in the end.... I don't know if it was editing or just how bad it was biting Sig...but it sure made me laugh

                            Jake has got to be the best greenhorn this show has had hands down!! When he came onto the Northwestern he was so focused and knew what he wanted. He had a goal and knew it was going to kick his butt day in and day out to get it but he refused to give up. Even when he was worn down to a nub and he hated all of them he still worked his butt off.
                            The show really had to look for stuff on Jake to show him as *whiney*

                            Overall though I think not only is it a testament to Jake that he is now such a strong man on that ship but also to Edgar and Sig. They may have pushed and expected him to do the job, but I don't recall ever seeing Jake treated with as much disdain or just plain basic disrespect by any of the Northwestern crew like I see other greenhorns treated on other boats.

                            Jake's family
                            I have to say I was in tears right along with Jake hearing about his loss. The compassion that came shining through from Sig and the same determination that Sig shows at working them to death was so apparent at how he was going to get Jake home. Made me just want to hug Sig.. I was just impressed completely at how they rallied around Jake, made the cameras leave and made sure they knew he had his job waiting.

                            Time Bandit
                            Jonathon and his tantrums
                            I have to say I lost a lot of enjoyment in watching this boat after watching Jon up in the wheel house and then on deck acting like a tyrannical overlord (LOL no relation Sky ). I always had a bit of a soft spot for Jon after he was so shaken up after saving that guy who fell overboard. Well after watching that display, it hardened up a bit. After watching Mike hustle constantly around that deck for so many episodes and then to have Jon act like that was just kind of a shock IMHO...Andy also lost some of my esteem as well just standing there nodding.

                            Russell and the Sauna
                            If they had an issue with Russel and the sauna they should have told him. The fact that they knew he was going in there and just let him IMHO told Russel that he was getting away with it or it was ok. So if they were letting him go over it, then they should have been up front about that. Instead Jon made Mike go through that "You're safe dude" thing and then Jon acts all contrite that he has to let Russel go. When up in the wheel house he is talking smack about "firing them all" But of course Scotty stays cause he is that whole spiel many shows long ago about how ANY man who isn't pulling his weight , EVEN family will get canned was BS. Overall I think these few episodes really brought my level of enjoyment with this ship down alot.

                            The Wizard
                            Banged up crew
                            WOW I was shocked at just how beat up they all were still. I didn't realize that the one guy had a crushed cheekbone. Talk about committed to one's job and paying your bills.

                            I was a bit surprised that Keith was so up front about his concerns about himself and his decisions. It made him a bit more human to me finally and helped me see him a bit differently. I am glad he took on Russell as well. I don't if the working arrangement will work but its good for both sides right now.

                            The kid who left the Wizard was a weird one to me. He really seemed to be ok, then not ok, then ok. Sometimes I think the crews make their own problems with these new guys. If you just keep riding anyone they are going to respond negatively no matter how hard they may work. In the end everyone has a breaking point. I guess they have to find one on each person but, the constant verbal stuff on this boat and a couple of others annoys me to no end and I usually end up getting a coffee refill when it comes on.

                            Cornelia Marie

                            The engine, pots on top of pots and friends
                            Hubs about had a cow right along with Phil over the cost of the engine repair LOL. I was a bit shocked to hear that Phil and Keith were barely friends. that in no way was apparent on the show previously. But I have to say Phil had a point that Keith has always been an ass whenever he has felt slighted in this way so when Phil let him know there was an issue I was impressed Keith just stayed cool and said they would get their pots out of the way.

                            Phil was a bit of a flake about it going on and on but that could have been editing or the questions asked. He had every right to be angry if it truly was pot after pot set right on him. Cause that is just poor fishing. But it seems like these guys don't ever give any benefit of the doubt that nature or pure chance could have screwed things up when the other guy seems totally oblivious to the whole deal.
                            I shook my head a bit over that.

                            The storm
                            It sounded like this was one of the biggest storms in years that any of them had faced. The comment was made that even to them the storms seem to be getting colder, bigger and badder. So I hope this finale doesn't end the way the year started with a boat not only in trouble but losing men

                            All in All it was a great afternoon and evening catching up on the Gang ...and of course Josh is still the hottest guy on a crab boat
                            Last edited by TameFarrar; 26 July 2009, 04:01 AM.
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              my opinions on the time bandit

                              yeah, i used to love jonathan and andy and they were so free spirited and such...but man, they were pricks. it's like the two of them feed each other nasty. it's liek they talk trash and become a yin and yang of 'i'm gonna show them' ego fest. after all the years that mike has worked they coouldn't give him the benefit of hte doubt that maybe he didn't hear them?
                              the tantrum had me shaking my head and i was moderately disgusted with them.


                              i agree, they should have talked to him - or maybe they did and we didn't see it. but russell was being lazy. he'd calculated exactly how long he could sit in the sauna between pots, and apparently it's something he's known to do since that one person on the wizard crew said 'if we're gonna hire him we need a sauna for him to sit in'

                              russell got a bit too comfortable in his position and forgot the cardinal rule of employment, every job is temporary and can last months or years, it's up to you

                              sig and jake

                              the northwestern crew was heartwarming. there was no 'great, we're gonna lose time' or 'damn, that's gonna cost me', they turned the boat around before they even told him. as soon as they knew, sig started towards st paul. and i loved nick telling the camera folks to leave him alone. apparently the camera guy went down the stairs, around the corner and just taped the audio, which you hear. they discussed that on after the catch. the producer for the boats said 'i probably would'nt have made that decision and probably would have taped it...but i also haven't been with these guys adn i'm a stranger and the camera guy isn't so he made his decision and i stand by what he did' or something to that effect.

                              keith and phil

                              you know, i get the idea that monte screwed up, put the pots down where they shouldn't have been. after monte came back, he was captaining the boat and keith was working the rail (they swapped because monte's ribs wouldn't allow him to work on deck). I think keith was covering for his brother. I do think phil exaggerated a bit, it wasn't every pot, it was two that were overlapping

                              now maybe, as soon as he realized, keith should have pulled and reset those pots, but he's also under a massive crunch and likely thought 'we'll just come back and pull the string before phil comes and he'll never know'
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I have to say the longer I watch the show the more you do feel like you are getting to know all of them a bit more. At first it seems like they are shown as *Tough Guys of the Seas* but as each season has gone on each boat has gotten more defined and then each person as well.

                                I doubt HIGHLY we will ever really know any of them all that well but when things are extreme, it does seem like the *Real person* comes out over time. So the gist of the person's character does come up.

                                I think too that due to editing we will never see the really gads awful just because the Capt will tell them to get off his boat next time. So I do think they have to be a little bit careful.

                                That producer
                                If the producers of the show would disregard a person's feelings in a moment like that then I am pretty disgusted with them. Something like that would make me stop watching this show altogether
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

