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If They Made a New Stargate Series What Kind of Premises Would You Want to See?

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    I would love to see a "Stargate" activated by a powerfull Atlantean Psychic Crystal that uses a vary bright white beam or laser of light of energy that dubbles as the Power-Activator Crystal that uses a persons thoughts and thought commands.
    "My Own Digital Artwork"
    "My Own Digital Artwork"


      Originally posted by Saquist View Post
      I rather avoid an SGU style show. Those will be pragmatic where angst among the main characters must be constant. I'd like something organic.

      I wanna see what all this technology that the Stargate program introduced to Earth would do to the nations relation with each other...the successful application of life saving tech, the monopoly and the conflict it creates.

      NO ONE has ever down that.
      There's probably a reason for that, it would cause irreparable damage to any sci-fi franchise set in the modern day. I suppose it could work for a one off series, but not one like Stargate or Dr Who that relies on contemporary characters.


        I would like to see a well-written show exploring an Ancient city with good actors and likeable characters....oh silly me they already tried that...called it SG:Atlantis!
        I wouldn't mind a prequel - either before the Alterans and Ori split or dealing with the alliance of the four great races. If not a prequel I'd go for the idea of the Tau'ri visiting the Ori galaxy and setting up bases there to help the people and maybe find some bad guys the ori kept in check? just no emo teens and dark gritty melodramas please!
        Last edited by Rac80; 30 August 2010, 07:57 AM.


          nothing i don't see what else could be done.


            Originally posted by kymeric View Post
            If the 9th chevron was for a 9 digit code to travel to destiny it stands to reason there are other codes. Maybe a master gate network hub at the center of the universe, maybe the ancients ship yards, maybe to the unknown super ancient homeworld of the alterans and ori, maybe alternate realities in a specific order, past, future or the restraunt at the end of the universe.
            i'm sure noones listening to me, but the restaurants at the other end of the universe. *screech*
            An Axe age, A Sword age, Shields are sundered,
            A Wind age, A Wolf age, Ere the World falls,
            And no Man shall spare Another.

            Driving fast has never killed anyone. Suddenly coming to a halt, that has killed many, many people

            The Pope, an Irishman and an Italian are walking down a street, when one of them says "Hey look guys! A bar!"


              How about ditch the stargate all together? Show Ameilius and all the other alterans on their thousand year hike from their home planet to the milkyway. It be like startrek only with soothing medeval outfits!


                We have a new Stargate series, it's called STARGATE: UNIVERSE.



                  -Kind of a prequel to current Stargate is a series focusing on the founding of the counsel between the 4 races. We get to see more into the culture and ways of many of the secondary races in the series that play a huge part. And it can have Furlings.

                  That's a plot I'd like a new series/movie to explore too. The 4GR playes such a major role shaping the early galaxies they existed in and with some of them still connfirmed alive during the series, I was dissapointed we don't know more about the Nox and mostly the Furling!

                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  I really don't like any of those. Prequels are notorious for failing and the Earth colony seems too futuristic
                  the Star Wars prequesl seemed pretty popular and BSG's Caprica does too

                  Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
                  The Ancients versus Wraith war.
                  great; we never saw a battle between the Ancients and Wraith

                  Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                  A sort of mix between Atlantis and Destiny.
                  can u be more specific?

                  Originally posted by wolverine_nl View Post
                  My idea would be for this new generation version pilot in short:

                  [Approx. 50 million years ago...
                  Alteran Galaxy ]
                  (this is before the Ori take over this galaxy and rename it)

                  You would see in short how the Alterans made it to the MW

                  You would see the establishment of the ancients on earth and placing the stargate on Antartica and them having meetings with other races. Lateron leaving for Pegasus, while some interbred with local humanoids that later become humans. The humans get a visit from an alien and you see the kidnapping of several primitive humans.
                  (This first part would take around 20 minutes)

                  Time skips to 1930's.
                  The gate is discovered in Giza Egypt.
                  They show that experiments failed and that 1 man made it through, but was cut off and never returned (Torment of T.)
                  They abandon the project.

                  Time skips again to present day.
                  Daniel is picked up by Catherine and we see they re-opened the project. Daniel translates the bunch and the logics behind the stargate. this time around they show how they discovered how to operate it, also introducing Carter and Hammond.

                  Once they are set to go, O'Neill is brought in to lead the 1st expedition to Abydos.
                  They go throught the gate and the pilot ends here.

                  This story is then a little different of the original, as in that Carter and Hammond are introduced sooner. Carter was working on the gate for several years, so it makes sense.
                  niiiice idea!!

                  Originally posted by Quetzocoetl View Post
                  I'd love to see series that takes place primarily on an advanced Earth ship.
                  Give the ship an onboard Stargate, throw in some antagonists and conflicts, and we got our selves a show.
                  A Star Trek-esque Stargate. I'd watch it.
                  might work

                  [QUOTE=maxrpg;11764442]Actually I think a prequel series would be pretty good. I would like to see the evolution of the ancients like it could start with showing them arriving in the milkyway...the invention of the stargates and setting off to "seed" each planet with a stargate and meeting the advanced races and like morsu said we could see what threat or event caused the 4 races to build an alliance against what? That would atleast make the show like SG-1 with lots of exploration which we all like and love.

                  Did the Goa'uld exist in ancient times..perhaps a Goa'ulds first victim was an ancient and thats where they got the knowledge to build their ships/weapons from. We could also see the asgard in there original form before all the cloning changed their appearance and get to see the very elusive furlings!.

                  very brilliant! I always think of them as the elusive Furlings too-- TPTB created them to be and have kept them to be nearly completely elusive!!

                  Originally posted by KEK View Post
                  They'll never make a prequel, the appeal of such a small franchise would be too tiny. I'd like to see them explore more links to Earth mythology though, I think that's something the franchise has lost.
                  very good point to explore more mythologies; as people have mentioned, the show has left a lot of mythology unexplored

                  Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                  How about ditch the stargate all together? Show Ameilius and all the other alterans on their thousand year hike from their home planet to the milkyway. It be like startrek only with soothing medeval outfits!
                  think by the time they left the original Alteran home galaxy, they wouldn't need to dress in medieval style anymore (I view it more as noticeable advanced clothing with medievalistic design traits)
                  If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                  RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                    Originally posted by maxrpg View Post
                    Actually I think a prequel series would be pretty good. I would like to see the evolution of the ancients like it could start with showing them arriving in the milkyway...the invention of the stargates and setting off to "seed" each planet with a stargate and meeting the advanced races and like morsu said we could see what threat or event caused the 4 races to build an alliance against what? That would atleast make the show like SG-1 with lots of exploration which we all like and love.

                    Did the Goa'uld exist in ancient times..perhaps a Goa'ulds first victim was an ancient and thats where they got the knowledge to build their ships/weapons from. We could also see the asgard in there original form before all the cloning changed their appearance and get to see the very elusive furlings!.

                    The main things I want to see in any series and I dont really care which one but I want to see:

                    How they make the stargates
                    How they make ZPMs / Drones
                    We didnt get to see these in Atlantis but surely they have a factory/lab to create these things..I mean they have 1000s of drones and seriously doubt they made them 1 at a time by hand so where is the production center.

                    Perhaps a prequel series wouldnt be the best idea but definately a movie would be fantastic. Stargate: Beginnings or something.
                    I like your idea, except I don't think there should gao'uld. Since the gao'uld genetically pass down their knowledge, it would be a big plot hole for sg-1. I really want to see the furlings though.


                      I would like to see a show from the point of view of the Goa'uld. Maybe showing them as a young race of symbiotes who inhabit non-human animals. At some point a goa'uld breaks the unwritten rule and goes into a human. Once the Goa'uld blend with the evil found in the minds of men the become corrupted by the power they realize that they now posses.


                        If I were going to do a new Stargate show the first thing I would do would be advance the timeline.

                        Things have been stagnant on that front for over a decade so I'm jumping big.

                        My show would primarily be set 500 to 1000 years into the future where the galaxy has been reshaped by the rule of a now ponderous and corrupt human Empire that grew out of Earth to control most of the MW galaxy.

                        To keep the mandatory connection to "modern day Earth" the main cast will be an SG team transported ahead to this time via the stargate going haywire like it did in episodes like "69" and "the last man". There's a problem though. In this future version of the MW the entire stargate network has been dismantled and replaced with a new type of "hypergate network" controlled by the human Empire. The original gates allowed for far too much freedom of use and unrestricted travel, and following the use of one of them in a barely prevented plot to cause Earth's star to go nova, all MW stargates were ruthlessly hunted down by the human empire and presumably destroyed.

                        New Earth built hypergates replaced them and allow travel only to citizens of the empire and its allies via coded implants given at birth, and only to certain destinations within the hypergate network depending on credentials. They however do not contain the same quirk that the originals did that occasionally permitted time travel.

                        Our lost SG team then finds itself seemingly cut off forever from its own time and doomed to live in this dystopian future while at the same time wondering how things could have gone so wrong.

                        The series will then focus initially on the team attempting to locate an original stargate in one of the neighboring galaxies and duplicate the conditions of the accident that launched them into the future. Along the way they'll butt heads with the human empire's restrictive policies, uncover the history of what has taken place over the last 500-1000 years and run into various familiar old species taking on strange new roles in the new galactic civilization. Say for example that at some point the Wraith were absorbed into the human empire after an alternate food source was discovered, and now their strangely oscillating voices make queens primarily valuable as singers, while the rest of them are looked at as a nearly extinct human sub-race, kept around mainly to provide healing and age reversal treatments to those wealthy enough to afford them. Or what about the Jaffa, perhaps they grew apart from Earth and have grown into an equally dystopian regime only ruled by religion and antiquated warrior codes instead of territorial greed and bureaucracy, clinging desperately to the last scraps of their own empire. What if the Ori on the other hand are doing fine, their people spurred on to a new renaissance by the newly illuminated Priors and the hordes of advanced technology left to them by the now dead ascended. The Ori civilization is now a shockingly progressive, free and democratic society, eagerly expanding and poking at the fringes of the Earth and Jaffa Empires stagnant semi carcasses.

                        There's all sorts of fun you could have with the "I wonder what happed to" concept. It would make the whole universe basically fresh again because as well as you knew a given species you'd be just as interested to see how a millennium of history had changed them.

                        This is about the only way I can think of to keep the general SG "far away from home" and "small team against the odds" feeling without just cloning SG-1 or Atlantis.

                        Here the element of seperation wouldn't be distance, but time itself, and the primary enemy wouldn't be "evil aliens" but rather the dark side of a potential future humanity itself. The stargate remains at the center of it all, a sort of legendary holy grail that the team must locate in order to return home.


                          For me, the original appeal of Stargate was the discovery of the stargate in the Egyptian desert and the subsequent discovery that Egyptian mythology was based on parasitical alien tyrants.

                          A new series should take another Earth culture and play with it. India has a vast corpus of mythology and a very distinctive style of art, architecture and dress. I suppose it might be impossible, because Hindooism is a living religion and some Hindoos would be offended rather than flattered. Which would be a shame, because Christianity certainly provides fertile soil for fantasy and space opera (Supernatural, the Ori, Narnia).


                            How about a space station based show. There is a ancient spacestation in the void between galaxys that is roughly the size of Atlantis. There are a series of super gates stationed around the station to allow Large ships to come and go to different Galaxys. Sort of a B5 type story. Many races would be on the station, but since we discovered it, then we would control it. It's really the only way to explore many different galaxys and many different races at the same time.


                              Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
                              The Ancients versus Wraith war.
                              my fave, too. or something that is solely wraith-concerned (fat chance, I know...)
                              "We become our memories and what we believe. We become the terminal creeds we speak. Our words limit the animals we would become...soaring through words from memories and visions. We are all incomplete...imperfect. Lost limbs and lost visions stand with the same phantoms."
                              Gerald Vizenor, Bearheart


                                Originally posted by JeffreyNYA View Post
                                How about a space station based show. There is a ancient spacestation in the void between galaxys that is roughly the size of Atlantis. There are a series of super gates stationed around the station to allow Large ships to come and go to different Galaxys. Sort of a B5 type story. Many races would be on the station, but since we discovered it, then we would control it. It's really the only way to explore many different galaxys and many different races at the same time.
                                So our DS9....

