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If They Made a New Stargate Series What Kind of Premises Would You Want to See?

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    If They Made a New Stargate Series What Kind of Premises Would You Want to See?

    If they made a new Stargate series or several on that matter. What do you think would be the best ideas. I have a few.

    -Earth decides to create its first real colony. Certain civilians singles and family are chosen to have the chance being the first settlers of this new colony. It chronicles the lives of everyday people trying to carve out a new world on a unknown planet.

    -Kind of a prequel to current Stargate is a series focusing on the founding of the counsel between the 4 races. We get to see more into the culture and ways of many of the secondary races in the series that play a huge part. And it can have Furlings.

    -Again a kind of prequel the idea is a series that begins with the Ancients first beta of wormhole technology. And basically the beginning of the Stargate as we know it.

    Originally posted by Quatchi View Post
    If they made a new Stargate series or several on that matter. What do you think would be the best ideas. I have a few.

    -Earth decides to create its first real colony. Certain civilians singles and family are chosen to have the chance being the first settlers of this new colony. It chronicles the lives of everyday people trying to carve out a new world on a unknown planet.

    -Kind of a prequel to current Stargate is a series focusing on the founding of the counsel between the 4 races. We get to see more into the culture and ways of many of the secondary races in the series that play a huge part. And it can have Furlings.

    -Again a kind of prequel the idea is a series that begins with the Ancients first beta of wormhole technology. And basically the beginning of the Stargate as we know it.
    I like your second Idea the best. It would be good to see why they made the alliance in the first place. What threat was there back then to warrant forming the Alliance?


      I really don't like any of those. Prequels are notorious for failing and the Earth colony seems too futuristic
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        The Ancients versus Wraith war.


          A sort of mix between Atlantis and Destiny.
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          If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

          Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


            A kinda SG2 taking place in a nearby galaxy of humans. Sorta like sga only no wraith or super ancient tech. Just a back to basics exploring thru the gates, meeting other cultures, fighting aliens, and gathering tech to defend earth.

            Call it sTargaTe: sg2 with the T's as some weird stylized symbol thats and ancient relay monolith in the galactic void doing call forwarding to another network without needing a zpm. Plus its too far away for reasonable hyperdrive travel so no big fancy overpowered asgard/ancient tech to save the day.


              i like starrtom's idea. the ancients/wraith at war. but... not a series. as a tv movie or a mini-series that would be awesome!

              /side note for quatchi: what if they catfish aliens are actually the furlings?
              //ps welcome to the boards!


                Initial rising of the Asgard/Nox/Furling empire leading up to the discovery of the gate or their own discovery of gate technology, whichever, and the initial explorations and that whole sense of wonderment and adventure.


                  I think any other ideas will have to be a bit of a stretch, if there's some other Ancient discovery then it's just like SGU (and SGA). I would rather they brought back SG-1 or SGA, there's so much left to do in SGA (such as Keller and McKay splitting up, I would think to see that relationship after would be quite funny).


                    there would have to be humans characters involved for any series to be succesful... and I don't really see stargate pulling a farscape plot where one human ends up in an alien environment like the ancient war (although the ancients would be sufficiently human like I suppose).

                    how about a series about the experience of the ascended on the ascended plane? it would involve many hallucinogenic scenes and CGI sequences of large amoebae happily floating around all over the place, this is a sure hit in the drug user demographic which we all know that one has a lot of young'uns in them! plus they'll be watching while high so highly susceptible! prime marketing targets right there!

                    The problem with a next series is that while there are many ideas that appeal to us pretty hardcore stargate fans, you have to wonder wether they will appeal to a large enough audience.

                    As a fan I would suggest a series about a tau'ri team that is tasked with assisting the Jaffa council in picking up the pieces from the goa'uld empire (sort of like china the jaffa empire is going to get its act together sooner or later and you may as well have helped them with it so that you scored some brownie points; or perhaps there is a new enemy discovered that requires earth to prepare the jaffa in the long run). They would consist of a couple of diplomats, some scientists and a military detachement, if they're feeling lucky maybe even an entire 303. They would essentially be on a humanitarian mission tasked with everything from keeping the Jaffa council safe from conspiracies to visiting former goa'uld planets whose populations might not even be aware of the fall of the goa'uld and to mop up goa'ulds still lurking around in the galaxy, as well as be brought in when a fancy goa'uld lab or some such facility is discovered.

                    I'm not sure if the above idea would have a large audience outside of people already familiar with stargate though. As a general viewer I think the only way to draw in a large new viewing public is to make a new star trekesque series with a little time jump to the year when the stargate program finally goes public and there are more factions established (jaffa in the home territory now neutral at best towards earth and some races in neighbouring galaxies). Earth has become the most highly advanced faction in the neighbourhood but it occupies very little planets so it starts a scramble for the few remaining unoccupied hospitable planets in the home galaxy and beyond. In the background there would be a continual struggle to keep humanity lawful good in spite of all the technology, and hence one of the overal plotlines would be wether we live up to the faith the Asgard had in us or whether we start to evolve into a more goa'uld or ori type of society (with the whole enslavement and parasiting theme).
                    I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

                    Million's of ZPM's, ZPM's for free! Millions of ZPM's, ZPM's for me!


                      My idea would be for this new generation version pilot in short:

                      [Approx. 50 million years ago...
                      Alteran Galaxy ]
                      (this is before the Ori take over this galaxy and rename it)

                      You would see in short how the Alterans made it to the MW

                      You would see the establishment of the ancients on earth and placing the stargate on Antartica and them having meetings with other races. Lateron leaving for Pegasus, while some interbred with local humanoids that later become humans. The humans get a visit from an alien and you see the kidnapping of several primitive humans.
                      (This first part would take around 20 minutes)

                      Time skips to 1930's.
                      The gate is discovered in Giza Egypt.
                      They show that experiments failed and that 1 man made it through, but was cut off and never returned (Torment of T.)
                      They abandon the project.

                      Time skips again to present day.
                      Daniel is picked up by Catherine and we see they re-opened the project. Daniel translates the bunch and the logics behind the stargate. this time around they show how they discovered how to operate it, also introducing Carter and Hammond.

                      Once they are set to go, O'Neill is brought in to lead the 1st expedition to Abydos.
                      They go throught the gate and the pilot ends here.

                      This story is then a little different of the original, as in that Carter and Hammond are introduced sooner. Carter was working on the gate for several years, so it makes sense.


                        How about war between multiple sides spawned on 5-6 galaxies , we could have sg teams traveling getting into trouble and have no backup because the 3rd fleet is in Andromeda assisting the Furling in their war against **unknown_foe** , or having a small ship trapped and a big armada would come to it's rescue but i would like to see more galaxies not only PG and MW , and to see the APBW actually working and doing their job and not failing after the first shot , and then the enemy would find a way to counter the APBW and we would use dronified ( i made up this word ) nukes
                        Stargate Mods List

                        I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                        StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                        GW member infractions : 1


                          I'd love to see series that takes place primarily on an advanced Earth ship.
                          Give the ship an onboard Stargate, throw in some antagonists and conflicts, and we got our selves a show.
                          A Star Trek-esque Stargate. I'd watch it.


                            And i would but the DVD of a show like that , what the h**l i have a huge collection
                            Stargate Mods List

                            I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                            StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                            GW member infractions : 1


                              Actually I think a prequel series would be pretty good. I would like to see the evolution of the ancients like it could start with showing them arriving in the milkyway...the invention of the stargates and setting off to "seed" each planet with a stargate and meeting the advanced races and like morsu said we could see what threat or event caused the 4 races to build an alliance against what? That would atleast make the show like SG-1 with lots of exploration which we all like and love.

                              Did the Goa'uld exist in ancient times..perhaps a Goa'ulds first victim was an ancient and thats where they got the knowledge to build their ships/weapons from. We could also see the asgard in there original form before all the cloning changed their appearance and get to see the very elusive furlings!.

                              The main things I want to see in any series and I dont really care which one but I want to see:

                              How they make the stargates
                              How they make ZPMs / Drones
                              We didnt get to see these in Atlantis but surely they have a factory/lab to create these things..I mean they have 1000s of drones and seriously doubt they made them 1 at a time by hand so where is the production center.

                              Perhaps a prequel series wouldnt be the best idea but definately a movie would be fantastic. Stargate: Beginnings or something.

