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If They Made a New Stargate Series What Kind of Premises Would You Want to See?

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    Originally posted by Quetzocoetl View Post
    I'd love to see series that takes place primarily on an advanced Earth ship.
    Give the ship an onboard Stargate, throw in some antagonists and conflicts, and we got our selves a show.
    A Star Trek-esque Stargate. I'd watch it.
    Something like this, but less on exploration and more on resolving existing conflicts (such as the Lucian Alliance and any other 'threats'). More military sci-fi than Star Trek.

    That or inter/intra-galactic Total War. With Tanks. Gotta have tanks. (standard tracked tanks, hover/grav tanks, I don't long as they're tanks! ) And Big Fleet Engagements.


      Ok then lets gather budget for a SG movie , can someone make some math and tell us the total cost ?
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      I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
      StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
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        They'll never make a prequel, the appeal of such a small franchise would be too tiny. I'd like to see them explore more links to Earth mythology though, I think that's something the franchise has lost.


          I would like to see a prequel set before the Alternans split off from the Ori. Could see the greater divide forming between both sides, the start of their research into ascension, the creation of the first Stargate among other things.


            I was thinking and as far as i know the basis premise of SG is that is happening today so no future or past shows
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            I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
            StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
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              Well they could branch out and create a series without the Stargate name attached to it but set it within the same universe. Kinda like BSG & Caprica.


                i hate prequels, it seems like way too many franchises are doing them recently
                R.I.P Stargate 1994-2009


                  I'd like to see a show based in the Ori Galaxy. The idea I have is that there's a diplomatic mission to the Ori Galaxy because of rising tensions between races that were held down by the Ori, and the humans of the galaxy asks for our help. To differentiate it from Stargate Atlantis and Universe, however, we've had a base there (some ancient Ori facility) for several years, and the pilot is about the diplomatic mission getting a new leader (that Chinese IOA representative is my first choice).

                  The show would be similar to Babylon 5 in some respects, with Season 1 being like a prologue with some foreshadowing of things to come. Thus, unlike SG-1 and Atlantis the big bad guys aren't introduced in the pilot.

                  Another idea I have is Stargate Pegasus, a sequel to Atlantis. In the unlikely event that Extinction gets cancelled I think this show should be made.

                  My idea would be for this new generation version pilot in short:

                  [Approx. 50 million years ago...
                  Alteran Galaxy ]
                  (this is before the Ori take over this galaxy and rename it)

                  You would see in short how the Alterans made it to the MW

                  You would see the establishment of the ancients on earth and placing the stargate on Antartica and them having meetings with other races. Lateron leaving for Pegasus, while some interbred with local humanoids that later become humans. The humans get a visit from an alien and you see the kidnapping of several primitive humans.
                  (This first part would take around 20 minutes)

                  Time skips to 1930's.
                  The gate is discovered in Giza Egypt.
                  They show that experiments failed and that 1 man made it through, but was cut off and never returned (Torment of T.)
                  They abandon the project.

                  Time skips again to present day.
                  Daniel is picked up by Catherine and we see they re-opened the project. Daniel translates the bunch and the logics behind the stargate. this time around they show how they discovered how to operate it, also introducing Carter and Hammond.

                  Once they are set to go, O'Neill is brought in to lead the 1st expedition to Abydos.
                  They go throught the gate and the pilot ends here.
                  The problem is it would reveal too much too early. In SG-1 they didn't come up with the idea that the Goa'uld may not have made the Gate System before "Thor's Hammer", and the Ancients weren't mentioned before "The Fifth Race". It would be like opening the Babylon 5 pilot by showing the last Shadow War and exactly what happened to Sinclair at the Battle of the Line.


                    SG made like B5 would really be nice
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                    I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                    StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                    GW member infractions : 1


                      Originally posted by Aewon View Post
                      The problem is it would reveal too much too early. In SG-1 they didn't come up with the idea that the Goa'uld may not have made the Gate System before "Thor's Hammer", and the Ancients weren't mentioned before "The Fifth Race". It would be like opening the Babylon 5 pilot by showing the last Shadow War and exactly what happened to Sinclair at the Battle of the Line.
                      It's a new show, so it doesnt matter ( I thought). It can have another untold story.
                      The idea is if they ever redid the stargate as a series in the far far future.

                      If they'd do another spin-off:
                      I'd want them to do a show about the aftermath in the Ori galaxy after the Ori are gone, that power vacuum most also be enormous. And so that it has very little to do directly with Earth (maybe very very occasional gueststars from SG-1)
                      Last edited by wolverine_nl; 01 August 2010, 11:43 PM.


                        it would be very nice
                        Stargate Mods List

                        I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                        StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                        GW member infractions : 1


                          Originally posted by Quatchi View Post
                          If they made a new Stargate series or several on that matter. What do you think would be the best ideas. I have a few.

                          -Earth decides to create its first real colony. Certain civilians singles and family are chosen to have the chance being the first settlers of this new colony. It chronicles the lives of everyday people trying to carve out a new world on a unknown planet.

                          -Kind of a prequel to current Stargate is a series focusing on the founding of the counsel between the 4 races. We get to see more into the culture and ways of many of the secondary races in the series that play a huge part. And it can have Furlings.

                          -Again a kind of prequel the idea is a series that begins with the Ancients first beta of wormhole technology. And basically the beginning of the Stargate as we know it.
                          Those are good but I'm going with Jelgate on this.
                          NO's just not interesting enough....

                          The colony thing sounds okay though.

                          I like the idea of a series based on the conflict that begins and arises with the publication of the Stargate Program.
                          Earth has been put in charge of some seriously powerful technology. I want to see a power struggle for technology and perhaps humans always do...the turning of that technology against our own.

                          Then I'd like to see the resolution of that conflict. I say 5 to six years for a series and make it a planned series.
                          Make it mostly focused on Earth. I want a nemesis, a villain, antagonist, a nation perhaps that counters the IOA...perhaps one that was in the IOA....

                          Yes...i'm thinking something...B5 like...but more and on a more serious and realistic level than SGU.


                            How about:
                            Facing an imminent attack from an new alien race forces the US government to reveal the existence of the stargate to the rest of the world. Not long after that, earth gets seriously attacked and the series (at first) could be about a group of civilians and soldiers trying to survive the attack. Regardless, IF there is ever a fourth series I would prefer it to be more in the style of SGU.


                              Planned expedition to try and catch up to a seeder ship or Desinty Style ship, waaaaaaaaay out in the Universe, exploring as they go. You know, doing Destiny's mission since SGU doesn't seem to be exploring much. It'd be a mix of SG-1's style of exploration with more emphasis on characters. An actual multi-season planned plot would be nice as well.

                              and little if any contact witH Earth.
                              Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
                              Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

                              Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
                              Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


                                well a series that follow the Vegas would be nice , IMHO Vegas is the best ep from S05
                                Stargate Mods List

                                I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                                StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                                GW member infractions : 1

