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Stargate Novels

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    For anyone keeping score - I've just signed off on the first half of the MGM edits for Throne, so I am expecting the second half any day now, hopefully they're as light as the first half and the book'll be straight off to print... so not too long now.


      Originally posted by StevenSavile View Post
      For anyone keeping score - I've just signed off on the first half of the MGM edits for Throne, so I am expecting the second half any day now, hopefully they're as light as the first half and the book'll be straight off to print... so not too long now.
      Are you kidding? Any news on new books coming/getting closer to coming out is good news!



        This is probably a pointless question, but did anyone receive ANY ANSWER AT ALL from Fandemonium? The authors obviously communicate with the company as their entries in this thread prove - and since obviously, the authors are the only people Fandemonium is willing to communicate with, could they please ask the publisher to at least post a PR release? Something? It's getting to the point where I'm starting to ask myself if the company even still exists.


          I really don't know anything beyond what I just posted. I haven't had the second part of the edits yet, but hope they'll come very soon. I don't know what it's like for the other authors on the line, but honestly I don't chitchat with the editors at Fandimonium - there was a lot more conversation while we were working on the book obviously, and during the initial inhouse edit stage, but those were all wrapped around March last year (I think, don't hold me at gun point over that one), the rest of the time has just been waiting on MGM and final edits/approval coming back so we haven't really had much cause to chat beyond an occasional 'any movement?' email now and again. For me, now, it's all about just being patient and hoping that when everything is cleared you guys actually like the finished book. It feels like so long ago I wrote the opening scenes now... I'm actually quite looking forward to reading the final proofs, it'll almost be like reading a new book.

          Sorry I could be more help, but believe me, the day the edits go back, I'll drop in and let you know.


            Thank you, Steven. I just received an email from Amazon advertising your book so hopefully, we will get to see it at least this year


              Originally posted by katikatnik View Post
              This is probably a pointless question, but did anyone receive ANY ANSWER AT ALL from Fandemonium? The authors obviously communicate with the company as their entries in this thread prove - and since obviously, the authors are the only people Fandemonium is willing to communicate with, could they please ask the publisher to at least post a PR release? Something? It's getting to the point where I'm starting to ask myself if the company even still exists.

              Nope, no answer to emails at all. Why they even provide an email link on their site is beyond me. No further word on SGA novels that were due to come out in recent months?

              At least we see the off SG1 book moving towards release, but SGA novels ground to a halt last year and there has been no word at all if we'll see them. With Fandies current track record with SGA books I'm doubting we will even see the new series by Joe G and co despite the author providing heaps of interesting tid bits about the series on her journal site. Wish I could feel a little more optimistic.


                Originally posted by gottaluvit View Post
                At least we see the off SG1 book moving towards release, but SGA novels ground to a halt last year and there has been no word at all if we'll see them. With Fandies current track record with SGA books I'm doubting we will even see the new series by Joe G and co despite the author providing heaps of interesting tid bits about the series on her journal site. Wish I could feel a little more optimistic.
                Yes, I totally agree. It's good to see the SG-1 books happening, and of course I've pre-ordered and am looking forward to "Throne". But I am worried about the SGA books, especially since I'm a bigger fan of SGA than of SG-1. I've said this in another thread, but it feels to me like SGA is the least prioritized part of the Stargate franchise, the one most affected by cancellations and delays of various kinds. For example, I just learned that the comic book series ( one for each of the three series in the franchise ) that were advertised last summer, aren't going to happen. They've been partly replaced by Vala and Daniel miniseries, but no mention of any SGA miniseries. I want to help SGA live on, but I don't really know what to do if there isn't any new material for me to buy. Somehow I suspect actually spending money on what you want to see more of is more effective than any letter-writing campaign.


                  I am worried about the SGA books, especially since I'm a bigger fan of SGA than of SG-1. I've said this in another thread, but it feels to me like SGA is the least prioritized part of the Stargate franchise, the one most affected by cancellations and delays of various kinds.
                  I agree, that's exactly how I am feeling too! I seems odd that no SGA books at all have come out since late last year when quite a few had been scheduled. I used to thing it might have something to do with the (no longer) pending movie being on hold, although that didn't make much sense but I couldn't figure out any other reason.

                  Now I have the completely silly mental image of those at MGM who do the edit reads not being an SGA fan and tossing any new SGA novels to the side. Or the powers that be declaring "We'll pay those whining SGA fans back for all their complaining, no more books for them!" Totally over the top I know, but lack of communication by the companies in control of these novels feeds my pessimistic imagination lol.

                  In Fandies defense though, I really don't think they know whats going on and why they trickle of SGA novels being released from MGM for print has dried up. I have little doubt that due to MGM's financial woes the novels just aren't a part of the franchise that they find a priority at the moment.


                    One of my best mates, and co-writer, Aaron Rosenberg, is in the midst of doing his SGA edits. I believe he's at exactly the same stage as I am with throne, ie halfway through and waiting for the second set. So, I guess you all have to love me now as the bearer of good news


                      Originally posted by StevenSavile View Post
                      One of my best mates, and co-writer, Aaron Rosenberg, is in the midst of doing his SGA edits. I believe he's at exactly the same stage as I am with throne, ie halfway through and waiting for the second set. So, I guess you all have to love me now as the bearer of good news
                      Cool! I hope we see some SGA novels soon. Does anyone know if Chris Wraight's book is still coming out? I haven't heard anything about Dead End after it was canceled last year except that it might be still coming out in the first half of this year. We're closing in on the second half of the year pretty quickly and still no word about it yet that I've seen.


                        I would imagine - key word there - that Chris' is in the MGM shuffle behind Aaron's. I *think* David Niall Wilson & Patricia Macomber's is at about the same stage as Aaron's and mine (just a little behind us)... Dave was talking about it a little the other day and intimated MGM comments were expected imminently. I don't know Chris at all, so can't really say one way or the other, but as a few of us have said, delays are down in no small part to the approval process and the fact that there's only Karol on the MGM side dealing with things for ALL of their franchises...


                          Nice to know things are still moving along. I feel rather bad for you guys and Fandy, all this bother when it's neither's fault. I just look forward to more novels when they're out.
                          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                            And as promised, the head's up. About 10 mins ago I got my final MGM edits which in reality should take about an hour to go through and sort out, then turn back into Fandy, then, ladies and gents, it's all systems go.


                              Aaaaaaaaaand done. The final edits were very very light indeed, just involved 'de-nastifying' a couple of scenes that were a little too dark in nature for the SG-1 universe. The very best comment was the last one, which I'll share with you: "wow, what an ending." Heh... that *pleased* me. So that's it. Out of my hands now. It goes back to MGM to make sure that they're happy with the changes I made and that they satisfy what they were after, then, print here we come.


                                Good to hear, and thanks for telling us!

