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A Message from the Mods

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    A Message from the Mods

    We've noticed recently that we are getting a few more new threads than usual covering the same subject.

    Current case in point is the "Saddest ep ever" which specifically addresses the S7 ep Heroes Part 2

    We would like to request two things:

    1) if you want to talk about a specific ep, please mosey on over to the gate room and then chose the specific season, and then episode thread for the ep you want to discuss. They are arranged like this:

    Stargate S8
    Stargate S7
    Atlantis S1
    Stargate S1 - S6

    The reason (apart from having duplicated threads about things) is that the ep specific threads are linked back from the ep summary on the GateWorld site. That way everyone's opinions, thoughts and comments are in one convenient one-stop shop from anyone who might drop by from the website. (because strange as it may seem, there are still some fans who aren't actually GateWorld forum members.... we're hunting them down but it takes time)

    2) if you're opening a new thread, if you try a quick search and see a thread on the same or similar theme, please post there (if it's a few pages back it will jump to the top of the list). That way people won't think "eek, is that déja vu" and not post in your shiny new thread. It is quite possible that if you're asking a question it will already have been answered, or you might find someone with a similar view etc etc.

    This thread is closed for posting, if you have any questions, please put them in the Ask the Mods thread. We don't bite. Usually.

    Thanks for your attention
    Major Clanger
    GateWorld moderator
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king


    The mods have been merging threads left right and centre these past couple of days, and we still have at least ten different threads about Ben Browder joining the cast. One is in the Stargate News section, the rest in General Discussion.

    We have a Crichton in Stargate thread, a Will BB signing mean more seasons? thread, a Carter/Newguy thread, a How will BB fit into SG-1 thread, an Is Ben more dishy than Michael? thread, a BB as SGC commander, thread, a Black & Browder on Stargate thread, a BB thunk thread, a Ben's bringing me back in thread, and the original Browder Joins Stargate in s9 thread complete with poll.

    These should sufice for now. Please don't start any others!

    Last edited by Madeleine; 17 December 2004, 01:15 PM.



      And another message from the mods. Please read carefully.

      As everyone knows we have a 'no spoilers' rule here on GW! For those who do not know or want to refresh their memory please refer to the forum FAQs (

      Since pictures can have the same effect as written words we would like to point out that
      a) posting of screencaps from episodes that fall under the 'no spoilers' rule need the same warning as text would and that
      b) there are no such pictures allowed in signatures!

      Please respect your fellow forum members' wish to stay spoiler-free. If you're in doubt about the possible spoiler content of a signature please message one of the mods and we will discuss it internally.


        Can I ask that everyone who starts a thread takes care with the title?

        1. Please make it as specific as possible. A thread asking a question about Hammond's career should be called "Hammond's career", not "A question about Hammond" and definitely not "A question...". We ask people to use existing threads rather than start new ones where possible, but it's near impossible to find the existing thread if that thread's title was as nebulous as "Did you know...?" or "An Idea".

        (Also there are a number of dial-up users who won't even bother with loading your thread if it isn't clear from the title whether it's worth their time.)

        2. Please spell it correctly. There's not much point in someone doing a search for a thread named "Prometheus" if the thread he wants is labelled "Promethus". As a rule we don't have any Spelling Police here on GW and I know I'm not perfect myself. But please be aware that while it doesn't really matter whether it's Bratac or Bra'tac or Brat'ac in the post, it *does* make a difference in the thread's title.




          I'll keep this latest mod message short:

          Negative rep points signed by "Mod", "A Mod", "Mods", "The Mods", etc. are not from moderators! They're from regular posters who don't have the guts to put their name under an action that might earn them some criticism.

          We mods conduct our actual modding business in the threads, via PM or email.
          If we give out negative reputation we do it as regular posters in which case we sign it with our names and nothing else.


            Effective immediately, there is a new policy for photo manipulations on Gateworld:

            All manipulations must be appropriate for all ages. This means no compromising positions, no nudity and all manipulations must be in 'good taste'

            If a manipulation consists of the face of any Stargate or Atlantis actor, that face cannot be pasted upon a body that's not that of another Stargate person. To clarify, taking a season 6 promo shot and replacing Jonas with Daniel is fine...placing the face of any Stargate or Atlantis actor on someone else's body is not permitted.

            This rule applies if the photo is posted on Gateworld with the [img] tags or used as an attachment. If you've made a manipulation that consists of Jonas' face on Rob Lowe's body, for example, you can post a link on Gateworld to the image - with the proper warnings - but that picture cannot be visually available to the random surfer.

            We are not doing this to ruin anyone's fun, but simply in consideration of the show's various actors/producers/directors and whomever else who happens to visit here.

            If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

            And i would remind everyone that the basic rules of picture posting do still apply. Sigs should not be larger than 200x700 pixels with the kilobyte size kept as small as possible, definitely less than 50K
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Most people never misspell normally, so why on earth would anyone do it deliberately in a thread title? All it does is ensure the Search feature won't pick your thread up, so one of us mods has to change it.



