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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
    This makes me laugh for some reason, how can you be writing on a show and not keep up with what your peers are doing in the genre, especially when sci-fi character drama is so scarce.

    Even if he doesn't like it, which would surprise me, you'd think it would at least fall under the category of research.
    So, imagine that Joe in fact does that. Do you then seriously think he would tell us? /End discussion. This is the best answer he could give.
    A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


      Originally posted by Jper View Post
      So, imagine that Joe in fact does that. Do you then seriously think he would tell us? /End discussion. This is the best answer he could give.
      So he's a liar is what you're saying.


        Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
        So he's a liar is what you're saying.
        No he's smart(er than you think). That's what I am saying.
        A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


          I see no reason to assume he's not being genuine, nor do I see any reason for him to be 'researching' either show, not unless he wants to learn from their mistakes (finales).



            August, 20, 2010

            Photo Art Department pic

            It’s been my experience that making a contribution to charity leads to nothing but trouble. A few fleeting seconds of contentment at the prospect of h

            I smell barbecue!

            Delivered by first draft of The Hunt this afternoon. This one is going to have a bit of everything: exotic locations, tricky builds, cool visual effects, and, of course, one hell of an episode budget.

            We called up Rob and gave him notes on his final script of the season, episode #217, Common Descent.

            As Brad pointed out, the actor playing the part of Dr. Andrew Covel in episode #213 brings to four the number of guest stars who also appeared in the original Stargate movie.

            The crit mixes of #203 are going out. Look forward to reading the reactions.

            Another terrific review of Masked over at Bookgasm:


            Lisa R writes: “Does anyone in the office listen to country music?”

            Answer: No, but Carl, Ashleigh and I watch Friday Night Lights. Does that count?

            Shawna writes: “Are online sources like Hulu or iTunes taken into account at all when it comes to ratings (and therefore which shows are likely to get canceled or not)? If not, do you think the ratings system will ever catch up with the way people actually watch TV these days?”

            Answer: Technology has far outpaced the existing ratings system. With more and more people time-shifting and downloading their programming, the old ways of gauging audience numbers become just a part of a much bigger picture. Steps are being taken to rectify this, but we’re not catching up fast enough. At present, download numbers are not reflected in a show’s ratings, but that doesn’t mean they’re not important. From what I’ve heard, SGU (as well as SG-1 and Atlantis) performs very well on downloads and this added source of revenue ensures the studio will fight all that harder for the series when the time comes. The shows are also available on Hulu which is owned by NBC (SyFy’s parent company), so those downloads will hopefully play a role in deciding SGU’s future as well.

            Laura writes: “There is a million things i would like to ask, but i know that you are a busy men, so i will try to post them here from time to time.”

            Answer: Fire away. And welcome to the blog.

            Michael writes: “In light of Vince Kwan in today’s blog, did every character that ended up on Destiny have a name or does the staff come up with them on a need-to basis?”

            Answer: The latter. Characters with dialogue will almost always have a name.

            hyperion writes: “1) How are the chances of a Q&A with Robert Carlyle?
            2) When´ll you release the other part´s of the Louis interview?
            3) What are your favorite SGU characters?
            4) Can you give us a little hint what´s in store for Dr. Rush next season?
            5) Will we the a bit Rush/McKay interaction (head banging?) as well on the crossover episode, or just Eli/McKay?”

            Answers: 1) It’s possible, but since he’s one of the busiest actors on the show, I don’t want to impose too much on what little downtime he has.

            2) I plan to ask him more questions as the season progresses.

            3) I love ‘em all, but I’m particularly partial to those with a sense of humor.

            4) Oh, Rush is going to make some decisions he may live to regret in the show’s second…

            5) Remains to be seen.

            airelle writes: “Oh yeah, Can Carl dance??”

            Answer: Carl dances every chance he gets!

            Mel writes: “Unfortunately you are not speaking for all of TPTB.

            “Answer: To this day, I still don’t know exactly why the show was cancelled but I do know it certainly wasn’t a case of us being tired and wanting to try something new.”


            Answer: Hi, Mel. You’re making a big leap here, assuming that Rob and Brad wanting to try something new meant they wanted to kill Atlantis. It’s an incorrect assumption for a number of reasons. 1) As Rob states “Neither one of us really wanted to do the same thing again.” True. They’d decided that years earlier when they left after Atlantis’s third season. They didn’t have to orchestrate SGA’s cancellation in order step away, not “do the same thing again”, or create a new show. 2) Internally, we knew that SGU had received the greenlight but had yet to hear word of Atlantis’s fate. An “either/or” (SGU or SGA) scenario was never presented to us. If it had been presented to us, then we would have known about the Atlantis cancellation much earlier – specifically, the second SGU was greenlit. 3) Rob and Carl share a common characteristic that has earned them my respect: they are straight shooters who don’t waste time with bull**** or concerns of “letting someone down easy”. If Rob knew Atlantis was cancelled, he would have told us. 4) This is supported by the fact that – amid all the talk about preparations for the new show – Paul and I, frustrated as we waited out a decision on SGA, went to Rob and asked him whether he’d heard any rumors. He responded by picking up the phone, calling one of the major players, and putting us on speaker phone while he grilled them about Atlantis. IF, as you’re inferring, SGA was cancelled to make room for SGU – and since SGU had already been picked up – then Atlantis’s fate would have already been decided. The person on the other end of the phone, rather than discussing potential scenarios, and pros and cons, would have simply said the decision had already been made (and, if Rob had known, said something like: “What the hell are you asking for? You already know!”). If there’s one thing I’m damn sure, it’s that: a) A decision on that sixth season pick-up had yet to be made well after SGU was greenlit for production meaning it was NOT an either/or scenario, and b) No way did Robert Cooper have a hand in Atlantis’s demise. Absolutely, positively, no f&%king way.

            Mel also writes: “““Do you still maintain that Stargate Atlantis was not canceled in favor of Stargate Universe?”

            BW: My preference would have been another season of Atlantis, alongside two new movies, then Universe. I wholeheartedly admit that I had no desire to make two series at once again.”

            Answer: Again, he’s stating a preference. The bottom line is, has always been, and will always be the almighty dollar. If the financials of keeping Atlantis on the air for another season had made overwhelming sense to the decision-makers, then you can bet someone would have forced the issue. Also, keep in mind that while Brad may not have been keen on the idea of running a double production, the lion’s share of the coordination and script work on an Atlantis sixth season would have been assumed by our team: Paul and I show running, Carl, and Martin and Alan (who I guarantee would have been there had Atlantis received that sixth season pick up).

            Sean Grisham writes: “I know that stargate usually sells props to the public, (and I’m assuming that show designers and staff usualy recieve the royalties) but I’m wondering, would you ever do the same for the 3d models? (such as the Hive Ships/Ori Ships/Stargates). That way the designers who made them would get the $$ love that they deserve and gamers would get a priceless piece of SG History to fool around with/photoshop.”

            Answer: Doubtful, but I can’t say for certain. I don’t play a role in deciding what goes up for auction.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              Originally posted by Jper View Post
              No he's smart(er than you think). That's what I am saying.
              You clearly indicated that he was not being truthful in his answer to the question.

              If you are asked a question and you don't give a truthful answer then you lied.

              One who lies is a liar. A smart liar maybe, but a liar all the same.


                This is a new cool picture.

                Wonder when they'll encounter it and what it will do.
                A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                  I thought that was an old one that he said had been rejected.


                    Originally posted by KEK View Post
                    I thought that was an old one that he said had been rejected.
                    Oh, I thought this one was the new version of the rejected one... Must have misunderstood him.
                    A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                      The alien looks cool, and I hope they use it.



                        August 21, 2010

                        Photos: Food

                        In the event you’re passing through Vancouver and looking for something to eat, here are some interesting dishes I’ve enjoyed of late...


                        me writes: “FNL is a great show. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts Can’t Lose. Great line along with Texas Forever!”

                        Answer: I think it’s the best show on t.v. Too bad this upcoming season will be its last.

                        Jim of WVa writes: “I noticed that the SF/F book club tends to favor younger authors. Is that intentional? If not, may I suggest another older author: Gregory Benford?”

                        Answer: The book club tends to favor younger/new writers in an effort to help them get noticed in a very challenging and competitive field. That said, we’ve also hosted some spectacular veteran authors as well including Michael Moorcock, Jasper Fforde, and Lois McMaster Bujold. I actually invited Gregory Benford to participate in a fan Q&A way back when the book club was in its infancy but, alas, never heard back.

                        antonio chavez writes: “hey Joseph,what happened with Jeremy Franklin the scientist after the attack of the blueberry aliens?”

                        Answer: Check out SGU’s second season for more on Franklin’s fate.

                        PBMom writes: “I find there are different types of giving.”

                        Answer: Ah, true. I was leaving the liquor store and happened upon two young girls raising money for their high school soccer team. I had no problem making a contribution – along with an offering of sage advice: “Stay in school. Don’t do drugs.” And, as an after-thought: “Or alcohol.”

                        Zoomeister writes: “Speaking of Gero, could you get him to write at least 4 eps for season 3?”

                        Answer: I can’t “get” him to write for the show. Nevertheless, Martin knows that the door is always open should he ever want to pitch…

                        Zoomeister also writes: “Also, Ben Browder is apparently a fan of SGU and he seems eager in guest-starring if given the opportunity. Of all the SG actors, he’s the one that seems the most enthusiastic about continuing to do more Stargate stuff. Once again, could you guys PLLEAAAAASE consider having him make a few SGU appearances?”

                        Answer: I’m a big Ben Browder fan as far back as Farscape and throughout his years on SG-1. The guy’s a class act and, if the right story comes along, I wouldn’t hesitate to inquire about his availability.

                        link022 writes: “could we manage to contact the destiny by putting on simultanement several ZPM on the stargate”

                        Answer: Don’t know, but if we had the available ZPM’s, we certainly would have already made the attempt.

                        Alex writes: “I shudder to think you suffered through what must have been a garish performance of Leonard Vole. It was for CHARITY!”

                        Answer: It goes without saying that you were the best thing about the production.

                        E writes: “The creature looks somewhat familiar… Not rejected concept then, I take it.”

                        Answer: Nope. Rejected concept. But cool-looking nevertheless.

                        Kerry writes: “Haha. Sorry Joe! Finally I feel like I properly won the bet. If it wasn’t going to be the show that made you squirm, it’s sure to be the lifetime of Arts Club phone calls and promotional mail! Success!”

                        Answer: Oh, I don’t think they’ll be bothering me anymore. I suggested they try my friend who is a HUGE fan of musicals, Jacobean drama, and performance art. You can expect the follow-up call sometime next week.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                          E writes: “The creature looks somewhat familiar… Not rejected concept then, I take it.”

                          Answer: Nope. Rejected concept. But cool-looking nevertheless.
                          Bummer. I wonder what the accpeted alien concept looks like then.





                              August 22, 2010

                              Photo: Daryl Gregory

                              A couple of months ago, Lou Anders sent me an advance copy of Masked. It was for proofreading purposes, of course, but I couldn’t wait to check out the other stories in the collection. Most were contributions from well-known talents. A few were from authors I was unfamiliar with – Daryl Gregory for one. Well, hitherto-unknown-to-me Daryl Gregory’s entry in Masked, “Message from the Bubblegum Factory”, so impressed that I decided to make his novel, The Devil’s Alphabet, a book of the month club selection. It, in turn, so impressed that I immediately picked up his first novel, Pandemonium, which is now sitting on my night table waiting to be read. Hopefully his next novel, Raising Stony Mayhall, will be out by the time I finish Pandemonium, otherwise I may have no choice but to bid on his old love letters.

                              In the meantime, this Q&A will have to tide me over…

                              DG: First of all, folks, thanks for reading, and for taking the time to participate in this discussion. This is really all a writer dreams of — to reach a few readers, and hope they understand what you’re trying to do. Okay, writers also want money. They’re needy like that. But mostly it’s readers.

                              Let’s get to the questions!

                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                August 23, 2010

                                Photos: Dinner, Lulu, Bubba and Sex and the City, concept art

                                Last night, Akemi made dinner...

                                She used a little sugar and vinegar for the sushi rice and some sushi-grade fish from Seafood City in the Granville Island Market (where owner, Brian, was more than happy to offer helpful advice, and clean and slice the fish to Akemi’s specifications). It was an outstanding meal.

                                It’s rare that I recommend food-related businesses that aren’t restaurants but, since we’re on the subject, this is THE place to go for fresh fish and seafood in Vancouver. The staff are incredibly knowledgeable and very friendly:

                                And now a little something from James Robbins in the Art Department...

                                Another example that I’m growing increasingly impatient in my old age. The other night, I dreamt that I was back in Montreal and, for some reason, had decided to ride one of those ridiculous little scooters (like the one Marty G. used to putter around in) downtown. When it was time to head back home, I realized I had the dogs with me. I considered every possible way to my dogs and scooter home (renting a van, calling someone to pick me up, taking the scooter back on the highway with the leashed dogs running alongside), growing increasingly frustrated until I reached the point where I just had enough and thought to myself: “I’m so annoyed, I must be dreaming. Screw this. I’m waking up.” And did.

                                This is a great example of the power of positive denial and one’s innate ability to not only give up in the face of adversity but completely abandon all sense of contextual reason and still persevere. Granted it was only a dream, but it nevertheless serves as a lesson to those who invariably seek the rational solution to a problem in the mistaken belief that logic always prevails. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stalked through the London subway by knife-wielding maniacs or driven off a freeway in mid-construction only to be saved, not by logic or the philosophically pat acceptance of my own mortality, but by transferring my consciousness from the fantasy setting of my dreamscape to the waking world. Sometimes the answer to the problem is not to answer the problem, but to WAKE THE HELL UP!

                                I fully intend to adopt this refreshing new outlook on life the next time I fall out of an airplane, show up at school in my underwear, or get script notes I don’t like.


                                Quade writes: “Since for some reason the topic of SGA’s cancellation has come to light again. Do you think it was cancelled because Keller was too incredible?”

                                Answer: Keller WAS pretty damn incredible and, while it’s possible to have too much of a good thing, this doesn’t apply to Keller.

                                Annie from Freemantle writes: “Do you call them Zed Pms or Zee pms?”

                                Answer: Everyone but Rodney Mckay calls them zee pm’s.

                                Mel writes: “Syfy doesn’t have an unlimited amount of money for series. It also doesn’t have an unlimited amount of time slots for series, especially not for series, which they usually show in the evening first. So when SGU was greenlighted, Syfy already has a big amount of money and a time slot taken, which couldn’t be used for SGA anymore.”

                                Answer: That’s a pretty big assumption, especially when one considers they’d done it before, running both SG-1 and SGA back to back on Friday nights (along with BSG). And, again, if that was the case, then the decision to drop Atlantis would have been made the same time as the decision to pick up SGU, meaning we would have known about the fate of both shows at the same time. We didn’t.

                                Mel also writes: “Why do you think that there wouldn’t have been a chance for a 7th season of SGA, if there would have been a 6th season?”

                                Answer: The longer a show is on the air, the more expensive it is to produce. I think that, by season seven, the costs of producing the series would have probably surpassed an upside benefits. My opinion of course.

                                Mel also writes: “And you said that the greenlight of SGU “meant at least two years of work for the crew and studio”. Was that already clear when SGU was greenlighted or do you ONLY mean that in hindsight?”

                                Answer: I mean in hindsight (I do say “given what we know now”). The second season of SGU was far from assured and the pick-up was dependent on the show’s performance.

                                Mel also writes: “Would the “mere” 1.6 million viewers, which SGA’s last season got, be enough for SGU? Or does SGU need even more viewers?”

                                Answer: I honestly don’t know what number we have to hit. At the end of the day, it won’t just be ratings that will determine the show’s fate. And it goes without saying that we’ll never be satisfied, no matter what the number, and will always seek to build our audience.

                                jreeths writes: “How is black garlic different from regular garlic that you can get anywhere?”

                                Answer: It’s fermented garlic and it’s been around for a while, mainly used in Korean cuisine. It contains twice as many antioxidants are regular garlic and has a sweet, almost syrup-like flavor.

                                EvanH writes: “This may have been asked of you before, but on average, how long does it take for you to finish a script, and how much input do the other writers have on your work? Also, what exactly is involved in getting a start in the industry?”

                                Answer: From concept to final draft, it takes me about a month to complete a script. As for how to get your foot in the door in the television industry: 1. Write. And rewrite. A lot! 2. Write a couple of spec scripts, either original pilots or scripts for existing shows. These will serve as your calling card. 3. Find an agent willing to read unsolicited submissions and send him your specs. 4. If they choose to represent you, great. If not, try another agency but be sure to listen to any advice that first agency may offer. Also, re-read and rewrite, accept constructive criticism. Become a better writer. Oh, and if an agency says they’re unsure about you but suggest the services of a script doctor that will read your script for a fee, forget it and move on. 5. Alternately, you could do what I did and get your start writing for animation. Again, spec scripts are your calling card, but the animation world tends to offer more opportunities for first-time writers.

                                PBMom writes: “Have you ever considered opening your own restaurant, Joe?”

                                Answer: All the time, but since I don’t know anything about the restaurant business, I’m pretty sure I’d lose my shirt.

                                El Floruso writes: “1)Can we imagine a cameo of other members of the Atlantis’ cast in the second season of SGU, like zelenka ?
                                2) Are we seeing Richard Dean Anderson in the second season of SGU ?”

                                Answers: 1) Probably not. 2) No plans for General O’Neill to put in an appearance.

                                Ammomonkey writes: “When did we star using the term ‘Blueberry Aliens’ for the alien race from ‘Space’?”

                                Answer: I guess since I referred to them as Blueberry Aliens on this blog.

                                Ammomonkey also writes: “I’ve just finished re-watching SGU and I have to say, when the episodes are watched back-to-back I liked it a lot more. I think the pace is rather slow on individual episodes and maybe that’s why they never grabbed my attention.”

                                Answer: One of the things that surprised me about the first season of the show was how jarring the cuts to the commercial proved to be. We’ve taken steps to avoid a similar issue this year by creating a bit of buffer, going to black first. It’s how we watch the episodes here in the production offices and it makes a world of difference.

                                Lewis writes: “Do you still plan to write every day while in Japan, or are you going to have Carl guest host your blog during that time?”

                                Answer: Nope, I’ll definitely continue blogging through my Japan trip. One of the reasons I continue to blog is it provides a daily summary of my life, allowing me to go back and consult past entries when necessary – like, for instance, going back to check out last year’s Japan trip to research the restaurants and places I want to revisit on this trip.

                                Escyos writes: “Also how different would you think SGU would be if Senator Armstrong hadn’t had been so seriously injured (and they someone closed the shuttle door)? Would there have been a mutiny?”

                                Answer: Probably, yes.

                                Airelle writes: “What are the white things in the seafood pancake,looks interesting..?”

                                Answer: Squid.

                                Michelle writes: “Joe, you said you think Friday Night Lights is the best show on TV. Have you watched Mad Men? FNL is good, but Mad Men is some higher level of television; maybe the best I’ve ever seen. I’m convinced I’m not smart enough to even see/understand all the levels of it. Plus it’s just beautiful to look at. Have you watched it, and if so what do you think?”

                                Answer: I greatly enjoyed the first season of Mad Men – up until the “I must’ve eaten a bad sandwich” sequence in the finale.


                                Yes, I know it occasionally happens in real life to, uh, special cases but come on! This was an intelligent character. To not know you’re pregnant is one thing, but to not know you’re pregnant and then give birth moments later stretches credulity, especially in a show that had, up to that point, done such a tremendous job of creating a very believable world.

                                Garbriele writes: “I wanted to ask you if the Daedalus-class ships’ set is still up and if you used it for season two of STARGATE UNIVERSE. Thanks for your answers.”
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

