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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Has anyone asked JM if the ancients know and/or have any interest in the events taking place on Destiny?


      July 22, 2010

      Photos: Ivon Bartok, dinner, lunch, Akemi, Mark Savela, James "Bones" Rorick, Maverick Mike Banas

      Last night was “guy’s night out” – but, with Marty G., Alex Levine, and Rob Cooper long gone, Carl and Lawren out of town, our number was reduced to a modest two. It was just Ivon and me. Still, we made the best of things, hitting Cobre Restaurant in Gas Town for some nuevo latino cuisine and eating enough for seven anyway.

      When we asked about desserts, our waitress listed the three choices of the night. ”That sounds great,”I said. ”We’ll do that.”

      “Which one?”she asked.

      “All of them.”

      Eating heavy clearly requires you to expend a lot of energy because by the time I got home, I was wiped. I was in bed by 11:00. And good thing too. I had a big day ahead of me..

      Even though we’re technically on hiatus, the show must go on. Scripts have to get written (except in my case as I’ve stalled out at the top of Act II) and visual effects spotted and approved. So this afternoon found me in the company of a trio of Stargate’s most talented -

      Akemi recognized Mike from his recent Q&A on the blog – and she did so in fine fashion, pointing to him and loudly proclaiming: “I’ve seen you on the blog. Soooooo handsome!” The latter a reference to the opinions of her friends at the language school who perused that particular entry with her. Mike proceeded to turn a delightful shade of pomegranate. We eventually settled in and checked out the finished visual effects for Awakening. Wow! I think it’s their best work yet. The movements are fluid and incredibly life-like, the body language and the subtlest of glances alone imbuing the characters with personality. And the ship sequences are pretty damn cool too! And speaking of pretty damn cool ship sequences – we spotted Resurgence I as well and that episode is chock full of spacely operatic goodness. Another visual effects extravaganza for the first part of our mid-season two-parter.

      Tomorrow, I’m going to see what I can do about that mailbag. Oh, and that second act.

      Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular maggiemayday.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        July 23, 2010

        If you were at the SGU Comic Con panel – or followed the fallout on twitter – you by now already know the identity of the two Stargate: Atlantis vets who will be putting in an appearance on Stargate: Universe. Yes, it’s true. Robert Picardo and David Hewlett will be reprising their roles as Richard Woolsey and Dr. Rodney McKay for a late season two episode titled Seizure. As for who is experiencing the seizure and/or what is being seized – stay tuned!

        Yes, times are tough – but I never expected to see this: Darth Vader robbing banks to help make ends meet Next step: Celebrity Rehab.

        And you guys say I’m crazy for stocking up on canned food and bottled water: Okay, maybe you don’t say it, but you certainly think it. offer up 6 Things From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly: Like, for instance, Swarzenegger. I imagined him taller.

        This heart-warming. Jennifer Aniston just adopted a 33 year old boyfriend from Africa:,17768/ While I’m happy for Negasi, I can’t help but feel for all the other unadopted potential boyfriends out there.


        Thornyrose writes: “Sounds like Ivon is getting in shape for his share of the Tokyo trip. So when do we hear about the drinking sessions to toughen you up for your share?”

        Answer: I had one cocktail with dinner and was out like a light at 11:00 p.m. Doesn’t bode well for the Tokyo trip.

        Zackary writes: “If you were a betting man, would you place money on Stargate Universe getting a 3rd season?”

        Answer: See, the thing is I’m not a betting man. And every single time I’ve guessed at the outcome for a potential pick-up, I’ve guessed wrong. I figured season 5 was going to be SG-1′s last, but we ended up getting picked up. I thought the same thing about seasons 6 through 9, each time assuming it would be our last, and each time being proven wrong. Then, finally, in SG-1′s tenth season, I actually felt confident about an eleventh season pick up – which was when the show was cancelled. I was also expecting a sixth season pick-up for Atlantis – and we all know how that turned out. So I think I’ll limit my prognosticating to office pools. Although, if you really want to know, you might want to ask that octopus in Germany. He hasn’t been wrong yet!

        Zackary also writes: “Could you see the Stargate franchise dying for a few years then coming back? Like how Star Trek did with the new JJ Abrams movie? Many people say that that franchise needed a break, would you say the same could be said in some reguards about Stargate?”

        Answer: I wouldn’t. I’d say Universe IS a break from the Stargate that came before it.

        Paul Moody writes: “At the office or around the house, a nice SLR camera for blog photos wouldn’t be out of place – but your out and about pictures and food photos always look good. What camera are you using – is it from a camera phone?”

        Answer: A simple Canon Power Shot SD1200 IS.

        Narelle from Aus writes: “Akemi is feeding you a lot of oysters “

        Answer: Yeah. She must figure that, sooner or later, I’m going to land a tainted one.

        dioxholster writes: “would you agree to sign that wavier and swap with someone?”

        Answer: No but, then again, I wouldn’t volunteer to do third world relief work. Body-swapping is fraught with ethical issues that I do agree need to be explored. And it’s not just the obvious issues either. Carl has been wanting to do a story that asks: What do you do when someone uses your body to commit a serious crime? What are the consequences for both individuals? Hopefully, he’ll get the chance to tell that story and we’ll have the opportunity to explore these issues in the not too distant future.

        Major D. Davis writes: “Couple questions for the next mailbag if thats cool.


        So will there be SG-1 characters in season 2?”

        Answer: It’s news to me.

        Major D. Davi also writes: “2. When you write a music montage into a script how does it work? Do you guys first find the song, and then film it to fit the song.. or do you just film all the little cutaways, and then once you find a good song you assemble fitting segments into the montage? And when is the first montage in season 2?”

        Answer: It depends on who is writing/producing the episode. I know that there have been times when Carl has had a certain song in mind prior to sitting down and scripting a montage. We have someone who provides us with samples from various artists, many up and coming, for consideration. I know that Paul has scoured this list and made use of at least one song from the selection after writing his montage. For my part, I prefer to write the montage and leave it to the song choice to the director – in both instances, Andy Mikita has come up with some great selections.

        Major D. Davis also writes”3. Just curious, has this SGU/SGA crossover renewed discussion of Extinction with MGM. Because you guys must have talked with the studio about the crossover episode and the movie must have come up in that discussion.”

        Answer: No, there has been no discussion related to the movie.

        Major D. Davis also writes: “4. Will characters faith, personal beliefs, or religion be furthered explored in SGU season 2?”

        Answer: As a matter of fact, yes. Visitation, episode 9, comes to mind.

        Major D. Davis also writes: “5. How long does post for a movie take? Say best case scenario Revolution and Extinction filmed end of this year. When do you think they would be out? Doesn’t MGM want a couple months to market the movie(s) after post is finished?”

        Answer: It all depends on how many visual effects Mark Savela and co. would have to contend with. I’d say about five months for post, then whatever time would be required for the studio to market the movies.

        Simon writes: “Have you already seen the trailer for Season 2?”

        Answer: Nope.

        otros ojos writes: “Love your comments about Akemi’s remark to Mike Banas.”

        Answer: Yeah, she’ll often come out with some interesting statements. A recent favorite: “I think yogurt very mysterious because there is always likids on the tops.”

        link 022 writes: “I had an idea, why don’t we send an affected ship to create a bridge of stargate to go to the destiny”

        Answer: That would take even longer than sending a ship out to retrace Destiny’s route given that it would have to stop and drop gates along the way.

        Liz writes: “Joe, something you’re probably not aware of – did you know there are maximum recommended intakes on fish and sea products from the ocean?”

        Answer: I’m aware. I tend to stick to salmon and save tuna for sushi outings.

        Lspacediva writes: “Only read 14 of the 100, and will likely never complete the list because I could never get through any Ayn Rand!”

        Answer: Yep, there are a bunch of titles on that list that I could never bring myself to read.

        nate writes: “On another note, as the food expert that you are, have you ever had a Baumkuchen?”

        Answer: I had some in Tokyo. It was very good, but it paled in comparison to a lot of the city’s other dessert offerings.

        steph writes: “Do you know of a good top 100 fantasy list? I found this one:
        on which I scored a somewhat better 40, though I disagree with a lot of the choices (Twilight over Wheel of Time, not to mention 92 other fantasy novels? And a Harry Potter book as number 1?).”

        Answer: 36 for me, and I agree with your disagreement.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          July 24, 2010

          Videos: Jelly

          Today’s entry is dedicated to birthday boy Shirt ‘n Tie.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            July 25, 2010

            Photos: Bad oyster, funky sushi, doughnuts, leftovers, breakfast bennies, Ivon Bartok, Akemi, Joe Mallozzi, breakfast

            I’m feeling a little under the weather. Actually, I feel like I’ve been sucker-punched in the solar plexus and just run a marathon. I’d chalk it up to the 24 hour flu but, as we all know, there’s no such thing as what most write off as the 24 hour flu is actually food poisoning. As to what caused it – hard to say:

            1. Suspect One: A bad oyster

            Hey, Narelle, remember when you joked about all those oysters Akemi was getting me to eat and how I joked back that she was doing so in the hopes that I would eventually land the tainted one?

            2) Suspect Two: Funky sushi

            The first piece of toro imparted a very subtle flavor of spoilage. I skipped the second.

            3) Suspect Three: 15 mini doughnuts

            Rather than wait for my Monday lunch with Denise, I decided to jump the gun and taste the mini doughnuts at that new burger place on 4th. I got two orders and ended up finishing my ten and Akemi’s five. I suppose it could have been worse. If the blueberry pie had been served with actual ice cream instead of the ill-advised mascarpone cheese that, unfortunately, tasted very much like cheese, it could have gone a whole lot worse.

            4) Suspect Four: Those damn leftovers

            Pan-fried chicken cutlets with shallots, sweet red and jalapeno peppers, and morel mushrooms in a Metaxa cream reduction. ”Cream” being the operative word – especially after sitting in the fridge for a couple of days.

            5) That damn salad I made

            It’s always the one you least suspect – however, the last time I contracted food poisoning, I narrowed down the cause to the fresh sprouts I had with my sunchoke soup. Boy, wouldn’t this be ironic?

            6) The Breakfast Bennies

            In his book Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain advises diners to skip the mussels, avoid ordering fish on a Monday, and never ever order the Hollandaise sauce. I chose to to follow his advice as regards the latter at breakfast yesterday. Serves me right?

            7) Night Market!

            To be fair, I was feeling unwell heading into the night market so it probably didn’t cause the problem. On the other hand, it couldn’t have helped.

            The blame for my present condition no doubt lies with one of the above. Then again, like the passengers in Murder on the Orient Express, they could have all conspired against me.

            Anyway, following a fitful night’s sleep, I woke up to find Akemi had made me breakfast...

            I’m on the mend. And good thing too. I have plans to check out a kobe foie gras burger tomorrow at lunch.

            Heads up! Steve Eramo recently conducted an interview with Robert Picardo (SGA’s Richard Woolsey and soon to be SGU guest star) in which Bob discusses one of my favorite Atlantis episodes, Remnants. Check it out here:

            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              July 26, 2010

              Video: Jelly, Raumpatrouille Orion

              Photos: Lunch, Jelly

              With the nausea gone and my appetite back, I figured what better way to celebrate my recovery from food poisoning than with gourmet burgers, pickles, two types of fries, and dessert. Yep, I was right back on the bike today, riding into one of the newest additions to the West 4th restaurant scene: Romer’s Burger Bar. I’d heard great things from Special Features Producer and Future Tokyo Culinary Wingman Ivon Bartok, and I trust this guy. Not with my life, mind you, or any sort of financial investment, but certainly as far as lunch goes.

              So, today, I met up with my friend Denise and we checked the place out. Now, given its recent opening, I’m sure Romer’s will be making some minor adjustments to the menu in the weeks ahead as they fine tune some of the offerings and, oh yeah, add some conspicuous-by-their-absence items to the line-up – mainly, milkshakes. I know, I know. What goes better than burger and beer? Well, if you’re under drinking age (which I’d wager a lot of the clientele at a burger joint is), don’t drink, or happen to be recovering from a case of food poisoning and don’t want to chance it, I’d say milkshakes would be the ready answer. Alas, no shakes on this menu which I found passing strange. And, according to fellow diners, I wasn’t alone. I settled for a nice cold bottle of San Pellegrino.

              We split two burgers – The Magic Mushroom (all natural beef patty, locally-grown portabella mushrooms, arugula, herb and garlic Boursin cheese, and caramelized onions) and The Ultimate Kobe Classic (premium Kobe beef, foie gras pate, chanterelle mushrooms, onion strings, truffle mayo, and garlic mustard with a red wine demi-glaze on the side) – spicy Kosher dills, yam fries, and hand-cut double-cooked fries with truffle oil and Reggiano.

              The buns were perfect – buttery, lightly toasted brioche with just a hint of sweetness. The Magic Mushroom was one damn tasty burger, nicely complimented by the cheese, mushrooms, and onions. The Kobe Classic, on the other hand, was a bit of a disappointment. Although Kobe beef tends to be a more forgiving meat, even it isn’t immune to an over lengthy stay on the grill. The patty was dry and measured up poorly against the juicier all-beef patty of the Magic Mushroom burger at half the price. Instead of topping their patty with pan-seared foie, Romer’s offers up a modest pate that ultimately ended up lost amid the other additions. Speaking of which – although the menu made mention of a red win demi-glaze being served on the side, my plate contained nothing but the burger. It was also missing the promised garlic olives and pepperoncinis (Denise was kind enough to offer me a bite of hers).

              The hand-cut double-cooked fries with the truffle oil and Reggiano were so good and so plentiful, I kept eating them long after I should have stopped. The yam fries were also very good.

              I didn’t want to push it, so I decided to go with two instead of the usual three desserts: apple pie a la mode and the home made mini doughnuts served with three dipping sauces. The pie was great, crowned with a scoop of (unfortunately not home made) ice cream. It was also served with a side of mascarpone cheese which, while offering an interesting textural combo, didn’t really add anything in terms of taste. Had it been lightly whipped and slightly, I would have been all over it. The mini doughnuts were perfect – ten in all, sweet and crispy – served with a trio of sauces: chocolate, maple-whiskey, and a limoncello that seemed out of place, delivering a mouth-puckering contrast to its much sweeter neighbors.

              Overall, a promising start for the new kid on the block. With some fourteen different burger variations on the menu, I’m already planning my return visit.

              Hey, speaking of recoveries, look who’s on the mend. Jelly’s the star of the video, but check out Lulu’s not-so-subtle attempts to steal the show...

              Hey, speaking as a writer-producer of SF television, I know how tough it is to imagine future trends. Ask yourself: What will fashion look like fifty years from now? Or cars? Or, uh, dancing? Well, in the case of the latter, I’m sure it’ll look nothing like this...
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                July 27, 2010 - Part 1

                So, I finally found out what’s wrong with my dishwasher. Turns out it’s Al Gore. According to the repairman, there’s nothing wrong with the machine per se. Apparently, it takes two and half hour to clean dishes and occasionally leaves soap in the dispenser because it’s “better for the environment”. Sure, I’ve only had the damn thing for six months and its performance pales in comparison to that ten year old model that would get my dishes spotless in one fifth the time, but that’s neither here nor there because the important thing is I’m helping to save the planet one oatmeal-crusted spoon at a time.

                The repairman advised me NOT to rinse my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher because those food particles are what soak up the soap. I countered that while they may soak up the soap, more often than not, those food particles don’t wash off completely, leaving me with glassware and cutlery as dirty post-wash as pre-load. Thank God my new environmentally-friendly dishwasher does an equally ****-poor job of drying its contents or I’d be stuck with all sorts of dried-on and crusted disasters. ”Yeah, you want to rinse off your dishes, but not too much,”said the repairman. ”It’s hard finding the right balance.”

                He was sympathetic, confiding that dishwashers aren’t the only “convenience” to suffer at the hands of the eco-autocrats. Refrigerators are louder, ovens don’t heat as effectively, and toilets – oh, don’t get me started on those ****ing low-flow toilets. We may have laughed at the SNL parody, but I’m sure Edible Pampers are not that far from reality.

                Look, it’s not like I hate the planet. I just hate people who want to save it. Or, more accurately, idiots who insist on shoving their fallacious agendas down everyone’s throats by imposing carbon taxes, charging for supermarket bags, and, yes, making it so it takes almost three ****ing hours to do a load of dishes. I’m perfectly willing to listen to reason, but I refuse to be lectured to by an individual who has done more to adversely impact the environment than I have by, say -

                eating meat (,

                eating fish (,

                driving a Prius (,

                using fluorescent light bulbs (,

                reading physical books (,

                recycling (,

                divorcing or being divorced (,

                googling (,

                wearing manufactured clothing (,

                consuming organic produce (,

                burying a loved one (,

                having a child (,

                or being green (

                Like most self-important know-it-alls, these people are much, much better at telling others what to do than actually doing anything themselves. Instead of boosting their feelings of self-worth by haranguing SUV drivers or eating with the lights off for one hour a year, why don’t they actually do something that makes a difference? According to a report by Greenpeace in “2008, the top three Chinese power companies together emitted more than the total greenhouse gas emissions of the United Kingdom in the same year” at a global cost of $13 billion in environmental damage. If they really cared about the planet, these so-called green crusaders would be in China, lobbying the government there to shape up, thereby doing their part to really help the environment.

                Or, alternately, ending up in some forced labor camp.

                Either way, I’d say it will have been well worth it.
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  July 27, 2010 - Part 2


                  Annie From Freemantle writes: “The dinner looked like dog turds. I kid you not.


                  Answer: Wow. They got the color right and everything. That’s really hard to do.

                  Narelle from Aus writes: “How’s your Mum’s going?”

                  Answer: Mom is doing well and back at work three days a week.

                  Thornyrose writes: “Now, how is that act two progressing?”

                  Answer: Quite slowly. I’m 22 pages into the script and two scenes away from the end of the second act.

                  Ponytail writes: “Hey Joe, would you ask Carl what he would recommend from Chili’s”

                  Answer: I will the next time I see him. Or, you could just ask him yourself –

                  Bilo&Bella writes: “I recently heard about the wine-fed cattle in BC which are suppose to make excellent beef products (kinda like the Kobe beef idea). Have you tried it yet?”

                  Answer: I’m not sure what restaurants serve the meat outside of Kelowna (where, no doubt, Jonas has enjoyed a good rib steak or two).

                  Ian Z. writes: “1. What would you change about the first season of SGU? Could be a line, or it could be a theme.

                  2. Would the producers/writers/whoever-else-makes-these-decisions ever consider going back and updating the SG1/SGA graphics to make them all match? For example the hyperspace windows are all different between the three series for the Daedalus ships. (examples can be found here:“

                  Answers: 1. I would no more change anything about SGU’s first season than I would a season of Chuck or House or Reno 911! Brad and Robert created the series and it would be pretty presumptuous of me to second-guess them after the fact.

                  2. Nope. There was a conscious decision made to differentiate visuals like the hyperspace windows.

                  Ian Z. also writes: “So, someone on a forum I visit noticed that the suits from the “Lost Tribe” Asgard, and then Destiny’s Ancient suits are identical except for the helmet. (side by side pics )

                  1. Is this just because the suits were expensive and it allowed for a good time to reuse them? Or are we to assume this is because of the alliance? OR will the Asgard come into play at some point in SGU?

                  2. Will the Furlings or Nox be explored at all in SGU? (I know you don’t like the mythology story lines, so I don’t expect you to write it if you do think it will come in to play even though i’m sure you’d do great!)”

                  Answers: 1. Yes, no, and maybe.

                  2. No plans to explore either on SGU. Sorry.

                  Danielle Dyer writes: “After chatting with you in the office , I had to check out your blog.”

                  Answer: Hey, Danielle, thanks for stopping by. See you next week – and, quite possibly, on set one of these days.

                  E writes: “Is it true that there will finally be a TJ backstory episode in the back half of season 2?”

                  Answer: Working on it right now.

                  Jenks writes: “I hope the ‘edge of the universe’ line was just character ignorance, otherwise you need to fire your scientific advisor’s!”

                  Answer: Nope, we’re actually going to do a story where Destiny topples off the edge of the universe. Either that or reaches the end of the universe and has to turn around and go back the way they came.

                  Chris M. writes: “Hey Joe i was wondering if you have any behind the scenes pics of Rhona Mitra?”

                  Answer: Nope. Sorry.

                  MMert writes: “1. I’m in the U.S. Navy so I’m very curious why there never seems to be any Navy personnel in any Stargate series. Considering Navy personnel are generally much more accustomed to the long deployments and living conditions in a confined ship than Air Force personnel I would think we might see at least a few. Is there any chance I’ll eventually get to see a fellow sailor?

                  2. Will we find out anything more about the incredibly advanced aliens that created the planet/solar system in SGU season 1′s “Faith”?

                  3. Will we find out anything more about the aliens/civilization that left the ruins in SGU season 1′s “Lost”?

                  4. Will we find out anything more about what happened to Franklin when he disappeared after using the Ancient chair in SGU season 1′s “Justice”?

                  5. Should we expect any alternate timeline/alternate reality SGU episodes in the future?”

                  Answers: 1. Since the Stargate Program has established as being an Air Force operation, there was seldom opportunity to work in any Naval personnel.

                  2-5: Not for now, a little, yes, and definitely – and not necessarily in that order.

                  DP writes: “Were fifth acts so infernal when you were writing more stand-alone episodes?”

                  Answer: Are you kidding? Fifth Acts are the easiest acts, relatively speaking.

                  dioxholster writes: “oh and fans have been speculating about an MGM trailer, is that true?”

                  Answer: Sorry, haven’t heard anything about an MGM trailer.

                  dasNdanger writes: “Hope you’re feeling better today, Joe. If you play your cards right, you could get another day of pampering and meals in bed…maybe even a foot massage…if you’re that sort of man. Are you that sort of man, Joe??”

                  Answer: I don’t know. Are you offering?

                  Major D. Davis writes: “1. Any updates on the movies? Any more discussions take place on the SG-1 movie? Any new talk on the SGA movie?

                  2. I heard that the trailer released at comic con is a syfy trailer. Any chance we’ll see an MGM trailer for season 2.0?

                  3. Whats your favorite episode from season 2.0?

                  4. Have you guys filmed Visitation yet?”

                  Answers: 1. Not since the last time someone asked last week.

                  2. Sorry. Haven’t heard anything about an MGM trailer.

                  3. So far, Malice.

                  4. Nope. It’s first up after the hiatus.

                  dasNdanger writes: “Joe – my niece, ladyhgiggles – says you need one of these:


                  Answer: Akemi says I don’t.

                  dasNdanger also writes: “1. Joe, have you ever had a man-crush on a celebrity? If so, who?

                  2. Are you ticklish? if so, where?

                  3. Have you been ‘French kissed’ by any of you dogs? If so, who is the worst culprit?

                  4. If forced, who would you rather dine with – a tramp, or a teamster?”

                  Answers: 1. When I was a kid, I was a huge Roddy McDowall fan. Does that count?

                  2. Nope. Not ticklish at all. Don’t even bother trying.

                  3. Not french kissed but I’ve had my face sneezed on on more than one occasion. Jelly’s the best and looking seemingly disinterested, then suddenly whipping around and letting fly.

                  4. Oh, a teamster, definitely, because they’d be more likely to treat.

                  Chevron7 writes: “

                  1. If you had the power to crossover two current tv shows (don’t worry about networks etc) what would they be?

                  2. What’s on the SGU 1.5 bluray that’s gonna knock my socks off? What should I watch first?

                  3. Have you seen Teddy Almond Turtle the pug that sings along with the Batman theme song? Cute vid


                  4. What do you have against fruit?”

                  Answers: 1. South Park and Coronation Street circa 1972.

                  2. I don’t know. What?

                  3. I have. I’d have actually been impressed if he sang the theme song to the old Adam West series.

                  4. I was harassed by a pineapple in elementary school. That may have something to do with it.

                  DasNdanger also writes: “Hey, Joe – sorry for being such a pain in the arse, but would it be possible for you – or Akemi – to tell me if this is Chinese, or Japanese:“

                  Answer: Akemi says old Chinese kanji.

                  Jim writes: “1. Looking back, do you think that a rewording of the SGA movie greenlight announcement in 2008 would have negated some of the negativism towards SGU? Instead of saying the SGA movie was “greenlit”, the release said “we plan to make the movie soon in the near future” for example. ( And yes I know you don’t control the press announcements just looking for YOUR opinion)

                  2. What is most difficult about writing for an ensemble cast, compared to a smaller core team in previous Stargate incarnations? Would you compare the cast to ST:TNG where all seven members from Picard to Wesley were featured, or ST:TOS where Kirk, Spock, and Bones took center stage?

                  3. What is your favorite episode from SGU first season, and your least favorite? (Yes you have to pick one, and even if you didn’t write it don’t chicken out and not mention it)”

                  Answers: 1. That’s just Monday morning quarterbacking. At the time of the announcement, all involved had every intention of making the movie. What should have been done differently was announcing the pick-up of SGU in the same press release as the SGA cancellation. It inferred a link between the two that didn’t exist.

                  2. It’s definitely more of a ST:TNG situation. The biggest challenge is obvious: servicing all of your main players.

                  3. My favorite is Time. Loved the episode, loved the ending.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                    2. Will we find out anything more about the incredibly advanced aliens that created the planet/solar system in SGU season 1′s “Faith”?

                    3. Will we find out anything more about the aliens/civilization that left the ruins in SGU season 1′s “Lost”?

                    4. Will we find out anything more about what happened to Franklin when he disappeared after using the Ancient chair in SGU season 1′s “Justice”?

                    5. Should we expect any alternate timeline/alternate reality SGU episodes in the future?”[/B]

                    Answers: 1. Since the Stargate Program has established as being an Air Force operation, there was seldom opportunity to work in any Naval personnel.

                    2-5: Not for now, a little, yes, and definitely – and not necessarily in that order.
                    That answer is so disappointing and a huge mistake in my opinion, that planet was easily the most intriguing mystery of season 1 - was really looking forward to learning more in season 2.


                      2-5: Not for now, a little, yes, and definitely – and not necessarily in that order.
                      It's just Joe being his ambiguous self as usual. BTW this was already asked a few times and he aways hinted that something was coming in S2, that they won't just forget about it.
                      Carter: "The singularity is about to explode!"


                        Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
                        That answer is so disappointing and a huge mistake in my opinion, that planet was easily the most intriguing mystery of season 1 - was really looking forward to learning more in season 2.
                        "and not necessarily in that order"


                          Originally posted by KEK View Post
                          "and not necessarily in that order"
                          Yeah the guy above said that, hope its not that order.



                            July 28, 2010

                            Photo: Jelly, Masked edited by Lou Anders

                            Videos: Spartacus: Gods of the Arena teaser, Sucker Punch trailer, Stargate Universe Season 2 trailer

                            Progress on the script front. This morning, I finished Act II of The Hunt, working out the troublesome dialogue – as I often do – while driving. I hope to hit the 30 page mark by end of week, then the 40 page mark by end of next week. By the time I return to the office, it should be smoooooooooth sailing. Of course, I won’t be able to do any actual writing because, with Paul prepping Alliances, my presence will be required on set to make sure actor Peter Kelamis doesn’t finish off all the craft service sandwiches again. Still, I should have the script – with its A, B, C, and D stories – in pretty good shape by the end of August. Now the on-set producing on THAT shoot should be plenty interesting and, no doubt, reminiscent of the week I spent on Harmony way back in Atlantis’s fourth season. Thankfully, the location we’re looking at won’t be quite as a far as Wigeon Park, meaning: a) less likelihood of a bear jacking my lunch, b) I’ll be able to sleep in past 5:30 a.m., and, most importantly, c) no getting lost and running afoul of backwoods cannibals.

                            Jelly continues to improve. Although her hip movements continues to be a tad awkward, she does seem more energetic and yesterday, for the first time in recent memory, she actually stood up on her hind paws. She got her stitches out this morning. The doctor has pleased with her progress and reminded me it’s only been about a week and a half since the stem cell procedure. I’m considering bringing her in for hydro-therapy (having her join the local water polo dog team) and picking her up one of those PEMF (pulsing electro-magnetic field) blankets that SGU Editor Maverick Mike Banas P.I. says has worked wonders for his dog. They’re mighty pricey however. Wonder if I should just make my own.

                            Hey, some interesting trailers coming out of the recently concluded Comic Con. These are the ones that caught my attention.

                            SPOILER ALERT!

                            First up, a trailer for the prequel to one of the biggest television surprises of 2010 – Spartcacus: Blood and Sand.

                            I’m not usually a fan of prequels, but John Hannah is brilliant as the conniving Quintus Lentulus Batiatus and I look forward to learning more about his character and, of course, the House of Batiatus. If you missed Spartacus when it premiered on Starz in January, then circle September 21st on your calendar. That’s when the first season is being released on DVD – with plenty of time to catch up before Spartacus: God of the Arena premieres in January of 2011.

                            Still with television. As many of you know, I’m a huge fan of Robert Kirkman’s zombie comic series The Living Dead – so it should come as no surprise that I’m really looking forward to the upcoming television series, premiering in October on AMC:

                            Well, aint this a kick in the pants. The only version of the trailer

                            available is one some fan recorded from the audience during the panel.

                            Special Features Producer – and admitted zombie fanatic – Ivon Bartok is especially looking forward to this one.

                            While Watchmen had its flaws, there’s no arguing the fact that it was visually stunning. And the word stunning also comes to mind while checking out the trailer to Director Zack Snyder’s upcoming big screen project, Sucker Punch:

                            Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait until March of 2011 to see it.

                            Oh, and then there’s the season 2 trailer for a little series called Stargate: Universe -

                            Oooh, intriguing. What is Greer torching with that flamethrower? Is that…Dr. Perry? Is that…Caine?! Standing behind Rush out of focus, is that…?!! What did Rush discover? Who the hell is Eli kissing? Was that a shuttle crash? What the hell is happening to Chloe? Is Scott decking who I think he’s decking? Soooo many questions. I can’t wait until September to learn the answers. I may just go ahead and read the scripts.

                            So, what are you all looking forward to?

                            Another positive and positively spoilerific review of Masked here:

                            And regular readers weigh in with their thoughts here:

                            and here: Bonus points for working Big Wolf on Campus into her review.

                            And this blog has been receiving some pretty rave reviews of its own. I dug the following out of my spam folder:

                            Zod Carlos of Healthy Effects calls it a: “Powerful blog entry. You definitely know what you are talking about here. Im so happy I was able to find this site. I look to see more great writing from you. Keep up the excellent work.”

                            egj05 writes: “I think it was a great article.”

                            WatchPredatorsforfreeonline says: “very cool !”

                            Strollersforcheap raves: “Excellent blog with lots of useful information on strollers. I just favorited it in my browser, so I can always check out your blog! are there any products you would recommend?”

                            And FedoraHats4Sale marvels: “A Eager Quality For That Jaunty Happen! Do you expect to seem full when you go out? Do you assonant that coolheaded, snappy ornamentation endorsement?”

                            I am humbled.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              July 29, 2010

                              Photo Alastair Reynolds

                              One of the nice things about my jobs is discovering fans of the show. And one of the even nicer things about my job is discovering I happen to be a fan of someone who happens to be a fan of the show. Such is the case with author Alastair Reynolds, a heavy hitter in the field of literary SF who, I recently learned, had some very positive things to say about Stargate: Universe over on his blog ( I was, of course, thrilled to hear it, not least because I consider his novel, Revelation Space, one of the greatest works of space opera in recent memory. He’s one of those rare writers, like John Scalzi and Jeffrey Ford, who has never disappointed. And, like the two aforementioned writers, Alastair has kindly taken the time to drop by this blog and answer some reader questions – in his case, in support of his novel, and our July Book of the Month Club selection, House of Suns.

                              Incidentally, between the time I wrote up my thoughts on House of Suns and now, I’ve read two more of Alastair’s books: Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days and Zima Blue. Engaging, frightening, funny, thought-provoking and very, very clever – I can’t recommend them enough.

                              Over to Alastair...

                              Last edited by Jumper_One; 30 July 2010, 03:00 AM.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                July 30, 2010

                                Photos: Dinner, Rob, Paul Mullie,

                                Last night, I had dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen in over twenty years. Way back when, Rob was a fellow comic collector and the Alex P. Keaton of our high school. He was smart, had surprising business savvy for someone his age, and seemed destined for life as either the CEO of some Fortune 500 company or a highly successful stock broker who would make his fortune early and then retire early to some Caribbean island. So when I later heard that he was pursuing a college degree in engineering, I was shocked, then not surprised to hear he’d given up on engineering, then even more shocked to hear he’d given up on engineering to a philosophy degree. Regardless of what he chose to study, I was happy for my friend. My dear, clearly very crazy friend.

                                I lost touch with him after that and didn’t hear from him for some five or six years and then one day, out of the blue, he called to tell me he was in town and wanted to get together. I told him sure and suggested we meet up at the local pool hall my writing partner Paul and I used to hang out at. I made plans to meet with Rob, but didn’t tell Paul who would occasionally ask: “Hey, whatever happened to Rob?” like he was some t.v. child star who’d disappeared following the cancellation of his outrageously successful sitcom. I remember talking to Paul, who had his back to the pool hall’s entrance, when I spotted Rob come in and head toward us. I chatted away as though there was nothing unusual and then, as Rob stepped up behind our table, fell silent. Paul, perhaps sensing something was up, cast a quick glance over his shoulder and spotted Rob who had suddenly apparated like a ghost from his past. It’s the closest I’ve seen Paul to passing out.

                                Anyway, we had a great night, caught up and, just as he’d done some six years earlier, Rob disappeared into the night never to be seen or heard from again. At one point, back in SG-1′s fifth season, I managed to exchange emails with him – before losing track of Rob again.

                                Finally, fast-forward to a few weeks ago when I received an email from none other than my buddy Rob. He was passing through Vancouver and was wondering whether Paul and I wanted to get together for dinner. This was a once in a decade opportunity. Hell, yeah we could get together.

                                We ended up having dinner at the always great Q4...

                                A great evening of catching up after which I dropped Rob off at his hotel and watched him disappear into the night. Hopefully, it won’t be another twenty years before I see him again. As for how things worked out for him – he never did become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. He did, however, make his money on the stock market and retire early to a Caribbean island.

                                Some news of note…

                                Japanese artist Isaho Hashimoto offers up a time-lapse map of all the nuclear explosions that took place from 1945 to 1998. Alternately fascinating and frightening:

                                Tokyo’s oldest living man has been dead for thirty years:

                                North Korea congratulates its national soccer team for surprising everyone by qualifying for the recent World Cup where they hung tough with heavily favored Brazil before bowing 2-1. Juuuust kidding! The players were publicly shamed for six hours and the coach was fired and forced to become a builder:

                                Are reality t.v. shows setting unrealistic standards for skanks?,14308/

                                Say the gang at “I know we were all bad spellers, but COME ONE!”

                                Hey! The tireless Steve Eramo is gathering fan questions for Rachel Luttrell, Stargate: Atlantis’s Teyla Emmagen. If you’ve got something to ask, head on over -

                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

