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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by meo3000 View Post

    I think Mallozi cant deal with the fact that so much Stargate fans dislike the new show.
    Not really. He just doesn't care for idiots posting stupid crap on his blog that is more insults than constructive criticism.

    And it's hardly "so much[sic] Stargate fans" - maybe a few hundred actually comments on his blog, vs. the few millions who watch the show.

    They get called for writing a poor show and they dont like it, boohoo. Another thing, Ive watched the entire series many times, way too much some might say, i love Stargate, but now, i dont like this series and all of a sudden im a pariah, an outcast for expressing how i feel? Many are in the same predicament as me, and like me are continuing to watch SGU, not because we like it, but because its part of the lore and we need it.
    All you have to do is answer this question:

    Can you criticise the show without being a jerk about it?

    Well, can you? That's really the issue here. Anyone who actually pays attention to what JM has written about fans and other people knows that he doesn't have any problem with honest criticism as long as it's written in a reasonably polite manner.

    {mod snip}
    Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:40 AM.


      i think negative comments should be allowed, but certain fans have crossed a line. telling actors they are responsible for a plot is downright wrong. the writers make up the plot, the stories, the Actors can only be blamed for poor performance, and so far i haven't seen any.

      SGU is more mature, and i believe it is the right thing to do. the writers are right and i am happy. sex scenes? nah, too buisy admiring the sheer humor of the "broom closet" joke, how Scott gets caught by his "ex" or "one-off", and well, buisy thinking, "they're all gonna die".

      it might seem contradictory, that a show with writers who never wanted the Nude Scene, now enter sex in the mix. well, it's not, as SG1 was different. it was more of a family show. kids could learn a lesson. this is SGU, matured and better.

      the removal of some mild stuff is a nessecary sacrifice, and if SGU betrays some core SG values, then it is a sacrifice i am willing to make, if SGU is the future of Stargate and the future of the entire franchise, and the actual saviour of the Franchise.

      i apologise in advance, but the people who do such complainting are the people who either have little distance between their brain and mouth, so they do not actually THINK about what they do, or they are the fans who have lost their grip on reality. believing Carlyle = Rush, blind to the actual workings of TV and Sci fi.

      it is a shame that such a crazed group has such a negative impact on the family of the Actors and the Actors themselves. as far as i am aware, the boards here only burn down characters and not the Actors.

      Joe is also in a bit.... dangerous position here. if he continues to allow such negative comments, he looses readers, yet if he does not, people will start blaming him for censoring.


        Bottom line its the rating which will decide the fate of the show.
        Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


          Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
          I think Mallozi cant deal with the fact that so much Stargate fans dislike the new show.
          So much? How about a very small but loud group of people {mod snip}? That would be more accurate. {mod snip}. Every year there are new TV shows, normally we stop watching the ones we do not care for and simply forget about them. But the incessant bashing serves absolutely no purpose at this time, other than making those that do like the show annoyed. {mod snip}
          Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:39 AM. Reason: we don't imply others don't have a life or refer to other posters as idiots


            Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
            Bottom line its the rating which will decide the fate of the show.
            And, as I believe it's been stated else that ratings are either steady or up, SGU is here to stay.


              Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
              I think Mallozi cant deal with the fact that so much Stargate fans dislike the new show.
              No, Joe has never been one to suffer fools lightly, or quietly. Maybe some of the fans are teh ones that cannot take a little honesty.

              But then again, that has been true since poor Joe started to blog, and everyone thought he should sugar coat his opinions, despote the horrible and pointy ways some fans go about theirs.

              They get called for writing a poor show and they dont like it, boohoo.
              It's one thing not to liek something, it's another thing to literally rainroad someone.

              i dont like this series and all of a sudden im a pariah, an outcast for expressing how i feel? Many are in the same predicament as me, and like me are continuing to watch SGU, not because we like it, but because its part of the lore and we need it.
              You need it? Are you a junkie? Sorry, I don't mean to be so affronting, but here's the thing - you don't need to watch anything. You choose to. Let's not blame other people for your choice to continue watching a show you don't like.

              {mod snip}

              Seriously, watch or don't watch - but is it so hard to treat the actors and TPTB with a little respect?
              Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:43 AM.
              Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

              Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                {mod snip}

                Originally posted by SBN View Post
                Every year there are new TV shows, normally we stop watching the ones we do not care for and simply forget about them.
                I may not care for this new concept, but i care a great deal about the franchise. Change is good, it keeps things fresh, doesnt mean this change is in the right direction, at least IMHO.

                {mod snip}
                Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:47 AM. Reason: snipped portions no longer relevant as original post were snipped


                  {mod snip}

                  I think Mallozi cant deal with the fact that so much Stargate fans dislike the new show.
                  i think he can. i think that the fans who go to extremes of expression, do no realise the actual impact it has. would you like thousands of people criticising, hell, burning down your work witout reason, without thinking and without....maturity?

                  {mod snip}
                  Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:49 AM. Reason: no longer relevant as quotes were already snipped in original post


                    Originally posted by Deevil View Post
                    You need it? Are you a junkie? Sorry, I don't mean to be so affronting, but here's the thing - you don't need to watch anything. You choose to. Let's not blame other people for your choice to continue watching a show you don't like.
                    A fan of Star Wars will still watch the 6 movies even if he doesnt like one of them, in their opinion. Same goes for Stargate, i may not like the series, but i still need to know the story behind Destiny, like i said, its part of the lore. A fan should know this.

                    {mod snip}
                    Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:50 AM. Reason: op snipped


                      Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
                      A fan of Star Wars will still watch the 6 movies even if he doesnt like one of them, in their opinion. Same goes for Stargate, i may not like the series, but i still need to know the story behind Destiny, like i said, its part of the lore. A fan should know this.
                      As a fan of Star Wars, I have not seen the last 2 movies produced. So please don't tell me what 'fans' will do, when each fan will act differently.

                      As a fan of Star Trek I have not seen beyond the first season of Enterprise and past the 4th of Voyager. 'Cause no matter how much I am a fan of the 'franchise', I don't waste my time with shows I hate... and if the lore is really required - they have plenty of fansites to find it from.

                      {mod snip}
                      Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:51 AM. Reason: op snipped
                      Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                      Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                        Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
                        Let me just say I have never been so embarrassed by Stargate fans since the cancellation of Atlantis. It is astonishing how profoundly immature many of the comments toward SGU have been. We get it - you want five more years of the "fantastic four" narrowly escaping hive ships, blowing up absurdly advanced civilizations, and solving the crises of various medieval villages. Unfortunately for you, that's done, please stop being children and get over it.

                        I was never really a "sci-fi fan" and just got into this sort of show because I liked watching SG1 back in the 90s and more recently Battlestar. When I started experiencing the fandom for myself I wondered why they were considered so repulsive by the general public, why the stereotypes of the raging nerd existed, because most people seemed pretty chill to me. Now that all the the hysterical children have come out of the woodwork my opinion regarding science fiction fans has grown more in line with that of the general public.
                        While I was disappointed by the cancellation of Atlantis in favor of this show, I was never too hardcore a fan to get too bothered by it. If I don't really like Universe so far, it's not because I wish they had continued Atlantis instead.

                        The way you speak makes it sound as if you think that the only people who dislike Universe are those who wished that they had not cancelled Atlantis and who still complain about the shows cancellation.

                        So you don't believe that someone can dislike Universe without having been an Atlantis fan? That is just absurd. Not everybody who dislikes Universe liked Atlantis.

                        And just because someone liked Atlantis, according to you, they cannot dislike Universe because if they do, then it'll be because of bitter feelings about Atlantis's cancellation? What a load of crap.

                        I liked Atlantis and I don't really like this show, but it's not because I'm spending my time wishing and whining that they should pick up Atlantis again. Please don't make such stupid generalizations.


                          Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
                          A fan of Star Wars will still watch the 6 movies even if he doesnt like one of them, in their opinion. Same goes for Stargate, i may not like the series, but i still need to know the story behind Destiny, like i said, its part of the lore. A fan should know this.

                          {mod snip}.
                          That’s one of the most ridiculous reasons I’ve ever heard. I was a fan of BSG but I thought it became a car crash at the end of season 4, I now don’t plan on watching the BSG movie the plan or Caprica, because I’ve found the show has dwindled into mediocrity. {mod snip} And who put you in charge of deciding what is good or bad, everyone has different opinions, some like SGU, some don’t, each of them is valid. There are people on this forum who do not like SGU, they however do feel the need to come over here and rant at people for liking SGU. If you don’t like it fine, I have no problem with that, I however, and plenty of other long term Stargate fans do {mod snip}
                          Last edited by KatG; 01 November 2009, 02:57 AM. Reason: we don't tell other posters to seek professional help or to get over it


                            Time for a reminder folks

                            You are currently posting on Gateworld forums not Joe Mallozzi's blog.

                            What Joe says or allows on his blog, is up to Joe. However what we allow here on Gateworld is quite different. When you are here:

                            you will not cast aspersion on your fellow posters, nor will you assume to know how or why they feel as they do.

                            you will not call them "super kiss-ass fans" or accuse them of being "blind worshipers of tptb"

                            you will not call them "morons" or "idiots" or tell them to "go away"

                            you will not tell them to "seek professional help" or to "get a life" or to "get over it"

                            If you do these things you will be moderated. We have rules here about respecting your fellow posters. If you are not familiar with these rules or have simply forgotten them please take a moment and reread them by clicking on the link at the top of the page.

                            If others do these things, please report them and move on without responding and allow the moderators time to deal with the issue.


                              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                              I'm not alarmed or afraid.....

                              Sadly I'm not in the least bit surprised.....
                              There aren't even smilies for this either...

                              Deeds xx
                              Me neither!

                              Well, I see he's had a bit of a rant today. Oh dear! It seems some people have made rather personal attacks on SGU actors. That's not on at all. I do wonder why some people resort to that. I have to say though, I'm surprised that TPTB are surprised. Didn't they prepare themselves and their actors for this? Did they not think some people may not be at all happy with the direction the new show is taking? You know, thinking about it...I think they may have been too over-confident that everything was going to be hunky-dory but it seems that a heck of a lot of Stargate fans seem to be either just OK with this show and are hanging in there hoping it improves or really don't like it.

                              JM had this answer the other day

                              Airwolf writes: “I’ve noticed many people stating “this is not Stargate” and wonder to myself why it wasn’t simply named “Destiny?” […] Rather than having Stargate in the name. Some people are downright irate about this!”

                              ' Answer: Who cares? While it’s admittedly very different from the previous shows, it’s still Stargate – whether certain fans like it or not. And, for the most part, they DO seem to like it. Yeah, even those fans who claim NOT to like it. In fact, I’d say especially those fans.'

                              OooKaaay? That makes no sense at all!!

                              You know what though? I think what disappointed me about his rant today was that he was never this supportive of JF. In fact, his snubs were quite blatant at times (JF never got a thanks on that tribute vid for example) and when he did say something it was sometimes in veiled snarkiness. Sorry Mr M., you have to remember that this interaction with the fans works both ways! That applies to other TPTB as well. They should have been more careful how they worded their comments with the introduction of SGU! Maybe they wouldn't be in such a mess now. Didn't they realise how the wording of some of their comments could have upset a lot of SG1 and SGA fans?

                              I'm not trying to justify these personal attacks on some actors at all. Far from it. I'm just saying I think TPTB need to be careful how they word things as well.

                              Sorry, this has come across more rantier than I wanted it to sound but I have got mega PMT today!!


                                I was wondering when Joe was gonna do something like this. I mean...I kept reading all the mailbag in his blog and the questions were just getting nasty. At was even difficult to read.

                                It always frustrated me as to why (IMHO) would people continue to watch a show they do not like. Why must fans who hate the show ruin it for those who love the show? For me...if I don't like a show...I don't watch it. I don't even make comments on shows I don't like. I'm not like that. But...then again that's just me.

                                I just started to follow Brian J. Smith on Twitter. Now...I am sadden that I won't be able read his tweets anymore.
                                Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!

