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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by morjana View Post
    Can you hear me now?
    yes i have the network!/Solar_wind84


      I have the network and I still can't get any bars in downtown Cleveland!


        SGA - Joseph Mallozzi's Blog Update Nov 3 '08:

        From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update from November 3, 2008:

        (Please follow the link for the complete blog update.)

        November 3, 2008: David Anthony Durham's Acacia


        The mailbag:

        INForeman writes: "1.) Have all the main cast of Atlantis committed to the SGA film at this point, or are they still in negotiations? 2.) If they have all committed to the film at this point, did their
        negotiations include an option on additional films should they get greenlit? 3.) If additional films materialize, would filming them be worked around the schedules of the principle actors?"

        Answers: 1) I'm not involved in the deal-making process so I'm not privy to the details. However, I hope to have an update in the coming weeks. 2) Again, I'm not privy to the details but I'd think it unlikely. 3) We would, of course, try to schedule production at a time that would be most convenient for the actors.

        Iamjohn writes: "Since you'll be coming up with episodes for SGU episodes in November, will you be doing a spoiler poem Jan 1st, or will you not be able to due to the super secret nature of the whole thing."

        Answer: Nope. That was the last of the spoiler poems. You guys should bug Robert Cooper to write one for SGU's first season.


        Mellow Yellow writes: "I'm happy to know you are keeping busy and I can't wait to find out what this Super Secret Project is. This deadline of June 2009, is that a deadline you gave yourself..or do you already have a deal and that is your deadline to turn it in?"

        Answer: It's the deadline I've been given.

        Mellow Yellow also writes: " How are you and the other writers approaching writing for SGU, since it seems it will have more character moments/driven story. Will you guys write out what each
        character is like..kind of like a guide and then get your stories from there or are the characters being developed as the story ideas come out."

        Answer: It's always a little of both.

        Arctic Goddess writes: " What are the chances, despite the premise of the new Star Gate series, of past SG characters turning up as guest stars?"

        Answer: I think it's likely to happen sooner or later.


        Jean writes: "So are you waiting until the end of Season 5 airs before revealing the answers to your last spoiler poem?"

        Answer: No. I just have to get around to it.

        Joe writes: "Can you clarify just who will be heading back in on Nov. 10th to pitch stories for Universe? Will the entire writing staff of Atlantis be back? Will there be any new writers hired?"

        Answer: It remains to be seen who'll be in the room on November 10th. As for new writers - Brad and Rob are on the look-out. In fact, I just sent an email to one potential new writer this afternoon.

        Tuskin writes: "Do you know what other actors are doing Commentaries?"

        Answer: I don't.


        JJ writes: "Will some SG1 or SGA main cast guest appear on SGU pilot movie?"

        Answer: Most unlikely.


        Shirt 'n Tie writes: "Will there be bloopers reel on Season 5 DVD?"

        Answer: Nope.

        Linda Gagne writes: "I do find it funny that people here are still wondering who canceled SGA. That said, I do believe SCIFI would of kept a sixth season and it is my guess that is why they were thrown the bone of having the SGA movie air on SCIFI before it goes to DVD
        (they say it will show there first). There are two players left to blame here and those who are perceptive can figure it out."

        Answer: That's some mighty shaky logic.


        Pat writes: "So, does this mean things went already less than "ideal" and we have to do without one of the well-liked "familiar faces" in the movie? Or is the group in which the "significant character death" occurs not congruent with the group of "familiar faces" you mentioned?"

        Answer: Nope. It definitely is a familiar face.

        Halo Luver writes: "1. Is there a reason for everyone speaking English and having the same accent in the Pegasus galaxy? Don't say "translator nanites!"

        2. If there isn't a reason, how come nobody thought to have the peoples of Pegasus have different languages?"

        Answer: But it is the translator nanites. And we happen to hear a particular language and accent because we are taking in the perspective of our English-speaking explorers. If we followed a French team off-world, they would encounter French-speaking aliens with funny accents.

        Derek writes: "why cant it be a web cast for season six just to kind of tie up the cool stuff that the movie wouldn`t have time for ?"

        Answer: It wouldn't make financial sense to produce episodes for the web.

        Tamijb writes: "Will the new alien race that was seen in Deadleaus Variations be seen in SGU?"

        Answer: Unlikely.

        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
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          November 4, 2008

          In the words of The Wire’s State Senator Clay Davis: “Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t.” The results are in. No, I’m not talking about the Presidential election. I’m referring to our whirlwind tour of L.A. According to our agent, response to the horror pitch ranged from “I didn’t get it.” to the ubiquitous “It’s not quite for us but we’d love to work with the guys.” Undaunted, I put my Canadian agent in play and had my U.S. agent zero in on two of the major horror havens we missed out while we were in town. Ultimately, even if we come up empty, we could just go ahead, secure out own distribution deal, and make the movie ourselves. We have the contacts, the perfect location, and, hell, the time. It would just be more of a hassle.

          On the bright side, I’ve hit the 7 page mark on my super, secret project, and my Tokyo travel plans are coming along nicely. Thanks to the internet, I’ve connected with a couple of fellow foodies living in Japan (who will, hopefully, not turn out to be organ harvesters) and come across some wonderfully informative and entertaining sites (ie.

 I’ve also started putting together a list of places I intend to visit when I get there, places like the Pierre Marcolini Ice Cream Shop in Ginza, Laduree for its “French luxury cakes”, Miravile Impakt that offers a four-dessert special prix fixe, top chocolatier JP Hevin’s Ginza shop. And some temples.

          Acacia discussion:

          Thornyrose writes: “For some reason, I was caught off guard by the level of violence in the early goiing. The murder of the messenger, the massacre of the field troop in Mein, then the grisly fate of the remaining garrison troops..this certainly solidified the ruthlessness of the Mein, and of the Numrek.”

          Answer: Yes, pretty grim stuff. The fate of the garrison troops was particularly unsettling. I thought Durham really excelled in the battle sequences. Harrowing.

          Thornyrose also writes: “The first was the Acacian dedication to the fighting “forms”. I nderstand that they represent katas, but how a princess/priestess could recognise the shortcomings of learning by form, and soon defeat a trained, elite warrior escaped me. “

          Answer: Actually, now that you mention it, that was another bump - Mena’s conveniently quick transformation into an expert swordswoman.

          Thornyrose also writes: “Given the hunter/warrior cultures of both the Talayans and the Mein, and perhaps overwhelmed by his own mythic rise, I could understand Aliver accepting the duel.”

          Answer: True, but given that he called out Meander for his duplicitous ambush during a parlay, showing him to be less than honorable, Aliver’s decision to accept the challenge seemed incredibly naïve.

          Thornyrose also writes: “ While the Tunishnevre threat was built up layer by layer, and the evil nature of both the Tunishnevre and their curse made clear, the Santoth still feel…unreal.”

          Answer: Still, one of my favorite elements of the final battle vs. Meander’s forces is the lovingly detailed description of the Santoth offensive.

          Wraith Cake writes: “Fantasy novels are cookie cutter clones?”

          Answer: Not fantasy novels in their entirety but certainly the kingdoms in which they are set. The empires are given short shrift in favor of the story and they rarely serve to do more than provide the simplest of backdrops for the action. In the case of Acacia, however, the empire is so well developed that it’s almost a character itself.

          Get your questions in for author David Anthony Durham!

          Today’s blog entry is dedicated to birthday gal Linda Gagne.


          Jafacakes writes: “Hi Joe, if you don’t mind getting up early apparently Tsukiji fish market is well worth a visit, not only for the amazing sea creatures but also because it houses Daiwa (tsukiji market, building 6) that serves reputedly the best sashimi and sushi in Tokyo.”

          Answer: The great thing about traveling to Asia is that, because of the time difference, you’re usually up at 6:00 a.m. - A perfect time for a trip down to Tsukiji for a sushi breakfast.

          Jafacakes also writes: “ Do you have 4 versions of the same pilot or 4 different pilots? And if so are they all the same genre and are you co writing them with Paul?”

          Answer: Four different pilots. Four different genres. Paul has done a pass on two and will hopefully do a pass on the other two as well.

          Jinx writes: “Not that you would be privy, but is there ever going to be a follow-up to Feast for Crows?”

          Answer: According to Amazon, A Dance with Dragons will be released in April of 2009. Order your copy now!

          Iamjohn writes: “You guys should bug Robert Cooper to write one for SGU’s first season.” What’s the best method to bug him? Maybe we can get him to start a blog….

          Answer: Yep. Without a doubt, that probably would bug him.

          Sessy writes: “Killing a character not only leaves a feeling of outrage after watching the show, it also forces fanfiction writers to write “alternate universe” if they want to use the character, which just sucks!!! Please think of the fanfic when you write the movie.”

          Answer: I always make it a point to consult our team of resident fanfic writers - Carl Binder and Martin Gero - before committing anything to paper. Sadly, because of his SG-1 movie script duties, Carl has had to put his Yogi Bear/Boo Boo slash fic on hold.

          Laura writes: “Have a great trip to Japan and hopefully all the meals are awesome. How’s the language learning going?”

          Answer: Sukoshi hanashimasu demo zenzen wakarimasen!

          MysteryMadchen writes: “Just want to apologize for my rant yesterday. I’m trying not to loose my house, have family medical problems and am not very excited about the fact that my job kills my brain cells day by day because of it’s lack of stimulation so I’m just a little cranky.”

          Answer: By all means, rant away. And here’s hoping 2009 brings better things.

          OHinNJ writes: “Joe, I caught part of a TV show the other day - called Me or the Dog, I think - in which a dog trainer/therapist was showing a couple how to train their 5 pugs NOT to eat each other’s poop (*gag*).

          Since I didn’t see the whole show, I wondered: is this a problem common in pugs or was this just a group of dogs with issues?”

          Answer: Interestingly, crap is about the only thing my pugs DON’T eat.

          Maggiemayday writes: “So, Joe, does your vision of Hell include all fruit desserts all the time? Does this include raspberries and strawberries? Pies, cobblers or crisps? Bananas Foster?”

          Answer: I actually don’t mind pies, cobblers, or crisps provided they are buried beneath a generous mound of ice cream. Bananas Foster is a-okay by me as well.

          Randomness writes: “I just feel sorry for people on long flights for the first time only to be subjected to finger prints/photographing.”

          Answer: I don’t mind that so much. It’s the talent portion of the competition I always have trouble with.

          DasNdanger writes: “Joe, are you an outdoorsy lawn and garden type? Most Italians I know grow something - tomatoes, or grapes, or figs - so, just wondering if you’ve inherited that same gardening gene.”

          Answer: I cultivate a fine wit, an appreciation for fine cuisine, and pretty much anything else that doesn’t involve me communing with nature.

          Alicia writes: “I not trying to be a ***** sga movie is all the fans have left I hadnt realized you asked all the neilsen box owners or all the fans on gate world”

          Answer: In fact, we did. Every neilsen box owner and fan on gate world. Well, everyone except you. Your line was busy and Jason Momoa was supposed to call you back. I can only assume he forget. Sorry about that.

          Skye writes: “hey joe i love seeing the pictures of your dogs and i was wondering if there was a way if i can send u some pictures of my Dog Melboure my Jack Russell for your blog.”

          Answer: Better yet, provide a link so that all of the readers can check him/her out.

          MaggieMayDay writes: “Joe, will you tell me if the fingerprint attendants wear the ubiquitous white gloves?”

          Answer: Most everyone in the service industry did the last time I was there two years ago.

          Sector24 writes: “First - do you use any special screenwriting software ot just type in MS Office, and what kind of genre are your pilots - drama, action, sci-fi, sitcom?”

          Answer: The writing department works on Movie Magic Screenwriter. As for my pilots: one is a two hour backdoor pilot for a horror comedy, another is a one hour space opera, another is a one hour drama, and the last one is a one hour blue comedy.

          Alex writes: “Just wanted to be sure you got my email that second time I sent it. If you haven’t received it, please let me know, and I’ll just go ahead an post it on here.”

          Answer: Still nothing. Are you sure you have the correct email?

          [email protected] writes: “Hi Joe, I have 2 questions for you. Since you were kinda vague on who will make up the writing staff on SGU, can you tell us if Martin Gero and Alan McCullough will be there on the 10th or are they off to other projects?
          Did you watch the Halloween episode of Iron Chef America, Battle Offal?”

          Answer: Deals have yet to be closed so it’s premature for me to say exactly who will be spinning stories on November 10th. As for the offal episode - missed it. But it does sound like something I’d like.

          Sherwood Forest Maiden writes: “Joe, in early September, I sent some chocolate to the cast, can you confirm that it was received at SGHQ?? “

          Answer: Sorry, SFM. I have no idea what the cast does and doesn’t receive.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            November 5, 2008

            Photos: The last days of production

            Some of you are experiencing some trouble trying to reach me at my yahoo address. The fault could either lie with you (the more likely scenario) or with my overly zealous spam filter. In case it’s the latter, could you please pick out your email message from the ensuing list of missives I rescued from my trash bin:

            - DIRECTV PROMOTION : “Save $663, Free Movie Channels & HD-DVR Upgrade”

            - PEDI PAWS: “The incredible pet nail trimmer“

            - NATIONAL LOTTERY BOARD: “You Have Won!!””

            - Dr. Wayne Tony: “UK National Irish Lottery“

            - Carl Binder: “Urgent request for a liver donor match! Get back to me ASAP!!!”

            - Samuel Ouedraogo: “Please help me am contacting you from my sick bed”


            - WalkFit: “As Seen on TV: Own the #1 Orthotic Insoles in the World”

            - United Nations Awards: “United Nations Humanitarian Awards (You are a winner!)

            - Tabby: “Webcam on…clothes off…who’s with me?”

            I hesitate to include the last email because I have a sneaking suspicion that one is from Carl. But, in any case, if you recognize your email handle and message, please point it out so that I can give it the serious attention it deserves.

            Hey, I came across some pics from the last days of production. Check ‘em out.

            Some Acacia discussion:

            Terry writes: “I’m surprised that you didn’t find the amount of detail provided that make this possible either distracting or offputting. What is it that Durham does with the detail that doesn’t stop the story cold for you?”

            Answer: To be honest, I don’t enjoyed overly-flourished writing and I wouldn‘t put Acacia in that camp. Durham offers a lot of interesting backstory details on the empire and, in my view, that’s a long way from overwhelming the reader with ponderous descriptions of the surrounding countryside.

            Terry also writes: “Do you think that some fantasy writers give short shrift to empire building because they’re more interested in the characters than in the politics and nation building? What other fantasy writers do you think do a good job with creating unique worlds?””

            Answer: I think many fantasy writers give short shrift to world building for a variety of reasons. A couple of fantasy writers I think do a pretty good job of creating unique worlds are Ursula K. LeGuin and K.J. Bishop.

            Drldeboer writes: “ It was a pretty interesting read in terms of writing style, action and descriptions, especially the seafaring parts, too many unanswered questions at the end so maybe I’ll give this series another shot after I’m over my political nausea.”

            Answer: Too many unanswered questions? Really? One of the things that greatly impressed me about this book was the fact that it did such a nice job of tying up all of the major loose ends rather than leaving them dangling for the next book in the series.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              November 6, 2008

              One of the most fascinating aspects of working on a show like Stargate: Atlantis is the passion with which fans express their love for the series. Sometimes, they’ll convey their loyalty by attending conventions, joining online communities, or posting their thoughts on this very blog. Other times, they may organize a petition drive, demonstrate outside the studio, or send an angry letter threatening to key my car. And still other times, they’ll communicate their affection by writing their own original stories, fan fiction, involving members of the Atlantis team in all sorts of crazy adventures, occasionally crossing the Stargate universe with those of other popular shows like Dr. Who, Torchwood, Heroes, and Lost. A significant portion of these fan fics are romantic or sexual in nature, bringing together characters who were denied the opportunity to hook up on t.v. - like Sheppard and Teyla, or Sheppard and McKay, or Sheppard and the Ancient potted plant that was sitting in the gate room when the expedition first arrived on Atlantis. When it comes to these pairings, anything goes and the only limit is the power of the writer’s imagination (and, if they want to really be sticklers about it, the legal departments of the shows whose copyrights are being infringed upon). Inter-series and interspecies couplings are as happily explored as same gender pairings and, now and then, these fan-derived relationship fics can feature two, three, sometimes four different players. As the respective fan bases have grown, so has the fan fiction, and the various sub-sections of fan fiction, to the point that, today, each particular sub-group can boast upwards of hundreds of enthusiastic supporters. And, as these sub-groups have developed over time, they’ve adopted titles to distinguish themselves. Often, these titles are an amalgamation of the names of the characters they seek to pair up. Proponents of Sheppard and Teyla, for instance, may write Sheyla fan fiction. Those who prefer a McKay/Sheppard pairing may write McShep fan fiction. And so on.

              Unfortunately, because of the nature of my work, I am not permitted to read fan fiction (which is just as well considering the amount of reading I do manage to fit in during my free time). However, I have been made aware of certain fan fiction factions that simply sound too interesting to pass up. I will definitely make it a point to check these out once I’m no longer in the business and either enjoying my early retirement in Okinawa or working the nightshift at my local Denny’s. What follows is a list of these unique fan fiction groups including a rundown of the various relationships explored and, of course, their clever designations:

              Lanto (Torchwood) + Hiro (Heroes) + Grover (Sesame Street) = LanRover

              Mohinder (Heroes) + Toshiko (Torchwood) + Ronon (Atlantis) + Teyla (Atlantis) = Motorola

              Ford (Atlantis) + Sheppard (Atlantis) + Zelenka (Atlantis) = Fo’shezel

              Sylvester (Looney Tunes) + Phyllis (The Office) = Syphyllis

              Boo Boo (Yogi Bear) + Tweety (Looney Tunes) + Caldwell (Atlantis) = Booty Cal

              Spike (Buffy) + Xander (Buffy) + Foreman (House) = Spiderman

              Bert (Sesame Street) + Sayid (Lost) + Titus (Titus) = Bersaytus

              Indy (Indiana Jones) + Jesse Katsapolis (Full House) + Carlton (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) = Indyjesston

              Diane (Cheers) + Reba (Reba) = Diareba

              Marvin Martian (Looney Tunes) + Tintin (Hergé) + Gary Unmarried (Gary Unmarried) + Hiro (Heroes) = Martin Garo

              Flo (Alice) + Aunt Bea (The Andy Griffith Show) + Martha (Dr. Who) + Carson Beckett (Atlantis) = Flea Markett

              Mulan (Mulan) + Goofy (Disney) + Guy Caballero (SCTV) + Peter Pan (Disney) = Mugoo guy pan

              Anybody familiar with any of these? Any good? Are there any others I’m missing out on?
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                November 6, 2008

                Indy (Indiana Jones) + Jesse Katsapolis (Full House) + Carlton (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) = Indyjesston
                I like that one. Very funny.
                Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!



                  November 7, 2008

                  Last night, Fondy and I checked out Goldfish Pacific Kitchen, rumored to be one of the better restaurants in Vancouver’s hip Yaletown district. More upscale casual than fine dining, the place is spacious and brightly lit, with an open lounge area out front and two t.v.’s over the bar area for those interested in following the televised sport of the night. We were being seated just the pre-hockey crowd was finishing up, decked out in their Vancouver Canucks caps and jerseys, ready to head over to GM Place for the big game.

                  Fondy and I settled into a booth, perused the menu, and placed our orders. For starters, Fondy had a romaine salad with a creamy garlic vinaigrette and what was described as “Asian bacon”. Fondy suspected it was diced lup chong, that tasty Chinese sausage often found in dim sum sticky rice purses and my wife‘s rice cooker, but it was, quite frankly, nigh impossible to identify because they’d been reduced to tough and tiny blackened bits. “Wow,”I marveled. “They really cooked the **** out of those little ****ers, didn’t they?” Fondy ignored me, pushing aside the leathery nuggets and focusing, instead, on the romaine. Amused, I redirected my attention to my starter, a butternut squash with minced ginger and…hell, there may have been something else in there but I couldn’t get past the ginger. A little goes a long way and, in the case of this evening’s soup, a long, long, LONG way. The soup had the consistency of baby food and was topped with a half-dozen sad-looking sprouts. I tried two spoonfuls and then set it aside. The waitress noticed I wasn’t a fan and was kind enough to take it off the bill.

                  For our mains, we both looked seaward: the sablefish for Fondy and the ahi tuna for me. We also ordered three side dishes as culinary support: hand cut taro chips, brussel sprouts, and bacon-fried rice. My tuna, described as “thai spiced” possessed no discernible spicing. Grilled medium on the outside, rare on the outside, and cool all over, it lay there like a disinterested escort, or an Amanda Bynes movie, neither impressing nor offering offense. Fondy’s sablefish, on the other hand, was perfectly cooked and thoroughly delicious, served with a miso glaze, gai lan, and a lemongrass broth. It was hard to believe both dishes came from the same kitchen.

                  Of the side dishes, the rice was the clear winner - fried with bacon, scallions, garlic, and topped with three sunnyside quail eggs. The brussel sprouts weren’t too bad either although, for my money, I still prefer Bistrot Bistro’s version. The taro chips were fine.

                  For dessert, I had a coconut-chocolate gelato millefeuille which was good, but a long way from the decadent Montreal versions of the millefeuille I grew up with. Fondy simply adored her banana spring rolls served with cashew butter and caramel sauce.

                  The service was excellent.

                  Well, in preparation for my Tokyo trip, I headed down to the mall today to pick up a few travel necessities: jeans, work-out sweats, and new running shoes to replace the ones Lulu has chewed into a matching pair of polyurethane and rubber pancakes. While I was picking up my jeans, I ran into a former SG-1 camera assistant and we ended up reminiscing about the good old days of the original four: Rick, Michael, Amanda, and Chris. From there, I headed over to Foot Locker where, I suspect, the employees were all participants in a bet to see who could avoid assisting a customer the longest. Two girls in the front were folding t-shirts, deep into an involved conversation while the lone guy in the back was moving boxes around. I picked out a running shoe (I say running shoe as opposed to a jogging shoe, basketball shoe, or murdering someone and burying the body shoe) and elected to try the guy in the back. “Excuse me,”I said as I approached - which was a mistake because he was far enough away that he could pretend not to hear me and disappear into the back. I turned and headed back up to the front, interrupting the conversation to request a shoe in my size. Girl #1 headed into the back and came back, minutes later, holding the same shoe. Apparently, they only had two sizes, hobbit and the one she was holding which was half a size too big. But I tried it on anyway and even though it was somewhat roomy, I decided to grab them. I waited for her to return, grew tired of waiting, went to the front assuming she’d resumed her conversation but she wasn’t there, went to the back assuming she was manning the register but she wasn’t there either. In the end, I never did find out where she disappeared to. For all I know, she accepted the impromptu marriage proposal of a passing employee from the neighboring Stitches and eloped to Yemen. I wound up hailing down Girl #2, holding up the lone running shoe and announcing: “I think I’ll take the other one too.”

                  As she rang me up, she ran through a list of preventative measures I needed to take to ensure the durability of the shoes. I didn’t catch all of what she was saying, but I believe it involved spraying them with some protectant, airing them out, and then slathering them with Cool Whip and dillweed. Okay, I’m not sure about the airing them out part. Anyway, once she’d bagged by purchase, she pointed to the row of shoe sprays lining the counter. “That one’s a silicone spray. That one’s for waterproofing. Spray that one on and it’ll keep your shoes from turning yellow…”

                  “Do you have one that repels wolverines?”I asked. “Because I’ll probably be doing a lot of wilderness running.”

                  Oblivious, she seemed to honestly consider my request, then sadly informed me: “No, we don’t.”

                  So I left the store, satisfied with my purchases, but making a mental note to track down the wolverine repellant once I got in to Tokyo. That place has everything. Even Cucumber Pepsi!

                  Today’s entry is dedicated to birthday cat/girl NeKo.


                  Sheryl writes: “OK, when are you going to do the Brad Wright Q & A?”

                  Answer: Whenever he’s done. A few other things have been keeping Brad busy of late.

                  Wraith Cake writes: “So, I dunno. I’m a little incredulous when writers say they don’t read amateur writers’ material.”

                  Answer: With all due respect to fan fic in general but why would we? I mean, seriously - after spending the greater part of our day coming up with ideas, spinning, breaking, outlining, writing, reading, watching, and talking about Stargate: Atlantis, the very last thing any of us want to do on our free time is track down and read more Atlantis-related material. This isn’t a knock against the quality of whatever is out there, simply the reality of the situation.

                  Ytimyona writes: “Have you pitched your comedy pilot yet?”

                  Answer: Not yet.

                  Perragrin writes: “Joe, I have to ask.. ‘.. poisoned tape.”

                  Who’s moment of absolute brilliance was that, yours or Paul’s?”

                  Answer: Neither. Actually, that was the brilliant Richard Kind improvising.

                  Larissa writes: “Out of curiosity, why weren’t you allowed to air any of the pairings on tv?”

                  Answer: It’s not that we weren’t permitted to; more that we chose not to.

                  q-ball-er writes: “do u think that there is hope for Weir popping up in any movies…at all??”

                  Answer: Sorry. Weir’s journey has ended.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                    November 6, 2008

                    One of the most fascinating aspects of working on a show like Stargate: Atlantis is the passion with which fans express their love for the series. Sometimes, they’ll convey their loyalty by attending conventions, joining online communities, or posting their thoughts on this very blog. Other times, they may organize a petition drive, demonstrate outside the studio, or send an angry letter threatening to key my car. And still other times, they’ll communicate their affection by writing their own original stories, fan fiction, involving members of the Atlantis team in all sorts of crazy adventures, occasionally crossing the Stargate universe with those of other popular shows like Dr. Who, Torchwood, Heroes, and Lost. A significant portion of these fan fics are romantic or sexual in nature, bringing together characters who were denied the opportunity to hook up on t.v. - like Sheppard and Teyla, or Sheppard and McKay, or Sheppard and the Ancient potted plant that was sitting in the gate room when the expedition first arrived on Atlantis. When it comes to these pairings, anything goes and the only limit is the power of the writer’s imagination (and, if they want to really be sticklers about it, the legal departments of the shows whose copyrights are being infringed upon). Inter-series and interspecies couplings are as happily explored as same gender pairings and, now and then, these fan-derived relationship fics can feature two, three, sometimes four different players. As the respective fan bases have grown, so has the fan fiction, and the various sub-sections of fan fiction, to the point that, today, each particular sub-group can boast upwards of hundreds of enthusiastic supporters. And, as these sub-groups have developed over time, they’ve adopted titles to distinguish themselves. Often, these titles are an amalgamation of the names of the characters they seek to pair up. Proponents of Sheppard and Teyla, for instance, may write Sheyla fan fiction. Those who prefer a McKay/Sheppard pairing may write McShep fan fiction. And so on.

                    Unfortunately, because of the nature of my work, I am not permitted to read fan fiction (which is just as well considering the amount of reading I do manage to fit in during my free time). However, I have been made aware of certain fan fiction factions that simply sound too interesting to pass up. I will definitely make it a point to check these out once I’m no longer in the business and either enjoying my early retirement in Okinawa or working the nightshift at my local Denny’s. What follows is a list of these unique fan fiction groups including a rundown of the various relationships explored and, of course, their clever designations:

                    Lanto (Torchwood) + Hiro (Heroes) + Grover (Sesame Street) = LanRover

                    Mohinder (Heroes) + Toshiko (Torchwood) + Ronon (Atlantis) + Teyla (Atlantis) = Motorola

                    Ford (Atlantis) + Sheppard (Atlantis) + Zelenka (Atlantis) = Fo’shezel

                    Sylvester (Looney Tunes) + Phyllis (The Office) = Syphyllis

                    Boo Boo (Yogi Bear) + Tweety (Looney Tunes) + Caldwell (Atlantis) = Booty Cal

                    Spike (Buffy) + Xander (Buffy) + Foreman (House) = Spiderman

                    Bert (Sesame Street) + Sayid (Lost) + Titus (Titus) = Bersaytus

                    Indy (Indiana Jones) + Jesse Katsapolis (Full House) + Carlton (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) = Indyjesston

                    Diane (Cheers) + Reba (Reba) = Diareba

                    Marvin Martian (Looney Tunes) + Tintin (Hergé) + Gary Unmarried (Gary Unmarried) + Hiro (Heroes) = Martin Garo

                    Flo (Alice) + Aunt Bea (The Andy Griffith Show) + Martha (Dr. Who) + Carson Beckett (Atlantis) = Flea Markett

                    Mulan (Mulan) + Goofy (Disney) + Guy Caballero (SCTV) + Peter Pan (Disney) = Mugoo guy pan

                    Anybody familiar with any of these? Any good? Are there any others I’m missing out on?

                    what does this one mean? --> Ford (Atlantis) + Sheppard (Atlantis) + Zelenka (Atlantis) = Fo’shezel



                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      what does this one mean? --> Ford (Atlantis) + Sheppard (Atlantis) + Zelenka (Atlantis) = Fo’shezel
                      I think it's a reference to Snoop Dog and his "quaint" speech.

                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        Originally posted by morjana View Post
                        I think it's a reference to Snoop Dog and his "quaint" speech.
                        thank you, morjana.

                        i asked this question twice on joe's blog, and when ppl didn't respond, i thought it was something vulgar or something. but i just couldn't figure it out at all!

                        and i just googled 'snoop dog and fo'shezel' to find out the connection

                        and i have no life





                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          thank you, morjana.

                          i asked this question twice on joe's blog, and when ppl didn't respond, i thought it was something vulgar or something. but i just couldn't figure it out at all!

                          and i just googled 'snoop dog and fo'shezel' to find out the connection

                          and i have no life


                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            SGA - Joseph Mallozzi's Blog Update Nov. 8 '08 -NEW Photos:

                            From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for November 8, 2008:

                            (Please follow the link for the complete blog update and some new
                            behind-the-scenes photos from the production of Stargate Atlantis'
                            'The Prodigal.')

                            November 8, 2008: Doggy Delight and Some Prodigal Notes


                            Hey, I'm pleased to see many of you enjoyed The Prodigal. Carl Binder - the Sultan of Scripts, the Duke of Dialogue, the Baron of Bottle Shows - works his magic once again, weaving a tale fraught with action, suspense, humor, and a spectacular climactic visual effects sequence that made co-show runner Paul Mullie, as my father was fond of saying "bats in the belfry". A few of notes of interest concerning
                            this episode:

                            1. When first outlined, this story was a cross between Carl's earlier
                            Red Shirt Diaries pitch and the finished product you saw. In this
                            early version, we follow a team of unsung characters as they mount a
                            resistance to Michael and ultimately help our team save the city.
                            However, after some discussion, it was decided that the significance
                            of the story demanded that our team be front and center.

                            2. After much back and forth, it was decided that this episode would
                            mark Atlantis's final confrontation with Michael. His ultimate power
                            play was undermined in Kindred I and II (last season) and he's been on
                            the run ever since. His forces compromised, his resources dwindling,
                            he stages one last desperate gamble to turn the tables and regain the
                            upper hand.

                            3. It can be argued (as Michael so succinctly does in this episode)
                            that Michael has every right to be angry and seek revenge on Atlantis
                            for having created him in the first place - but it shouldn't be
                            forgotten that, originally, Michael was a wraith and, thus, their
                            enemy. Sure, from a big picture standpoint you can draw parallels
                            between their feeding on humans and our feeding on animals but, when
                            it comes right down to it, if some thing is about to devour you or
                            your loved ones, you will fight back - and you'll do everything within
                            your power to ensure they never threaten them again. Which brings us to…

                            4. Teyla's delivering the coup de grace at episode's end. Now some
                            have complained that this was pretty ruthless of her and my response
                            to that would be - yep, it was. But why so surprised? We've seen this
                            side of Teyla before, most notably in Missing where her warrior side
                            took over in cruel yet effective fashion. Add to that the fact that
                            she now has a child to protect, a son who has been threatened Michael
                            on two separate occasions. Rather than risk a third attempt, she ended
                            the threat.

                            5. I was down on set talking to actress Sharon Taylor while this
                            episode was being written, and she mentioned that she was a kickboxing
                            instructor. Intrigued, I mentioned it to Carl who happily incorporated
                            these ass-kicking abilities into the second draft of the script.
                            Sharon's performance garnered accolades from all around, but
                            especially from stunt coordinator James Bamford and fellow actor Jason

                            6. Running gag #1: Whenever we screened this episode in the writers'
                            room and we got to the scene where Michael gets on the P.A. and
                            promises to turn off the self-destruct and save the city in exchange
                            for her son, one of us would pipe up: "Teyla, it's Chuck! Give him the

                            7. Running gag #2: Whenever Michael would drop off the ledge and
                            plummet down into the darkness, we would imagine Chuck stepping out
                            onto one of the lower balconies for a smoke - only to get creamed by
                            Michael who, fall broken, would hop up none the worse for wear and
                            make good his escape.

                            8. While they were shooting the climactic tower fight sequence, there
                            was one take in which Connor flipped the Sheppard stunt actor who was
                            supposed to roll and save himself by grabbing hold of a part of the
                            structure - only the stuntman missed and went right over, landing
                            amidst the safety mats below. Connor immediately threw his arms up in
                            triumph and shouted: "I WIN!!!", much to the crew's delight.

                            It's episodes like this that really make me sad the show has ended.
                            Only six original episodes left. As my father was fond of saying:
                            "Wouldn't that jar your preserves."

                            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                            Morjana's Blog Twitter



                              November 9, 2008

                              First off, I’d like to congratulate everyone who has put forth excellent arguments on both side of the wraith debate. As much as I agree that the wraith are an interesting, multi-faceted species, I would still argue that they are an enemy and should be dealt with as such. The same can be said for Michael who demonstrated incredible ruthlessness in disseminating the Hoffan virus, killing hundreds of thousands. I’d weigh in but Thornyrose‘s post effectively covers everything I could hope to say on the subject.

                              Second - I’m a little late in weighing in on my Top Readings Picks for the month of October. The truth is that while I did read a goodly amount last month, there were few books that really impressed. Only two actually.
                              One Hundred Years of Solitude

                              by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Charmingly intimate yet impressive in scope, this book traces the multi-generational history of the Buendia family, inhabitants of the fictional town of Mocando, with a warmth and familiarity reminiscent of the tales my grandmother used to tell. Majestic in its realism, subtle in its magical undertones, it’s a captivating novel that helped the author secure the Nobel Prize for Literature.

                              The Last Colony

                              by John Scalzi. I’ve never met a Scalzi novel I haven’t liked, and this one keeps the string intact. Former soldiers John Perry and Jane Sagan (the hero/ine of Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades) are enjoying retirement, raising their teenage daughter Zoe, when they are asked to head up a new colony on the outskirts of Colonial Union territory. Things, however, take a turn for the bizarre when it becomes evident that the world they’ve been dropped off on isn’t the planet they were told they’d be inhabiting. Threatened by forces both within and without the fledgling community, John and Jane struggle to maintain unity, ultimately discovering that they have become pawns in an intergalactic struggle between an alien federation known as The Conclave and their own Earth-centered Colonial Union.

                              To those of you asking, I’m not scheduled to leave for Japan for another two weeks. STOP RUSHING ME!!! Between now and then, I’ll be heading into the office to spin stories for SGU’s inaugural season, working on that super, secret project (Holy Moly! Almost 8 full pages now!), and, most importantly, work on my Tokyo itinerary. With regard to the latter, Carl Binder was kind enough to forward me the following link in an email titled “A possible side trip when you go to Japan…”

                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                November 10, 2008

                                Photo: Necroscope by Brian Lumley

                                Long before there was Ghost Whisperer or The Sixth Sense‘s Cole Sear, there was Brian Lumley’s Harry Koegh, the original Necroscope.


                                Unique and gripping, a classic of the genre.

                                So, what did everyone else think? And, hey, if you have questions for author Brian Lumley, start posting them.

                                Let’s see…what else is new.. Oh, right. I seemed to have, uh, misplaced my wedding band. After searching everywhere and beating myself over it, I finally informed my wife. Her reaction? Anger? Disappointment? Overwhelming sadness? Nope. Try: Delight. That’s what you get for being married to someone in the jewelry business. She is absolutely thrilled by the opportunity to design and craft me a personalized band to replace the store-bought original. Go figure.

                                Hey, remember the other day when I reported on my clever ruse to throw off foraging raccoons by labeling the boxed leftovers I set out on my back porch “Diamond Comic Distributors”? Well, it grieves me to report that the raccoons in my neighborhood are, for the most part, illiterate. And it was while I was cleaning the garlic-sautéed gai lan and styrofoam remnants off the back steps that I came up with the idea to start a charitable fund tol help local raccoons acquire the rudimentary reading skills necessary to function in an increasingly demanding society. The Canadian Association for Raccoon Literacy joins the list of no-less important charities I am proud to be a part of: The After School Program for Itinerant Chimps, The Organization for Dyslexic Dolphins, S.Q.U.I.S.H.Y., that works tirelessly in its efforts to provide squirrels with the accounting expertise they need in order to file their own tax returns, and, of course, G.R.U.B.B.Y. that has been educating underprivileged orangutans in the proper etiquette of the Japanese Tea Ceremony since 1911. Please, give generously.

                                Well, I’m off to read the very first draft of the very first Stargate: Universe script, compliments of Brad Wright and Robert Cooper
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

