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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    February 7, 2008: As the first day of production creeps ever-closer…

    Originally posted by Joe
    As I mentioned yesterday, prep is finally underway on episode #1, Search and Rescue. Construction has already started in the VFX stage, and the baby pictures are making the rounds. We’ve pulled the trigger on Porter - who may well be in for yet another name change - casting an actress who had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-her part back in season 3’s Tao of Rodney but did a bang-up job and caught our attention. “We should bring that actress back,”I suggested at the time. And now we have. Rachel dropped by the production offices and we had a little chat about what’s in store for Teyla this year. She was not only happy but, admittedly, quite relieved with the creative route we’re taking.

    To those of you asking about the Fan Fuel dinner - the only reason I’m reluctant to organize the event is because the restaurant is fairly upscale and may well be out of the price range of many fans. That said, if there are some of you who do have your hearts set on dining there the night of April 1st, then I’m sure Marty G. and I could make ourselves available.
    Today’s pics: Books and chocolates and behind-the-scenes pics from this Friday night’s episode, Midway. For more behind-the-scenes pic, follow the link - (Umm, I thought Trio was this week?)

    Today’s video: At Fondy’s request, I’ve uploaded yet another vid of Lulu in action. Either scroll down or click on the link -

    Today’s mailbag -

    Jon K. writes: “Any Chance we will be seeing the Travelers in season 5, most notably Larrin?”

    Answer: Yep.

    NCC-72452 writes: “When you say “story in place” regarding Weir, does this mean 1 episode? 2.71828 episodes? 3.14159 episodes? Also, did Robert Picardo and Jewel Staite’s relative star power in the world of sci-fi influence your decision to bring them on?”

    Answers: Story in place refers to 1 episode. While their crossover appeal is nice, the reason Bob and Jewel are on the show is because they are immensely talented individuals.

    Flyingdog147 writes: “ Is there a difference between “Special Guest Star” and “Special Guest”?”

    Answer: Nope.

    Enzo Aquarius writes: “Very random question, do you like funnel cake?”

    Answer: I don’t know. If I had to guess, I’d say - yes.

    Rachel writes: “Todd is my best friend’s absolute favorite character (he’s a close second to McKay for me); will we be seeing him again at all in Season 5?”

    Answer: Yes, Todd will be making an appearance in season 5.

    Breeze writes: “Have you guys started think about SGA 100th episode?”

    Answer: We have an idea.

    Thefamousseccles writes: “If all five episodes have been written, and a sixth brilliant idea comes up, is there any possibility of more than five Beckett episodes?”

    Answer: Of course.

    Yazid writes: “Why take Dr Keller in Sheppard’s team and not Major Lorne?”

    Answer: There are no plans to put Dr. Keller on Sheppard’s team.

    CheekylilDevil writes: “Okay Mr M, would you say the chances of bringing back Kolya are slim to none, or better with bribery?”

    Answer: As I’ve often said - This is scifi. Anything is possible.

    Dovil writes: “How does it feel to commit television genocide? Washing the nonexistant blood of fictional people from your hands? Hearing the silent screams of those that don’t exist as they are written out of existance?”

    Answer: It feels alright I guess. Paul was the one who noticed as we were reviewing season 4 - Holy crap, we killed a lot of people last season! I think we broke the standing record and it’s going to be very hard to beat it this year. But we’ll give it our best shot.

    Dovil also writes: “ How do you live with yourself making choices that I might not agree with? Did you not once think to consult me? Did you think for some delusional reason that your creative decisions might hold more weight than mine do?”

    Answer: Actually, I had intended to get you to sign off on the creative decisions, but I think I only have your old email address and by the time I got around to realizing it was, unfortunately, too late. There is still, however, time to choose a cake for the big Zelenka birthday episode. So, what’ll it be? Sacher Torte or Black Forest?

    Dovil also writes: “After all at the end of the day you’re just the Executive Producer and writer for the show, I on the other hand spend 45 minutes a week slumped on the couch with a bag of potato chips watching this. If anyone knows how to run things around here, it’s me.”

    Answer: Point taken. While we’re at it, there are a couple of people working on the show who are on the bubble (ie. Antonio the potlight wrangler’s drive and determination have waned over the course of last season. And I know you’ve already gone on record as expressing some displeasure with his insistence on wearing those clunky, lurid blue plastic sandals.). I’m sending the names your way. Just weigh in with a yay or nay. You sure you don’t write comedy?

    Asmoothlie writes: “Also, based on the beginning of BAMSR, is it correct to say that there are still nanite particles floating around in space from the attacks Caldwell and Ellis made, waiting to be re-activated?”

    Answer: No, that is incorrect.
    Last edited by wurlitzer153; 07 February 2008, 04:19 PM.


      As I mentioned yesterday, prep is finally underway on episode #1, Search and Rescue. Construction has already started in the VFX stage, and the baby pictures are making the rounds. We’ve pulled the trigger on Porter - who may well be in for yet another name change - casting an actress who had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-her part back in season 3’s Tao of Rodney but did a bang-up job and caught our attention. “We should bring that actress back,”I suggested at the time. And now we have. Rachel dropped by the production offices and we had a little chat about what’s in store for Teyla this year. She was not only happy but, admittedly, quite relieved with the creative route we’re taking.

      To those of you asking about the Fan Fuel dinner - the only reason I’m reluctant to organize the event is because the restaurant is fairly upscale and may well be out of the price range of many fans. That said, if there are some of you who do have your hearts set on dining there the night of April 1st, then I’m sure Marty G. and I could make ourselves available.

      Today’s pics: Books and chocolates and behind-the-scenes pics from this Friday night’s episode, Midway. For more behind-the-scenes pic, follow the link -

      Today’s video: At Fondy’s request, I’ve uploaded yet another vid of Lulu in action. Either scroll down or click on the link -

      Today’s blog is dedicated to RachelCooper and birthday boy bugguy.

      Today’s mailbag -

      Jon K. writes: “Any Chance we will be seeing the Travelers in season 5, most notably Larrin?”

      Answer: Yep.

      NCC-72452 writes: “When you say “story in place” regarding Weir, does this mean 1 episode? 2.71828 episodes? 3.14159 episodes? Also, did Robert Picardo and Jewel Staite’s relative star power in the world of sci-fi influence your decision to bring them on?”

      Answers: Story in place refers to 1 episode. While their crossover appeal is nice, the reason Bob and Jewel are on the show is because they are immensely talented individuals.

      Flyingdog147 writes: “ Is there a difference between “Special Guest Star” and “Special Guest”?”

      Answer: Nope.

      Rachel writes: “Todd is my best friend’s absolute favorite character (he’s a close second to McKay for me); will we be seeing him again at all in Season 5?”

      Answer: Yes, Todd will be making an appearance in season 5.

      Breeze writes: “Have you guys started think about SGA 100th episode?”

      Answer: We have an idea.

      Susanthetartanturtle writes: “Any chance that you will be at Dragon.con this year?”

      Answer: Alas, no. But I will be hitting Comic Con in July.

      Thefamousseccles writes: “If all five episodes have been written, and a sixth brilliant idea comes up, is there any possibility of more than five Beckett episodes?”

      Answer: Of course.

      Yazid writes: “Why take Dr Keller in Sheppard’s team and not Major Lorne?”

      Answer: There are no plans to put Dr. Keller on Sheppard’s team.

      CheekylilDevil writes: “Okay Mr M, would you say the chances of bringing back Kolya are slim to none, or better with bribery?”

      Answer: As I’ve often said - This is scifi. Anything is possible.

      Dovil writes: “How does it feel to commit television genocide? Washing the nonexistant blood of fictional people from your hands? Hearing the silent screams of those that don’t exist as they are written out of existance?”

      Answer: It feels alright I guess. Paul was the one who noticed as we were reviewing season 4 - Holy crap, we killed a lot of people last season! I think we broke the standing record and it’s going to be very hard to beat it this year. But we’ll give it our best shot.

      Dovil also writes: “ How do you live with yourself making choices that I might not agree with? Did you not once think to consult me? Did you think for some delusional reason that your creative decisions might hold more weight than mine do?”

      Answer: Actually, I had intended to get you to sign off on the creative decisions, but I think I only have your old email address and by the time I got around to realizing it was, unfortunately, too late. There is still, however, time to choose a cake for the big Zelenka birthday episode. So, what’ll it be? Sacher Torte or Black Forest?

      Dovil also writes: “After all at the end of the day you’re just the Executive Producer and writer for the show, I on the other hand spend 45 minutes a week slumped on the couch with a bag of potato chips watching this. If anyone knows how to run things around here, it’s me.”

      Answer: Point taken. While we’re at it, there are a couple of people working on the show who are on the bubble (ie. Antonio the potlight wrangler’s drive and determination have waned over the course of last season. And I know you’ve already gone on record as expressing some displeasure with his insistence on wearing those clunky, lurid blue plastic sandals.). I’m sending the names your way. Just weigh in with a yay or nay. You sure you don’t write comedy?

      Asmoothlie writes: “Also, based on the beginning of BAMSR, is it correct to say that there are still nanite particles floating around in space from the attacks Caldwell and Ellis made, waiting to be re-activated?”

      Answer: No, that is incorrect.


        Thanks for letting us know about the update on Joe's blog, prion.

        I don't suppose I could ask somebody a favour could I? I don't know how to ask a question on Joe's Blog so could somebody tell me how to do so please?

        OT: Joe's watched Doctor Who!!! Yay!!!

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Dovil wins at life.


            Leela Savasta as Porter?


            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              Thanks for letting us know about the update on Joe's blog, prion.

              I don't suppose I could ask somebody a favour could I? I don't know how to ask a question on Joe's Blog so could somebody tell me how to do so please?

              OT: Joe's watched Doctor Who!!! Yay!!!
              Hi, Alan.

              Click on the current' day's blog link, in this case:


              Scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the page. There should be a "Leave A Comment" section there...complete your commment and submit.

              That's it!


              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Thanks for letting us know about the update on Joe's blog, prion.

                I don't suppose I could ask somebody a favour could I? I don't know how to ask a question on Joe's Blog so could somebody tell me how to do so please?

                OT: Joe's watched Doctor Who!!! Yay!!!
                No problem For asking questions, it's easy. You can either a) go to the main blog address, then scroll down on the current entry and click on COMMENTS, which will bring you to that entry and at the bottom, you'll find a form to fill out. All entries go to moderation so Joe can remove the nasty ones, but apparently, he's still letting those through

                It's easiest to bookmark the main address - - as then the most current entry will always show. Then to have just the current one show, click on the header title of the entry.
                Last edited by prion; 07 February 2008, 04:57 PM.


                  Apparently not, you mean. The usual one-liner bashings are gone.


                    Originally posted by morjana View Post
                    Hi, Alan.

                    Click on the current' day's blog link, in this case:


                    Scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the page. There should be a "Leave A Comment" section there...complete your commment and submit.

                    That's it!

                    Originally posted by prion View Post
                    No problem For asking questions, it's easy. You can either a) go to the main blog address, then scroll down on the current entry and click on COMMENTS, which will bring you to that entry and at the bottom, you'll find a form to fill out. All entries go to moderation so Joe can remove the nasty ones, but apparently, he's still letting those through

                    It's easiest to bookmark the main address - - as then the most current entry will always show. Then to have just the current one show, click on the header title of the entry.
                    Thank you both.

                    Does it have to be a comment on something as well as a question or is just a question on its own okay?

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      You can say whatever you want...within reason.


                        Originally posted by Alan View Post
                        Thank you both.

                        Does it have to be a comment on something as well as a question or is just a question on its own okay?
                        Most people tend to not ask questions, amazingly. You'll find an interesting mix of comments on food, travel, fans slamming other fans, comments on episodes, marriage proposals (oh wait, that hasn't happened - yet), where do I send chocolate to you inquiries, etc.


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Most people tend to not ask questions, amazingly. You'll find an interesting mix of comments on food, travel, fans slamming other fans, comments on episodes, marriage proposals (oh wait, that hasn't happened - yet), where do I send chocolate to you inquiries, etc.
                          Oh I dunno... there's one French-speaking fan in particular whose adoration borders on the stalkerish!


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Oh I dunno... there's one French-speaking fan in particular whose adoration borders on the stalkerish!
                            There's some, er, 'devotion' to JM on his blog (and here, and elsewhere) by some fans that is rather scary.


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Most people tend to not ask questions, amazingly. You'll find an interesting mix of comments on food, travel, fans slamming other fans, comments on episodes, marriage proposals (oh wait, that hasn't happened - yet), where do I send chocolate to you inquiries, etc.
                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Oh I dunno... there's one French-speaking fan in particular whose adoration borders on the stalkerish!
                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              There's some, er, 'devotion' to JM on his blog (and here, and elsewhere) by some fans that is rather scary.
                              Okay...just for the record...I have no interest in proposing marriage to Joe today, tomorrow, or at any other time in the foreseeable future.

                              But there are a few people here on GW I wouldn't mind asking for their hand in marriage... C'mon! You know who you are.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                Okay...just for the record...I have no interest in proposing marriage to Joe today, tomorrow, or at any other time in the foreseeable future.

                                But there are a few people here on GW I wouldn't mind asking for their hand in marriage... C'mon! You know who you are.
                                Oh don't be a spoilsport Alan, think of the fun that could be had with that question!

