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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    what I do when i see something that i think is cool... like the MS casting news. If it's on a mailing list i'm on, i'll just forward it to darren and let him check it out.

    if it's something else i'll c/p the pertinent part and e-mail that along with a link of where it is and let him determine if it's newsworthy or not

    basically give him a place to go and tell him why he's going there then let him decide if it's been a worthwhile trip or not
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      March 13

      Front portion has commentary on Carson Beckett fans. Click on link above for full narrative.

      Peter writes: “Do you ever watch Fan-made music videos?”Answer: Another no I’m afraid.

      Anonymous #1 writes: “Is it possible that you would continue some season one story arcs in season 4; for example the exploration of weir's list, the other planets on
      the list in before I sleep, or the follow-up on the brotherhood of the fifteen?”
      Answer: Funny you should bring this up. We were discussing a possible story re: one of the three you mentioned just yesterday.

      Shawna writes: “Would you mind sharing with us your time travel story that didn't get made?”

      Answer: It was a crazy, complex adventure which charted the progress of three different versions of the team in the past, present, and future. Events from the past would effect the present and future while events in the present affected the future. Eventually, events in the present and future began to effect the past and events in the future effect the present. I still have the outline somewhere.

      Anonymous #3 writes: “Sora -- is she coming back
      Answer: Alas, no.

      Vaberella writes: “Any chance of Chaya in the future, if not in S4, any hopes of bringing the actress back on some level. Magic 8 ball me.”Magic 8 Ball says: My sources say no.

      Adron writes: “Are involved in the development of the third Stargate show? If yes, when will it start production? I read sometime in 2008. If not, who is developping the show?
      Answer: Brad and Robert are developing the third series. As for the timeline - it’s up in the air.

      Redtwin writes: “I am wondering if the Ancients will ever decide that enough is enough and help the millions of humans in the galaxy fight off the Orii? Will we ever see Morgan Le Fay again?”Answer: For the answers to these and many other questions, check out Stargate SG-1: The Ark of Truth.


        Now, it's confirmed again, the thrid series is in the works!
        Btw. Joe spelled my name false, it's Andron not Adron
        My short movie "Red Bag" / The Scifi Guys Podcast / My Twitter account


          Linzi, I guess there was just a misunderstanding on both sides (more on gateworld's part). I missed your March 6 Q/A at first and only really grasped its existance when I wanted to clear up (for myself) if gateworld had messed up. Gateworld is not always perfect. And your question has helped so that everyone is a little bit spoiler-smarter now than before. So it was good that you asked.

          Originally posted by prion View Post

          March 13

          Shawna writes: “Would you mind sharing with us your time travel story that didn't get made?”
          Answer: It was a crazy, complex adventure which charted the progress of three different versions of the team in the past, present, and future. Events from the past would effect the present and future while events in the present affected the future. Eventually, events in the present and future began to effect the past and events in the future effect the present. I still have the outline somewhere.
          Sounds like a good and engaging episode. I don't know why the outline/idea can't be used for a future SGA episode. I'd love to see it.

          Anyway, I've started to find and put up references links for the many Stargate articles on wikipedia, and I'd like to know one thing: Can someone please clear up for me whether it is "in his blog", "on his blog" or "at his blog"? Likewise, is something said "on gateworld" or "at gateworld", and "on" or "at"?

          I only started to pay attention to preposition vocabs when I was in my third year of learning English (I just never saw the point before then), and now I'm still paying for my laziness.
          No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

          "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
          (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


            Originally posted by sgeureka View Post
            Can someone please clear up for me whether it is "in his blog", "on his blog" or "at his blog"?
            All three sound grammatical to me. It depends, I think, on how you think of his blog. If you think of it as an essay, it's "in." But a blog can also be thought of as a "place" on the internet, in which case you say "at." Or you can use "on," because in general, people post things "on" websites and webpages -- you are thinking of websites and webpages like a virtual bulltein board, on which people can post stuff, if you see what I mean?
            Keep Carson. Keep Elizabeth.
            Keep Atlantis.

            Lemming #14
            -Clueless Lemming Cretin-

            Image by Cailliath


              Originally posted by Linzi
              ... insults aimed at me.
              Who's insulted you?

              Darren commented on the fact that Joe hadn't read GW (but saw fit to say "they're wrong"). One or two other people made a joke of it. None of it ought to have upset you, I'm sure.

              If you feel you've been insulted here, feel free to PM a mod. Or was it not here - was it off GW? In which case we're sorry, but we can't do much about it.



                Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                Who's insulted you?

                Darren commented on the fact that Joe hadn't read GW (but saw fit to say "they're wrong"). One or two other people made a joke of it. None of it ought to have upset you, I'm sure.

                If you feel you've been insulted here, feel free to PM a mod. Or was it not here - was it off GW? In which case we're sorry, but we can't do much about it.
                I think Linzi felt that Darren's post (below) was aimed at her (as the person who had asked the question on JM's blog about whether GW was correct in what it said about the airing order) and was suggesting that she had not bothered to read the GW story properly (not that JM had not bothered to read it - I don't think anyone would expect JM to read it necessarily, he was merely replying to a question posted on his blog)

                Originally posted by Darren View Post
                Well, for the record, since no one bothered to go see what the GW story actually says:

                "The exact airing order for 'Travelers' is not yet known, though it will be fourth in production order. (It is currently believed that 'Doppelganger' will air fourth.)"

                Some of the comments then made about people not bothering to think etc therefore also kind of came across as being aimed at Linzi - and other people did think so too as evidenced by their responses to the posts, such as:

                Originally posted by sgeureka View Post
                To be fair to Linzi, she already asked on March 6:

                Linzi writes: “Adrift (desperation), Lifeline (gamble), Reunion (roots), Travelers (rivalry), Missing (missing). Is that the order you expect the episodes to air in?”

                Answer: Yes.

                and Gateworld didn't include this information.

                Also, in my little world, an unknown airing order and a "not (necessarily) due to air in that order" note are pretty much the same. I guess Linzi just wanted to make sure. After all, Gateworld sometimes doesn't mention its sources (like for recent "Ark of Truth" spoilers) so I/we can never be sure if gateworld knows something that I/we didn't know before.
                I'm sure it was not anyone's intent to insult or offend but, it being hard at times to read intent in the written word, some of the comments made did kinda come across that way just a bit...


                  Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                  Who's insulted you?

                  Darren commented on the fact that Joe hadn't read GW (but saw fit to say "they're wrong"). One or two other people made a joke of it. None of it ought to have upset you, I'm sure.

                  If you feel you've been insulted here, feel free to PM a mod. Or was it not here - was it off GW? In which case we're sorry, but we can't do much about it.
                  Oh I see! Sorry! I stupidly thought the comment was aimed at me, seeing as how I was asking the question, and how I'd been quoted. So did another poster earlier on, who I don't even know, (that was pretty nice of them, actually), and another later as well. And when Shadow sort of apologised, I naturally assumed her jibe was aimed at me too, as one would if someone sort of apologises and mentions your name in that. Obviously there's been a misunderstanding as Darren's post wasn't accusing me of not reading anything, he was accusing Joe M, and Shadow was joking about JM not reading too, and er, not thinking presumably either, or perhaps people generally, because obviously she does read things carefully herself and finds that sort of carelessness annoying, in a snarky, joking sort of way, naturally . As long as it's not me being insulted, joking or not, that makes the world a better place, and makes me feel so much better ...ahem Just goes to show how important it is that posters make their intent clear, so people don't get confused. And, no, I've never been insulted outside of GW, by anyone. Thanks for your concern though I actually don't post regularly anywhere else. As I jumped to the incorrect conclusion, and believed I'd been accused of certain things, when it was, in fact somebody else, I'll go delete my posts right away, Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm not thinking or not reading anything. Please accept my apologies for taking up your time, when it was a misunderstanding.
                  Last edited by Linzi; 14 March 2007, 10:02 AM.


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Oh I see! Sorry! I stupidly thought the comment was aimed at me, seeing as how I was asking the question, and how I'd been quoted. So did another poster earlier on, who I don't even know, (that was pretty nice of them, actually), and another later as well. And when Shadow sort of apologised, I naturally assumed her jibe was aimed at me too, as one would if someone sort of apologises and mentions your name in that. Obviously there's been a misunderstanding as Darren's post wasn't accusing me of not reading anything properly, he was accusing Joe M, and Shadow was joking about JM not reading too, and er, not thinking presumably either, or perhaps people generally, because obviously she does read things carefully herself and finds that sort of carelessness annoying, in a snarky, joking sort of way, naturally . As long as it's not me being insulted, joking or not, that makes the world a better place, and makes me feel so much better ...ahem Just goes to show how important it is that posters make their intent clear, so people don't get confused. And, no, I've never been insulted outside of GW, by anyone. Thanks for your concern though. As I jumped to the incorrect conclusion, and believed I'd been accused of certain things, when it was, in fact somebody else, I'll go delete my posts right away, Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm not thinking or not reading anything

                    Well I must admit Linzi that I thought that all the comments were aimed at you too!!!! I am obviously not alone in thinking this way. You had a right to be upset. If I were in your shoes I would have been mortified seeing the comments without the explanation that has now been given.

                    I know that you asked that question because all of the Shep whumpers were a little concerned that the episode had maybe been bumped back and we are so grateful to you for clarifying this for us!!!!


                      Next time I ask Joe a question, if I do, I'll be certain to go incognito!

                      "Sad Sheppard fans asks:
                      Will there really be whump in Travelers?...."


                        My reply to Darren's post was meant as a more general comment on society-at-large; I saw an opportunity to snark and I took it. *shrug* Quite frankly I didn't even remember who had posed the original question to Joe (ah, the irony of me snarking about those who don't read). I've already apologized. If Linzi chooses to continue feeling insulted by it and others choose to feel insulted on her behalf, there's very little I can do about it.

                        Or maybe the umbrage is more directed at Darren. Either way, I gather from Mads that this is taking things off topic. Now, if someone's feeling insulted by JOE, that'd be a little more appropriate for the thread... And pretty much to be expected.

                        Meanwhile, I wonder why such a definite no on Sora? And what a shame, as she had some potential as a character. But then, maybe TPTB consider the Genii as "boring" as the Wraith and are more interested in hyping up the Replicators and whatever other crossover baddies they can (re-)dream up.


                          I don't know if this has been post in this thread yet.

                          But there's this site you can buy shares of a particular blog, it's like the stock market but for blogs.

                          Here's Joe's blog on the site:

                          I own 25% of Joe's blog.

                          Thanks = green


                            Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
                            I don't know if this has been post in this thread yet.

                            But there's this site you can buy shares of a particular blog, it's like the stock market but for blogs.

                            Here's Joe's blog on the site:

                            I own 25% of Joe's blog.

                            Thanks = green
                            buy shares? hmm, will it crash like the stock market? but seriously, how can you own shares in something that's not for sale? but if you get to 100% ownership, then what?


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              buy shares? hmm, will it crash like the stock market? but seriously, how can you own shares in something that's not for sale? but if you get to 100% ownership, then what?
                              to be honest, prion, I don't know, I'm still a n00b at this.

                              EDIT: I know own 50% of Joe's blog


                                If you buy 100% do you get to dictate to Joe what he can (and can't) say in his blog?

                                Oooo, I'd love to see someone try that. LOL!

