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We need to UNITE!

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    We need to UNITE!

    I see all these people complaining and saying how they would stop watching Stargate if.. or they don't like the way this is going, they don't like the way that is going... Think this is stupid think that is stupid.. I wanna ask a question... If you don't like wat's going on in the SGverse, why are u still here, and why are u still watching?

    To me it seems there is to much *****ing and not enough support being givin to the community. I just read through a 3 page rant on why Ori fighters don't have shields and this guy got so defensive about it.. If you get that frusterated by this "lack of common sense" u speak of, I think it might behoove u to leave the community and stop watching SG. Some of us watch it for the entertainment, not to pick it to peices and tell everyone how the creators and producers screwed up royally on this that or the other.

    I also see threads dedicated in each of the SG forums to Anti-seasons. Like I said before, if you need to post a 50 page thread trashing the shows, it might be better if you stop watching...

    I'm not going to sit here and say that everyone with misgivings should just up and leave The Community, but I am getting SICK and TIRED of seeing the same people posting threads on why they hate this, why they hate that.

    Well this is my hate thread... I HATE to see people watch a show for 10 years just to pick it apart and throw things up and say this isn't good enough, this isn't right, this shouldn't happen. It's a TV SHOW... The whole reason we watch it is because of the plots and the drama. It's wat these people do. It's their jobs to make a quality tv program, that's why it's lasted for 10 years. It hasn't lasted that long because of nay-sayers or doomcasters. It's lasted that long becuase of the loving community that nutures it and helps it grow. We are the reason it's lasted 10 years. So if someone wants to come in and constantly downplay the shows, don't u think we owe it to ourselves to show these people the door?

    I realize that Gate World is for all the fans. But ur not a fan if all ur going to do is ***** and moan about little items in the show...

    Thanks for listening to my hate thread. If you have anything to add feel free, I just felt like these things needed to be addressed.

    Thanks to Captain Jake for the sig!

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if we don't like it.
    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


      Perhaps given the falling ratings, advising people to stop watching is not the wisest course of action.

      Those with a negative opinion of the show, or another subject, have as much of a right to express their opinions as those with a positive or neutral opinion, provided that nobody is breaking forum rules, of course.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        I'm not saying that people with negative opinions aren't welcome on the forums or Gateworld for that matter, I'm merely saying why are they complaining? And as the "bad ratings" go, I know advising people to stop watching the show is a bad idea, BUT do u think its really helping if they continue to watch the show just to ruin the entire stargate experience for the rest of us? Just to get on here and complain about this that or the other, when its just a tv show, and there is no reason to take such offense to things that are on the tvshow.

        Thanks to Captain Jake for the sig!


          Originally posted by bentley2003
          I'm not saying that people with negative opinions aren't welcome on the forums or Gateworld for that matter, I'm merely saying why are they complaining?
          Why do people Praise the show when it's good?

          And as the "bad ratings" go, I know advising people to stop watching the show is a bad idea, BUT do u think its really helping if they continue to watch the show just to ruin the entire stargate experience for the rest of us?
          If People Negatively Critisising Staragte annoys you, Just... As is Your solution, Leave! People can have Positive & negative views on Staragte & still be a fan, If people who are Constantly Putting the Show in a bad light annoy you so, what do you think people who blindley follow the show make them feel?

          Just to get on here and complain about this that or the other, when its just a tv show, and there is no reason to take such offense to things that are on the tvshow.
          Alternitivly, There's no reason to get Hyped up & excited when its just a TV show, but People do...


            Originally posted by bentley2003
            I'm not saying that people with negative opinions aren't welcome on the forums or Gateworld for that matter, I'm merely saying why are they complaining? And as the "bad ratings" go, I know advising people to stop watching the show is a bad idea, BUT do u think its really helping if they continue to watch the show just to ruin the entire stargate experience for the rest of us? Just to get on here and complain about this that or the other, when its just a tv show, and there is no reason to take such offense to things that are on the tvshow.
            If somebody who disliked a particular element of the show that you enjoyed didn't like reading your comments about how great it was, do you think that you shouldn't be allowed to make positive comments about it for fear of upsetting them?

            This forum has more than twenty-seven thousand members. They are going to like and dislike different things about the show. Somebody who adored the early seasons may dislike the more recent ones, somebody else might think that the later seasons were far better. Different people will have their own likes and dislikes as far as characters, episodes, storylines, etc, go. I imagine that the vast majority of those who signed up here didn't come here solely to complain, that there was something about the show that they enjoyed.

            Some threads are limited to the positive or negative side of the argument, but other threads are fair game for all sides.

            If reading negative comments about aspects of the show is truly ruining your "entire stargate experience", there are threads limited to positive comments only available.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by Major Tyler
              Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if we don't like it.
              It's fine when the thread is asking for peoples opinions, but people tend to moan whenever they get the chance these days, and it really achieves nothing apart from putting a downer on SG for everyone else...


                I would have to agree ... just read the positve stuff if you dont like the negative.I cant say i am totally inasint, I mean I dont say anything bad about Stargate but I will Go see a horse movie (I have my own and I have been riding for 5 years ) Just to certeek it. I dont go posting anything or anything like that but some people do find it enjoyable to watch things to point out all the mistakes and such.
                Give me a sane man and I will cure him


                  To Bentley2003

                  You have to realize that a certain percent of people will grouse about "anything." They'll win a $300 million lotta and complain it wasn't enough or they had to pay too much taxes. Just write them off. I mean some are probably mad that Dr. jackson doesn't have his allergies anymore. Just listen to the constructive REAL complaints and ignore the nit pickers.



                    Originally posted by Bentley2003
                    I see all these people complaining and saying how they would stop watching Stargate if.. or they don't like the way this is going, they don't like the way that is going... Think this is stupid think that is stupid.. I wanna ask a question... If you don't like wat's going on in the SGverse, why are u still here, and why are u still watching?
                    Alot of us like characters and continue to watch for them. I for instance pretty much watch SG1 because Carter is still on it. As for why we stay on the board, many of us have friends here.


                      Originally posted by bentley2003
                      I see all these people complaining and saying how they would stop watching Stargate if.. or they don't like the way this is going, they don't like the way that is going... Think this is stupid think that is stupid.. I wanna ask a question... If you don't like wat's going on in the SGverse, why are u still here, and why are u still watching?
                      Lesleyp is giving you a pat on the back and hoping you feel better now.

                      I know, it can be frustrating to see the negativity. But in a positive light, there are so many creative and talented people that watch the show and maybe some take it so seriously because they do love it that much.

                      Still, hope getting that off your chest helps. And believe me, there are alot of postive happy places (threads) on GW. Come and visit us.
                      Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                      Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
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                        The basis of most people's complaints comes ironically from a deep love of the show. It's because they love the concept that when it seems to be going in a direction that they believe will be harmful to its continued existence or doesn't fit with what they personally love about the show, people complain and for some people, its something that they are passionate about. I admit I can get passionate in a discussion over aspects of the show and occasionally have to remind myself it is only a TV show.

                        I also sometimes get taken aback by how negative the fandom can seem and I rarely go near to the Anti threads, either for the seasons or for the characters...but I appreciate that if someone has a negative view, its their POV. The fandom has a wide range of differing opinions with differing agendas. TPTB are never going to satisfy or please all of the fans all of the time; it's frankly an impossible task. If the fans need to express dissatisfaction over something then a forum is a good place for that.

                        I can appreciate why habitual complainers are annoying to you and I hope expressing how you feel about them has helped elleviate some of the frustration. As LesleyP says there are a number of positive threads around on the forum that generally have less negativity and do look at fostering and nurturing a love of the show in all its many aspects and despite any percieved flaws.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          I think SG-1 isn't as good as it was - I'm not complaining. I'm stating my opinion, I'm not saying the series is crap - I just think they need to bring some new writers in for more ideas.

                          SG-1(seasons 9-10) have got better baddies than Atlantis, so why do I prefer Atlantis? Because Atlantis has had the better episodes and stories so far.

                          Hey, I might make a thread about this!
                          I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                          Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                            The message that WE MUST UNITE is something we should focus on. The best way to keep, to change or to improve a show is to have everyone involved in getting some kind of serious exposure for it. SG1 & SGA are both great shows that have a history of quality storytelling and a good number of devoted fans (with a variety of opinions). But we need more! Great shows need SUPPORT to stay alive... how cool would it be if STARGATE FANS UNITE and create so much attention for the shows that it gets to be "THE" STORY IN ENTERTAINMENT NEWS?... What can we do?... How can we help each other show how a tv show can bring people together for such a long time... I'm new and want to see this thing last?


                              The whole reason I made this thread was simpley because it seemed no matter what thread I went into someone was intentionally trying to put the show down. Even the "positive" threads that I have been looking at has the same habitual complainers posting in them, which annoys me because we start basing the entire thread from then on, on trying to explain why things are the way they are in the show. Therefore, making the "positive" side of GW deal with the "negative" side... Even if we don't want too...

                              I know everyone has a difference of opinion and alot of the complaining is from a deep love of the show. Only thing that bothers me is the people who keep doing it and doing it. Most of the time its the ones who don't really get the show who are doing it. Who will go and say something totally off the wall trying to substantiate their claims when it, 1: has nothing to do with the show, 2: Might ring true in real life, but not the show or 3: doesn't make any sense at all in regards to cannon, lore, or popularly accepted opinion.

                              And Prophet, this website is dedicated to people who love the show and want to be a part of the community, so trying to reverse all my statements, (and being an ass about it, sorry I don't like personal attacks) really wouldn't work in this situation. People who love the show just wouldn't leave. People who just want to nit pick about everything though, shows that they really don't care for the show. Just because I have a problem with nit pickers, doesn't mean that I blindly follow the show. If I did that then I would be no better then the people who I am talking about. As you can tell from most, if not all, of my previous posts, I DO have a large knowledge of the show. I pale in comparison to some, I only have 2 seasons. But I can still tell you more about Stargate then the nit-pickers.

                              And I understand some people just watch things to critic it. Just like Carter was saying, "Don't you want to see if they're getting it at least half way right?" Criticing and constant bickering are 2 completly different things, and I propose that we should come together and take back our show from the latter. Simpley put, I don't see any logical sense in continueing to list urself as a "fan" when all u want to do is constantly put down the show and nit pick over every small little thing.

                              It has taken alot of weight off my chest by posting this and seeing how everyone would react to it. I thought I would be the only one who feels this way about it. Its good to see I do have somewhat of a following on this, and to see the other side of things.

                              Thanks to Captain Jake for the sig!

