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Stargate Down Under

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    CONGRATS ON 1000 RHI!!!!!

    Whaddaya mean 6 months since you've been here..?

    Submersion sounds good. Ratings?


      ^... my god! she joined in october... and if you count, its 6 months from october to april...

      Anyways, glad that i couldnt help out rhi, lol, i was too buzy playing supreme commander... games are soo much better on the highest graphics settings... ... oh and they are even better when your wearing a finished jayne hat. , all you browncoaters will know what i'm talking about.

      *ahem* CONGRATS TO RHI FOR 1000!!! *ahem*

      Oh and JM BLOGS AGAIN (i know i'm slow today)
      Smiley Face06 writes: “On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how comfortable is the captain's chair of the Daedalus?”

      Answer: It’s about a 4. Could use a little more cushioning.

      Anonymous #1 writes: “Will there be any Wow I didnt see this coming moment events? that make peoples jaws drop?”

      Answer: There’ll definitely be a few of those in season four.

      CassieTheGater writes: “It's not looking good for season 5 is it?”

      Answer: To be honest, it’s still too early to tell.

      Cheeky Lil Devil writes: “Could you possibly tell the whumping crew and lil ol' me if it will be Our Shep that get's the crap kicked out of him sorry, whumped, or will it be Evil Shep?”

      Answer: Two for the price of one. Both.

      Andrew writes: “Are we likely to see any new types earth warships in season 4 since earth has gotten access to all of the asgard's technology?”

      Answer: New Earth ships are a long way off. Souped-up versions of our established Earth ships are another matter.

      J Williams writes: “Anywho are we going to learn the wraiths weakness in season 4?”

      Answer: Yup. And they’re not the only ones.

      oh and some pics from the Ark of Truth.
      Last edited by Kidwizz; 25 April 2007, 02:19 AM.


        yay for jayne hat!!!

        lol at 6 months. wow rhi! i've been here a lot longer than that and still haven't got that much. YOU ROCK!!

        Originally posted by Kidwizz View Post
        ^... my god! she joined in october... and if you count, its 6 months from october to april...

        Oh and JM BLOGS AGAIN (i know i'm slow today)
        Smiley Face06 writes: “On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how comfortable is the captain's chair of the Daedalus?”

        Answer: It’s about a 4. Could use a little more cushioning.

        Anonymous #1 writes: “Will there be any Wow I didnt see this coming moment events? that make peoples jaws drop?”

        Answer: There’ll definitely be a few of those in season four.

        Answer: New Earth ships are a long way off. Souped-up versions of our established Earth ships are another matter.

        lol at daedelus chair. maybe we should send MP some pillows?

        jaw dropping moments! *fist pump* so cool. souped-up earth ships! s4 is gonna kick so much ass.
        *throat punch*
        My blog:
        LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


          ^ FINE THAN KATH... ive been here shorter and i have more posts than her... and i didn't get a YOU ROVK...


            Originally posted by Kidwizz View Post
            ^ FINE THAN KATH... ive been here shorter and i have more posts than her... and i didn't get a YOU ROVK...
            you didn't? well YOU ROCK
            *throat punch*
            My blog:
            LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


              ^ yes, i do. .

              What stargate does everyone like the most? for me its the Tollan one.
              Last edited by Kidwizz; 25 April 2007, 03:19 AM.



                lol, Howdy all, how was everyone's ANZAC day?

                Where does this SGA 3 dvd news come from?


                  ^ I aint no spammer!!

                  SGA s3 dvd news... HUH... was it the date i gave out...?


                    I dunno i saw, someone mention the sga 3 dvds above so . . .


                      Originally posted by B O Y S C O U T View Post
                      I dunno i saw, someone mention the sga 3 dvds above so . . .
                      um... sga s3? i think we were just talking about it. s10 info was released a while ago
                      *throat punch*
                      My blog:
                      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                        Wowo Spoilers for SGA4 'The Seer'


                        The following article contains spoilers for the Season Four episode “The Seer”. The episode’s airing order is currently not known, but it will be in the first half of the season, placed in sixth, seventh, or eighth position.

                        Richard Woolsey is in the city and is included in a discussion with Carter and McKay. Somehow McKay reactivated the virus for which the Replicators were originally created — to attack the Wraith. But now there is the problem of shutting down this virus. There is a Wraith who claims to have the original shut-down virus, and now the Expedition must decide if they can work with this Wraith.

                        In the meantime, the City of the Ancestors has a guest — Davos.

                        Davos has the ability to see things that will take place in the future. He shares his visions with others by “showing” them to them, including McKay and Col. Carter. Davos claims to have never been wrong in what his visions show. The problem with his visions is that those with whom he shares them could possibly interpret them incorrectly. According to Davos, the events that McKay saw actually happened, but McKay’s interpretation and conclusions drawn from the vision were incorrect. Davos has shared a vision with Carter and she must deal with the possibility of what this vision has revealed. She admits that it was pretty hard to misinterpret — the future of the galaxy rests on the actions of but a few — the people of Atlantis. And she is the one who must decide on what actions to take at the “crossroad”.

                        Davos spends time getting to know the people of the city, especially Teyla. The Expedition met Davos on a planet while they were seeking the fate of her people, and he tells her that they are still alive, but warns her that she may not like what she finds. He also knows that Teyla is pregnant and that she has kept her condition a secret because it is a complicated issue.

                        Davos is ill. He knows he doesn’t have long. Dr. Keller is treating him, but his condition grows worse. She gives him morphine for the pain, but it clouds his mind, preventing him from helping the Expedition know what awaits.

                        While Davos is under Dr. Keller’s care, Sheppard reports that a second hive ship will arrive soon. Carter sends him to the chair room to prepare for its arrival.

                        Wow Teyla is with child, I reckon it's either Shephard's, Ronon's or Michael's . . .
                        And the fate of the galaxy is in Atlantis's hands. . . Aaand another hiveship is about to arrive ... kool


                          ARGH ARGH ARGH *runs around room in circles, collapses, heads back to computer*

                          TEYLA IS PREGNANT!!!! holy cow and a half where did that come from? is this info serious? where did they get it from? teyla is pregnant? *explodes*
                          *throat punch*
                          My blog:
                          LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                            Well whilst I wasn't expecting you to *pumps fist* I certainly wasn't expecting you to blow up Kathy lol

                            How exciting, I wonder how her pregnancy will change the groups dynamic, I wonder who the father is and I wonder where they'll stick the kid


                              ^^^ OMFG!!! *does the exact some thing as kath*
                              OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! ****ING HELL!!! i cant wait for S4 its gonna be better than the entire Sg1!! Teyla got laid on atlantis!!! who will it be?!?!?!
                              Last edited by Kidwizz; 25 April 2007, 05:04 AM.


                                Ford fix your post the Spoiler tags aren't working

